The Sinatra files_ the secret FBI Dossier - Part 7

Part 7

6. After Mr. Sinatra's departure, those remaining agreed that in similar cases arising in the future, requests for appointments should be refused unless there exist compelling reasons to the contrary; that in any instance where an appointment is granted, The a.s.sistant Chief of Staff, G-2, The Chief of Information, and The Adjutant General, or their representatives, should meet jointly with the individual concerned; further, that the place of meeting should be other than in the office of the a.s.sistant Chief of Staff, G-2.

T. J. MARNANEColonel, AGCExecutive Officer, TAGO

TO: Director, FBI DATE:10/18/54 DATE:10/18/54.





JEROME DOYLE, former Agent and presently a member of the firm of Cahill, Gordon, Zachry and Reindel, NYC, today provided the following data which Mr. Doyle received from HENRY JAFFE, attorney for Frank Sinatra: Frank Sinatra allegedly was being booked to go to Korea this Christmas as part of a USO entertainment group, consisting of various show people, and to the surprise of Sinatra and Henry Jaffe the Army denied clearance to Sinatra. Allegedly Sinatra and/or Jaffe went to Washington to talk to the Army to determine just why clearance was denied to Sinatra, and allegedly the Army advised that it had information from the FBI which prompted the Army to deny clearance to Sinatra. This information allegedly was that Lee Mortimer in a newspaper column stated that Sinatra was a Communist. This is the information which allegedly came from the Bureau's files. The Generals in question are: Major General John A. Klein, Adjutant General; Major General John C. Mudgett, Chief of Information; and Major General A. G. Trudeau, Chief of Intelligence.

Mr. Doyle stated he was advising this office so the above information could be furnished to the Bureau since he believes Jaffe will be writing to the Bureau regarding this matter.

Handwritten notation by Hoover: Nail this down promptly. H. Nail this down promptly. H.


DATE:October22,1954 DATE:October22,1954 FROM: MR. R. R. ROACH.



Reference is made to a letter from the SAC, New York, dated October 18, 1954, in the above-captioned matter in which the Bureau was advised by Jerome Doyle, former Bureau Agent, concerning information he had received from Henry Jaffe, attorney for Frank Sinatra. Allegedly, Sinatra and/or Jaffe went to Washington to talk to the Army to determine why clearance was denied to Sinatra, who had been booked to go to Korea for Christmas as part of a USO entertainment group, and allegedly the Army advised that it had information from the FBI which prompted the Army to deny clearance to Sinatra. This information referred to allegedly was that Lee Mortimer in a newspaper column stated that Sinatra was a Communist; that this information allegedly came from Bureau files.

The Director noted "Nail this down promptly. H."

Colonel W. A. Perry, Chief of Security, G-2, furnished Liaison Agent[image] a copy of a memorandum prepared by Colonel Marnane, Executive Officer to the Adjutant General, concerning the conference which Sinatra had with the Army in the Office of the Adjutant General on September 16, 1954, and for which Colonel Marnane prepared the minutes. In essence, this memorandum advises that, pursuant to a request by Frank Sinatra to be advised why he had been denied clearance, an appointment had been made for him to appear in the office of Major General John A. Klein, the Adjutant General, on September 16, 1954. Present besides the Adjutant General were Major General John C. Mudgett, Chief of Information; and former Brigadier General Alfred Kastner, formerly Deputy a.s.sistant Chief of Staff, G-2. At the outset of the conference, General Klein asked General Kastner to outline for Mr. Sinatra the basis upon which Mr. Sinatra's request for clearance had been denied. General Kastner explained that over a period of years many items had appeared in the public press, including the "Daily Worker," and kindred publications, which reflected adversely on Mr. Sinatra and which, to a considerable degree, identified Sinatra with the Communist Party line and, as a result, is serious evidence as to Mr. Sinatra's sympathies with respect to Communism, Communists, and fellow travelers. a copy of a memorandum prepared by Colonel Marnane, Executive Officer to the Adjutant General, concerning the conference which Sinatra had with the Army in the Office of the Adjutant General on September 16, 1954, and for which Colonel Marnane prepared the minutes. In essence, this memorandum advises that, pursuant to a request by Frank Sinatra to be advised why he had been denied clearance, an appointment had been made for him to appear in the office of Major General John A. Klein, the Adjutant General, on September 16, 1954. Present besides the Adjutant General were Major General John C. Mudgett, Chief of Information; and former Brigadier General Alfred Kastner, formerly Deputy a.s.sistant Chief of Staff, G-2. At the outset of the conference, General Klein asked General Kastner to outline for Mr. Sinatra the basis upon which Mr. Sinatra's request for clearance had been denied. General Kastner explained that over a period of years many items had appeared in the public press, including the "Daily Worker," and kindred publications, which reflected adversely on Mr. Sinatra and which, to a considerable degree, identified Sinatra with the Communist Party line and, as a result, is serious evidence as to Mr. Sinatra's sympathies with respect to Communism, Communists, and fellow travelers.

