The Alphas Used And Abused Mate - 14 Four: Kidnapped

14 Four: Kidnapped

d.a.m.n... Rebecca was right, Alexi and I looked at each other as we were already bent over, panting. And for G.o.ds sake it's only been 2 minutes... They do this s.h.i.+t for a f.u.c.king hour! I looked up and the two were chuckling at us.

"Come on guys, start running or we'll make it 2 hours of this." said Veronica.

"Oh h.e.l.l no, I ain't doin this for 2 hours..." I said as I straightened my back out and started running. Veronica quickly caught up to me, staying by my side, and a few seconds later Alexi and Becca caught up too.

"How can you guys even do this without stopping?" Alexi asked, sounding exhausted.

"Well, we do stop. But only to take a drink then we start running again." Responded Veronica, and stopping for drinks won't have much use for Alexi and I considering we chugged our water in the first minute and thirty seconds. When we reached our 15 minute mark, Veronica and Rebecca stopped and downed some water. Alexi had collapsed on the ground and held his hand out to Becca asking for some water which she teasingly declined, but Veronica on the other hand wouldn't let me keep going without drinking some water, so she pa.s.sed me the bottle and I ended up drinking half of it which, V being V, didn't mind.

"You guys keep going. We'll catch up with you soon" I said to Veronica and Becca as they both nodded and kept on with their run.

"Dude get your a.s.s up!" I said while lifting up Alexi.


Veronica's POV

"We gonna do our normal run?" Asked Becca. And I thought about it for a moment then nodded.

"Yeah, I'll meet you at our usual spot after our runs." I responded before taking the usual road I cut onto. After a few minutes I felt more than one presence and a.s.sumed it was just another runner, and kept on with my exercise.

"Well, the woman does look tasty.. Must we hand her over to Abel" I heard the voice and turned behind me, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of two vampires before me.

"What do you want.."

"Isn't it obvious? We want you dearie... Well, Abel wants you." they said as they started closing in around me and all I could think to do was scream.


"Ah, well that was rather stupid." Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


Xander's POV

I heard Veronica scream out for me, thanks to my excelerated senses. She sounded distressed and I could feel it, even my wolf Allistair was stirring and a few whimpers escaped my vocal chords.

"...Am I the only one losing my connection to Veronica? What the f.u.c.k?" Alexi growled. I then heard my phone ringing in my back pocket and answered to Veronica's brother who asked the same thing. Then Becca came back out of breath, distress written all over her face.

"Where the h.e.l.l is V?" she grumbled and then the packs mind link started blazing and I cut in.

'Everyone shut the h.e.l.l up!' I growled out in the mind link.

'Who saw Luna Veronica last? And I swear to G.o.d, someone had to of so speak.' I barked out and a small voice began speaking.

'She was up the old highway... There were two men up there with her and she looked afraid. They didn't look familiar, but they didn't smell like rouges. h.e.l.l, they didn't even smell like a wolf period!' the voice said and my eyes darkened and narrowed at the thought that came to my mind.

"Oh is he going to pay." my wolf Allistair had taken over full control of my body and mind as we s.h.i.+fted, sprinting back to the pack house to begin making preperations to get my mate back.


Veronia's POV

I woke up, barely having the ability to move. My body felt stiff, and my arms, as well as legs were restrained by chains that were keeping me upright and I felt as though I was being stared down by something but my body was in far to much pain for me to actually care right now.

"Please excuse the harsh delivery party. They have little to no manners if you couldn't tell."

Said a familiar voice in which I believed to be Abel. And when he took my chin into his hands and lifted my head up, I was rea.s.sued of this thought and my face went white, but not from fear... Desire. I don't know what it is, but he has this effect to make me want to drop on my knees and bow down to this man. And I must have that effect on him as well, because he was frozen in front of me, and when a small ray of light leaked into the room and landed on the vampires body, his features were all the more visible, from his soft lips, to his strong jawline, his tall muscular body had made me go into a state of awe, and his honey brown clored eyes seemed so soft and gentle, I don't even know how he could be a vampire, when he stepped away from me to stand by the window, the parts of his body that were revealed to the light let off a beautiful s.h.i.+mmer, now I'm not talking Twilight here, but it was just enough to make a girl freeze with temptation. His eyes turned back to me as he scanned my body and the predicament I was currently in then walked back to me taking the chains off my hands which brought me to fall forward and I thought I was gonna hit the ground but he had reached his arm out and just the right moment pulled me against his body and held me until he got the rest of the chains removed then proceeded to pick me up, and walk out of the empty room.


"You'll stay here." Abel said as he laid me down on a bed in an otherwise empty room aside from the two other women on different ends of the room, standing up on their knees. And Abel must have noticed my concern for he looked at the women as well then said,

"They're not mine... My brother keeps his women here. They won't hurt you."

"d.a.m.n straight they won't..." I responded which caused him to chuckle regardless of the fact I was being dead serious. I won't tell him that yet.

"That s.h.i.+fter in you certainly is fiesty isn't it? We can work with that." Was his response to my remark.

"Well I'll leave you here to rest then come back in a couple hours when dinner has been prepared." He said before standing up and walking out of the room.

"So you're Abels new pet it seems..." said the woman closest to me.

"Eh, he'll dump her somehwere in two days so don't be all nice to her." Said the other.

"Oh shut up, I'll be nice to her if I want to." Said the first woman as she rolled her eyes at the other, then smiled back at me.

"I'm Adeline, that's Marie. What's your name?" She asked, her voice sweet and quiet.

"I'm Veronica.... Nice to meet you." I responded as I sat down on the floor.

"Nice to meet you too Veronica. How long do you think-" She stopped and looked at the door, fear whipping her across the face.

"What's wr-"

"Shut up!" Barked Marie, then I looked over at the door and man was standing in the door way and quick s light appeared right in front of me, grabbing my face.

"Well I see I have a new toy."