The Curious Play - 23 Best Laid Plan 1

23 Best Laid Plan 1

The mysterious man's roared like a thunder and his voiced echoed in the four corner of the dark room.

He wore a black hooded cape and sat down in the darkness, as the light in the room was dim and barely visible.

His men jerked and startled, nervous whispered were exchanged amongst them.

"All of you can't even killed one rat.!" He yelled at them. "What a bunch of useless!"

"We should not underestimate him Zhǔrén. .he had some tricks up in his sleeves!"

"Tricks. ? Then, what about you. .aren't you all afraid that Im going to kill all you, instead?!"

The mysterious man bang his fist in the chair out of his furiousity.

"But we. .

One of his men stuttered.

"What?! I don't have patience to listened to whatever nonsense you're all going to say, you better speak it clearly. !" 

He warned them.

"We managed to. .to scratched him!"

One of the men said with uncertainty in his voice.

"I don't think he would survived with it!"

"hao. !" he stood up from the chair. "If he still alive, all of you will never see the sunrise again!" 

All of his men were astonished. He leaves them behind as he might going to kill all of them out of his anger.

"Useless. .useless!!"

When the mysterious man arrived at the palace, he immediately changed his clothings and went somewhere to meet someone.

"You're late.!" 

There was a trace of annoyance in the woman's voice.

"I was hold up with something!"

She snort. "Hold up with something?" 

Her voice was rather sardonic.

"Im not in the mood to argue with you. .

"Not in the mood?" she asked imperiously. "How dare you mess up with my plan?"

"You're the one who mess up my plan, Yue Xiǎojiě!" he yelled back. "Don't forget that I warned you not to touched her!"

She chuckled. "Not to touched her? should I supposed to remind you Zhang diànxià. .about our deal?"

"Disposing her won't be too late if. .

"Hao. .whatever happened to your d.a.m.n plan, don't ever forgets that I reminded you!!" she said furiously.

"What were going to do now.?" He asked her after a long silence.

"Why you're asking me I thought you had some great plans?" she asked sarcastically.

"Im out in the corner.!" he said softly while hugging her. "I miss you!"

She smirked. "What a liar!" 

she almost yelled at him but controlled herself instead.

Yue Xiǎojiě clenched her hands tightly. then suddenly her expression soften, she smiled at him.

"What is the situation, then?"

"My men informed me that my stupid brother was badly injured!"

"Who knew tàizǐ diànxià sneaked outside to play?"

"Only Fù huáng!"

She snorts." Then why don't you steer some troubles and use those useless old geezers?"

She rolled her eyes." Tomorrow is the best time for you to do that, calculating the time, he won't be arrived tonight. Unless all your men were all liars. .

Like you! Again she almost muttered.

"They said he was badly injured. .even if he grew wings he. .

"Demand Tàizǐ diànxià's presence tomorrow in the court.!" 

She said ignoring him.

"Just don't make it obvious. .put his Majesty into dilemma, Im sure he could not keep this as a secret forever."


"If Tàizǐ diànxià will not show himself tomorrow then, those old geezers that always goes against him will going to question his credibility!"

"Hao. .they'll going to blame Fù huáng for choosing an incompetent heir apparent!" 

Zhang diànxià laughed wickedly but he doesn't knew that his plan will about to be doomed.

Yue Xiǎojiě turn her back and smirked. 

"Im going to hold you in the gasp of my hand, and I will personally disposed you when time comes!" 

Yue Xiǎojiě laughed silently.

Later that night, after her secret meeting with Zhang diànxià she went directly to meet her father.

"Greetings, Fūqin!"

She bent a little and give her father a proper courtesy.

"Its late. .why you're here?"

Her father furrowed his brows as soon as he saw her.

"I haven't seen you for a while,you've been so busy lately!"

His expression soften when he realized that his daughter seems to be reprimanding him.

"I been hold up with something lately in the palace.!"

There was a trace of apology in his voiced.

"Its about Tàizǐ diànxià. .

His father suddenly glared at her. "We're not supposed to discussed something like that. ." 

He look at her uncertain.

"If you want to tell me something. .tell it straight!"

"Hào. .I went into the palace today and I heard Tàizǐ diànxià, went outside and happened to be injured. .

"That's absurb. !" 

Duke Yan shut his daughter with an imperious look. 

"Go back to your room, I will let this things off this time and I'll pretend you never tell those. .

"Hào. .then I will tell Xiao mèimei,

 she has a right to know.!"

"Don't be ridiculous.!" 

This time duke Yan was already yelling at her. 

"You're sister is in the palace, 

Tàizǐ diànxià had summoned her since yesterday!"

She was flushed. That is why her father was not surprised at all, she'd been tricked by that stupid Prince!!

Since yesterday? How it happened? Why no one told her about it?

She clenched her hands tightly. 

"What a bunch of useless!! And this idiotic prince!!"

She thought angrily. She just

realized that Zhang diànxià made her stupid!

As soon as his eldest daughter left his study room, he was astonished, as of how on earth did she managed to know something as confidential 

like that? 

He wrote something on the piece of paper.

She had probably some connection in the palace.! But who?

He thought and sighed he'd been away, almost everyday and neglect his duty as a patriarch.

He lied to her about the whereabout of his younger daughter. She wasn't actually summoned by his highness.

She sneaked outside and later it had known to him that she went to find Tàizǐ diànxià. As the latter was badly injured.

As of how his eldest daughter knows that secret is giving him quite a headache. .


Someone suddenly appeared behind him. He wore a  black hooded cape and a masked. No one had ever seen the face of that man except Duke Yan.

"I think you heard everything!"

He asked though he already knew the answered. 

"From now on send someone to keep an eye with my eldest daughter. .everything she had done whom did she meet, where and when!!"


He rolled the tiny piece of paper and give it to the man. "Send it, as soon as possible!"

"Also. .from now on secretly followed Ye'er, I had a feelings that she's always in danger!"

The mysterious man, did not answered.

"Don't worry about me, Im already old but I can still protect myself.!"


When the mysterious man disappeared thats the only time he felt at ease.

While Yue Xiaojie, was rampaging in her quarter. All her maids were kneeling on the floor and s.h.i.+vering in fear.

"How dare that stupid prince dared to trick me?" She raised her whip and whipped randomly.

She doesn't care who she'd hurt, she was too angry and she need someone to p.i.s.sed on.

"What happened to you?"

Her mother suddenly appeared and shout at her angrily.

"How would a high born lady act in such manner?!"

"Mú qīn!" Her whip stop in mid air.

Concubine Xian wave all the maids, out.

"Acting like this will make your father suspect you!!" 

she said irritatedly. 

"Where did your brain goes? Don't waste all our efforts just because of this irrelivant things!"

She felt into silence. 

"We been planning this for a long time, you better get back on your senses, don't ruin our plans!"

Concubine Xian give her daughter a final glare before leaving her, stunned.

When she was left alone, she cried all her anger and frustration, silently!

She blame everything that happened to her sister and she hated her even more!

After she calm down she realized that something is off with what her father had said earlier.