The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 567

Chapter 567

Li Xiaoran briefly explained Luo Cheng's life experience, and was very sad to hear Li Shun and Zhao Xiu.

"Before, I only considered my son-in-law to be the son-in-law of a big family, so I was removed from the clan. I didn't expect that my son-in-law was actually a prince. Hey, it was often said in the play texts that being a prince is very pitiful, Thinking about it now, it really is like this!" Zhao Xiu said very sentimentally.

"No, this emperor is a good emperor, but not a good father! Fortunately, he now knows that he was wrong, and it is still too late to repair the relationship between father and son!" Li Shun said.

Li Xiaoran just hummed casually and didn't say anything.

The father and son of the royal family are not the same as the father and son of the common people.

In addition to family affection, the royal father and son are also mixed with many other things, so the idea of his father is too naive.

But thinking about it, I was naive before!

She really thought that it would be better if the relationship between the emperor and Luo Cheng's father and son eased.

In fact, in the face of interests, when Luo Cheng should be abandoned, he is still the one who was abandoned.

Of course, it is impossible to say these words to my parents.

"By the way, I also brought a lot of good things to my grandpa and grandma. The medicinal materials in the capital are relatively comprehensive, so I bought a lot of medicinal materials, and let Xianggong make a good pill for the elderly Taking these pills every day can prevent a lot of geriatric diseases. Like the kind of old people who get blood clots on their feet, that is, there is a large area of congestion on their feet, and they walk in a wooden way, and they will get better after eating!" Li Xiaoran explained. .

Speaking of this, Zhao Xiu nodded and said: "This thing is good, this is what happened to grandma recently! Ask your grandma to see the doctor, grandma just doesn't go, and says Just take some medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis! The result has not improved until now!"

"Then I'll go see Grandma now! Send this medicine to her, just to let her take it once! I see those old people in the capital taking this pill, and they all say that the effect is very good, Eating it once has a very good effect!" Li Xiaoran said anxiously.

As soon as she said she was going to see her parents, Zhao Xiu suddenly remembered what happened before.

In order to prevent her daughter from being angered in the past, Zhao Xiu hesitated for a while, and finally decided to tell what happened some time ago.

After listening, Li Xiaoran did not show any anger, but nodded calmly.

"Mother, I know about this! Don't worry about me, I know how to deal with it! As for the second uncle's affairs, since they think mother is nosy, don't worry about it in the future! The second uncle was confused, and let the eldest cousin marry that Hu girl to enter the door. You will cry in the future! Your status is different now. You are the mother-in-law of the seventh prince. Who dares to take anger on you? What a burden, if you want to go back and see your grandpa and grandma in the future, just go and see, you don't have to look at anyone's face, but now, others want to see your face!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Xiu burst out laughing.

To be honest, Zhao Xiu thought that Li Xiaoran, like Xiaoqing, would complain that she should not care about these things.

Now that she sees her eldest daughter and doesn't say anything, Zhao Xiu calms down, and instead reviews herself.

"You girl, what kind of person do you think your mother is? You don't look at your face, your mother is really not that kind of person. Speaking of which, I really worry too much , I thought that they were all brothers and sisters, so I should go and help, it makes people feel annoying. Now I have figured out that each family has its own way of dealing with it, and mother really shouldn't interfere too much. Mother, , just honor your grandpa and grandma!"

"It's naturally the best if mother can think so. Don't you already know each other? So now just follow your daughter and I to grandpa and grandma's house! Let the daughter give you a long face!" Li Xiaoran smiled said.

Zhao Xiu nodded, untied the knot, and happily went to pack up and see her parents.

Li Shun watched from the side, secretly giving the eldest daughter Li Xiaoran a thumbs up.

"Daughter, it's still you who are amazing, and you can handle your mother so easily! You don't know, because of this matter, your mother has been unhappy these days!"

"It's not that I'm good, it's that some things are viewed from a different angle. This idea and mood are different!" Li Xiaoran said.

Soon, the family of three went to Zhao's house with things.

Zhao Huaishan and Xu Xiufang smiled when they saw their daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter carrying a lot of things.

"Grandpa, Grandma, I came back from the capital to see you!" Li Xiaoran saw the second old man shouting loudly from a distance.

The voice came out, and Zhao Long and Zhao Liang on the other side heard it.

Seeing this, the brothers walked over from their respective houses.

At this time, Li Xiaoran, Zhao Xiu and Li Shun had already arrived at the door of Zhao's house.

"Auntie, you are wrong! Although the capital is very big and prosperous, the air is dry and uncomfortable. After I went to the capital, I missed everything in my hometown!" Li Xiaoran smiled said.

"That is, it is better to go out than to be in your hometown!" Zhao Huaishan said.

Here, Zhao Long and Zhao Liang also came to say hello.

"Xiao Ran is back? Just come back safely!" Zhao Long asked with a smile.

"No, I lost a lot of weight after going out, so I need to make up for it when I come back!" Zhao Liang said with a smile.

"Uncle, uncle!" Li Xiaoran greeted with a smile.

Seeing that Li Xiaoran's attitude towards him has not changed, Zhao Long felt more at ease.

"Okay, don't stand outside here, go inside and talk!" Zhao Huaishan spoke.

So a group of people entered the house where the second old man lived.

Li Xiaoran and the others put the things on the table in the main hall, and then started talking.

"This time I went to the capital to bring something to honor my grandpa and grandma. Except for those fabrics and some rare gadgets, the most valuable are these pills!" Li Xiaoran said, while Take the pill out.

Zhao Huaishan originally wanted to refuse, but with Li Xiaoran's narration, those words of refusal could no longer be spoken.

Because the pills that Li Xiaoran brought back were really what they really needed.

"Mother, this is to treat the congestion on your feet. Xiaoran said that yours is called thrombosis, so you have to take this kind of pills. You should take a few pills as required. It will relieve your pain!" Zhao Xiu's own mother was in pain, and quickly took out the medicine Li Xiaoran said earlier.

"Hey, old man, look, we are enjoying the filial piety of our granddaughter, or our blessing!" Xu Xiufang said.