The Sinatra files_ the secret FBI Dossier - Part 9

Part 9

Westbrook Pegler has made reference to Sinatra's a.s.sociations with Smiley in editorials which he had written criticizing the Department of Justice for not prosecuting its case against Smiley with greater vigilance.

Column by Westbrook Pegler in the "Washington Times Herald," and "New York Journal American," 10-3-47.

Smiley was born in Russia on January 10, 1907, and came to Canada seven years later with his parents where his father became a citizen of Canada. Smiley subsequently entered the United States, a.s.sertedly at Detroit, in 1922, and since that time has been in this country without an immigration visa or He was arrested by the FBI on November 21, 1947, charged with falsely claiming citizenship and with perjury. On August 1, 1949, he was sentenced to one year in jail and fined $1,000 for twice falsely claiming he was a United States citizen. He appealed his case and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rendered a decision on April 13, 1950, upholding the District Court's finding of guilty.

The Los Angeles District Office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service issued an order May 12, 1949, that Smiley be deported to Canada and if that country would not accept him then to Russia. Service of this order was pending the outcome of Smiley's prosecution. Smiley's hearing was re-opened by INS on August 1, 1950, for the sole purpose of including in the record of Smiley's conviction in the U.S. District Court at Los Angeles on charges of falsely claiming citizenship.

On May 6, 1948, Jack Dragna, Los Angeles hoodlum, called at the apartment of Allen Smiley and asked for a list of names of persons to be invited to the wedding of his, Dragna's, daughter. Smiley listed about 45 persons for Dragna including Frank Sinatra and others who were mostly racketeers, gamblers, bookmakers or otherwise closely a.s.sociated with the underworld.

Los Angeles letter dated May 14, 1948, Re: "Aaron Smehoff, w.a., Allen Smiley, USTA, Racketeering Activities, Crime Survey in Los Angeles, Falsely Claiming Citizenship-Perjury"

H. James Tarantino Westbrook Pegler made reference to Tarantino's a.s.sociation with Frank Sinatra in his column which appeared in the "Washington Times Herald" on October 3, 1947, in which he stated "Tarantino is a swipe and hustler who used to hang around Jacobs' Beach, a stretch near Madison Square Garden where the fighters, managers, and racketeers gather. He has a cheap police record in Newark and he has been a friend and protege of Frank Sinatra."

Pegler further stated in this article that George Evans, Sinatra's press agent and manager, had denied that Sinatra had anything to do with Tarantino. In contradiction of this, Pegler reported that on February 4, 1946, Frank Sinatra's name was signed first under the signature of a "Citizens Committee" to a wire to Fred Howser, Prosecuting Attorney of Los Angeles County, demanding police protection for Tarantino and his wife and children who had been "threatened and hara.s.sed by political gangsters." Pegler also reported that Sinatra had called the meeting of this "Citizens Committee."

Pegler further reports that Evans had specifically said Sinatra did not finance Tarantino's paper.

"Washington Times Herald"


James Tarantino, Editor and Publisher of the magazine, "Hollywood Nite Life," a scandal sheet published in Hollywood, California, was interviewed at his request by the San Francisco Office on May 18, 1949. He claimed at that time to have learned of an alleged plot by William Clinton Wren, Managing Editor of the San Francisco "Examiner" to "blast him" on a trumped up extortion charge, and said he wanted the Bureau to have all the facts in case the complaint was made against him.

Tarantino advised that the magazine, "Hollywood Nite Life," was incorporated in California in 1945 by Barney Ross, former welterweight champion, Henry Sanicola and himself. He reported that Sanicola is a very good friend of Frank Sinatra and that Sinatra had helped finance the deal with $15,000. This group operated the magazine for approximately six months, after which time Tarantino said he acquired full ownership.

San Francisco Crime Survey Report On November 10, 1949, Inspector Frank J. Ahern, San Francisco Police Department, advised the Los Angeles Office that he believed that Tarantino's publication was sponsored by Frank Costello's criminal syndicate and that Tarantino had been invaluable in infiltrating political machines in order to allow Costello's mobsters to operate with the co-operation of such politicians and officials.