General Klein advised Sinatra that, in view of such evidence, the Army could not grant clearance to any individual about whom the slightest doubt existed.

Sinatra then went on to state that he hated Communism, had never been a member of a Communist organization, had no contact with Communists or Communist organizations, and the irresponsible accusations made against him had been so absurd that he had not refuted them. He went on to relate that he was eager to provide entertainment for the troops anywhere in the Far East, Europe or the Continental United States. He further stated that he would carry this matter to the Attorney General in order to clear his name, and he would engage counsel to represent him.

General Mudgett then informed Sinatra that, from an entirely impersonal point of view, circ.u.mstances being as they were, the Army could not risk at this time giving a clearance to Sinatra.

Colonel Marnane advised[image] that he was at the conference and prepared the minutes of same. He stated that the officers mentioned above were present also, General Kastner representing G-2 for General Arthur G. Trudeau. He advised that General Kastner, other than the statements attributed to General Klein and General Mudgett, carried the entire conversation for the Army. General Kastner restricted his comments concerning Sinatra's Communist connections in their entirety to newspaper clippings, and at no time did he ever mention files of the FBI or any other organization. As a matter of fact, Colonel Marnane stated that the G-2 file prepared for this conference merely consisted of newspaper clippings, and it was agreed that if Sinatra pressed G-2 for the source of their information, General Kastner was going to present the file to Sinatra so that he could read it. that he was at the conference and prepared the minutes of same. He stated that the officers mentioned above were present also, General Kastner representing G-2 for General Arthur G. Trudeau. He advised that General Kastner, other than the statements attributed to General Klein and General Mudgett, carried the entire conversation for the Army. General Kastner restricted his comments concerning Sinatra's Communist connections in their entirety to newspaper clippings, and at no time did he ever mention files of the FBI or any other organization. As a matter of fact, Colonel Marnane stated that the G-2 file prepared for this conference merely consisted of newspaper clippings, and it was agreed that if Sinatra pressed G-2 for the source of their information, General Kastner was going to present the file to Sinatra so that he could read it.

Colonel Marnane advised that the name Jaffe is unknown to him but advised that Sinatra was accompanied to General Klein's office by an individual, whose name he could not recall, who was introduced to him as an agent of some sort. This individual remained in the outer office during the conference.

Bureau files reflect that in answer to a name check request from the U. S. Air Force (OSI) a summary of information concerning Sinatra was furnished to that Agency on January 22, 1952, and a Photostat of the summary was furnished G-2 on February 19, 1952. This summary advised that no investigation had been conducted concerning Sinatra. However, information from public sources and reliable informants concerning his affiliation with numerous Communist front groups, as well as a.s.sociation with known criminals and hoodlums, was furnished. Information was also furnished from a confidential informant[image] (described as reliable) that in December, 1945 (described as reliable) that in December, 1945[image][image][image] advised him that Frank Sinatra, the well-known radio and movie star, was then a member of the Communist Party. The informant stated he was told that Sinatra formerly held membership in the American Youth for Democracy (cited by the Attorney General) in New Jersey but had recently been admitted to the New York branch of the Communist Party. advised him that Frank Sinatra, the well-known radio and movie star, was then a member of the Communist Party. The informant stated he was told that Sinatra formerly held membership in the American Youth for Democracy (cited by the Attorney General) in New Jersey but had recently been admitted to the New York branch of the Communist Party.

The summary furnished to OSI and G-2 did not include any reference to Lee Mortimer or to the information which Lee Mortimer allegedly used in his newspaper column, namely, that Sinatra was a Communist, which information was reported to have come from Bureau files.


