The Hunter's Lucky Little Lady - Chapter 533

Chapter 533

"One more gamble!" The leader named Ma Baoshan shouted at this moment.

Li Xiaoran didn't want to agree at first, but when he saw Mabaoshan, he suddenly sensed something and immediately changed his mind.

"Okay, I can bet you one more game, I can even put all the money I won today, but what can you bet?"

Ma Baoshan was overjoyed when he heard Li Xiaoran's words.

He believed that the boy in front of him must be a master of the old thousand, so she was not discovered by the casino people and won everyone's money.

If he helps everyone win the money back today, then he will definitely become famous in the gambling world.

Thinking of this, Ma Baoshan took out a jade pendant from his pocket.

"This is my Ma family's heirloom suet jade, which is invaluable. It should be no problem to use it as a bet!"

Li Xiaoran looked at the mutton jade, thought about it, and said, "It's just this one, it's not enough, since you challenge me, then I have to add another bet. If you win , I'll give you all the money today. If I win, I want you to do one more thing besides this suet jade! Don't worry, this thing won't let you kill or set fire or hurt others!"

When Luo Cheng heard Li Xiaoran's words, he raised his head and carefully looked at the man in front of him.

Don't say Luo Cheng is curious, even Shu Ruyue and Wu Qinghe are also very curious!

Wu Qinghe looked up and down the boy in front of him and frowned.

"This kid is not a good thing! Brother, do you want to stop me!"

Hearing the words in his ear, Luo Cheng looked at this Ma Baoshan, looked at Li Xiaoran again, and shook his head.

"Since it's what she wants to do, let her do it! Just wait and see! It's not that simple!"

Luo Chengcheng said so, and the other two naturally didn't have much to say.

"How about it? Have you considered it? If you don't agree, then I'll leave now!" Li Xiaoran looked at Ma Baoshan and urged.

"Bet, I'll bet with you! But I have the final say on how to bet!" Seeing that Li Xiaoran was really leaving, Ma Baoshan immediately responded.

Li Xiaoran smiled when she saw that the other party agreed.

"Okay! Tell me, what is a gambling method?"

Ma Baoshan thought about it and said this.

"It's always like this, and it's not interesting. Why don't we have a fresh one today. I remember there was an ant nest in this yard, and I noticed ants crawling around before. We ask someone to shovel a shovel and guess the number of ants. Whoever guesses the closest wins!"

This method is the fairest gambling method Ma Baoshan can think of.

This kind of betting method, no one can win the money, only by luck!

"Then how can you guarantee that these ants will stay there obediently and wait until we count them clearly before crawling?" Li Xiaoran raised his eyebrows and asked.

"This is simple, just sprinkle a handful of medicinal powder and let the ants pass out!" Ma Baoshan said: "It happens that I have such a medicine in my hand, which can make the ants faint. After a stick of incense, the ants will be able to wake up again, and will not hurt the lives of the ants!"

Just do what they say, a group of people directly invited the steward of the casino.

The person here at the casino is none other than Hu Zhou, whom Li Xiaoran had a relationship with before.

At this time, Li Xiaoran knew that this Hu axis was a big manager of this casino.

Today's gambling between Li Xiaoran and Ma Baoshan can be regarded as a prosperous time for the casino.

In addition to the people who participated in this gamble, there was also Li Xiaoran, a newcomer who just came here and won a lot of money.

So Hu Zhou naturally wanted to join in the fun.

This gamble naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Many people came to join in the fun.

After the torch was lit, Ma Baoshan took Hu Zhou to a corner of the courtyard outside the casino.

Li Xiaoran naturally followed along.

Sure enough, in one place, a group of ants were crawling out of the soil one after another.

Ma Baoshan threw a handful of medicinal powder into it, and then motioned for Hu Zhu to take a shovel and shovel it.

This shovel, directly with mud and ants, shoveled into a large white porcelain plate.

Soon, Hu Shuan put the lid on, and then brought the thing to the front of the person.

Ma Baoshan took a few steps back and came to Li Xiaoran when Hu Zhu was shoveling ants, indicating that he did not cheat.

Then, a group of people took this plate of ants and returned directly to the casino.

At this point, no one knew how many ants were on the plate.

The two sides stand, with Hu Zhuan holding a plate in the middle.

"Now, the two can guess the number!" Hu Zhou said.

Ma Baoshan thought about it and looked at Li Xiaoran.

"Why don't you go first?"

Li Xiaoran ignored Ma Baoshan and kept staring at the plate.

"I said, don't bet if you can't bet. Hurry up and guess the number now! Even if you stare out a flower on this plate now, you can't see how many are on the plate It's only an ant!" The spectator on the side became anxious at this moment.

Seeing that the climax is about to come, this boy is so slutty and refuses to speak.

"What? Are you afraid?" Ma Baoshan also looked at Li Xiaoran and provoked.

Li Xiaoran still ignored it and kept staring at the plate.

Just when everyone was waiting impatiently, a gambler who lost the red eye looked at Li Xiaoran very displeased, and wanted to come up and beat Li Xiaoran.

How could Luo Cheng let this kind of person bully his wife, grab the man's arm with one hand, and then throw the man a long way.

"Don't come to the casino if you can't bet, and don't bet if you can't lose. If you lose the bet, you want to take the opportunity to hit people, which is really a shame for us men!"

Although the gambler was red-eyed at the moment, he was slammed by Luo Cheng and fell to the ground and felt pain, but it made his mind clear.

Recognizing that the person in front of him is not something he can provoke, the gambler can only get up silently, and then watch from a distance, not daring to get closer.

Seeing that the other party had been intimidated, Luo Cheng glanced at the spectators around him.

At this time, Li Xiaoran said something.

"There are seventy-eight ants in this plate!"

As soon as these words came out, Ma Baoshan laughed.

"Since you said it was seventy-eight, then I guess there were only seventy-seven!"