A girl with long blonde hair faces away from me. Fleur. I know this is her before she even turns around because I spent weeks looking at the back of Fleur in lectures. Even though she's tall, she curves in the right places unlike some skinny chicks who are straight up and down with nothing to hold onto.
s.h.i.t, don't think about holding onto her.
And what the f.u.c.k is she doing backstage?
I dart a look around the hallway. Nate. Where is he? I wipe a sleeve across my damp face. s.h.i.t. f.u.c.k. I haven't seen her since our almost kiss and have no idea what to say. 'Yeah, so, Fleur, the only reason I didn't kiss you is because you called me Nate and I'm not him, I'm Will.' Each day that pa.s.ses, not telling Fleur the truth digs me deeper into a black hole. We're growing closer, the held looks and excuses to touch intensifying. Her desire to kiss me matched mine. Without a doubt.
I've missed her when away with the band this last week. Has she missed me?
Jesus, I need to tell her and soon.
I've rehea.r.s.ed the words for weeks and prepared myself to talk to her on Monday. Looks like I may need to do this sooner than I thought; I never expected her to come to one of our gigs.
I stride back towards the Green Room. The s.p.a.ce is empty of everything apart from empty bottles and half-eaten fast food packets. Nate will be in the middle of the biggest group of girls, guaranteed. Heart in mouth, I stomp back along the concrete floored hallway scanning the crowd to find him.
Jax calls my name at the precise moment I pa.s.s Fleur. I freeze. The chick she's with pokes her and Fleur glances over her shoulder. Our eyes meet and I offer Fleur a smile. Her beautiful mouth purses, but confusion crosses her eyes. Does she know? Can she sense who I am?
Fleur winces as the girl she's standing with elbows Fleur and whispers in her ear. I hear Fleur mumble to her friend that I'm Will, not Nate, so she can't ask.
"Ask what?" I say.
"Anne wants to meet Jax," she says, looking past me.
"Oh. Cool. Sure, I can introduce you."
No need. Jax strides over and I swear the girl next to me squeaks. Fleur laughs at me as I roll my eyes.
"Jax, this is Anne."
"Hey, Anne," says Jax with one of his signature smiles that somehow is s.e.xier than mine ever could be.
As Anne enthuses like a tween, I look around in my desperate search for Nate. Walking away would be rude; Fleur already thinks the worst of me. Not that she's interested in conversation because she's staring over my shoulder.
Fleur's face does this odd thing. First, her eyes widen and she flushes pink, and then in a split second, her eyes narrow and she blinks rapidly a few times.
Chicks are weird.
I look around and follow her line of vision.
Nate and girl. Girls? He rests against the wall, legs stretched in front of him and crossed at the ankles. Two girls vie for his attention and he has his hand around the waist of one, whispering something into the ear of the other.
And with that, my night crumbles into insanity. I cross the hallway and grab Nate's arm, then drag him to one side.
"What the f.u.c.k? I'm busy!"
"She's here."
Nate laughs and pushes my shoulder. "Not my problem, man."
"This could f.u.c.k everything up. Don't talk to her. Go somewhere else."
"I'm intending to." He raises his bottle to the attractive girl he was with and she waves.
"And that! She can't see you with somebody else!"
Nate tips his head. "That night when you hit on Fleur at the party, was that true, then? You want to screw her?"
"No. Yes. No! I want... I don't know." I drag a hand through my hair.
Nate straightens. "Whoa. This isn't just about study, is it? It's her! You want to date her? Be her boyfriend?" The disdain in his tone, the way he says date and boyfriend, riles me.
"Shut the h.e.l.l up!"
Slowly, Nate drinks from his bottle, still looking across the hallway. At Fleur? I can't turn around or she'll know we're talking about her.
"How exactly are you going to manage that?" he asks. "No way will you get into her bed once she finds out."
"I don't know! I've f.u.c.ked up. Now she thinks I'm you and she still hates me. You. s.h.i.t!"
"Nope, I think Fleur likes you, dude. Judging by how p.i.s.sed off she looks that you're I'm hooking up with another chick."
I shift from foot to foot. How the h.e.l.l did I get into this mess? Because I act first, think later. I need to stop doing that.
"Don't talk to Fleur!" I hiss.
"Won't she think you're rude if I don't? Think I'm rude." He frowns. "f.u.c.k, this is confusing."
