The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 568

Chapter 568

"So, old lady, you have to take good care of your body! I can't live without you! For me and for the children, you have to live for a few more years!" Zhao Huaishan said this.

Xu Xiufang smiled and nodded when she heard the words of her old man.

"You can rest assured! Just for such a good granddaughter, I have to live well!"

"Yes! Grandma is right, you have to live well! After all, your granddaughter, I am now the seventh prince concubine. If you don't enjoy it, it will be a big loss!" Li Xiaoran So joking.

As soon as these words came out, except for Li Shun and Zhao Xiu, whose expressions did not change, everyone else was shocked.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Xiufang asked anxiously.

Zhao Xiu glanced at her daughter, then said with a smile: "Father, mother, this is the case! It turns out that Luo Cheng is the seventh son of the current emperor. For some reasons, the seventh prince is incognito. Living in our village, this time back in the capital, the emperor has restored the identity of the seventh prince, so our family Xiaoran has become the seventh prince concubine!"

Xu Xiufang quickly took a breath when she heard this.

"My God! I used to be a person in the drama, but now I am with us! This grandson-in-law has become the seventh prince? My eldest granddaughter has become the seventh prince concubine? "

"That's it! So mother, you have to live well, your luck is still to come!" Zhao Xiu joked with a smile.

"Okay, just for this, I have to live a good life. Royal family! This is a glory that none of us can think of!" Xu Xiufang laughed at this moment. .

At this time, Zhao Long and Zhao Liang's hearts were as turbulent as waves.

Zhao Long has understood at this time, and the corners of his mouth are full of bitter smiles.

No wonder the Hu family from Bailu City wanted to come over to marry their family. It turned out that it was really aimed at Luo Cheng.

After all, the Seventh Prince has a noble status, and it is definitely a good thing to be attached to.

At the same time, Zhao Long also understood why the people in the Hu family changed their mouths and said that the nephew Zhao Yan was in the picture.

Whoever offends the eldest sister, the relationship with Luo Cheng is not much better!

On the other hand, the third brother is different. The relationship between the third brother and the eldest sister is good, and it is not affected at all.

Next, Li Xiaoran can see it when he divides things.

Zhao Long didn't know what he sent.

But from Zhao Long's actions from Li Xiaoran, it can be seen that she is dissatisfied with her family.

Jin Xiaojing was actually at home, but she was embarrassed to go to her in-laws when she heard that the eldest sister's family was here.

Third aunt Tan Wan was not at home, but went to the field to weed.

When she came back, she was surprised when she saw the extra things in the house.

"Master, where did you get so many good things?"

"I didn't get it, but Xiaoran came back from the capital! Daughter-in-law, let me tell you, you may never have imagined that Xiaoran is actually the seventh prince and her man is actually Seventh Prince!" Zhao Liang still feels a little dizzy, mainly because the impact of this incident on him was too great, and he still hasn't recovered.

Tan Wan was stunned when she heard this, and then she thought of something.

"I said the head of the family, has this girl Xiaoran said, can this be spread out?"

Zhao Liang laughed when he heard what his wife said.

"Xiao Ran said, although this matter has passed the clear road, many people know it. Those who don't know, will know about it in the future. After all, the seventh prince wants to fief It's set here, so we can't hide it. But, before that, we just need to know for ourselves, so don't talk about it outside! "

When Tan Wan heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's right! I really didn't expect that this girl, Xiaoran, has such good fortune! But speaking of it, our little girl is not bad, and can be worthy of the identity of the seventh prince!" Tan Wan said so.

"In your eyes, Xiaoran is naturally a good girl, but I'm afraid others won't think so. You will only think that Xiaoran is lucky!" Zhao Liang Thinking of something, he let out a sigh.

"Don't be afraid, that girl Xiaoran is a well-informed person and won't be afraid of these rumors. Besides, Xiaoran is already the seventh prince concubine, and those people are not afraid to provoke them by saying these words. Trouble?" Tan Wan said.

"Hey, it's okay to rely on the seventh prince, I'm afraid that the seventh prince will fail Xiaoran in the future, and then it will be uncomfortable!" Zhao Liang thought.

"What are you afraid of! The Seventh Prince is also a human being, and it's not a big deal. Those of us who are aunts and uncles, let's work hard and make our sons more competitive and become more and more Strong, he can always support Xiaoran and let the seventh prince know that our girls are not so easy to bully!"

Speaking of this, Tan Wan remembered something, and did not forget to remind her.

"Also, although Xiaoran's identity has changed, we should pay more attention to what we do in the future! Don't think about doing things in the name of Xiaoran, let alone do something to make Xiaoran Embarrassing thing! How we treated xiaoran girl in the past will be the same in the future. You can't become enthusiastic just because xiaoran girl's status has become noble. Let's not be that kind of person! "

"I know what you mean, don't worry! I still have this point!" Zhao Liang thought of something.

"By the way, look, this girl, Xiao Ran, gave us something by herself just now, I haven't had time to read it!"

"Send it alone? What do you mean? No one on the second brother's side?" Tan Wan understood Zhao Liang's meaning at once.

Zhao nodded brightly, and then said: "I paid special attention, Xiaoran asked someone to bring a box over, but the other party left after going out, and did not go to the second brother!"

Tan Wan sighed when she heard this.

"Xiao Ran's temperament is clearly love and hate! The things that the second brother and the second sister-in-law did, Xiaoran didn't say it on the surface, but actually remembered it in her heart!"

"No, I don't know that my brother and sister-in-law will not regret it now!" Zhao Liang said.

While talking, the couple opened the wooden box.

A box of shiny things suddenly sparkled the eyes of the couple.

"This is too precious!" Zhao Liang said.

Tan Wan took a closer look and let out a sigh.

"Head of the house, take the things! Little Ran has a heart!"

It turns out that the things in this box are all gold and silver jewelry.

Some are for Tan Wan, and some are for their children.