"Right." The rain falls onto the pavement and I focus on the earthy smell of the damp ground rather than Nate's scent, which reminds me of my face pressed against his chest the other night. I'm mortified about the drunk situation still; but buried inside is how I liked Nate holding me: protective and strong. I'm disgusted with myself at the thought. I don't need either from a man. No way. I look after myself.
But the memory of his protectiveness and the way my body can't forget being close to his won't leave, creeping into my thoughts when I'm least expecting it. Now, the awareness of Nate's presence leaves a fizzing sensation in my stomach.
I've never stood next to somebody before and felt them, even without touching. Not Ethan, not even my first boyfriend, Cole. With Nate, my heightened senses pick up on his breathing, the proximity of his fingers to mine, and of my face to his chest.
"Are you cold?" he asks.
"Cold? No."
"You're shivering."
"Oh. Um. A bit cold." I look up, straight into the eyes of a man my hormones are battling and failing against. When I see the same reflected back, my pulse quickens further.
"Your hands?" He takes one and holds my fingers between his, rubbing them.
Nate's touch launches a surge of insanity through my body as I look at his mouth and really, really want to know what his lip piercing will feel like against my lips.
Not good.
"Your hands are cute," he says and lifts one up. "Tiny." He holds his large palm against mine. "Soft."
"You're strange," I say in a low voice.
"You're beautiful."
Breath rushes out of my parted mouth as if he's. .h.i.t me in the chest. "What?"
"You're beautiful." He grins. "And remember I said you'd see through me if I talked bulls.h.i.t. What do you think? Am I?" He releases my hand and points at his face.
What do I think?
I think he's scrambling my ability to process words. Nate has to be teasing me, but there's a strange intensity in his green eyes.
"I don't know what to think," I say.
Nate reaches out, touches my cheek, and flicks a look at my mouth.
Nate Campbell is going to kiss me.
In public.
I need to tear my eyes from his or I'll be sucked into this moment, but I can't look away. I don't want to.
Nate moves his fingertips to my lips and traces them gently before tipping my chin upwards. Time slows as his mouth nears mine and the rain and cold are edged out by my one focus: Nate's lips.
"Nate, I "
In a sudden movement, he drops my chin and steps back, swearing under his breath. My heart thumping arousal continues but confusion joins.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"We should go. The rain's slowing." Nate looks at the sky, at the ground, at anywhere but me.
What the h.e.l.l?
"Right. Okay."
He side glances me, a troubled pull to his brow. "Sorry."
"Don't be. You don't want to be seen kissing me in public."
"Yeah. That."
When he strides ahead of me across the square, I hurry to catch up, unsure if he's trying to escape the rain or me.
We shiver in the cold and Anne grumbles at me about our place in the queue. I knew Ruby Riot were big but this is crazy. We've queued twenty minutes outside the Ruby Riot concert and the door still isn't in sight.
"You do realise if you'd asked Nate, he would've given you tickets or put you on the guest list," Anne says.
"I didn't tell him I was coming."
"Why the h.e.l.l not?" she asks, and shoves me in the arm. "Fool!"
"I haven't seen him for a week or so. He's busy with the band and doesn't come to the group at the moment."
Since the confusing almost kiss last week, there's been no word from Nate. Neither twin has been around. I guess they're busy with the alb.u.m. This stings after his persistence over taking him to lunch. For some reason I feel like I went on a date and was burned. Which is ridiculous; I'm annoyed I read too much into the situation.
Anne shuffles from foot to foot. "What's the deal with you two?"
"What do you mean?"
"I saw Nate coming out of your bedroom last weekend and he refused to leave until he saw you again."
"Did he?" Refused to leave? "He helped me home when I was drunk. Put me to bed."
"To bed? With a Campbell twin? Fleur!" Anne makes a mock gasp.
"No! He didn't climb into bed with me!"
"What a gentleman..."
"That's one word I wouldn't a.s.sociate with any member of Ruby Riot."
"Hmm. True." We step forward half a very short metre in the queue. "Nate's the worst apparently, surprised he didn't try harder."
"Mmm." I feign nonchalance, but I've heard whispers about his girl-a-night behaviour. This treatment of girls is at odds with how Nate talks to and behaves around me, unless this is one of his tricks and I'm his challenge. But a guy like Nate doesn't need a challenge; he has offers lined up.
And that was not a twinge of jealousy. No way.
The venue is an old theatre with half the seats ripped out for standing room. This is where the majority of people are crammed when we arrive. I look upwards, there's even a mezzanine level with groups hanging over the edge. Tracks from Ruby Riot's soon to be released alb.u.m blare from the speakers, drowning out conversation. I shuffle along the row of seats and sit on a velour chair. Jake disappears, returning a few minute later with three plastic gla.s.ses of beer between his hands.