Tarantino specializes in sensationalism and during 1949 featured a so-called "expose" of the narcotics traffic in Hollywood which allegedly involved Judy Garland, Actress, and Actor Robert Mitchum. He is reported to take orders from Michael "Mickey" Cohen, Los Angeles' leading hoodlum, and was friendly with the late Bugsy Siegel.

Memorandum from A. Rosen to Mr. Ladd, Re:dated June 1, 1949.Los Angeles letter, November 21, 1949, Re: "Hollywood Nite Life."


[image][image]directed a letter to the Attorney General under date of June 10, 1947, wherein he stated that he had quite a bit of information concerning vice rackets, narcotics and jewel thieves which he thought might be of interest to the Department of Justice. This letter was referred to the Bureau on June 20, 1947, and[image] was subsequently interviewed by Bureau Agents at the was subsequently interviewed by Bureau Agents at the[image][image] After being a.s.sured that his information would be kept in strict confidence, he related among other things that Frank Sinatra handled dope on the West Coast for Bugsy Siegel, Allen Smiley and George Raft. After being a.s.sured that his information would be kept in strict confidence, he related among other things that Frank Sinatra handled dope on the West Coast for Bugsy Siegel, Allen Smiley and George Raft.[image] alleged that Sinatra maintained his headquarters in one of the bigger hotels in Hollywood, either the Roosevelt or Hollywood Hotels, and further reported that he had heard that the bell hop at this hotel was in on the deal. alleged that Sinatra maintained his headquarters in one of the bigger hotels in Hollywood, either the Roosevelt or Hollywood Hotels, and further reported that he had heard that the bell hop at this hotel was in on the deal.

Atlanta letter August 20, 1947.

Re: " "[image] with with alias; Information Concerning"


It was reported in April, 1946, that Frank Sinatra was sponsoring one of the groups who were then planning on promoting boxing shows in Los Angeles. Sinatra, together with a Henry Sanicola and Larry Rummans, incorporated and sold stock to raise money to build a "Little Madison Square Garden" arena in Los Angeles, California. Sinatra was further reported to be then completing plans to organize a stable of boxers to be managed by Henry Sanicola. Sanicola was identified as a lifelong a.s.sociate of Frank Sinatra who has managed his business interests over a great many years. Sinatra was also reported to be interested in a new hotel and gambling establishment then being built at Las Vegas, Nevada. It was reported that this enterprise was being financed by Sinatra and an attorney named Albert Pearlsen.

General Crime Survey, 4-15-46,.

Los Angeles Office.

With regard to Sinatra's reported interest in a hotel and gambling establishment at Las Vegas, it was reported that on August 13, 1946, "Bugsy" Siegel met with two other men, Bones Remmer and an attorney named Austin White, at which time Siegel complained that 16 weeks of work and two million dollars had been put into the hotel at Las Vegas which was then 75 percent completed, but now a stop order had been issued. He further complained that Sinatra had put an O.K. on a $1,500,000 building in the South. It developed from their conversation that, according to Siegel, the approval for the hotel building at Las Vegas had been given and the stop order issued by a man named Bender, who was head of the Civilian Production Administration in San Francisco.

Bones Remmer has been identified by the San Francisco Office as Elmer M. Bones Remmer who resides in Orinda, California, and is a well known local gambling boss who owns interests in several gambling establishments in the vicinity of California and Nevada.

The reference to the hotel under construction at Las Vegas, Nevada, may possibly have reference to the Flamingo Hotel in which Siegel had an interest.

Technical surveillance on Bugsy Siegel, San Francisco teletype, dated 8/13/46,.

Re: "Benjamin 'Bugsy'


Bugsy Siegel, a prominent hoodlum operating on the west coast was reported to have gone to Los Angeles on December 18, 1946 to contact Lana Turner, Jimmy Durante, and Frank Sinatra for the purpose of having these individuals attend the opening of the Flamingo Hotel operated by Siegel.