For your information.

Blocked from traveling overseas to entertain the troops, Sinatra applied for a a couple of months later, shortly before heading to Australia for a three-week tour. In applying for the, he gave the government certain a.s.surances, according to this excerpt from a later FBI report on the matter.

On January 10, 1955 FRANK SINATRA executed the following affidavit for the Division of the Department of State: "In connection with my application for a, I make the following statements under oath:"I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the Communist Party, any so-called Communist Front organizations, or any other group or organization of a subversive character; I am not now nor have I ever been affiliated with any organization which has been engaged in subversive activity of any kind whatsoever."

The FBI and others in the government suspected Sinatra was lying, prompting a full-fledged year-long investigation of the singer's veracity, involving FBI offices across the country, and some very old accusations against Sinatra.

TO: Mr. L. V. Boardman DATE:February21,1955 DATE:February21,1955 FROM: Mr. A. H. Belmont



On 12-14-54 a name check request concerning Sinatra was received from the State Department in connection with a application. On 12-30-54 the Department of State was advised that the FBI had conducted no active investigation of Sinatra. Also the memorandum provided information received by the FBI concerning Sinatra which is in summary: Sinatra has allegedly been connected with varying degrees such as sponsorship and/or membership with 13 Communist front groups or activities in Los Angeles, Detroit, and New York City. One informant alleged in 1945 that he had been told that Sinatra had recently been admitted to membership in the New York Branch of the Communist Party. This informant was described as confidential and reliable. Sinatra's a.s.sociation with numerous gangsters and hoodlums including Lucky Luciano and Willie Moretti were set out. It was also noted that in 1948 Sinatra was scheduled to transcribe an anti-Communist broadcast for Italian consumption and that as of 1951 Sinatra was listed as a partic.i.p.ant in an anti-Communist rally.

On 1-10-55 Sinatra executed a sworn affidavit for the Division of the State Department at New York County, New York, stating that he was not then and had never been a member of the Communist Party, any so-called Communist front organizations or any other group or organization of a subversive character. As of 2-17-55 the Washington Field Office was advised in confidence that the Division of State Department was sending two copies of the above affidavit to the Department "with request for investigation to determine whether criminal proceedings against subject for apparent violation of 18 USC 1542 warranted." Section 1542 is "false statement in application and use of" Los Angeles and New York were advised of this information. Sinatra is the well-known singer and motion picture actor.


That the FBI conduct no investigation in this matter at this time. This is in accordance with established policy in fraud matters since the State Department directed their request to the Justice Department. We will, of course, act immediately on request from either Justice or State Departments.

Handwritten notation by Clyde Tolson at the bottom: I suggest a complete summary be prepared on Sinatra. C. I suggest a complete summary be prepared on Sinatra. C.

Handwritten response by Hoover: Yes. H. Yes. H.

The resulting summary, drafted a week later, included recent information indicating that Sinatra was anything but a Communist, according to this excerpt: The "Daily Worker" an east coast Communist newspaper, of April 10, 1951, contained an article captioned "Where Are the Big Stars Who Once Opposed the Un-Americans?" The article mentioned Frank Sinatra as one who had at one time made strong statements against the HCUA but was now silent.

The New York "Daily News" of April 27, 1951, reported that on the preceding day the Stop-Communism Committee was launched to fight against "Red influence in the entertainment world." Sinatra was listed as partic.i.p.ating in a rally sponsored by the Committee.

Nevertheless, a top Justice Department official asked the FBI to look into the matter.

TO: Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation DATE:March7,1955 DATE:March7,1955

FROM: William F. Tompkins, a.s.sistant Attorney General, Internal Security Division SUBJECT: FRANCIS ALBERT SINATRA a.k.a. Frank Sinatra SECURITY MATTER-C FRAUD AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT Information has recently been received from the Department of State to the effect that the captioned subject in attempting to secure a filed with that Department an affidavit dated January 10, 1955 in which he stated that he had never been a member of the Communist Party or any Communist front organizations. This Division has also been advised that the Department of State received information from your Bureau which indicates that the subject has been affiliated with a number of Communist front organizations and that it has also been alleged that he was a member of the Communist Party.

