The Alphas Used And Abused Mate - 1 At First Glance

1 At First Glance

I came barreling out the window...Rouges right on my heels forcing me to run even faster... Faster.. Faster! Until *WHAM* all I could see was black.. and all I felt was my body fading away...

*One Day Before*

I had looked up to the hatred filled eyes of my uncle. Those cold, deep blue eyes... Why did he hate me so much? What did I ever do to him?

"You're the reason I'm trapped here.... You're the reason she's dead!"

My uncle yelled out, and I could tell it was directed towards me, considering my little sister was stuck in her small cage that uncle threw her in.

"Don't you think I'd be behind bars if it was me?!"

I snapped back.

"You little b.i.t.c.h..."

He snarled, and grabbed my wrist, yanking me towards the small closet before shoving me in. He had held me in there while reaching for the chains behind me, snapping them onto my wrists and ankles, bringing me to yelp from the burning sensation on my flesh caused by wolfsbane bathed on medal restraints. With that he slammed the door shut as it landed inches away from my face. Yeah, when I said the room was small, I wasn't kidding.

"Maybe you'll learn a thing or two about keeping from talking back to me while you're in there."

Repeated my uncle Adrians m.u.f.fled words outside of the closet. I could hear his footsteps moving away from the door then rattling of an opening cage. No. I could her the whines from Currin and the sound of her snarling all at once.

*Currin's POV*

"Will you be better than your sister? Hm."

Adrian said as he whispered in my ear causing my face to twist in disgust, yet cause chills to go up my spine.

"Go to h.e.l.l-"

I was cut off by the feeling of a punch across my throat, causing me to gag and almost lose consciousness when, he yanked my hair causing me to snap back into the moment and look up at the closet door hearing my sister bang against the door, and I whimpered in response to the smell of her burning flesh. d.a.m.n wolfsbane...

*A Few Hours Later*

*Ophelias POV*

I was shook awake by my uncle and opened my eyes for the first time in two days. He had stared down at me with a straight face and I frowned as I tried to get up.

"Did that wolfsbane really drain you that much?"

Asked my uncle with a tone I couldn't quite decipher. I looked up at him and slowly nodded my head, giving in. He held his hand out towards me and I almost immediately reached out to take it, but stopped and hesitated. Since when does he want to help me...? And why? I cleared the questions from my mind and took his hand, then stood up, the chains rattling from behind me. Feeling my legs give out, I slumped down into him, completely disregarding the fact that I'm supposed to hate his guts because all I wanted right now, was to not feel like s.h.i.+t. I could hear the rattling of him unlocking the chains.

"You're really weak you know that?"

He mumbled, half to himself, half to me.

"...Why do you say that..?"

I asked in return, exhausted. In response, he just let out a heavy sigh and wrapped an arm around me in a.s.sistance to walk.

"You're a real pain in the a.s.s."

Adrian said with a tone of annoyance as he walked me to the bathroom. After walking me into the bathroom he released me from his grip from me, as I grabbed the counter for balance.

"Clean yourself up. You look horrid you dirty b.i.t.c.h."

He said with a bored expression, before slamming the door shut.


I walked over to the bath tub, and turned the tap on. Hot. No, blistering water. Slowly undressing myself, I slipped my leggings off, then my T-s.h.i.+rt. Hesitantly, I undid the snaps to my bra, and gently put it on the ground as well as my underwear. Dipping into the small tub into hugged my knees into my chest as a few tears escaped my eyes.

"I will.... Make him pay."