A June 8, 1964, FBI summary on Sinatra gives the flavor of some of the raw, often unsubstantiated but nevertheless tantalizing tips and innuendos the bureau was collecting regarding the singer's mob affiliations. The summary also includes a reference to the columnist Lee Mortimer's 1951 report that Sinatra served as a money courier for Lucky Luciano, which the FBI files do not corroborate. (Some less-noteworthy entries have been deleted.) During the period Sept. 20 through Oct. 8, 1946, various informants furnished information regarding Joseph Fischetti. Included was information that Fischetti and Charlie Baron, a Ford automobile dealer, 2223 South Michigan, Chicago, sent two dozen shirts to Frank Sinatra in Hollywood. On 10/8/46, Baron asked Charlie Fischetti to have his brother, Joe Fischetti, contact Frank Sinatra and have him expedite room reservations in connection with a football game to be played around 11/7/46. Baron probably had reference to the Army and Navy game to be played in NY on 11/9/46. The Fischetti brothers were key figures in the Chicago crime syndicate.

(Delicate confidential source) On 10/15/46 the Newark Office advised that Al Silvani, Frank Sinatra's bodyguard, flew to NJ and took charge of Tami Mauriello's training before his fight with Joe Louis. (no date) On 6/6/50 the Miami Office advised that a reliable informant (not identified) advised that Joe Fischetti, prominent underworld figure, had been in Miami Beach during the 1946-47 winter season accompanied by Frank Sinatra. They stayed for a period at the Grand Hotel and had taken a trip to Havana, Cuba. The informant stated it was rumored among the underworld that Fischetti owned a percentage of Sinatra's contract (not described).

On 1/10/47 the Los Angeles Office advised that Mickey Cohen was attempting to open a gambling joint in Los Angeles and had imported five hoodlums from Cleveland, Ohio. He had been in contact with Frank Sinatra on some sort of a deal and had introduced Sinatra to the Frank Minnitis, who were staying at the Amba.s.sador Hotel. The Cleveland Office had advised that Minniti was Vice-President of the Standard Excavating Company of Cleveland, and a close friend of Frank Milano, reputed syndicate head in Cleveland.

On 7/31/47 Los Angeles Confidential Informant[image] advised that Joe Lynch, a crooked fight promoter tied in with the corrupt State Athletic Commission, was a good friend of Mickey Cohen of the Mafia. Informant stated that Cohen double-crossed Lynch at a Madison Square Garden fight in NY where Lynch had arranged for Frank Sinatra and other celebrities to be present. advised that Joe Lynch, a crooked fight promoter tied in with the corrupt State Athletic Commission, was a good friend of Mickey Cohen of the Mafia. Informant stated that Cohen double-crossed Lynch at a Madison Square Garden fight in NY where Lynch had arranged for Frank Sinatra and other celebrities to be present.

In the latter part of 1950,[image] Philadelphia (protect ident.i.ty), advised in connection with Robink that he had heard a rumor that an American had delivered $1,000,000 in cash to Lucky Luciano in Italy, presumably to effect the re-entrance of Luciano into the US. It was mentioned that Frank Sinatra had recently travelled abroad. Philadelphia (protect ident.i.ty), advised in connection with Robink that he had heard a rumor that an American had delivered $1,000,000 in cash to Lucky Luciano in Italy, presumably to effect the re-entrance of Luciano into the US. It was mentioned that Frank Sinatra had recently travelled abroad.[image] appeared surprised and immediately asked if the FBI knew anything definite that Sinatra was the underworld contact. appeared surprised and immediately asked if the FBI knew anything definite that Sinatra was the underworld contact.

He claimed that Sinatra was the person named in the above described rumor. It was noted that the name of Sinatra was not volunteered by[image] and the information might have been conjecture on his part. The story was highly unlikely because of probably legal restrictions regarding the removal of large amounts of cash from the US. and the information might have been conjecture on his part. The story was highly unlikely because of probably legal restrictions regarding the removal of large amounts of cash from the US.

