The International Jewish Cook Book - Part 90

Part 90

Beat one tablespoon of chicken schmalz till quite white; pour one cup of boiling water over one egg. Add it to the dripping; stir these together, then add the flour, seasoning, a little chopped parsley, ginger, pepper and salt, and enough matzoth meal to form into small b.a.l.l.s the size of a marble. Drop these into the boiling soup and cook about fifteen minutes.

Test one in boiling water and if it boils apart add more meal.


Soak four matzoth in cold water and press them after being thoroughly saturated. Add a little pepper, salt, sugar, parsley, and a half onion chopped fine, first browning the onion. Beat four eggs and add all together. Then pat in enough matzoth meal so that it may be rolled into b.a.l.l.s. The less meal used the lighter will be the b.a.l.l.s. They should boil for twenty minutes before serving.

Serve matzoth kleis in place of potatoes and garnish with minced onions browned in three tablespoons of fat. All matzoth meal and matzoth kleis are lighter if made a few hours before required and put in the ice-chest until ready to boil. When used as a vegetable make the b.a.l.l.s considerably larger than for soup.


Take six matzoth, three eggs, two cooking-spoons of chicken fat, parsley, onion, salt, pepper and ginger. Soak the matzoth in boiling water a minute, then drain every drop of water out of them. Press through sieve. Fry about three onions in the two tablespoons of chicken fat, and when a light brown, put the matzoth in the spider with the fat and onions to dry them. Add one teaspoon of salt, dash of pepper and ginger and one tablespoon of chopped parsley. Add the three yolks of eggs and beat all this together a few minutes; last, add the well-beaten whites. Form into b.a.l.l.s by rolling into a little matzoth meal. Drop in boiling salt water and boil fifteen minutes; drain and pour over them hot fat with an onion, cut fine and browned.


Prepare a matzoth dough as for the soup kleis. Make round flat cakes of it with your hands, and fill with cooked prunes (having previously removed the kernels). Put one of the flat cakes over one that is filled, press the edges firmly together and roll until perfectly round. Boil them in salt water--the water must boil hard before you put them in.

Heat some goose fat, cut up an onion in it and brown; pour this over the kleis and serve hot. The kleis may be filled with a cheese mixture. Use b.u.t.ter in that case.


Have washed and sc.r.a.ped clean the nape or head and shoulders of halibut, a shad, or any good firm fish; cut it up small and lay it in a stew-pan with one pint of water and three or four good sized onions, fried in oil a light brown; put them on top of the fish with a pinch of cayenne pepper, and a teaspoon of ground ginger, with two teaspoons of salt; let it all stew gently until it is done; if there should be too much gravy on it before adding the sauce, take some off. Prepare two eggs and six good sized lemons, squeezed and strained; then take some of the gravy from the fish while it is boiling, add it to the lemon, with the two eggs well beaten, and a tablespoon of potato flour; mix smoothly with some chopped parsley; when all is well mixed, add it to the fish, shake it gently for five minutes while it is boiling, taking care not to let it burn; when it is sufficiently cooked let it stand for an hour and serve it. Garnish with slices of lemon and parsley. To be eaten cold.


Take a sole or fillets of any delicate fish. Lay on a fireproof dish, sprinkle with white pepper, salt and a little shalot, cover with claret or white wine, and let it cook in the oven till done. Draw off the liquor in a saucepan and let it boil up. Have ready the yolks of three eggs, well stirred (not beaten), the juice of a lemon, and two ounces of b.u.t.ter. Put all together in a bowl. Little by little add the hot sauce, stirring all the time. Pour it over the fish, and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Serve very hot. A few mushrooms are a palatable addition to this dish.


To four mullets allow one dozen b.u.t.ton mushrooms, one tablespoon of finely chopped parsley, two shalots, the juice of a lemon, salt and pepper. Oil some pieces of foolscap paper, lay the fish on them and sprinkle over them the mushroom, parsley, shalot, lemon juice, pepper and salt. Fold them in the cases and cook on a well-greased baking-sheet in a moderate oven for about twenty or thirty minutes. Send to the table in cases very hot.


