The Alphas Used And Abused Mate - 2 Clyde

2 Clyde

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring into my ear. I sat up and grabbed my phone, looking at the shattered screen.

"Can't believe him...."

I pressed the stop b.u.t.ton on my alarm and hopped out of bed, then went straight to my dresser. I grabbed out my blue jeans, white tank top, black leather jacket, bra, and underwear.



"Lia please..."

I looked over to the only other voice in the room. Currin. I walked over to her side of the bed and noticed she was still asleep.

"Another bad dream..?"

I said in a whisper.

"You'll make it Rin..."

I said before leaning down and kissing her on the forehead. I picked up my clothes and walked into the bathroom, taking an old cloth towel, soaking it with water and wiping myself off with the small towel. Afterwards, I dressed myself in my jeans and tank top. Then threw my leather jacket on, and slipped my white vans onto my feet then walked out of my room.

"Well look at you.."

....No. Not now. I looked over at my uncle who gave me a once over with a disgusting smirk on his face.

"Don't look at me like that..."

Was the last thing I said before I found myself cornered by him.

"No male.. Can ever touch you, speak to you, or even so much as LOOK at you.. Or I'll rip their neck off. You got that Ophelia?"


Before even finis.h.i.+ng my sentence I lunged my knee up, as hard as I could causing him to lunge over, yelping.

"s.h.i.+t! G.o.d d.a.m.n it you b.i.t.c.h.."

And with that, I scooped up my backpack, and I ran... And when I say I ran, I RAN.

*15 Minutes Later*

I ran into the school, my uncle dead on my tracks. He can't hurt me in front of the school... Right..?

I felt a sudden yank at my arm and spun around, whamming into Adrian.

"Let me go! You're on the property of my school.. You can't do this!"

I yelped out.

"I can make tonight a living h.e.l.l for you if you don't shut up."

"I don't have to listen to you here."

I snapped back as a response, causing him to shutter back.

"Watch your back when you get home, little Ophelia."

Responded Adrian in his deep voiced, serious tone. With that, he released my arms and walked away scoffing.

"Daddy issues much?"

Said a gawking Claire.

"No actually. It's called an uncle who can't keep it in his pants."

I responded, with a smug smile, causing Claires eyes to widen like a little kitten. I could care less if she wants to be a b.i.t.c.h to me. I walked away from her, pa.s.sing dozens of other students. After a couple moments, I reached my locker and opened it, tossed my backpack in there and grabbed out the books I needed for my cla.s.s, then closed my locker and spun around, immediately slamming into someone, falling over dropping my books.

"Hey watch it, you klu-"

Snapped the person I b.u.mped into.

"I-I'm sorry.. I didn't know someone was behind me-"

I stopped dead short and looked up in his eyes. What is that... That feeling... Is it- No, it can't be. My mate... bond?

"My luna..."

Mumbled the man towering over me.

"My alpha..."

I mumbled in response.

After a few more seconds he and I both snapped out of our moment as he got down on one of his knees and began to help me pick up my books. When we both stood up, our eyes met again as I thanked him.

"Names Clyde."


I quickly responded.

"You must be new here?"

I asked, giving us a new subject to talk about.

"Yeah, I actually just got back from alpha training and transferred here."

"Cool, I can show you around the school, and- Wait alpha training??"

I paused, being very cautious now. The alpha. I'm talking, to the alpha, of my pack, and I had a mate connection with him.

"Yeah you did Lia. d.a.m.n did that piece of meat wake me up."

Responded my wolf Aura.

"I'd like to take a bite of that boy, and I wouldn't mind if he took a bite out of me."

Said my wolf, again.

"Hey, knock if off! This is not the time for you to be in heat..."

I snapped back at her. I could feel the male wolfs heated eyes on me as I cut off Aura and looked back at the man.

"Yeah, after we graduate.. I'll be Alpha of the pack."

He said, not breaking contact from my eyes.

"Wow.. That's awesome. Good for you."

I said, a small smile on my cherry red lips. He was so hot.. Tall, strong, seemed smart, kind, polite.. If that was our actual mate bond.. I don't think I'd mind being his Luna... Considering he's Alpha and all.

"You seem like a nice girl. And I wouldn't mind if that was our mate bond."

I couldn't hear that last part, but who knew such a small compliment could cause so many emotions. A small blush came over my cheeks as I looked up at him.

"Oh, well thank you."

I said while fidgeting with my long brunette hair.

"You're very kind too."

He let out a chuckle then thanked me.

"Have you received your roster yet?"

I asked in a soft voice.

"Yeah. But I couldn't find Mrs. Lykins cla.s.sroom?"

"Oh, it's down the hall, swing to lefts then a right, and you're there!"

I said, then he looked down at me with a spark in his eyes.

"Will you walk with me? I see your first cla.s.s is with her too."

He responded. Not gonna lie, I actually almost forgot she was my first cla.s.s.

"Oh, right. Yeah.. I'll walk with you."

I stuttered. G.o.d you suck at this Lia..

"And you said your name was Ophelia. Correct?"

"Yep, and Clyde.?"


*A few moments later*

We walked into the cla.s.sroom, and Clyde and I took two seats beside each other at the front of the cla.s.s.

"Well who's this cute man?"

Squeaked Claires voice. G.o.d that's the last person I want to hear.


Claires voice demanded, and specifically towards me. I sighed and looked up towards her.

"No, I'm not a puppet that you can just boss around, Claire."

....I did not just talk back to her.. s.h.i.+t. I'm just asking for her to beat my a.s.s right now.

"Excuse me? If I recall.. I know your uncle and have the ability...-"

She stopped and got down right between Clyde and I, then whispered...

"To really.. make you pay."

She then grabbed my neck right where I was punched a couple days ago and shoved me off the chair.


I choked the word out, holding my neck, wincing my eyes.

"What the h.e.l.l?"

Clydes deep voice barked. He then stood from his chair and kneeled down right beside me, wrapping an arm around me, then moving my hair, and taking my hand off what I was covering.

"Did someone punch you?"

He asked a low, deathly voice. He's mad.

"Ah- no, I was wrestling with my sister and she tried to punch me but I dodged and she grazed my neck a little.."

I said, trying to make it seem legit.

"Yeah right.."

He whispered in my ear, before scooping me up.

"Hey! Put me down!"

"I'm taking you to the pack infirmary."

"Ah, couldn't you just take me to the nurses office..."

"They can't do anything for that injury."

"Ok but please just put me down! I can walk."

"Why are you so persistent in having me put you down?"

"I- It's just- ....."

I stopped.


I finally said as he looked down at me, one eyebrow raised.

"Well then, if you can't give me a reason then I'm not putting you down."