The Ruby Riot Series: Box Set - Part 54

Part 54

"Why do you do that?"


"Tease me about my love of studying."

"I wasn't! Why so defensive?"

"I do other things! I don't just study non-stop." He nods. Oh. He wants examples. "I like the theatre, reading, arts festivals and " Nate snorts. "What?"

"Cliche. Do you genuinely enjoy all that or are you cultivating an image?"

"Drinking, having s.e.x with any girl who moves, covering yourself in tattoos. Do you genuinely enjoy all that or are you cultivating an image?" I retort.

"I should be careful how I answer that question."

I stab at my meal. "You're happy with your life and have your ambitions; I have mine."

"Yeah? I bet you never had people telling you that you'd never achieve your dreams."

"How do you know that? And you're wrong. My family think my degree is a joke and that I'm being stupid trying to become an academic. They say it's a waste of time because there's no money in it."

He laughs. "Doubters. Who'd've thought becoming a rock star and a history professor had so much in common."

"I'll do this. And be good at it."

"I've no doubt you will. Brain the size of yours."

"And I'm positive with your talent you'll be the star you want to be."

Something different crosses Nate's face and he looks around the cafe, as if lost for a moment. "Yeah, I'm pretty d.a.m.n sure we will, but it kinda worries me."


"I like life uncomplicated and in my control; and I'm having to let that go. I already became caught up in the lifestyle on tour with Phoenix, but I dunno..."

"You can be in control, Nate. Not all famous people become victims of their fame."

"Yeah. True. As long as I can sit in pretentious cafes with a girl who's not part of that world, I reckon I'll do okay."

Does he mean me? The look is there again, the one which involuntarily s.n.a.t.c.hes my breath. "Stay honest. Stay true to yourself. That's all we can do in life."

Nate frowns and drags more salad from his roll. "That would help. Working on that one."

"You're an enigma, Nate."

He laughs softly to himself and doesn't look up again. Nate devours his meal in half the time I do and settles back in the chair, surveying the cafe. "It's quiet."

Many of the tables are occupied in the small room, groups talking in low voices or checking their phones. "There're a few people here."

"No, I mean quiet. No music." Nate watches a group and then to himself before taking his own phone from his pocket. Positioning it above my bowl, he takes a picture.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking a picture of lunch so I can upload it to Instagram." He fiddles with his phone. "With filters of course."

I can't help but smile at him as Nate plays around on his phone, mouth tipping at the corner. His long fingers swipe the screen and I study him more closely than I have before. Something odd happens, my stomach tightens as I gaze at his long lashes and the full lips I touched a couple of days ago. Something between us shifted when we stood in the kitchen. Am I falling for this guy?

Nate's brow knits and he puts the phone down. "Maybe not. Be right back."

He stands and heads to the back of the cafe and I poke around at my food, appet.i.te waning. Weird.

The cafe door opens again, and I'm glad I sat far enough back to avoid the blast of cool air that comes with people walking in and out. A guy unwraps a blue scarf from around his head and pauses in the doorway to pull out his wallet. Great. Ethan.

I focus on my food I definitely don't feel like eating anymore. He's alone and though I'm looking downwards, I'm aware of him pa.s.sing the table to reach the counter. He loves this place as much as I do, stupid, I should've realised he might come in after his lecture today.

I'm p.i.s.sed off. Not because this is the first time I've seen him since the pub the other night, but because I'm reacting this way. I shouldn't care. He's nothing.

But I do. This guy broke my heart and disrespected me, but n.o.body told that to the part of me attracted to him and I fight to replace this with anger. Ethan approaches the counter and I finally notice how he carefully cultivates his sensitive and vulnerable persona. The flick of his fringe, the rueful smile and charming words draw attention from the waitress, who can't take her eyes off him. Why am I blind to people who lie to me because I only want to see what I believe instead of the truth?

Ethan orders, his back to me, and I pray he's ordering 'to go'. "Don't notice me," I mutter under my breath.

"You want another drink?" asks Nate.

I look up at him, breaking away from the emotions swimming into my mind. "I'm okay."

"Mind if I grab another coffee?"

"I thought you'd want to leave as soon as you could."

"I'm thirsty." He strides to the counter. Next to Ethan.

The two guys side by side remind me of the evening at the Union where Nate half-ignored me, and I thought I meant something to Ethan.