Sift one cup of matzoth meal in a bowl, stir into it one cup of boiling soup stock or wine. When mixed add one tablespoon of chopped almonds, one teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt and the yolks of four eggs well beaten; then add the stiffly-beaten whites of the four eggs and fry by tablespoonsfuls in boiling hot b.u.t.ter or goose grease. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve with wine sauce.


Soak about three matzoth. In the meantime seed a handful of raisins and pound as many almonds as you have raisins. Now press every drop of water out of the matzoth, put them in a bowl and stir them to a cream; add a pinch of salt, the peel of a lemon, yolks of four eggs and a cup of sugar, the raisins and almonds, and also a little cinnamon. Heat some oil in a spider; the more fat the lighter the chrimsel will be. Last add the stiffly-beaten whites to the dough. Then fry a light brown on both sides; use about a tablespoonful of batter for each chrimsel; serve with stewed prunes. Lay the chrimsel on a large platter and pour the prunes over all. Eat hot.


Two and one-half cups of meal, four eggs, two cups of sugar, one kitchen-spoon of goose fat, one of beef fat, four apples, and spices according to taste. One gla.s.s of wine also, if convenient. Put the meal in a bowl with salt, pepper, ground, clove, allspice, and cinnamon mixed into it; peel and grate the apples, melt the fat and mix, put in eggs and then stir in the sugar which has been boiled with water to a thin syrup and cooled off. Hollow out two pieces, put cranberries or any fruit between them; form into b.a.l.l.s the size of a medium apple, and bake them on a well-greased pie-plate for about one hour.


Break six matzoth in small pieces in a colander. Pour boiling water through them, drain quickly. They should be moist but not soggy. Beat three whole eggs well, fold the matzoth in lightly. Heat four tablespoons of goose fat or oil in a spider, add the egg mixture; and scramble carefully with spoon from the bottom of the pan and while scrambling add four tablespoons of sugar and cook gently until eggs are set. Serve at once. The sugar may be omitted if so desired.


Soak six matzoth in water until soft. Squeeze out the water and mix with four beaten eggs. Add one-half teaspoon of salt and fry.


Beat up as many eggs as are required; into these dip matzoth that have been soaked in milk. Fry quickly to a light brown on both sides, lay on a large platter, sprinkle with a mixture of sugar, cinnamon and grated peel of a lemon. The more eggs used the richer this will be. Fry in b.u.t.ter.


Beat six eggs very light, add one-half tablespoon of salt. Heat two tablespoons of goose fat or olive oil in a spider. Break four matzoth into large, equal pieces. Dip each piece in the egg mixture and fry a light brown on both sides. Serve hot, sprinkled with sugar, cinnamon and a little grated lemon rind.


As an appetizer nothing is better than a cake of unleavened bread rubbed with a raw onion, sprinkled lightly with salt and placed in the oven for a few minutes to dry. b.u.t.tered and eaten hot, it adds a relish to breakfast or tea.


Pour one-half cup of water on one-quarter cup of matzoth meal, add one teaspoon of salt and beat the yolks of four eggs very light, add to the meal mixture, let stand five minutes. Beat whites of eggs very stiffly, fold lightly into the yolk mixture. Drop mixture by spoonfuls in small cakes on hot greased spider. Turn when brown and brown on other side.

Serve with sugar, jelly or preserves.


Beat egg yolk separately. Add one teaspoon of matzoth meal and pinch of salt. Whip white to a snow, fold in the whites, and fry by tablespoonfuls in b.u.t.ter or fat and serve with prunes.


Soak one and a half matzoth and press dry; heat one tablespoon of fat and add the soaked matzoth. When dry add one-half cup of matzoth meal, two eggs, two tablespoons of sugar and one-eighth teaspoon of salt. Mix well and press into pie-plate with hands, as it is impossible to roll the dough. Have dough one-quarter inch thick.


Dip in boiling salted water for one minute, one matzoth for each person to be served. Put the soaked matzoth in a dish, pour over it a little olive oil and grated cheese and repeat this until you have made as many layers as you have persons to serve; cut in slices and serve. Use Hashkeval--Greek Cheese.