The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 535

Chapter 535

Luo Cheng laughed when he saw two people bickering.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen! But Miss Shu is right, Wu Qinghe, you have to pay attention, as long as you don't leave the carriage, I will keep you safe!"

Wu Qinghe and Shu Ruyue stopped bickering, and both nodded at the same time.

A carriage, walking on the streets of Beijing.

However, it has been a while since I left the casino, and no one has appeared along the way.

Hearing the noise in front of him gradually, Li Xiaoran remembered something.

"Is there a bustling market in front of my husband?"

Luo Cheng gave a "hmm", and then said, "Yes! It's called Yongxing Street, and it's the only way for us to go back!"

"No, the other party will definitely start in the busy market, and then I'm afraid that innocent people will be hurt!" Li Xiaoran reminded.

Luo Cheng thought about it and told people to stop the carriage.

The people in the carriage looked at Luo Cheng, not knowing how he would decide.

Keep going or not?

Luo Cheng suddenly thought of something and laughed.

"Let's go, walk into the alley on the left front, let's go back to the Seventh Prince's Mansion first!"

Li Xiaoran heard Luo Cheng's words, recalled the map of the capital in his mind, and then laughed.

"Not bad, I haven't gone back to the Seventh Prince's Mansion for a long time! I don't know what it is like now!"

In this way, the carriage began to move forward again, only this time it changed direction.

The person who was in ambush in Yongxing Street was furious when he got the news.

After feeling the emotions, Li Xiaoran sneered.

"Husband, it seems that there are many people who want this fortune! It's really exciting!"

Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words and said seriously: "Miss, it's not really my fault, I can only blame the lady and Wu Qinghe for winning too much tonight. You two won today. The money is enough for those people to die!"

When Wu Qinghe saw that he was called by Luo Cheng, he quickly waved his hand and said, "Brother Luo Cheng, don't count me in, can I compare the money I won with my sister-in-law? I was just playing a small game, this sister-in-law is a touching wealth!"

"Take it down! You have won a thousand taels of gold, which is still a small amount. Didn't you see that many people in the casino are staring at you all the time? If eyes can kill If you die alone, you have already been killed thousands of times!" Shu Ruyue snorted coldly and said, "It was also Xiaoran who stood in front of you and attracted the hatred of others, otherwise you could come out completely this year, My name is yours!"

When Wu Qinghe heard Shu Ruyue's words, he immediately became happy.

"It's not bad for my surname, as long as you marry me!"

"You!" At this moment, Shu Ruyue was so angry with Wu Qinghe that she lost her temper. This idiot can never catch the point of what other people have to say.

"You and your sister-in-law are similar, don't think that your sister-in-law won a lot, just your gold can buy your life!" Luo Cheng said with a look of disgust: "Look, Since you are so rich, why don't you buy a house in the capital, buy some servants, and don't follow me!"

"No no no, Brother Luo Cheng, I'll shut up immediately! Whatever you say is what you say! I'm not stupid, I'll have bad luck without you, let alone the gold I can't keep, it's uncertain Most of my life will be lost!" Wu Qinghe quickly assured.

"Those people are here!" At this moment, Li Xiaoran said suddenly.

The voice fell, and the carriage was blocked by a group of men in black in a narrow alley.

Anything else, this group of people shot arrows at random.

Luo Cheng was the first to press a button when Li Xiaoran spoke.

In this way, those flying arrows shot directly on the iron sheet, and could not shoot into the carriage at all.

At the same time, something was thrown out from the four corners of the carriage.

It's a pity that in the dark, the people in black outside can't see clearly.

Before the second round of random arrows came, the group of men in black fell first.

Before the coma, this group of people reacted, and they were recruited.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

After this wave of attacks was resolved, the carriage continued on its way.

Without going too far, another wave of killers came.

This time, the other party directly slashed at the horse in front of the carriage.

Zi Cheng, who was sitting in the front, immediately took action to deal with those who came at the horse, and then raised a whip, urging the horse to run hard.

Perhaps sensing danger, the horse also accelerated and ran forward.

The killer at the back saw it and immediately chased after him.

What is even more surprising is that whether it is ambush in front or following.

Everyone who has seen a carriage will faint like a dumpling, one by one.

Even if someone found something wrong and took the antidote, they still did not escape the end of being dazed.

In this way, a carriage, slipped a group of people, and then directly entered the mansion of the Seventh Prince.

The mansion of the Seventh Prince at this time has been changed once by the emperor.

The people who were sent to the mansion of the Seventh Prince were all the people the emperor trusted, and they were people who had been carefully checked several times.

No, I was surprised that the Seventh Prince and Seventh Prince Concubine finally came back, and Xiang Yanghong, the general manager of the mansion, rushed out to greet them.

"Seventh Prince, you are finally back! This old slave has been waiting for the Seventh Prince for a long time!" Xiang Yanghong hurriedly stepped forward and gave a salute.

Getting off the carriage, Luo Chengcheng glanced at Xiang Yanghong in front of him.

"Why do I think you're a little familiar?"

Xiang Yanghong laughed when he heard Luo Cheng's words.

"The seventh prince thinks the old slave is familiar because the seventh prince saved the old slave before!"

Here, Xiang Yanghong reminds me.

"Seventh prince, when you asked yourself to leave the royal family, you saved a dying man halfway, sent him to the hospital, and left behind the money for medicine and food. money."

Luo Cheng immediately remembered this when he heard Xiang Yanghong's words.

At that time, after he was removed from the royal family, he left the house where the family was very happy.

Who knew that he met a seriously injured person on the way, so he helped him!

It's just that Luo Cheng never imagined that he had saved a manager for himself back then.

"Are you from the palace?" Luo Cheng asked in confusion, "Why are you there?"