The International Jewish Cook Book - Part 91

Part 91

Into one-half pint of water put one-quarter pound of melted fat; when boiling add one-quarter pound of meal, finely sifted; it will form a thick paste. Beat up four eggs, remove the mixture from the fire and stir in the eggs. Grease some cups and put a spoonful in each; bake in a quick oven. When done sprinkle with cinnamon and cover with clarified sugar.


Soak one pair of sweetbreads for two or three hours in sufficient warm water to cover them, then drain. Put them in a stew-pan, with boiling water to cover them, and then boil gently for seven or eight minutes.

They are then ready for dressing. Lay the sweetbreads in a stew-pan, pour two cups of veal stock over them, add salt and cayenne pepper to taste, and simmer gently for one hour. Lift them out on to a very hot dish, add juice of one-half lemon and one teaspoon of potato flour to the gravy, stir smoothly, and boil up, pour over the sweetbreads and serve at once.


Cut up two pounds of chuck steak; put it on to stew with salt, pepper and a little nutmeg and the juice of a lemon. Cook a few forcemeat b.a.l.l.s, made very small, and a few potatoes cut in small pieces. Make ready a crust as follows: Boil four or five large floury potatoes; when done, strain and mash with salt and pepper, a little chopped parsley and a little melted fat; mix it with two well-beaten eggs; then put a layer of it around the bottom and sides of a deep pie-dish; lay in the stew, cover with the balance of the potato; brush it over with the yolk of an egg and bake in a quick oven till brown.


Peel and cook seven or eight large potatoes, place in a bowl, add salt, four whole eggs, one and one-half tablespoons of melted chicken fat and a little more than a cup of matzoth meal. Knead in bowl to smooth consistency. Take a handful at a time, pat smooth and flat, in the centre put a tablespoon of prune jam, form into a dumpling, place dumplings in boiling salt water, kettle half covered and allow to cook twelve to fifteen minutes. Take out with strainer and serve hot. Have ready a cup of hot melted chicken fat and sugar and cinnamon. Serve over knoedel to taste.


Take some mashed potatoes, grated cheese, well-beaten eggs; make a good paste, take tablespoonfuls of this mixture and drop in boiling oil; fry until brown. Serve with a syrup made of sugar and water.


Mix one-half pound of plain mashed potatoes smoothly with a generous teaspoon of finely chopped parsley, pepper and salt to taste; beat one egg, add it to the potato, mix well and make it into little b.a.l.l.s the size of a cherry. Lay a tiny sprig of parsley on each, arrange the b.a.l.l.s on a greased tin and bake till a light brown.


Place some matzoth in cold water to soak. Take the matzoth out and dry them on a towel; grease a pan with olive oil and put in matzoth enough to cover bottom of pan. Take chopped meat, bind with an egg, season with salt, pepper, and chopped parsley. Cover this with the matzoth, add some olive oil, cover with mashed potatoes and one or two well-beaten eggs and bake until brown. If so desired the meat may be omitted. Grated cheese may be used, covered with mashed potatoes and eggs.


Take three cups of potato flour mixed with three eggs, add a little water and mix well. Heat a small frying-pan, grease with a little fat and pour into it enough batter to make thin pancakes. Chop prunes, add a little sugar and fill each cake with this mixture, fold into three-cornered pieces and fry. When done put in a pan, sprinkle with sugar and bake in oven. Do not let burn.


The same pancakes can be used with meat taken from soup; fry two small onions with a little fat and chop with the meat. Add two eggs, salt and pepper to taste.


To every egg add one-half tablespoon of matzoth meal and one tablespoon of sugar. Sift meal five times, mix with sugar, one-half tablespoon of ground ginger, one-half tablespoon of cinnamon, one-fourth tablespoon of cloves; mix with the well-beaten yolks and cut and fold in gently the stiffly-beaten whites.


To the yolks of eight eggs add one and a half cups of pulverized sugar; stir until the consistency of batter, add the grated rind of a lemon, two teaspoons of ground cinnamon and two squares of chocolate grated, one teaspoon of allspice; add the juice of an orange, and one-half wine-gla.s.s of wine, and three-quarters of a cup of matzoth meal finely sifted, and one-quarter pound almonds finely pounded. Last, fold in the stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs. Bake in a moderate oven for three-quarters of an hour; try with a straw.