On 4/15/54 the NY Office furnished a summary memorandum concerning Joseph A. Doto, commonly known as Joe Adonis, which listed numerous hoodlums with whom he had been a.s.sociated. The list included Frank Sinatra.

On 1/10/55 the Chicago Office furnished a copy of "The Juke Box Racket" written by Virgil W. Peterson, Operating Director, Chicago Crime Commission, Sept., 1954. The report, marked confidential, made reference to the close relationship existing between the underworld and many stars in the entertainment field, for example, Frank Sinatra's close a.s.sociation with notorious gangsters. Sinatra owned an interest in the gambling casino called The Sands in Las Vegas, Nev. His business a.s.sociates included Malcolm Clarke, once a partner of the notorious Capone gangster, Charles Gioe, in a Chicago Loop gambling pay-off establishment. A New Jersey investigator had informed the Chicago Crime Commission that Sinatra had Willie Moretti as his mentor and manager.

On 3/29/51 the NY Office advised in connection with the Kefauver Committee to Investigate Organized Crime In Interstate Commerce that Frank Sinatra had been interviewed at NYC and had denied any knowledge of the whereabouts of missing witnesses, Charles and Rocco Fischetti. He stated his last contact with them was in Miami a year ago. Approximately six weeks before he had seen Joe Fischetti, their brother, in NYC but did not know his address there. Sinatra denied that the Fischettis had any financial interest in any of his enterprises.

This reference sets out lengthy information regarding Frank Sinatra, who with Joe DiMaggio and several other individuals, on 11/5/54 attempted to raid an apartment in Hollywood which was occupied by Sheila Stewart, a friend of Marilyn Monroe who was about to obtain a divorce from DiMaggio. It was reported that DiMaggio was attempting to find derogatory information against Marilyn Monroe. The California State Senate Committee and the Los Angeles Grand Jury conducted an investigation regarding the matter.

Records of the Sheriff's Office, Clark County, Las Vegas, Nev., revealed that on 8/28/58 Eugene Warner was observed in a friendly conversation with Frank Sinatra and former baseball player, Joe DiMaggio, at the Sands Hotel. The nature of the conversation and extent of friendship were unknown.

It was noted that Warner was suspected of[image] at the Sands Hotel and Gambling Casino, Las Vegas. Sinatra was part owner at the Sands and appeared there annually as an entertainer. at the Sands Hotel and Gambling Casino, Las Vegas. Sinatra was part owner at the Sands and appeared there annually as an entertainer.

[image]made available a ma.n.u.script regarding members of the "Mafia" which was prepared in 1951 by someone in the employ of the Federal Narcotics Bureau. The ma.n.u.script had been loaned to a person in Los Angeles and the source desired that the doc.u.ment be treated as confidential. Background information was set out concerning Frank Sinatra as follows: He was a front for the "Big Mob," and the contact with Jorge Pasqual who represented the "Big Mob" in Mexico. Sinatra was "discovered" by Willie Moretti after pressure from Frank Costello and Lucky Luciano.

The Fischetti boys in Chicago owned a part of Sinatra. On one occasion Sinatra delivered $2,000,000 to Luciano in Cuba. The Mob reportedly forced Tommy Dorsey to release Sinatra from a contract. The owners of Sinatra were to hold a meeting in Las Vegas on 8/19/51 which would follow a meeting of the grand council of the Big Mob which was to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, 8/15-17/51. The meeting was said to be the most important meeting in modern times. "(See Mortimer story; Sinatra Confidential)"

On 1/24/56[image] of the NY Office, advised that singer Frank Sinatra was originally backed by top hoodlum, Joe Adonis. of the NY Office, advised that singer Frank Sinatra was originally backed by top hoodlum, Joe Adonis.

This reference is a NY summary memorandum dated 3/15/56 regarding Anthony Strollo, who with other hoodlums was involved during the raid on the Gold Key Club, NYC, on 2/10/56.

