The Alphas Used And Abused Mate - 16 Six: Daniel Callahan

16 Six: Daniel Callahan

*Flashback to Freshman Year*

I watched as Xander and Alexi walked towards me, I was so happy to be a part of their friend circle. They honestly showed me that a vampire could be friends with two werewolves. Today was the day I was going to meet "The women Alexi and I were blessed with by the moon G.o.ddess" as Xander always says. I guess the whole idea of the moon G.o.ddess from what Xander told me, it's basically the G.o.d for wolves but she's also loved because she's created "perfect mates for every wolf" or at least that's how Xander explans it. Alexi and Xander had been extatic as their mates walked out of their cla.s.s, arm in arm laughing with each other and for some reason my eyes couldn't stray from Veronica. She was absolutely perfect. As she met with Xander, she entwined her fingers with his and while Becca was pretty, she was a little too self absorbed in my opinion. Veronica on the other hand, she was perfect... Her features perfectly contrasted her. Her shoulder length brunette hair sat perfectly on her shoulders, her icy blue eyes could stop a mans heart, and her perfectly statues body could fit perfecty into anyones hands. She was kind, but distant, beautiful but didn't flaunt it, and smart but didn't act like it. She was actually very conservative which is really rare to find now a days


*A couple months later*

I had her where I wanted her, she was finally mine and she couldn't tell anyone. I pushed her against the door and leaned my body against hers, planting my lips against hers as she kissed me back with small moans escaping her lips and I felt her arms wrap around me and I rested my hands on her hips as she leaned her body into mine. d.a.m.n I love this girl so much....

"Yeah I think they went in here!" said a voice outside the closet. 's.h.i.+t.' I felt the door swing open and I grabbed Adeline, holding her against me as I flipped onto my back so I wouldn't land on her.

"Dammit Veronica! Why'd you tell them where I went?!" I grumbled at her and she slightly whimpered before speaking.

"Marie forced it out of me...." she said looking down at me apologetically.

"She actually talks pretty easily. I just threatened to kill her brother and she spoke pretty quick." Marie said as she smirked over at Veronica. Marie has always been a b.i.t.c.h to her and Veronica has just lost her fight since they met. Honestly, it was sad for me to watch.....

"I'm gonna go.." Veronica whispered as she started to walk away but I quickly got up and grabbed her hand then pulled her to me, hugging her small figure.

"I'm sorry Ronnie. Don't pay her any thought, she has no manners." I said, hopping she wasn't too upset.

"It's alright. But Lex and Xander are gonna be upset if you're not at the party on time so chop chop!" she said with her usual smile on her face.

*End of flashback*

Daniels POV

I blanked out of my haze when Marie said something.

"Do I finally get do it now master?" She said as she neared me, and I slouched back.

"Hm, go ahead." I caved as she began undoing my belt and watched Adeline waiting patiently up on her knees.

"You'll get your turn. Maybe even longer for being a good girl." I said and watched the smile cross her face. 'And Veronica will definetly get what's coming.' I thought to myself as a smirk came to my face.

"Just, you wait."