Soak one matzoth; beat and add to the beaten yolks of two eggs, add one-fourth teaspoon of salt, one-fourth cup of chopped almonds, one-fourth cup of raisins, one-fourth cup of currants, and mix thoroughly. Fold in the stiffly-beaten whites of two eggs and bake in a greased baking-dish.


Four eggs (yolks), one cup of sugar, pinch of salt, three matzoth (soaked in water and squeezed out), one grated apple, one lemon rind and juice, one-fourth cup of almonds, and one-fourth cup of raisins. Put the stiffly-beaten whites of eggs in last; before putting into oven. Bake in an even oven about one-half to three-quarters of an hour. To be eaten warm.


Soak three matzoth, heat two tablespoons of fat in a spider, press all the water out of the matzoth with your hands and dry them in the spider of heated fat; add about one-quarter pound of matzoth meal; stir the matzoth and matzoth meal well with a large spoon; add by degrees the yolks of five eggs and two ounces of pounded almonds, and the grated peel of one-half lemon. Add also one large sour apple, grated, a pinch of salt, and last the stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs. Line a kugeltopf well with fat, and pour about a quarter pound of hot fat over the kugel. Bake immediately; serve with wine sauce.


Four soaked matzoth; nine eggs, one cup of sugar, two grated apples, one and one-half cups of seeded raisins, one tablespoon of cinnamon, grated rind of an orange or a lemon and a few pounded almonds. Beat the sugar, eggs, and cinnamon until light; then add all the ingredients, except the matzoth, mixing well. Now drain the matzoth, gradually adding them to the mixture, beating until very light. Melt half a pound of rendered fat into the dish for baking, and then pour in the mixture. Bake in a moderately hot oven for one and one-fourth hours. Serve hot with wine, fruit, or prune sauce.


Stir the yolks of eight eggs with a cup of sugar, add four tablespoons of blanched and pounded almonds, and grate in the peel of a lemon. Add also its juice. Have ready half a pound of grated potatoes which have been cooked the day previous. Last add the stiffly-beaten whites. Add one teaspoon of salt. Grease your pudding form well, pour in the mixture and bake. Set in a pan of boiling water in the oven. The water in the pan must not reach higher than half way up the pudding form. Time required, half an hour. When done turn out on a platter. Serve with a wine or chocolate sauce. You may bake this pudding in an iron pudding form without setting it in the boiling water.


One-half pound of chopped suet, one-half pound of moist sugar, one-half pound of raisins (stoned and chopped), one-half pound of currants, one-half pound of mixed peel, two matzoth soaked in cold water and then well drained and beaten, one-quarter pound of sifted meal, the rind of half a lemon, one teaspoon of ground cinnamon, eight eggs and a winegla.s.s of rum. Beat all these ingredients thoroughly together, and boil for eight hours in a pudding mold or basin. Serve with rum sauce.


One teacup of matzoth-meal, one pint of milk, two eggs, three ounces of brown sugar, two ounces of b.u.t.ter and the rind of a lemon. Mix the meal into a batter with the milk and eggs, add the sugar, b.u.t.ter (melted), grated rind of a lemon and a tablespoon of rum, if desired. Pour the mixture in a greased basin or mold, and boil for one hour or bake for one-half hour.


Take six eggs. Beat them until very light. Add a little fine meal, just enough to give it consistency; Drop this from the point of a spoon into boiling olive oil or fat. When light brown, take out, and drain. Serve cold with a syrup made of water, cinnamon and sugar.


One grated cocoanut, six eggs, grated rind and juice of two lemons, one cup of granulated sugar and the milk of the cocoanut; beat the yolks of the eggs with the sugar and the grated rind of lemon until light and creamy; add gradually the cocoanut and the beaten whites of the eggs, and lastly put in the milk of the cocoanut, to which has been added the juice of the lemons. Bake in a moderate oven for half an hour and serve quite cold.