The Alphas Used And Abused Mate - 15 Five: My Mate

15 Five: My Mate

"Looks like I have a new toy" Said the man with a smirk on his face that made me cringe.

"Marie how did this little doll end up here?" The man asked and I looked over at Marie with a pleading face and she returned it with a smirk...

"I'm not sure Daniel... She just got thrown in here by one of your men and then she started acting like she was better than us!"

'That sneaky little b.i.t.c.h....' I thouht to myself then I felt my long hair getting pulled as he yanked me up and slapped me hard across the face.

"You dear, must need to learn some manners." Daniel said and my whole body tensed from anger. If this happened to me in my pack, I might have been obedient. But here? Oh h.e.l.l no. I got up and kicked my leg onto his shoulder which gave me enough leverage to swing up on his shoulders and trap him in a choke hold, and slowly bend his head back towards me.

"Veronica watch out!" Adeline said which caused me to get distracted from her call, then I felt the air start to leave my body when Daniel lunged himself backwords so I'd hit the center of my back on the arch of the bed frame.

"Maybe that'll teach you how to listen." Daniel had said exhaustedly while I was on the floor struggling to catch my breath.


Xander's POV

Alexi and I were in the confrence room with all the trainees, swordsmen, and pack warriors discussing what methods of attack we were going to use to find Veronica. While it's only been a day, I already feel like I've been wasting away. I haven't eaten anything, I've had less sleep in a day than I've had my whole life and I can't get my mind to clear of what they could be doing to her.. That's when I felt the sharpest pain in my back and a few slivers of air had left my body I'd suddenly felt as if someone double my size had just laid on top of me and I jumped out of my chair, and bent over the table whish brought some eyes to me.

"Xander? You ok?" Alexi had asked and I snapped at him out of irritation.

"No G.o.d dammit I'm not. Does it look like I am?" I barked Allistair started fighting with me to take his turn at las.h.i.+ng out on Alexi and he won too easily.

"My mate was f.u.c.king stolen from me, and I can feel the pain she's feeling right now, and I need to f.u.c.king eat something. Can anyone get me a d.a.m.n sandwhich?!" I growled out before slumping back down in my chair, taking in the looks from everyone.

"What? Have y'all never seen someone slowly go physoctic?" I growled out then everyone looked down at their feet.

"Alpha Xander... I thought you didn't care about Veronica because you didn't want a mate..." Spoke a voice and I lifted my head up, staring the swordsman directly in the eye, and I swear if Alexi and Aaron hadn't held me back when I tried to lunge at him, he would have been a dead man.


Veronica's POV

Abel had finally walked back into the room and looked down at me on my knees in front of his brother.

"Abel look, I've got another slave. I might give her to you though. She doesn't scream enough for my liking." Daniel said and I watched as Abel glared up at my his brother and before I could comprehend what was happening, Dniel was on the bed being held in a choke hold by Abel.

"She was never yours in the first place...." Abel said in a low dark growl.

"She's not even a slave, especially not one of your filthy ones." He said, and I looked over at Adeline who shrunk down against the wall at those words. I scooted over by her and wrapped an arm around her.

"Don't listen to that Adeline... You're way more then a lowly slave.." I whispered to her and she looked at me with a soft smile.

"Thanks.." She whispered back and hugged me, and I couldnt help but hug her back, she was so sweet, she didn't deserve to be here...

"Because she's the f.u.c.king Luna of the Red Moon pack!" I heard Abel yell out, and I jumped up probably about six feet because both the male vamires looked at me, and Daniel walked over to my side and held his hand out to me which I so stupidly took and as a result, got yanked to him as he whispered into my ear,

"I have you right where I want you now little Luna.. I can't believe I didn't realize who you were at first. Just you wait." my body dropped after he said something else that I can't reveal right now... but my face whole body went from it's natural tan color, to pale white from the fear that washed over me. Abels concern was written so vividly on his face as Daniel walked out of the room after grabbing both Adeline and Maries arms, leaving with them. Abel came to my side and asked me what was wrong...

"It's Xanders...."


Xander's POV

"...Sworn enemy." I said as everyone looked up at me their eyes wide.

"You don't mean?"

"Yes, him Alexi." I said as Alexi raised an eyebrow at me.

"I thought they were all dead.."

"Nope, one of them were here two nights ago. That's what the attack was." I said in response and a moment of silence fell upon the confrence room.

"It's fine. We have a plan now, and we will make sure that my mate and your Luna, comes back safely, and that Daniel f.u.c.king Callahan burns in that pit of h.e.l.l he belongs to." was the last thing I said, and the whole pack house erupted into cheers.