Nate's as tall, but he's resting his arms on the wooden counter, elbows edging toward Ethan who's unaware of, or ignoring, Nate. Both men hold a confidence, and the waitress' smile is big for both of them. They're poles apart; but as I watch Nate, I'm struck by the warmth inside matching the anger I have toward the man next to him.

The waitress Ethan something and he turns, holding a takeaway cup, which he sips and catches sight of me. I pull on an impa.s.sive look as he crosses to my table.

"Hey, Fleur."


"Listen, about the other night..."

"I don't want to talk to you." I pick at the edge of my paper napkin and look away. He's trying the hurt, puppy dog eyes. Won't work.

"Can I sit down?"

"I don't think so."

"I can explain."

"Seriously, Ethan, I don't care." I fight against demanding answers, asking if she knew he was cheating too. But I don't.

He sits anyway, in the chair opposite. Nate's chair. "Can I make it up to you?"


Ethan turns on a rueful smile, accentuating his dimples. The smile and dimples on his lying, cheating face. "I f.u.c.ked up, Fleur, but I've thought about this and "

"Please leave me alone. I am not the kind of girl to fall for this c.r.a.p." When Ethan reaches over the table, I s.n.a.t.c.h my hand away. "I already fell for your bulls.h.i.t once. Not again."

A cup of coffee crashes onto the table between us as Nate appears. "Dude, she told you to leave her alone."

The tone of Nate's voice surprises Ethan as much as me, who looks between Nate and me. The dark expression on Nate's face challenges Ethan. What for, I have no idea.

"We're talking," Ethan says.

"We're having lunch. You're interrupting."

"You? And her?"

"Just lunch." Nate stiffens at my words. "But please go," I add.

"Can I call you?"

"Fleur said leave her alone, didn't she?" Nate fixes harsh eyes on Ethan, towering over where he sits. "Maybe you should p.i.s.s off."

Whoa. "Nate..."

The challenge continues as Ethan looks at Nate, fighting down a smile. "Really?"

"Yeah. You're upsetting Fleur. I picked up the pieces the other night and I don't want you upsetting her again."

Is Nate for real? Ethan shares my confusion. "Picked up what pieces?"


Ethan stands and picks up his cup. "You're weird."

"You're an a.r.s.ehole."

"Nate!" I repeat voice rising.

The quiet cafe is now deadly silent, and I'm set to crawl under the table. Can't I go anywhere in public with Nate without him embarra.s.sing me?

Ethan sidesteps Nate and walks away, throwing me a confused frown as he does. Nate sits and picks up his coffee.

"What the h.e.l.l was that?" I whisper.


"You. Ethan."

"Just setting him straight. You want him to leave you alone; I'm making sure he does."

"By making me look like I can't deal with the situation?"


"What then?"

"Dunno. I saw your face and you looked upset. Because of him. I thought I'd help you."

There's no point. He doesn't understand what he did wrong and I don't want to argue with him. The tables around have resumed their conversations, the encounter forgotten. Or is it? What if rumours start?

"Very chivalrous, Nate, but I'm a twenty-first century woman."

"Suit yourself." Is he pouting? Nate pushes the cup to one side. "Nearly done with your kin-whatever?"

I refuse to admit I agree with him on my lunch's tastelessness. "I'm full."

"Uh huh."

My chair sc.r.a.pes as I stand and grab my coat. The moment we step outside, Nate takes a huge breath as if he's walked out of a nightmare. "Thank f.u.c.k for that. Weird place."

"Don't be so dramatic!"

"Next time, I'll take you somewhere with decent food." He sweeps a hand in my direction. "You'd be too skinny if you lost weight. I like a girl with curves."

I have no idea how to respond to that, instead I walk away.

We head back to campus and rain breaks from the dark clouds that gathered in the grey sky while we were in the cafe.

"c.r.a.p." I'm wearing a jacket with no hood, leaving me unprepared for the changeable autumn weather.

We duck into a doorway as the rainfall speeds up and I shake water from my arms. My hair flattens against my head and I wipe raindrops from my face. "Ugh."

"Want to borrow this?" asks Nate, moving to shrug his leather jacket off.

"It doesn't have a hood."

"Good point." He runs a hand through his damp hair and peers into the sky. "Maybe there'll be a break in the weather soon. We can make a run for it then?"

The situation is bizarre. Completely weird. Sheltering in a boarded up shop doorway with one of music's rising stars and he's checking out the weather. We're close, the doorway narrow, and I'm more aware than I should be of how close. I side glance him. "Nate, why did you want me to spend time with you?"

"You owed me."