The Alphas Used And Abused Mate - 3 Rouges

3 Rouges

"Alpha, I can talk the girl from here."

Gritted my uncle.

"Ah, thank you Adrian but I'm capable to walk her to a bed and you may a.s.sist her there."

Responded Clyde. As he sat me down onto a bed where he, two male doctors and Adrian surrounded me. Clyde took hold of my hair and moved it out the way to show one of the doctors my injury. Adrian was writing down my blood pressure and periodically looking up at me to glare. And the last one was looking at me with worry and confusion in his eyes.


Said the doctor that was looking at me.

"The girl has multiple bruises along her arms..."

He said while removing my jacket, which I was quick to put back on.

"And she also seems to have experienced some trauma in her ACL."

He finished. Clyde looked at me curiously.

"How did you get these injuries Ophelia..?"

Questioned Clyde.

"She wrestles with her sister."

Came Adrians quick response.

"I'm her uncle, I've seen them mess around with each other."

I stared at my uncle my mouth agape.

"Pardon my rudeness UNCLE, but I do believe I can answer that question myself. Especially considering it was directed towards me and not you."

I snapped back as we both exchanged a glare. He started crus.h.i.+ng my arm under his grip as if forgetting we were in the presence of other people then quickly realized his actions and released my arm.

"I can take care of her at home."

"No. She'll stay here."

Demanded Clyde after making a subtle note of the mans actions.

"She's my niece, I believe I know whats best."

Retaliated my uncle.

"And I'm the alpha. I say what goes."

Responded Clyde. After a few moments of a rather intense stare down Adrian gave in and walked out of the room, slamming the door.

'I should've gone home with him...'

I thought to myself.

*A few hours later*

I looked at the time just as it it chimed 10 o'clock. 'G.o.d why can't I just fall asleep?' I questioned myself, rather annoyed. I looked around the room then sat up hearing a peculiar sound. "h.e.l.lo?"

I asked aloud, my voice echoing through the room. With no response, I stepped down onto the col tile floor, slowly moving off the bed, grabbing a scalpel off a medic tray that was beside my bed, along with the other ones just to be safe.


I asked again.

"Anyone there? I don't think you're supposed to be here this late unless you're injured..."

I said in a concerened voice. In all honesty, I am scared. It's late at night, I haven't gotten any sleep in the past couple hours, my mind is racing.. I don't really know what I'm supposed to expext honestly. Then I heard the sound of something falling over, followed by multiple hushed footsteps. 'Oh G.o.d... Who else is here? I'm being way to paranoid.' I thought to myself.

"...Hey the doctors won't be back till tomorrow morning so you guys can find an open bed and I can try to help you guys out. Then I felt a touch on my shoulder.

"Oh, you can help us. For sure."

Whispered a deep husky voice in my ears, causing chills to go down my body. Something about this guy gave me a bad feeling.

"Come on, stop playing around D... The boss wants a clean job, just get it over with so we can leave."

Said another males voice.

"Who the h.e.l.l are you people?"

I barked out at the men who were no dount standing right around me considering how close their voices were to me.

"The people who're gonna end you Ophelia."

Oh. G.o.d. My instinct was to just run but my body wouldn't let me. It's like I was just frozen in place, my mind was telling me to go, but my body just wouldn't let me. I felt a hand to one of my arms.

"We'll take nice care of you sweetheart. Don't you worry."

That's what set me off. I don't know why, but that did it. I swung my free arm towards the man behind me, my eyes fully adjusted to the darkness around me. I thrusted the knife into the mans throat, twisting it, causing him to fall to the ground. Then that left me with just the other man which was already trying to attack me. I grabbed him by the hair kicking my knee up, as it meet his face. Multiple times. He slowly gave out and fell to the floor.

"Well mister rouge, the was my knee. I believe you'll become great friends if you try to get up."

I gritted through my teeth, then heard some more footsteps echoing through the room. 'G.o.d... just give me a break...' I groaned as I unlatched the lock to the window, sliding it open, then slipping out through there, running as far as my human legs would take me. After a few moments I could feel my legs starting to give, and my chest was heaving. I jumoed midair, s.h.i.+fting into my wolf, immediately letting her take over my body, my eyes changing a bright golden color as I shook my fluffy white fur out before landing back on the ground, continuing to pump my legs, hearing the howling from the rouges that were following me.

To be continued.....