The Alphas Used And Abused Mate - 17 Seven: Please Don'

17 Seven: Please Don'

Abel took my hand and helped me up after I explained everything.

"Please don't let him come near me Abel..." I said, begging him as I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"I won't... I can't believe I didn't remember you. Let alone that HE didn't remember you." He said and I could hear genuine shock in his voice. I heard a voice in the back of my head and Clairice started howling in my head. The pack! I felt my ice blue eyes take on a cloudy grey as the packs mind link started buzzing in my head.

'G.o.d d.a.m.n guys! You trying to make my head explode? Between all of you and Clairice I'm surprised I don't have a migraine!' I said with a little laugh and everyone started cheering out my name and asking if I was ok, where I was, and things such as that. I wasn't used to this... Just a couple days ago I was useless Luna who shouldn't have been blessed with the mate I had. Now they all had been worrying about me, and cheering my name... It almost brought tears to my eyes.

'I'm alright guys.. And I don't know where I am, but Daniel Callahan is here so I can easily guess that it's Callahan Manor.' I said and I could hear whimpers from everyone then the air felt really heavy and I could bet that it was because Xander said something in the pack house mind link.

'What has he done to you.' He asked, but it sounded more like a demand.

'Callahan Manor. But I have a plan, I need you to bring '

'I'm coming to get you.'

'Xander no! I had an idea and-'

'I'm not gonna do something that could cause you to get hurt!'

'Dammit Xander I'll let him do whatever the f.u.c.k he wants to do with me if you don't start listening!' I said, and Xander immediately shut up.

'Thank you.. Now I need you to bring....'


"Veronica?" Abel had proceeded to call out till I finally broke out of my haze and looked over at him.


"You good? Your eyes were all cloudy..."

"Oh, yeah.. Uh, it must be the uh...- Fluorescence!" I said hoping he wouldn't ask anymore questions. And he must have gotten the hint because he looked up at the door and took my hand.

"I want to show you something." He said, as we then walked out the room and continued down the hall, and up a couple flights of stairs.

"Daniel keeps this room locked, but.. I don't really care." He said as he grabbed out a set of keys before unlocking the door, and flicking the lamp light on. Then I saw the endless rows of photos on the walls. How could I forget them?! We had so many memories together.

"Daniel had kept them for years then finally decided to do something with them. He doesn't let anyone come in here, the only reson I have a key is because I stole his and made my own." He said, but if I'm being honest I was tuning him out, I was to bus taking in all the pictures and reliving the memories. There was one specific memory that crossed my mind as I took off one of the pictures from the hook it was hanging on.


*Flashback to Soph.o.m.ore Year*

Veronicas POV

"Daniel put me down!" I barked as he was holding me on his back while proceeding to take steps closer towards the edge of the pool.

"Daniel I swear to G.o.d."

"Oh calm down Ronnie, I got you."

"I don't think you know how much I hate you right now.." I said as I looked over his shoulder and down at the deep end of the pool. I know I sound like a baby with how I'm reacting, but it's perfectly reasonable considering I can't swim. I tightened my grip around him for when he motioned jumping in.

"Finnne, you don't have to go in" Daniel said as he drpped me off his back.

"Oh G.o.d thank you..." I said as I stood bent over. The wind had been extremely heavy that day and a sudden cracking erupted from trees around us and I felt someones arm wrap around me as I was thrown out the way of a tree that had fallen right where I was standing. I felt my back hit the water and even underneath the water I could hear Xander and Daniel yell out for me, and dive in after me. Daniel got to me first and pulled me up, trapping me between him and the edge of the pool. Xander quickly caught up to us and lifted himself out of the pool, then took both my arms, lifting me up and out of the pool.

"Thank you Daniel..." said Xander, catching his breath from the adrenaline rush as he held me against him.

"I don't like that she got thrown into the pool of all places... But I'd rather her cough up a little bit of water rather than be crushed by a tree." he said once more as Daniel lifted himself out of the pool, and kissed me in the head.

"I would never let anything happen to her Xander. You should know that by now." Daniel said as Xander set me down, when I got pulled into a hug by Daniel.


*End of Flashback*

A tear rolled off my cheek and landed on the picture. The sight of us hugging in the picture made me remember all the other memories we had together. I missed him so much and I hated myself for not remembering him. But I also couldn't get my mind off what happened between him and Xander to the point where Daniel wanted me dead.

"Well, look where the mouse ended up."