The International Jewish Cook Book - Part 92

Part 92

Beat one and a half cups of powdered sugar and the yolks of eight eggs; take one and a half cups peeled and grated raw carrots and stir all together. Add one cup of grated almonds, the rind of half a lemon chopped finely, one tablespoon of wine, and last the beaten whites of the eggs. Bake in a well-b.u.t.tered and flour-sprinkled form at least one hour in a slow oven.


Take the whites of seven eggs with the yolks of ten, one-half pound of pulverized sweet almonds with one-half ounce of pounded bitter almonds, one-half pound of powdered sugar and one tablespoon of orange-flower water. Beat the eggs well with the orange water, then add the sugar and almonds gradually; beat all for one hour or until it bubbles; then grease deep pie-dishes with olive oil and pour in the mixture. They must be baked in a rather moderate oven. When the mixture is set and browned place over them a paper greased with olive oil to prevent them getting dark. Serve cold.

Powdered sugar should be sprinkled freely over the pudding before serving. If you wish to have them very rich boil one-half pound of sugar with one-half pint of water until it thickens; cool and pour over the pudding when you take it from the oven.


Take one pound blanched almonds pounded, eight eggs, cinnamon, and lemon rind. Beat the eggs for twenty minutes, then add one and one-half cups of sugar gently, and then the almonds; mix all together thoroughly. Bake in shallow pans and serve cold.


Roast one-quarter pound of sweet almonds, cut into strips lengthwise in a spider of heated sugar, not too brown. Beat one-half pound of sifted powdered sugar and the whites of five eggs to a very stiff froth. Mix all thoroughly and place teaspoonfuls of this mixture on waxed paper, and bake a light brown, in slow oven.


Pare eight apples and cut off the tops carefully, so as to be able to use them as covers to the apples. Now out the inside with a knife, being careful not to break the apple. Mix the sc.r.a.pings with sugar, raisins, cinnamon, pounded almonds and a little white wine. Fill this mixture into the hollow of the apple and clap on a cover for each apple; then grease a pudding dish, lay in the apples and stew them for a few minutes, but not long enough to break them. Make a sponge cake batter of eight eggs and two scant cups of sugar and a pinch of salt and add the grated peel of a lemon and beat until thick, at least half an hour. Fold in a cup of matzoth flour, sifted very fine. Pour this batter over the apples and bake in a moderate oven. Serve with wine sauce. Half this quant.i.ty is sufficient for a small family.


Take six good-sized apples, six yolks of eggs, one-half cup of sugar (or to taste), one-half pound of grated almonds, or one-half cup of matzoth-meal, one-half teaspoon of salt, one-half teaspoon of cinnamon.

Pare the apples and leave them whole. Then grate all the apple from the pulp. To this add the above, also about three tablespoons of chicken or goose grease. When all is well mixed, add the whites well beaten to a stiff froth. Mix very light. Bake in well-greased baking dish.


Soak three matzoth and squeeze the water out well; put them in a bowl with three good-sized apples cut in small thick pieces; add one-quarter pound of currants, one-quarter pound of raisins, a little cinnamon, some rind of lemon cut thin, one-quarter pound of brown sugar and two ounces of melted fat; mix all well together with six beaten eggs; pour in a greased dish and bake in a moderate oven. This pudding can be boiled if preferred. Serve with rum sauce.


Four egg; whites, well beaten; add one tablespoon of vinegar drop by drop, one cup of sugar, one tablespoon of vanilla; beat for twenty minutes. Line spring form with this batter on all sides. Reserve a little of the mixture and drop by drops on top of torte. Let bake forty-five minutes in moderate oven; when baked remove. Serve with sliced bananas, peaches and cream or strawberries.


Take eight eggs, one pound of granulated sugar, grated rind of a lemon, and six ounces of fine matzoth-meal. Beat the eggs, sugar and lemon rind together until very light, to about the thickness of a custard, then add the meal, stirring it in without much beating. Bake in a moderately quick oven one-half hour.


Take eight eggs, one and one-half cups of granulated sugar, one cup of mixed matzoth-meal and potato flour and flavoring to taste.

Beat the yolks of the eggs and the sugar together until very light. Then add the flavoring, matzoth-meal and potato flour and last of all the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Stir lightly and bake in a moderately quick oven.


Separate the whites and yolks of nine eggs. Beat the whites of seven eggs very stiff. To the well-beaten yolks of nine eggs and the whites of two, add one and three-quarter cups of sugar and juice and rind of one lemon. Beat thoroughly, add one scant cup of potato flour, and beat again. Now fold in the beaten whites very carefully, and bake slowly in a moderate oven. Bake forty to fifty minutes. Nice for invalids.


Beat until very light the yolks of four eggs and three-quarters of a cup sugar; add rind of one-half lemon, a pinch of salt, one-half cup of sifted matzoth meal, and last the stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs.

Bake in two shallow square pans in a moderate oven.

When cold lay a cake on a platter, spread thickly with strawberries that have been well sugared. Put the other cake on top. Spread over the top and sides with cream that has been sweetened, flavored and whipped very stiff.


Take any kind of old cake, cut up in slices, dip in wine or sprinkle some wine over all. Make a custard with one pint of milk and four eggs.

Put one tablespoon of potato flour with the yolks, sweeten to taste, boil the custard, flavor and pour over cake in pudding dish. Beat whites to a stiff froth, add sugar and spread over all. Put in oven to brown slightly. Eat cold.


Take one-quarter pound of goose-oil, stir it to a cream, and stir in gradually the yolks of ten eggs and three-quarters of a pound of sifted sugar, the grated peel of a lemon, also its juice and one-half teaspoon of salt. Add last one-half pound of potato flour and the stiffly-beaten whites of the eggs. Have the pudding form well greased before putting in the mixture. Bake in a moderate oven. Serve with raspberry sauce, made of jelly. Take a gla.s.s of red raspberries, press them through a hair sieve, add a winegla.s.s of red wine, add sugar to taste, and let it boil hard for about five minutes.


Cream together the yolks of nine eggs, and one-half pound of powdered sugar, weigh one pound of walnuts before sh.e.l.ling; when sh.e.l.led, grind; to the creamed yolks and sugar add two tablespoons of well sifted matzoth flour, a pinch of salt, and one teaspoon of vanilla, then mix in the ground walnuts. Fold in gently the nine beaten whites. Bake three-quarters of an hour.


Eight eggs, one and one-quarter cups of pulverized sugar, two tablespoons of ground cinnamon and cloves mixed, one cup of matzoth-meal; one-half pound seeded dates, cut fine, and the juice of half a lemon.

Beat the yolks of the eggs and sugar together until very light, add the matzoth meal, spices, dates and lemon, and finally put in the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff froth. Bake in a moderate oven three-quarters of an hour.


Beat the yolks of four eggs with one-half cup of sifted sugar, add one-quarter pound of grated sweet almonds, one-quarter pound of finely-grated vanilla chocolate, and one-quarter pound of raisins, one-half cup of matzoth meal sifted fine, juice of an orange, one-quarter cup of wine, and lastly the stiffly-beaten whites. Bake one hour in a slow oven, in a form lined with greased paper.


Sift together one-half cup of matzoth meal and one-fourth cup of potato flour. Add one-half cup of sugar, one-fourth cup of chopped almonds and two eggs. Rollout in potato flour mixed with sugar. Cut and bake on greased tins in a hot oven.