The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 566

Chapter 566

"Mother, I'm not reconciled, obviously Miss Hu didn't say that before! I don't believe the matchmaker's mouth, I have to ask myself!" Zhao Lijun clenched his fists at this moment, unwillingly said.

"Stop, if you still recognize me as a mother, stop for me!" Jin Xiaojing looked at her son and scolded angrily.

Zhao Lijun is still a bit conscientious, he did not leave directly, but stood not far away with pursed lips.

"Lijun, there is something your mother didn't tell you. Just last night, your third uncle came to tell your father something. People who have been to the Hu family, the reason why the other party will take a fancy to our family and are willing to marry, is the eldest son-in-law of your aunt's family Luo Cheng, the other party wants to cling to Luo Cheng, so he chooses to marry the Zhao family!" Jin Xiaojing didn't hide it any longer and told the truth directly.

"Before, I thought that as long as my daughter-in-law was married, it would be fine. As for what the Hu family plans, it has nothing to do with us. But who ever thought that we had a deadlock with your aunt, the other party He turned his head and said that he made a mistake, going to marry Zhao Yan! Son, such a girl cannot be married! She is too calculating, not one who can live with peace of mind!" Jin Xiaojing persuaded bitterly.

Although Jin Xiaojing is arrogant, she still cares about her son.

After such a thing, Jin Xiaojing actually regretted it.

If she could have listened to the persuasion of the eldest sister, not so anxious, and inquired about the Hu family and the character of the girl of the Hu family, perhaps today's humiliation would not have happened!

Zhao Lijun is really uncomfortable at this moment, his heart is like a knife.

The truth of the matter was so cruel that his heart was broken into scum.

At the same time, Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng's group had arrived at Jinyang Town.

Because they were anxious to go home to see their family, the group did not stop in the town, but went back to the village after purchasing a lot of ingredients.

Back to the familiar place, all the tiredness of boats and cars along the way disappeared.

Shu Ruyue and Wu Qinghe came back to Hele Village, and naturally they also lived in the room they lived in before.

Luo Ziyang's face was full of smiles at this moment, he followed Luo Cheng to the study and reported what happened during this time.

Zhuangzi's house is almost finished.

The disabled soldiers who were sent before have moved into new houses and adapted to life in Zhuangzi.

Three fish ponds in Zhuangzi were dug out and disinfected, blasted, and stored water according to Luo Cheng's requirements.

Now that the fish pond is full of water, you can directly put the fry for breeding.

The fish and grass have already been planted.

In addition, the barren hills were also reclaimed, and under the guidance of Li Shun, seasonal vegetables and fruits were planted.

Now near the official road, the faint has become a small market.

People from several nearby villages will come here to buy and sell things, not only that, it is said that someone on the official road bought a large piece of land with the purpose of building an inn.

"Is it true about the inn?" Luo Cheng asked after hearing this.

"It's true, but it's not clear who came to build the inn at present. During this time, a person named Duan Jiu has been working on it, and I haven't seen him yet. Do you have any dealings with the people behind you?" Luo Ziyang said.

"What about here at home? Is there any trouble with your parents?" Luo Cheng thought about it and asked again.

Speaking of this Luo Ziyang thought of hearing Zhao Xiu and Li Xiaoqing quarrel before.

"After I learned about this, I asked my brothers to check it out. The Hu family should be working in the yamen. I don't know where I learned that my brother has restored the prince. The identity of the Zhao family, so I wanted to follow the Zhao family. I learned that the second uncle of the Zhao family had some criticisms towards the mother, so I simply disclosed the news that the second uncle of the Zhao family had offended the mother to the Hu family!" Luo Ziyang did not hide it. Say what you've done.

"Oh? The people of the Hu family know, how did they do it?" Luo Cheng suddenly became interested.

"Speaking of which, the Hu family is also someone who can't stand on the stage. Knowing that the second uncle's family had offended the mother, the Hu family directly asked the matchmaker to come to the door to say that they had made the wrong person before, and their Hu family The girl is going to marry Zhao Yan from the third house of the Zhao family. Of course, the third aunt of the Zhao family was so angry that she took the bamboo broom and drove the matchmaker away!" Luo Ziyang said gloatingly.

"How about the second aunt of the Zhao family?" Luo Cheng asked.

"Naturally, I was stunned by what the matchmaker said, but it will be fine soon! It's Zhao Lijun, who has become very decadent after this incident. But he deserves it, his mind is not clear. People, can't afford big things. After seeing the Hu family girl, I was fascinated. Because my mother persuaded them to ask someone to find out and then pick up the relatives, I went directly to the shop to find sister Xiaoqing and said something. Ugly words, this is what caused Sister Xiaoqing to go home and quarrel with her mother!" Luo Ziyang looked down upon this Zhao Lijun.

When Luo Cheng heard this, he tapped the table with his fingers.

"Let your sister-in-law handle this matter! But when your sister-in-law needs you to do anything, just do your best to help! As for the Zhao family, don't interfere too much. Second aunt I have an opinion about my mother just because she thinks she has too much control!

With Luo Cheng, Luo Ziyang also knows what to do.

Li Xiaoran's side, after coming back and packing up, he packed some of the specialties he brought back from the capital and gave them to his parents.

Zhao Xiu had already heard the news of her daughter's return. The reason why she didn't come to Li Xiaoran immediately was that she wanted her to have a good rest.

In the end, Li Xiaoran came over with something, which surprised and delighted Zhao Xiu.

He asked a lot of things, and seeing the eldest daughter appearing completely in front of him, Zhao Xiu's hanging heart finally let go.

"Xiao Ran, I heard Ziyang say that the son-in-law has regained his identity and is the seventh prince?" Li Shun asked in surprise.

Li Xiaoran blinked at him when he saw his father asking.

"Dad, I'm still the seventh prince!"

This time, both Li Shun and Zhao Xiu opened their mouths wide!

"What's the matter?" Zhao Xiu only knew that her son-in-law was a person who was excommunicated.

Li Xiaoran didn't hide it either. After all, they would choose a fief soon, so naturally they couldn't hide it.