"No. Simple. She thinks I'm you. Apart from now, she thinks I'm me and you're you. And you're with a girl. Which means she thinks I'm with "
Nate holds his hand up palm out. "Whoa. I'm too drunk for this s.h.i.t. You make no sense."
"Okay. Simple plan. Go away."
Nate's mouth curls in amus.e.m.e.nt. "You've got it bad for this chick."
"Kinda. Don't screw this up."
"You, little brother, are doing a mighty fine job of that yourself. When she finds out what you've been doing, pretending you're me, she'll lose her s.h.i.t. You've no chance."
Nate straightens and steps away from the wall. "Hang on. Have you screwed her already?"
"So you're playing it cool, yeah? She doesn't know you want to get into her uptight panties?"
By now, my heart rate is heading into panic mode. Not only do I like her, but I also respect Fleur and don't want to hurt her. I still have a chance to fix this mess. If I can survive tonight.
"Just. Don't. Talk. To. Her."
"Fine! Whatever." He leans forward, nose almost touching mine. "Just. Tell. Her. The. Truth."
"I will."
Nate smirks. "And can you film what happens when you do?" He saunters back to his evening date.
I watch the twins and make a mental note. Will: Foo Fighters t-shirt. Nate: Nirvana t-shirt. Nate with girl.
Why did my stomach plunge into the jealous depths when I saw him? Is my ego that big I long for a rock star to l.u.s.t after me while I hold him at arms' length? Because I swear, that's what's been happening, up until the other day.
No, fooling myself is what's been happening. Here he is, rock star Nate, not sweet-talking his way into nerdy girls helping him out. And what about Will? He didn't apologise for what happened last time we met either; in fact, he's said two words to me.
The Campbell brothers in all their arrogant glory.
Jax excuses himself and heads to a different group. Well, one of the band is polite. I swear Anne's going to combust any second and Jake's not far behind. When he makes a snide comment that runs into an argument about her trying to get into Jax Lewis's pants, I zone out.
I need a drink.
Three beers later, plus the one I had earlier, and the evening is more bearable. I pull out my phone and check the time, heading for 1 a.m. Good thing it's a Friday night. The backstage visit turns into a minor party with whispers about going back to the band's house. Jake informs Anne that if she goes, he's going home. The argument starts again.
Jesus, if their relationship is threatened by a man she has no chance of dating, I can't see this lasting.
I agree with Jake though; I have no desire to spend time with these people and wander to a quiet corner so I can call a cab. Screw the cost; I'm too tired to navigate public transport. When I turn to go back, a Campbell twin is blocking my way. Nirvana t-shirt. Nate.
"Hey," he says with a drunken grin. "Um. Fleur."
"Did you just forget my name?"
"No. Fleur." He says the name so it flows off his tongue. "Did you like the band?"
"More than I expected to."
Nate rubs a hand down his face and takes a lingering look along the length of my body before staring at my mouth. His eyes glint as he turns a different kind of smile to me. My heart kicks up a gear.
"Do you want to know a secret?" he whispers.
I wrinkle my nose at the beer on his breath. "A secret?"
"Yeah." He chews his lip and studies my face again. "I want to f.u.c.k you."
His crude words sting, pulling away the respect I grew for the guy. "Really?"
"When we're together. In the study group." He giggles and repeats study group under his breath. "I want to bend you over the table and f.u.c.k you. Hard." Nate edges closer. "And I think you want me too."
I push him in the chest before he moves too close. "That's disgusting! And I have never, ever thought of you in that way."
Especially not now. I had a b.l.o.o.d.y lucky escape the other night when he invited himself into my bedroom.
"Liar. I'll ditch the other chick for you tonight if you want to give me a go. You won't be disappointed. Guaranteed." I make to walk away. "Don't go, Fleur!" He grabs my sleeve.
"I thought your brother was bad, but you're a piece of c.r.a.p! How dare you speak to me like this after everything I've done for you!" I snap.
"Just trying to return the favour, don't get your panties in a twist!"
Nate sweeps his hand down his body. "You want a piece of me, I'll give you some. I've seen how you look at me."
"No, I haven't! When?"
"In the study group." Again the amus.e.m.e.nt at the words study group.
A nearby group whisper and my hot anger is joined by embarra.s.sment. Will emerges from behind them and when he sees Nate his face clouds and he storms over.
"What are you doing?" he asks his brother.
"Just chatting." Nate winks at me.
I cross my arms. "You going to join in? Offer me a threesome?"
Will's mouth falls open whereas Nate's s.h.i.t-eating grin grows. "I knew you were up for it!" he says.