Frank Sinatra visited the Gold Key Club regularly when in NYC. He appeared to prefer the company of these hoodlums, and their admiration for him appeared to be mutual. During the winter of 1955, Vincent Mauro, a henchman of Strollo, gave an elaborate party for Sinatra at the Club on the occasion of his departure for a personal appearance tour of Australia.

This tour followed an appearance by Sinatra at the Ciro Club at Miami where the group thought his presence might be required to pull that establishment out of a hole. It was alleged that Sinatra appeared at the Club as a favor to Mauro for a salary far below the payment he usually received for night club appearances.

Miami letter, 3/21/58, stated that[image][image] advised that Frank Sinatra who appeared at the Fontainebleau Hotel, came to Miami through the friendship and persuasion of Joseph Fischetti. Sinatra and Lauren Bacall planned to stay at Fischetti's home in North Bay Village but due to last minute changes they stayed at the Fontainebleau. advised that Frank Sinatra who appeared at the Fontainebleau Hotel, came to Miami through the friendship and persuasion of Joseph Fischetti. Sinatra and Lauren Bacall planned to stay at Fischetti's home in North Bay Village but due to last minute changes they stayed at the Fontainebleau.

[image][image]furnished confidential information that Frank Sinatra was among the group of Americans who were putting up ten million dollars for the construction of the Monte Carlo Hotel and gambling casino in the Barlovento development in Havana.

[image]former PCI, (protect ident.i.ty) advised that on 8/10/58 Frank Sinatra was met at Midway Airport, Chicago, by Joe Fischetti, a former Chicago hoodlum, then residing in Miami, and taken to the Amba.s.sador Hotel. After lunch, Sinatra, Fischetti and Dean Martin, a well-known entertainer who was also in Chicago, were taken by[image] of the Chicago PD to the River Forest residence of Anthony Accardo where they gave a "command performance." of the Chicago PD to the River Forest residence of Anthony Accardo where they gave a "command performance."

During the period[image] advised that racketeers continued to "muscle in" on the entertainment field. He stated that Frank Costello (not identified) took over Frank Sinatra when he was struggling to be recognized, promoted him financially, and was responsible for his present success. advised that racketeers continued to "muscle in" on the entertainment field. He stated that Frank Costello (not identified) took over Frank Sinatra when he was struggling to be recognized, promoted him financially, and was responsible for his present success.

On 4/4/60 a Bureau Agent advised that in the summer of 1959 there was a large gambling setup at Gurney's Inn, Montauk, NY, and that Frank Sinatra was among the customers.

[image]advised that Dominick Bruno, reported to have Mafia connections, had attempted unsuccessfully to get Frank Sinatra to appear at his Three Rivers Inn, Three Rivers, NY. Sinatra would only appear at a Las Vegas club (believed to be the Dunes), an Atlantic City club owned by an old friend who started him in the entertainment business, (not identified) and the Copacabana in NY, where he had obligations. Informant explained that these obligations dated from Sinatra's "emanc.i.p.ation" from Tommy Dorsey who once owned Sinatra to the extent that Sinatra only received 10% of his gross income. Sinatra got Frank Costello, nationally known racketeer, to obtain his release from Dorsey for $150,000. As a result Sinatra was obligated to the Sinatra syndicate and therefore worked at the Copacabana. Sinatra was reputed to be a possible runner for Lucky Luciano during his overseas visits and a couple of years ago they had been pictured together in newspapers in Cuba. Informant was of the opinion that if Dominick Bruno had any top syndicate or Mafia connections he would have been able to get Sinatra to appear at Three Rivers Inn.