Inasmuch as the statements contained in his affidavit, if false, would const.i.tute a violation of t.i.tle 18, U.S.C., Sections 1001 or 1542, it would be appreciated if you would conduct an appropriate investigation to determine whether sufficient evidence exists to warrant prosecution under the statutes.

For your information and a.s.sistance there is transmitted herewith a photostatic copy of the affidavit executed by the subject.

And Hoover in a March 18, 1955, memo authorized a major investigation, ordering agents in Los Angeles and seven other cities onto the case. Memos poured in from FBI offices across the country, as agents combed their files for "subversive" information about Sinatra and re-interviewed sources who previously had tied Sinatra to Communist party groups. They didn't come up with much, as reflected in the samples below.

From New York: The files of the New York Office contain the following subversive information on the above-captioned subject: [image]BEANIE (C. B. BALDWIN), Executive Vice Chairman of the National Citizens Political Action Committee, who very recently in Washington's Willard Hotel conducted an intensive four-day course in practical politics under the sponsorship of the NCPAC, about the "September 2nd thing." The "September 2nd thing"[image] was a big concert in the Hollywood Bowl on that date. It was expected to draw 23,000 people. was a big concert in the Hollywood Bowl on that date. It was expected to draw 23,000 people.[image][image][image] it would feature ROBINSON (perhaps EDWARD G. ROBINSON), GREGORY PECK and FRANK SINATRA. it would feature ROBINSON (perhaps EDWARD G. ROBINSON), GREGORY PECK and FRANK SINATRA.[image] RUBINSTEIN would do a concerto, PAUL ROBESON might sing, and the symphony orchestra would consist of 100 pieces. RUBINSTEIN would do a concerto, PAUL ROBESON might sing, and the symphony orchestra would consist of 100 pieces.The New York Office is not in possession of any information that would indicate that SINATRA attended this affair.

From Newark: On 3/31/55 at East Orange, N.J., SAS [Special Agents][image] and and[image] contacted contacted[image] former security informant whose ident.i.ty must be protected, and who is described as having furnished reliable information in the past. former security informant whose ident.i.ty must be protected, and who is described as having furnished reliable information in the past.[image] has in the past exhibited a definite reluctance to testify. This informant stated he recalls that FRANK SINATRA, the famous vocalist, had contributed to Communist youth organizations in the early 1940s. However, he did not know if SINATRA was a member of the CP or any CP dominated or infiltrated organization or a member of the CP or of a CP youth group. He stated he recalls that information regarding SINATRA'S contributions and sponsorship, if any, appeared in some CP publications such as the "Daily Worker" or the Sunday "Worker," but at this time he cannot recall where. This was all the information he had regarding SINATRA. has in the past exhibited a definite reluctance to testify. This informant stated he recalls that FRANK SINATRA, the famous vocalist, had contributed to Communist youth organizations in the early 1940s. However, he did not know if SINATRA was a member of the CP or any CP dominated or infiltrated organization or a member of the CP or of a CP youth group. He stated he recalls that information regarding SINATRA'S contributions and sponsorship, if any, appeared in some CP publications such as the "Daily Worker" or the Sunday "Worker," but at this time he cannot recall where. This was all the information he had regarding SINATRA.

On 4/13/55, SA [Special Agent][image] contacted contacted[image] and and[image] , whose ident.i.ties must be protected, and who should be described as having furnished reliable information in the past. They advised that they know of no subversive information pertaining to FRANK SINATRA. , whose ident.i.ties must be protected, and who should be described as having furnished reliable information in the past. They advised that they know of no subversive information pertaining to FRANK SINATRA.

The New York office also provided new, though perhaps not important, information about Sinatra's dentist.

On 4/11/46,[image] who has furnished reliable information in the past, advised that Dr. ABRAHAM B. WEINSTEIN contacted FRANK SINATRA and an appointment was made for SINATRA to come to Dr. WEINSTEIN for a dental appointment at 5:00 pm on that date. who has furnished reliable information in the past, advised that Dr. ABRAHAM B. WEINSTEIN contacted FRANK SINATRA and an appointment was made for SINATRA to come to Dr. WEINSTEIN for a dental appointment at 5:00 pm on that date.

ABRAHAM BENEDICT WEINSTEIN is a dentist who maintains his offices at 20 E. 53rd St., NYC.

