The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 534

Chapter 534

After the numbers of Ma Baoshan came out, the gamblers watching outside showed a malicious laughter.

It was Li Xiaoran himself, who also laughed.

Ma Baoshan is obviously a bit rude.

This is like a big bet on a small bet, except that Ma Baoshan took the opportunity to sway Li Xiaoran.

"Now that we've guessed, let's count!"

Hu Zhou looked at Li Xiaoran and then at Ma Baoshan.

"Are the two digits no longer changed? Are you sure this is the number?"

Ma Baoshan didn't speak and looked at Li Xiaoran.

Ma Baoshan has made up his mind at this time, if the person in front of him changes, he will also change.

Who knew Li Xiaoran smiled and shook his head: "I won't change it!"

"Then I won't change it!" Ma Baoshan said sarcastically.

Seeing this, Hu Zhou immediately undid the lid, then took out a very thin long needle and began to fiddle with it on the plate.

"One, two, three, four, five, six..."

At this time, everyone focused on the big white porcelain plate.

Everyone followed Hu Zhuan's voice and silently counted in their hearts.

Even Luo Cheng and the others were moved by this plate.

The only person who doesn't care is Li Xiaoran.

She doesn't seem to be nervous at all, she looks confident.

Ma Baoshan watched Li Xiaoran from the corner of his eyes while watching Hu Zhuanshu, guarding against Li Xiaoran and the few people around her.

Who knows that Li Xiaoran has not paid attention to this side from beginning to end, and naturally did not do anything.

"Seventy-three, seventy-four, seventy-five, seventy-six, seventy-seven!"

Hu Zhou's voice stopped abruptly after counting to seventy-seven.

"Seventy-seven ants! There are seventy-seven ants here!" Hu Zhou couldn't believe it, then looked at the people around him.

To be honest, this gamble is really exciting!

Hu Zhou has been working in the casino for so many years, and this is the first time that he has encountered such a thing.

I really didn't expect that this newcomer who entered the casino in front of me would have such a bad luck that even this number could be given so accurately.

It's a pity, God didn't stand by this kid after all, so one ant was missing.

"Hahahaha, I'm willing to admit defeat, boy, bring your money!" Ma Baoshan was overjoyed when he saw this, and laughed out loud.

Luo Cheng frowned at this time, always feeling that things should not be like this.

Shu Ruyue and Wu Qinghe were very angry and felt that it was disgraceful for the other to win like this.

"You are rude!" Shu Ruyue's straightforward temper couldn't bear it anymore.

"What? You didn't object to this gambling method at the beginning! If you are willing to admit defeat, if you come to the casino, don't lose!" Ma Baoshan was very proud at this moment. said.

"Hmph, you are the ones who can't afford to lose! We are all leaving, and you will have a group of people crowding around and forcing us to gamble!" Shu Ruyue was so angry at the moment His face turned red.

"Yo, look, you can't afford to lose! If you lose, you will blushed and want to be fooled! Let me tell you, this is a casino, not a place where you can fool around! "The gamblers around were clamoring at this moment.

Who said that this kid was too comfortable to win before, but now watching the other party lose all the money, the gamblers in the casino are extremely comfortable.

"Who said I lost? I said there were seventy-eight, that is, seventy-eight! Hu Zhuan, right! Are you dizzy, there is still a white stain on the edge of the soil on the plate The ants!" At this moment, Li Xiaoran's voice came out.

As soon as these words came out, a group of proud people seemed to be strangled by the neck.

Everyone's eyes turned to the white porcelain plate.

"What? I haven't seen it yet. There is a white ant on the left and right of the Hu axis. Look carefully, there is a dice on the side of the plate. Direction!" Li Xiaoran reminded again.

Sure enough, Hu Zhuan fiddled with the needle in the direction Li Xiaoran said, and an all-white ant was poked into the brown soil, which suddenly became conspicuous.

This time, the casino was in an uproar.


"Hahahahahaha!" Now, the feng shui took turns, and it was Shu Ruyue's turn to laugh.

"Who said that just now, willing to admit defeat! How is it? When I was slapped in the face today, does it hurt?"

Wu Qinghe was also caught by this sudden reversal scene, making his eyes almost pop out.

"My God, this kind of thing is really mysterious! It's even more mysterious than me who relies on fortune-telling to see Feng Shui!"

Li Xiaoran looked at Ma Baoshan, who had turned into a dumb goose, and looked directly at Luo Cheng.

"Brother, take this suet jade! Bring our money, let's go!"

Luo Cheng had a bright smile on his face when he heard Li Xiaoran call him brother.


Luo Cheng responded, took the suet jade from Ma Baoshan's hand, and then went out with the money they won today.

Seeing this scene, Hu Zhou's face sank, and he winked at a person standing in a corner secretly.

The man nodded, and immediately went out.

"Hey, willing to admit defeat, what do you want me to do?" Ma Baoshan was stunned for a long time, when he recovered, he saw Li Xiaoran's back from a distance away , shouted loudly.

"When the time comes, someone will come to you with suet jade!" Li Xiaoran left these words and left.

Out of the casino, a carriage came over.

The people who came are brothers Zizheng and Zicheng.

Luo Cheng let Li Xiaoran and the others get on the carriage first, and he stayed in the last one.

When everyone got up, Luo Cheng looked in several directions, and got on the carriage with a sneer.

Soon, the carriage ran and took Luo Cheng and the others away from the casino.

"Hey, the wealth is touching! It seems that I won this last big bet, but I actually lost! I have bought a lot of time for those who are interested!" In the carriage, he said.

When Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words, she knew what she had discovered.

"Don't be afraid, madam, my husband will definitely protect you! It's fine if these people don't do it. If they do, it's from the search for death!"

Li Xiaoran nodded and said something else, but he was thinking in his heart how to spend the money that we ushered in today.

When Shu Ruyue heard Luo Cheng and Li Xiaoran's words, she suddenly became nervous, and clenched her sword tightly.

"Hey, don't be nervous! Brother Luo Cheng, everything is arranged! If there is an accident, don't go out, just protect your sister-in-law here!" See Wu Qinghe When Shu Ruyue was very nervous, she said this.

"Shut up! Just don't run around, or no one can save you!"