[image][image](protect ident.i.ty) advised that David Gerson, deceased, formerly proprietor of the City Grill at 1432 Market St., Philadelphia, had owned 32 shares of stock identified by Inft. [informant] as "Cal-Neva." Herman Taylor, Philadelphia fight promoter, apparently "fronting for the mob" at Philadelphia, attempted to purchase the shares but because of his a.s.sociations, the Nevada Gambling Commission intervened. Paul D'Amato, operator of the 500 Club in Atlantic City, withdrew an offer to buy the shares because he learned that the Nevada Gambling Commission was having an investigation conducted on him. Inft. believed that because of these failures Frank Sinatra was approached. Sinatra bought 28 shares and Dean Martin purchased the remaining shares.

The above informant believed Sinatra was "closely aligned with the rackets" and as an example stated that when Sinatra played at the 500 Club in Atlantic City in 1960 he was a constant companion of Joseph Fischetti, alleged former lieutenant of Al Capone. Fischetti would allow no one to see Sinatra without his sanction. During that time Sinatra also a.s.sociated with Paul D'Amato and Felix John De Tullio.

On 1/6/60[image][image] (protect ident.i.ty) advised that Joe Valeno, a singer whose true name was Joe Poleno or Poliano, had allegedly made numerous recordings for an unnamed company in NYC next to or near Radio Corporation of America studios. The records had been suppressed because he would not voluntarily partic.i.p.ate in "drug traffic." One of Valeno's arrangements, "Garden of Eden," was allegedly taken by Frank Sinatra who recorded it as his own, and the record was now being sold. Sinatra allegedly paid Valeno $10,000 for this song plus a two percent "pressure fee," not further defined. (protect ident.i.ty) advised that Joe Valeno, a singer whose true name was Joe Poleno or Poliano, had allegedly made numerous recordings for an unnamed company in NYC next to or near Radio Corporation of America studios. The records had been suppressed because he would not voluntarily partic.i.p.ate in "drug traffic." One of Valeno's arrangements, "Garden of Eden," was allegedly taken by Frank Sinatra who recorded it as his own, and the record was now being sold. Sinatra allegedly paid Valeno $10,000 for this song plus a two percent "pressure fee," not further defined.

[image]Central Intelligence Squad, NYC PD [Police Department], advised that on the evening of March, 28, 1960, Generoso Salvatore Del Ducca was stricken with a heart attack at the Fontainebleau Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla. At the time he was stricken he was seated at a table in the company of Frank Sinatra. A [listening device] revealed that various prominent hoodlums attended his funeral in NYC on 4/4/60.

NOTE: It's not clear if the below entry relates to the same incident.

[image]at which time they discussed the current illness of[image] (not identified), who had suffered a recent attack which resulted in his being hospitalized. (not identified), who had suffered a recent attack which resulted in his being hospitalized.[image] that Frank Sinatra was responsible for causing that Frank Sinatra was responsible for causing[image] to drink more heavily than he ordinarily did and was having him run around with a lot of young broads, which had resulted in to drink more heavily than he ordinarily did and was having him run around with a lot of young broads, which had resulted in[image] sustaining this attack. Informant stated that though sustaining this attack. Informant stated that though[image] [has] always been a drunk, he hated to see Sinatra cause more trouble than he had already caused. [has] always been a drunk, he hated to see Sinatra cause more trouble than he had already caused.

On 9/15/61 the Miami Office advised that[image][image] (protect ident.i.ties) and (protect ident.i.ties) and[image] were carefully scrutinizing the ownership of Puccini's Restaurant, Miami, Florida. It had been reported to each of these sources that this restaurant was backed by Frank Sinatra. It was reported that arrangements were being made to make a test case to determine if a duplex apartment building adjoining the restaurant could be opened as a casino for illegal gambling. The Beverage Commission planned that the restaurant would be permitted to open and then action would be taken against the management. were carefully scrutinizing the ownership of Puccini's Restaurant, Miami, Florida. It had been reported to each of these sources that this restaurant was backed by Frank Sinatra. It was reported that arrangements were being made to make a test case to determine if a duplex apartment building adjoining the restaurant could be opened as a casino for illegal gambling. The Beverage Commission planned that the restaurant would be permitted to open and then action would be taken against the management.