On 1/18/55[image] Brooklyn, NY (who requests that her ident.i.ty be concealed) Brooklyn, NY (who requests that her ident.i.ty be concealed)[image] [advised] that certain of Dr. WEINSTEIN'S patients and acquaintances were believed by her to be members or sympathizers of the CP. [advised] that certain of Dr. WEINSTEIN'S patients and acquaintances were believed by her to be members or sympathizers of the CP.

Investigation on Dr. ABRAHAM WEINSTEIN was inst.i.tuted on 12/7/45 when it was ascertained through a physical surveillance of JOSEPH GREGG and PETER RHODES that they were observed to enter the office of Dr. WEINSTEIN, 20 E. 53rd St., NYC. Both GREGG and RHODES were mentioned as members of an espionage group who were operating in Washington, D.C. at that time, by ELIZABETH BENTLY, an admitted former Communist courier....

[image]who has furnished reliable information in the past, advised SA [Special Agent][image] on 12/10/46 that FRANK SINATRA, the singer, contacted Dr. WEINSTEIN at his office and advised him that he had made reservations for the Dr. and his wife at the Wedgewood Room at the Waldorf Astoria on the following Friday. on 12/10/46 that FRANK SINATRA, the singer, contacted Dr. WEINSTEIN at his office and advised him that he had made reservations for the Dr. and his wife at the Wedgewood Room at the Waldorf Astoria on the following Friday.

New York also offered exculpatory evidence.

In a clipping from the "NY Mirror" dated 4/5/48, in an article captioned, "SINATRA TO STAGE RADIO PLEA TO ITALY FOR DEFEAT OF REDS," by LOUELLA PARSONS. This article is quoted in part as follows: "An appeal broadcast directly to the Italian people to vote against the Communist ticket at the 4/18/48, election is being arranged for by FRANK SINATRA. His guests will be JIMMY DURANTE, JOE DIMAGGIO and ALIDA VALLI. The hour long show will be in Italian.

"SINATRA, who returned from NY today, was asked by Washington officials to get together a show with famous guests of Italian parentage, and FRANKIE gladly accepted the a.s.signment to help fight Communism. Twenty-seven recordings will be made and played in various parts of Italy in an effort to reach even the most remote parts of that troubled nation. FRANKIE told me Washington also had requested that CLARK GABLE and TYRONE POWER appear on the show, even though they are not of Italian descent and do not speak the language."

The Los Angeles office on October 11, 1955, told Hoover that it had serious doubts about the case.

Considerable investigation has been conducted by the Los Angeles Office and other Bureau offices in connection with the instructions outlined in referenced letter. A review and a.n.a.lysis of the results of the investigation fails to develop any positive evidence connecting SINATRA with the Communist Party or the Communist Party movement.

In view of the foregoing, it is believed that the submission of a regular investigative report setting forth the results of the many interviews undertaken would be preferable to the preparation of a prosecutive summary due to the absence of the calibre of information which should logically be incorporated in a prosecutive summary report.

It is noted that the miscellaneous information furnished by informants in years past, and which was summarized by the Bureau in memorandum form dated 9/30/54, is essentially hearsay, most of which, even if true, would have little probative value.

Several former Communist Party members in Hollywood, who have furnished reliable information in the past, and who normally would have been in a position to know if SINATRA were connected with the Communist Party or the Communist Party movement, advised that they had no information that SINATRA was a member of the CP nor did they ever hear him referred to as such in Party circles, or as being connected with the Communist movement.

Because of the foregoing, the Los Angeles Office contemplates the submission of a regular investigative report in this matter unless instructed by the Bureau to the contrary. Such report will be prepared and submitted to reach the Bureau within thirty days.

Los Angeles filed a twenty-eight-page report on the investigation to headquarters on November 4, 1955.

Investigation conducted developed no evidence connecting FRANK SINATRA with the Communist Party (CP) or the CP movement aside from his membership in the Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions in 1946, an organization described by the California Committee on Un-American Activities as a "Communist front." In 1946 he was being considered by the Los Angeles County Communist Party as a potential Party recruit. In 1948 he was indicated to have arranged an anti-Communist radio program for broadcast in Italy. Results of investigation set forth.


The following organizations, which have been referred to in this report, have been designated by the Attorney General of the United States pursuant to Executive Order 10450: Communist Party, Communist Political a.s.sociation, Young Communist League, American Youth for Democracy, Labor Youth League, International Workers Order, and Action Committee to Free Spain Now.


