The Sinatra files_ the secret FBI Dossier - Part 8

Part 8

The above informants, who are in a position to learn of some CP activities in the Las Vegas, Nevada, area, advised on April 20, 1955 that they have no information connecting FRANK SINATRA with the CP or the CP movement.


Above informant advised on January 18, 1946 and on reinterview April 25, 1955 that he was present at the above-described "Welcome Home Joe" dinner. He reported that the award for FRANK SINATRA was presented during the affair to a woman who was introduced as Mrs. FRANK SINATRA. The award was given as a result of SINATRA's performance in the motion picture "The House I Live In," a racial tolerance production. Informant advised on April 25, 1955 that he had never heard of FRANK SINATRA or Mrs. FRANK SINATRA in connection with the CP or the CP movement.

Hollywood, California The above individual was a member of the CP in the Los Angeles [area] ... [but she] advised ... on April 7, 1955 that she never heard of FRANK SINATRA in connection with the CP movement nor had she ever heard of him making any contributions to the CP. She pointed out that individuals connected with the motion picture industry were found to be extremely generous when asked for donations to various causes. Because of this she felt it altogether possible that SINATRA could have, at one time or another, donated to causes sponsored by the Party, although such fact, if true, had never come to her personal attention.

Beverly Hills, California The above individual joined the CP in New York ... [and] was a member of the CP within the film industry... He advised SA [Special Agent] on April 1, 1955 that he does not know FRANK SINATRA personally and has never heard of him in connection with the CP movement.

Los Angeles, California The above individual was a member of a Hollywood cultural club of the LACCP.... He advised ... on October 28, 1951 that he recalled one of the CP members in his group,[image] having remarked at Party meetings that she knew NANCY SINATRA, wife of FRANK SINATRA. having remarked at Party meetings that she knew NANCY SINATRA, wife of FRANK SINATRA.[image] indicated that she had received contributions from NANCY SINATRA for one or more Party "causes." indicated that she had received contributions from NANCY SINATRA for one or more Party "causes."[image] advised that he never heard any comments in Party circles, however, connecting FRANK SINATRA or his wife with the CP or the CP movement. He stated that FRANK SINATRA had made a recording of the song, "The House I Live In," and on which a motion picture was subsequently based. advised that he never heard any comments in Party circles, however, connecting FRANK SINATRA or his wife with the CP or the CP movement. He stated that FRANK SINATRA had made a recording of the song, "The House I Live In," and on which a motion picture was subsequently based.[image] advised that this song was written by EARL ROBINSON. advised that this song was written by EARL ROBINSON.

The Los Angeles FBI report included what is probably the most eloquent statement attributed to Sinatra regarding red-baiting.

"Hollywood on Trial-The Story of the Ten Who Were Indicted" by GORDON KAHN, published by Boni and Gaer, Inc., New York, Copyright 1948 The following, attributed to FRANK SINATRA, appeared in the above book: "Once they get the movies throttled how long will it be before the Committee goes to work on freedom of the air? How long will it be before we're told what we can and cannot say into a radio microphone? If you make a pitch on a nation-wide network for a square deal for the underdog, will they call you a Commie? ... Are they gonna scare us into silence? I wonder."

The above book pertained to the so-called "Hollywood Ten," previously referred to in this report.

A month and a half later, Hoover finally put the investigation to rest.

TO: a.s.sistant Attorney General William F. Tompkins DATE:December21,1955 FROM: Director, FBI



Enclosed for your information is one copy of the report of Special Agent[image] dated November 4, 1955, at Los Angeles, California, in captioned matter. dated November 4, 1955, at Los Angeles, California, in captioned matter.

Information concerning Sinatra's execution of an affidavit for the Division of the Department of State on January 10, 1955, appears on page seven of the enclosed report. In his affidavit, Sinatra denied past or present membership in the Communist Party or in any group or organization of a subversive character.

Information beginning of the enclosed report reflects that "The Independent" dated February 13, 1946, published by the Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, listed the name of one Frank Sinatra among ten names under the heading "Vice Chairmen." The California Committee on Un-American Activities report for 1948 describes the Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions as a "Communist front."