[image]advised that he learned from[image][image] 500 Club at Atlantic City, NJ. 500 Club at Atlantic City, NJ.[image][image] but Joe Fischetti, a well known hoodlum, and Frank Sinatra had an interest in the Club. Sinatra also had an interest in a number of substantial c.r.a.p games operating in the Philadelphia area, and was presently entering into an enterprise in Las Vegas which involved the building of a $10,000,000 gambling casino. but Joe Fischetti, a well known hoodlum, and Frank Sinatra had an interest in the Club. Sinatra also had an interest in a number of substantial c.r.a.p games operating in the Philadelphia area, and was presently entering into an enterprise in Las Vegas which involved the building of a $10,000,000 gambling casino.[image] was confident that Fischetti and other underworld figures would have an interest in this undertaking. was confident that Fischetti and other underworld figures would have an interest in this undertaking.

[image]is aware of the fact that SINATRA enjoys surrounding himself with hoodlums and believes that SINATRA would give up his show business prominence to be a hoodlum himself if he had the courage to do so.

In 1959, an agent for the Internal Revenue Service questioned Sinatra under oath in Los Angeles during an investigation of possible mob skimming at clubs where Sinatra performed. In his testimony, Sinatra denied that the Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana was present at a string of nightly parties he threw that summer during an extended engagement at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City. But he did acknowledge recently becoming acquainted with the mobster. Sinatra's friendship with Giancana would grow in the coming years and figured prominently in the singer's life as he grew close to a rising young senator from Ma.s.sachusetts, John F. Kennedy.

Set out herein is the affidavit in question: "Q. Are you acquainted with a Mr. Sam Giancana?

A. I am.

Q. How long have you known the gentleman?

A. A couple of years. A little under a couple of years.

Q. Approximately when did you first meet Mr. Giancana?

A. March 11, I think, 1958.

Q. Where did this meeting take place?

A. In the Fontainebleau Hotel.

Q. Miami Beach, Florida?

A. Yes.

Q. Have you ever had any business dealings with Mr. Giancana?

A. None.

Q. Has this relationship been strictly social?

A. Yes.

Q. Has Mr. Giancana ever approached you in connection with any financial business proposition?

A. No.

Q. When was the last time you saw Mr. Giancana?

A. Sometime early in August.

Q. 1959?

A. At the Chicago Airport, 1959.

Q. Mr. Sinatra, in regard to the previous interview which we had with you on November 6, 1959, at your attorney's office, at that time you supplied information substantially as follows: That your relationship with Mr. Giancana was strictly friendly; that you had seen him approximately 6 to 10 times, several of these meetings having taken place at the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, where you were appearing at the time.

A. Yes.

Q. That you had considered Mr. Giancana more or less a fan of yours; that you possess no knowledge as to Mr. Giancana's business activities; that you have never been approached by Mr. Giancana with a financial proposition. Is that correct?

A. That is absolutely correct.

Q. Do you have any way of knowing at this time how Mr. Giancana would have come into possession of your unpublished home phone number, CR 4-2368, listed to you at 2666 Bowmont Drive, Beverly Hills, California? Can you give us information as to how he may have come- A. I gave it to him.

Q. Was there anything specific that you recall with reference to giving him this phone number?

A. Not at all. I give my phone number to many people.

Q. Would this likewise be true of your CRestview 5-4977, Oxford Publications, Inc., the unpublished number, TExas 0-8701, your unpublished phone at Metro Goldwyn Studios?

A. Yes.

Q. Was there any specific purpose that you had given these numbers to Mr. Giancana? A. None.

Q. Mr. Sinatra, information has come to our attention that during the period July 25, 1959 to August 2, 1959, you were staying at the Hotel Claridge, Atlantic City, New Jersey, and at that time you had rented numerous rooms at this hotel and had given a party which was attended by Mr. Giancana. Is that correct?

A. No.

Q. Were you staying at the Claridge at that time?

A. Yes.

Q. Has Mr. Giancana attended any parties given by you, Mr. Sinatra?