The above informant was a former member of the District Committee of the CP in Pennsylvania.[image] advised in the latter part of 1945 that ... he was informed by advised in the latter part of 1945 that ... he was informed by[image] ... that FRANK SINATRA, the well-known radio and movie star, was then a member of the CP. ... that FRANK SINATRA, the well-known radio and movie star, was then a member of the CP.[image] was told that SINATRA formerly held membership in the American Youth for Democracy (AYD) in New Jersey and had recently been admitted to the New York Branch of the CP. was told that SINATRA formerly held membership in the American Youth for Democracy (AYD) in New Jersey and had recently been admitted to the New York Branch of the CP.

[image]was reinterviewed on September 12, 1955 and stated that he had a vague recollection of [a meeting] possibly sometime around November 1945 in[image] which was attended by which was attended by[image] and many others. At this meeting... Informant recalled that at the above CP meeting, and many others. At this meeting... Informant recalled that at the above CP meeting,[image] told him that SINATRA was an old line member of the CP and had come up from the YCL. Informant also recalled having been told essentially the same thing by some unknown woman ... who was also present at the above CP meeting. Informant further recalled told him that SINATRA was an old line member of the CP and had come up from the YCL. Informant also recalled having been told essentially the same thing by some unknown woman ... who was also present at the above CP meeting. Informant further recalled[image] and the unknown woman telling him that SINATRA had been admitted to the CP in New York City. and the unknown woman telling him that SINATRA had been admitted to the CP in New York City.

Informant advised that he could furnish no information which would corroborate the above allegations and, further, that he had no personal knowledge that would connect SINATRA with the CP or the CP movement. He advised that he did not know SINATRA personally and had never attended any affairs at which SINATRA was present.


The above informants, who are familiar with some phases of CP activities in the Chicago area, advised in June 1955 that they had no information concerning FRANK SINATRA.


Detroit, Michigan The above individual, who is a self-admitted member of District 7, CP, USA, ... advised on March 4, 1955 that to her knowledge FRANK SINATRA was never active in the CP or any related front groups in the State of Michigan.

The above informants, who are familiar with CP and related CP front group activities in the State of Michigan, advised in March 1955 that FRANK SINATRA is unknown to them in connection with the CP movement.


Above informant advised on March 31, 1955 that he had a recollection of the Communist press occasionally carrying information indicating that FRANK SINATRA had contributed to the Communist youth organizations in the early 1940's. Informant did not recall any specific publications or issues and had no personal knowledge or other information concerning such allegations. Informant stated that he also had no information connecting FRANK SINATRA with the CP or the CP movement.


Informant furnished a pamphlet on July 28, 1947 reflecting that it was written by FRANK SINATRA and bearing the t.i.tle "Thoughts of an American," published by the International Workers Order (IWO). This pamphlet, in part, refers to the "pushing around" SINATRA received while attending school in New Jersey. The pamphlet was directed at racial tolerance and read, in part, as follows: "It is up to all of us to lay aside our unfounded prejudices and make the most of this wonderful country-this country that has been built by many people, by many creeds, nationalities and races in such a way that it cannot be divided ... and can never be conquered ... but will always remain the United States ... one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

New York, New York The above individual was a member of the CP in New York... He served as an informant for the FBI and subsequently... On May 19, 1955 he furnished a signed statement ... which reads, in part, as follows: "... I do recall in 1944 during the Roosevelt campaign for re-election Frank Sinatra appeared at a rally which was sponsored by the Upper West Side Citizens Committee, which was a communist front organization. The rally was held at St. Nicholas area 66th St and Columbus Ave. NYC. This rally was held to promote the re-election of President Roosevelt."Frank Sinatra appeared and sang two songs, made no speech and left the hall immediately. He was contacted by[image] , who was a member of the James Connolly Branch of the Communist Party, to sing at this rally. I do not know whether Sinatra had any knowledge of the Communist Party membership of , who was a member of the James Connolly Branch of the Communist Party, to sing at this rally. I do not know whether Sinatra had any knowledge of the Communist Party membership of[image] " "


The above informant, who has some knowledge of CP activities in the State of Utah, advised on March 21, 1955 that he has no information relative to FRANK SINATRA.