For your further information, the above-mentioned issue of "The Independent" also listed among the ten vice chairmen of the Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions such individuals as Joseph E. Davies, Fiorello H. LaGuardia, Archibald MacLeish and Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer. Included in the list of some 30 members of the Board of Directors appeared the name of James Roosevelt.

A copy of the above report has been furnished to the Department of State. No further investigation will be conducted in this matter in the absence of a specific request from you.

Nevertheless, the FBI continued to file away information about Sinatra's alleged ties to Communists, no matter how absurd, as shown in this entry in a later summary of the files.

On 1/11/56[image] furnished information regarding a conversation she overheard which indicated that furnished information regarding a conversation she overheard which indicated that[image] and and[image] might be operating a ham radio. might be operating a ham radio.

[image]stated that a conversation which she overheard on 6/9/55 suggested possible plans for the evacuation of communists from Wisconsin in the event of enemy attack on the West Coast. In the event of an air attack some communists would be able to find refuge at the homes of Frank Sinatra and Tony Martin.

Marilyn Monroe even turned up in one entry.

[image]that Marilyn Monroe, the actress, arrived in Mexico on 2/19/62 and a.s.sociated with members of the American communist group. Her entry into Mexico was reportedly arranged by Frank Sinatra through former President Miguel Aleman. Marilyn was much disturbed by Arthur Miller's marriage on 2/20/62 and was very vulnerable because of her rejection by her former husband.

A decade after being cleared of charges that he lied about his political leanings to get a, Sinatra was still seething over suspicions that he was a Communist, according to this memo from one FBI official to another. (The bitterness expressed by Sinatra here stood in contrast to his tone in recording his cla.s.sic "Strangers in the Night" less than two weeks hence.)

TO: W. C. Sullivan DATE:3/31/66 DATE:3/31/66.

FROM: D. J. Brennan, Jr.


AKA Frank Sinatra SECURITY MATTER-C On 3/30/66, Colonel John R. Elting (U.S. Army), G-2, Military District of Washington, advised that on 3/25/66, Joseph F. Goetz (Colonel, U. S. Air Force, Retired), a public relations man located at 1500 Ma.s.sachusetts Avenue, Washington, D.C., contacted him and informed him that he had been commissioned by Frank Sinatra, the entertainer, to determine the ident.i.ty of the "s...o...b.." who had "tagged" Sinatra as a "commie."

Colonel Elting explained that in 1950, 1952, and 1954, Sinatra had offered his services for entertainment of military troops overseas. In each instance, he was not cleared by Army because of his reported affiliation with subversive organizations. Elting added that Sinatra was later cleared in 1962 to entertain troops overseas, but that this clearance expired in 1966 without the clearance having been used.

Elting furnished the attached intra-Army memorandum setting forth the details of a conference between representatives of Army and Sinatra in response to a request made by Sinatra for an appointment to discuss the matter of his clearance for a Christmas holiday entertainment tour to the Far East in 1954. During this conference, Brigadier General Alfred E. Kastner, a.s.sistant to the a.s.sistant Chief of Staff, G-2, informed Sinatra that over a period of years, many items had appeared in the public press which reflected adversely on Sinatra and which, to a considerable degree, identified Sinatra with the communist line. Sinatra, at the time, stated that he hated and despised everything that pertained to communism; that he had never been a member of a communist-inspired organization, nor had he ever made contributions to such organizations. He attributed the unfavorable press items to irresponsible individuals who preyed on those in entertainment. He related that he had responded to a reporter's question regarding his att.i.tude toward communism with the remark "I am just as communistic as the Pope."

Inquiry was made of Colonel Elting by Liaison Agent as to why Sinatra, at this late date, wanted to pursue this matter. According to Elting, Goetz stated that Sinatra is a very temperamental, vindictive and moody individual and has periods where he dwells on his past life. Goetz added that he has known Sinatra for many years and he had noted several occasions where Sinatra, in retrospect, has made derogatory comments concerning individuals who have hurt him in the past. Elting advised that he gave Goetz no satisfaction other than to state that Sinatra was recently cleared to entertain troops overseas. Goetz informed Elting that he was going to counsel Sinatra to drop the matter.