As I drink mine, I take in the surroundings. A year since I last went to a concert and that was Taylor Swift at a stadium. At least here, I can see the stage, where a couple of guys dressed in denim and loose t-shirts check connections on the guitars leaning against the speakers. The Ruby Riot logo adorns Nate's drums, the winged heart always seemed an odd choice to me but is instantly recognisable these days.
Jake whispers something to Anne who shrugs and he slumps back, setting his feet on the seat in front.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I think he was expecting backstage pa.s.ses," she says into my ear.
"I said Nate doesn't know I'm here. Anyway, I heard you have to sleep with one of the guys to get one."
Anne sips her drink. "Would you?"
"Would I what?"
"Sleep with Nate."
It's a good thing I'm not drinking because she'd be covered in beer by now. "What?" I splutter.
"Nate. Told you before, I reckon he's interested in you."
"I very much doubt it." I indicate a couple of girls a few rows in front, dressed in short, tight clothes and rivalling each other for who has the biggest, brightest hair. "They're his type."
"I heard he goes for all kinds. Doesn't have a type."
"All the more reason to keep away from him then."
But I can't lose the way Nate looked at me the day in the rain. The aloof expression he favours swapped for a softness in the way he regarded me. From the weirdly charged encounter in the kitchen to the even stranger moment I swore he wanted to kiss me, I'm falling for him. Which is crazy, because Nate is not my type. At all.
Why do I need to repeat that to myself all the time? He's hot. Undeniably. Even with the metal shoved through every part of his body. Nipples. Gross. I cross my arms against my chest at the thought.
Once in the group, I sat and stared at Nate's tattoo sleeve as he frowned at his laptop screen. I stopped studying the ink and focused on the curve of his muscular forearms, and somehow switched to inspecting the toned body and broad shoulders. That was one of the moments his green eyes met mine. Nate knew I was checking him out; but instead of a c.o.c.ked eyebrow and c.o.c.kier comment, he smiled.
I'm disrupted in my thoughts by murmurs spreading through the crowd and rising to a cheer. Jake stands and drains his beer before dropping the empty plastic cup to the ground. "f.u.c.k, yeah!"
Anne watches as he thunders down the steps to the crowd below. "You coming?"
"To dance."
The cheer in the crowd rises, punctuated by screams as the band appears on stage. The lead singer, Ruby, doesn't register the audience, picks up her guitar, and as she slings the strap over her shoulder, walks across and says something to Jax. I watch Nate position himself behind the drums, intrigued to see him in his natural environment. The final band member, Will, stands right of Ruby, focusing on the strings of his guitar.
Without an introduction, Jax launches into the first song.
"Come on!" Anne grabs my hand and I hesitate. I don't dance at concerts, I prefer to sit and watch. I wouldn't know what to do and judging by the ma.s.s of bodies down there, I'll end up squashed and stomped on.
Before I have a chance to protest, Anne drags me away and I trip down the steps to the floor of the venue. Ten minutes of jostling later and I've had enough. We're close to the speakers too and my ears ring. Anne and Jake pushed closer to the front, so I'm not even with my friends anymore.
What's it like to be on stage? Of the four, Jax appears to enjoy himself the most, but he's the consummate performer, knowing how to work the crowd. Ruby's distant, her powerful voice fighting with the music. As the drummer, Nate's towards the back of the stage, obscured by the others. I can't see him clearly enough to make eye contact but an unexpected thrill runs through me as I watch the band. One of these guys, showered in adoration, has time and attention for me.
Will spots me. I lock gazes with him and his eyes remain fixed on mine. Perspiration shines on his face, the muscles in his tattooed arms flexing as he skilfully runs his fingers across the guitar strings, and matches Nate's beat. A shiver trips down my spine at his scrutiny and I kick myself. This reaction is because he looks like Nate, who I'm also denying my attraction to. Nate and Will look the same, and that's why I'm aroused by the man who p.i.s.sed me off and I never want to see again.
The girl in front of me bounces up and down to the track, purple hair flying around her head and interrupting my view of Will. I blow her hair from my face and when she steps on my toes too, I'm over this. Turning, I push my way back out of the crowd. I need water.
Half an hour later, I'm still on my own, next to a couple devouring each other. That's even weirder than me watching from a distance; why come here and not watch the band at all? I shift seats and attempt to focus on Nate. He's too far back and I can only see when the strobing lights shine on him.
Jax approaches the drums and they play to each other, Nate grinning back. Anne appears next to me with water of her own.
"That man is s.e.x on a stick!"
I laugh at her childish term. "I wouldn't let Jake hear you say that! Which one?"
"Um. Jax? Don't you think?"
"I see his attraction, I guess."
Anne shakes her head. "You're funny." She looks back to Jax and unscrews the lid of her bottle. "Shame he's taken."
"So are you."
She grins. "Are you sure you can't get us backstage. Please..."
"Nate knows you too from the night he stayed at ours. Go to the stage door and ask him."
Her excitement amuses me. "Yeah! I could, couldn't I?" She thrust the bottle into my hands. "See you after the encore!"