SINATRA AND THE MOB-THE EARLY YEARS "Has this relationship been strictly social?"

Ever since his days in Hoboken, New Jersey, as the self-centered only child of an indulgent mother, Frank Sinatra found it useful to a.s.sociate with people who could get things done for him.

It was a habit that the star carried with him into the entertainment and nightclub business, which had more than its share of thugs in those days.

In February 1947, Sinatra's habit became public knowledge. The Scripps-Howard columnist Robert Ruark happened to be in Havana at the same time Sinatra was. The singer had flown to the Cuban capital in those free-wheeling pre-Castro days with Joe (Joe Fish) Fischetti and his brother Rocco, members of Al Capone's Chicago gang. He was seen socializing there with Lucky Luciano, exiled father of the modern Mafia, at a casino, a racetrack, and parties.

Within days, Ruark reported these facts in a column headlined "Sinatra Is Playing with the Strangest People These Days." The singer's public image would never be the same.

The FBI was paying attention, too. Days after Ruark's story appeared, reports of Sinatra's alleged mob ties began turning up in the bureau's files. At the time, the FBI was primarily interested in Sinatra's supposedly Communist affiliations, as shown in the files excerpted in chapter 3 chapter 3. But as the red scare faded, the FBI's focus shifted.

Sinatra always defended his friendships with alleged mobsters as benign: He was just being cordial to admirers, however unsavory, who frequented the saloons where he performed, or who had a financial stake in them. Yet as Sinatra himself bought stakes in nightclubs and casinos, first in the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas in 1953 and then in the Cal-Neva Lodge in Lake Tahoe in 1961, he increasingly was judged by the company he kept. The FBI suspected the mob had interests in both establishments.

FBI summaries of Sinatra's suspect activities suggest a rogues' gallery of early a.s.sociations, though many of the reports were unsubstantiated. (Most of the material below comes from a September 29, 1950, compilation, though some entries have been deleted and relevant entries from other doc.u.ments have been included.) a.s.sOCIATION WITH CRIMINALS AND HOODLUMS.

A. Ralph Capone According to an informant of unknown reliability, Frank Sinatra is a nephew of Ralph Capone, well-known Chicago gambler, being a son of one of Capone's sisters. According to this informant, the Capones brought Sinatra out of obscurity by buying him a nightclub job and paying representatives of the press for favorable publicity.

[image], who claimed to have connections with Ralph Capone.

Milwaukee letter dated October 21, 1947, Re: "Capga"

B. Charles "Lucky" Luciano In February, 1947, a newspaper columnist reported that Frank Sinatra had been in Havana, Cuba, for four days during the past week and "his companion in public and in private was Luciano, Luciano's body guards, and a rich collection of gamblers and highbinders. The friendship was beautiful. They were seen together at the race track, the gambling casino and at special parties."

Column by Robert C. Ruark in the "Washington News," of February 20, 1947.

Luciano is the notorious underworld character who was deported from Cuba to Italy in the spring of 1947.

In connection with the above story concerning Sinatra's a.s.sociation with Luciano, Robert Ruark personally advised Mr. Nichols that he had been investigating Sinatra.

Memorandum from Mr.

Nichols to Mr. Tolson dated May 12, 1947, Re: "Frank Sinatra"

C. Mickey Cohen An informant obtained Mickey Cohen's personal address and telephone book from a highly confidential source and it is to be noted that Frank Sinatra was listed in this book together with his address, 10051 Valley Springs Lane, North Hollywood.

General Crime Survey, April, 15, 1947, Los Angeles Field Division On December 23, 1946, Mickey Cohen asked Jimmy Tarantino to get Frankie Sinatra to come over to the Cohens' house for ten minutes in order to meet the 14 year old daughter of a Frank Minitti of Cleveland, Ohio, where he was engaged in the excavating business, and asked Tarantino to ask Frankie "to do it for me." Later it was arranged that Cohen and the Minittis attend one of Sinatra's broadcasts and sit on the stage and apparently they did meet him.

It was further reported that, since January 7, 1947, Sinatra and Cohen have consulted several times, apparently about some fighters that Sinatra had under contract. Further, that on one occasion Cohen accused an unknown individual of having threatened Frank Sinatra, which was denied.

Los Angeles report dated January 17, 1947.

RE: "Benjamin 'Bugsy' Siegel, was.; Miscellaneous Information Concerning, Crime Survey"

D. Charles Fischetti, Joseph Fischetti and Rocco Fischetti In his column ent.i.tled "Broadway" which appeared in the "Washington Times Herald" of February 28, 1947, Danton Walker stated "Frankie Sinatra was the Miami Beach house guest of the Fischetti boys of Chicago-Rocky, Charlie and Joe-and flew with him to Havana, which is how he happened to meet Lucky Luciano, which is expected to get bigger as time goes on."

The Fischetti brothers are well-known underworld characters in the Chicago area, who have been reported by other sources to be closely acquainted with Frank Sinatra. The Fischettis are reported to be cousins of the late Alphonse Capone. This may possibly account for Sinatra's connection with them, if it is true, as reported above, that he is a nephew of Ralph Capone, the brother of the late Al Capone.

Joseph Fischetti, born in May, 1910, Brooklyn, New York, is considered more or less a public relations contact for his two brothers, Rocco and Charles, and is known to have contacts throughout the country among the underworld, as well as with individuals in the entertainment field. It is believed that he is a.s.sociated with his brothers in handbook operations in Chicago and, according to reports, the brothers operate a gambling concession at the Chez Paree night club in Chicago, which is reported to be operated under the protection of Joseph Arvey and Arthur X. Elrod, Democratic politicians in Chicago.

chicago report dated November 18, 1946, Re: "Capga"

charles Fischetti, who claims to have been born in Brooklyn, New York, on March 24, 1901, was reported, in 1948, by police informants to be the nation-wide contact man for the Chicago Syndicate and to own several gambling houses on the wealthy Chicago North Sh.o.r.e. Rocco Fischetti has been the business manager of the Fischetti gambling houses.

General Crime Survey, Chicago Office, October 15, 1948 Chicago report November 18, 1946,.

Re: "Capga"

As of October, 1948, the Fischetti brothers resided at the Barry Apartments, 8100 Sheridan Road, Chicago. In addition, they reportedly spend considerable time in Miami, where they are also reported to operate their gambling interests.

Additional evidence of Sinatra's a.s.sociation with the Fischetti brothers is noted below: Through the a.s.sistance of former members of the Chicago Police Department, a photograph was located which had been taken in Havana, Cuba, in September, 1947, which shows Frank Sinatra getting off of an airplane preceded by Joseph Fischetti and followed by Rocco Fischetti.

General Crime Survey, Chicago Office, October 15, 1948 During May, 1947, an informant reported observing Frank Sinatra in the company of Joseph Fischetti several times, during the period that Sinatra had been in Miami Beach, at that time. The informant added that he believed the two men had made a trip together to Havana, Cuba. This informant further stated that either Joseph Fischetti had made a statement to the effect that he had a financial interest in Sinatra, or that someone had repeated this remark as having been made by Joseph Fischetti.

[image] May 17, 1947. May 17, 1947.

Miami letter dated May 28, 1947, Re: "Joseph Fischetti, Miscellaneous, Crime Survey."

Information was received that when Joseph Fischetti returned to Chicago on July 23, 1946, he was in touch with Frank Sinatra, who was then entertaining at the Copacabana in New York City, and arrangements were made for the men to visit together.

[image]Sometime between August 16 and August 23, 1946, exact date not given, Frank Sinatra's secretary, Bobby Burns, contacted Joseph Fischetti from Los Angeles to explain that Sinatra expected to be in New York about September 5, and arrangements were made with Fischetti for them to get together in New York City for three or four days.

Technical Surveillance on the Fischetti brothers, 3100 Sheridan Road, Chicago.

The Chicago Field Office advised that Charles Fischetti was requested to get in touch with his brother, Joe Fischetti, for the purpose of contacting Sinatra in New York to expedite room reservations for a football game to be played around November 7, 1946. It was indicated that the reservations for the hotels were desired by the Fischettis as they intended to take in the Notre Dame-Army football game. In addition, it was reported that Fischetti forwarded two dozen shirts to Frank Sinatra in Hollywood.

charles Fischetti, accompanied by Frank Sinatra, visited Fischetti's mother at 424 2nd Street, Brooklyn, New York, about May or June, 1946. It was the informant's impression that Sinatra was a very close friend of Charles Fischetti, since he visited Charles Fischetti and Fischetti's mother for approximately three hours, during this particular visit.

Frances Duffy, 424 2nd Street, Brooklyn, New York, a clerk at LDB, 180, Brooklyn, New York.

New York report 10-15-46, Re: "Capga"

It was reported on April 15, 1947, that Joseph Fischetti had been in telephonic communication with Frank Sinatra at least once a week.

General Crime Survey, Chicago Office, April 15, 1947.

E. Don Junior On August 9, 1948, Don Junior, a Los Angeles gambler and a.s.sociate of Johnny Meyer, entered the apartment of Allen Smiley and during the course of his visit related a story of a party which he had attended the past week-end at Balboa with Bill Cagney, brother of James Cagney the movie actor, Frank Sinatra and their girlfriends. At this particular time, Junior was attempting to locate a house with Smiley to start a gambling establishment. Meyer and Smiley are identified hereinafter.

Los Angeles letter dated August 13, 1948, Re: "Aaron Smehoff, was, Falsely Claiming Citizenship; Perjury"

It was also learned that Don Junior had attended a party on the night of August 16, 1948, with William Cagney and Frank Sinatra.

F. Willie Moretti During the course of inquiries made by the Newark Field Division in connection with the crime survey program, information was received from Captain Matthew J. Donohue of the Bergen County Police, Hackensack, New Jersey, that Willie Moretti of Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, has a financial interest in Frank Sinatra. It should be mentioned that Frank Sinatra's residence is also in Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. Willie Moretti is the leader of a gang known as the Willie Moretti Gang operating in Bergen County, New Jersey. Moretti is reported to control the numbers rackets, horse racing, and gambling throughout Bergen County, New Jersey. The Newark Office has advised that Moretti is a close a.s.sociate of Frank Costello, well-known gambler of New York City, and that during 1933 Moretti, while visiting the Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs, Arkansas, was in the company of Lucky Luciano.

Captain Matthew J.

Donohue, General Crime Survey, May 13, 1944, Newark Field Division On February 6, 1948, Moretti was interviewed by Bureau Agents from Newark Office under suitable pretense at which time he admitted among other things his a.s.sociation with Frank Sinatra.

An informant "recently" related an incident concerning Frank Sinatra, who prior to the time he went into the movies[image] worked for Pete LaPlaca and others in Bergen County, New Jersey. Pete LaPlaca was identified as Willie Moretti's bodyguard. The informant stated that when Sinatra was "recently" separated from his wife, a cousin of Sinatra's wife who is related to a key member of the Moretti mob, contacted Willie Moretti regarding Sinatra's marriage difficulties and as a result Willie Moretti personally instructed Sinatra to go back and live with his wife. Sinatra immediately obeyed the orders of Moretti. Informant stated that Sinatra and Lou Costello, the movie and radio comedian, both "kick in" to Moretti. worked for Pete LaPlaca and others in Bergen County, New Jersey. Pete LaPlaca was identified as Willie Moretti's bodyguard. The informant stated that when Sinatra was "recently" separated from his wife, a cousin of Sinatra's wife who is related to a key member of the Moretti mob, contacted Willie Moretti regarding Sinatra's marriage difficulties and as a result Willie Moretti personally instructed Sinatra to go back and live with his wife. Sinatra immediately obeyed the orders of Moretti. Informant stated that Sinatra and Lou Costello, the movie and radio comedian, both "kick in" to Moretti.

General Crime Survey, April 15, 1948.

Newark Division Lee Mortimer reported that Frank Sinatra was backed when he first started by a gangster in New York named Willie Moretti, with alias Willie Moore.

Memorandum for Mr. Tolson from Mr. Nichols dated May 12, 1947,.

Re: "Frank Sinatra"

G. Aaron Smehoff, w.a., Allen Smiley On June 13, 1948, Allen Smiley, notorious Los Angeles underworld character who was with "Bugsy" Siegel the night he was murdered, claimed to know Frank Sinatra quite well.