The Collector - The Collector Part 23

The Collector Part 23

aHoly shit,a she breathed, bringing her fingers out from under the waistband of her shorts, wiping them on the natural grasses around her. That had been intense, and incredibly wrong. Covering her face with her hands, she groaned.

Julie tugged on a pair of shorts and padded out of her bedroom, the sweat on her body finally drying, leaving her skin feeling tight and unpleasant. She didnat bother turning on any lights, making her way through to the hallway. She stopped, glancing at Remmyas bedroom door, which to her surprise was not only open, but the room beyond was empty. The bed was still made, nothing seeming to be undisturbed.

Suddenly Julie felt angry, a very good idea where that a'dreama had come from. aDamn it, Remmy,a she blew out, returning to her bedroom, slamming the door shut. She felt angry, violated, though not in the same way as Sergio. She felt confusion.

Stepping into the bathroom, Julie flipped on the light, looking at her own face in the mirror above the sink. Her eyes were wide, the pupils still dilated from her intense arousal, which her hard nipples were also indicative of. She still pulsed, which was a new sensation. She hadnat felt even remotely sexually stimulated since before the attack, and since the attack, she hadnat touched herself, hadnat even much looked at herself.

Now, she closed the bathroom door, which was silly she knew, but did it all the same. Once closed inside the small room, she looked at her reflection again, her gaze traveling to her breasts, then back up to her face. With one fluid movement, her tank top was gone, leaving her standing there in a pair of shorts. She studied the smooth skin of her shoulders and upper chest, tan from hours outside in the yard. Her breasts were very pale, the tips dark rose and extremely sensitive. She brought a hand up, cupping one, the tanned hand a strange contrast against the creamy white of her chest. Her breasts werenat large, but they werenat small, either. Past boyfriends had said she was well-proportioned. She supposed she was, not really giving it a thought in a long time.

Julie cupped both breasts, gasping as she ran her thumbs over both nipples, her hands falling from her chest at the thrill that brought to her. It seemed like such an alien feeling, as technically she hadnat had sex in over a year. She would never count anything that had happened with Sergio as anything but rape. Nothing did had felt good. Nothing he did hadnat left her feeling ashamed and dirty. She wanted to get past that, she wanted to be whole again.

Pushing her shorts down, she rested her gaze on the light blue panties she wore, cut high on the waist and low on the leg. Someone might call them granny panties. They clung to her narrow hips, her legs slender but muscular. She supposed she had a nice body. Before, last summer, she worked for hours on her physique, running long miles through the neighborhood and lifting free weights. She hadnat done either of those things in a long time. Perhaps she should start again.

Julie met her eyes quickly before taking a deep breath and pushing her panties down, stepping out of them and the shorts, lightly kicking them aside. She turned to the mirror on the back of the bathroom door, taking in her entire body. The hair between her thighs was dark blonde, the same color as her eyebrows, and at the moment it was rather bushy. Shead had no reason to care for it, and in fact, had turned quite nun-like while showering or bathing. She shaved her legs and armpits, but that was it. She didnat like spending too much time on her body, looking at herself, or giving herself any special attention. Why? It wasnat like anyone else saw it, anyway.

Now she brought a hand down, feeling the wiry hairs, still damp from her erotic dream. She didnat venture beyond the hairs, just simply touched them, almost as though reacquainting herself with them, with the fact that she was, in fact a woman, that had not been taken from her.

Before she knew what she was doing, she grabbed the tiny pair of manicure scissors from the medicine cabinet, and hiked one foot up on the bathroom counter. Carefully and methodically she trimmed, feeling a bit of a sexual rush as she did. It made her feel almost sexy. Once she had everything manageable, she grabbed her can of shaving cream, squirting a generous amount in her palm and covered the delicate flesh of the insides of her thighs, and around her pubic line with the fragrant cream. It felt wonderful, the attention to something that she had thought long dormant. Permanently dormant. With razor in hand and careful movements, she began to rid herself of the cold apathy toward her sexuality, toward her sensuality, each stroke indicative of the new woman she had become, was becoming. Julie rinsed the razor as she went, slowly and gently shaping a new future for herself.

Long moments later, Julie cleaned off the remnants of the darkness of the last ten months, the warm wash cloth feeling wonderful on her skin, leaving her beautiful and feeling clean for the first time since last November. It was a wonderful feeling, a liberating feeling.

Still nude, Julie walked into her bedroom, lights still very much off, and opened her underwear drawer, digging toward the back, where all her old panties were, the panties she wore before Sergio. She found a pair of black satin bikini-cut panties, and slid them on, moaning softly at the wonderful feel against her newly shorn skin. She felt beautiful, though still not ready to go out and conquer the world, she felt closer to herself than she had up to that point.

Heading back into the bathroom, she cleaned up her mess, took her tank top in hand, chewing on her bottom lip on whether to put it back on or not. Not quite ready for that yet, she slid the shirt over her head and climbed back under the sheet. Sleep paws swift.

Remmy would be lying if she said she didnat feel like a complete asshole as she snuck back into the house. Her bedroom door quietly clicked closed and she turned to face the room, only lit by the moonlight streaming in through the window over the bed. Quickly undressing, she threw her clothing to the floor and climbed under the sheet.

In truth, she hadnat intended to enter their field and seduce Julieas dream alter ego. She had been so worked up over the past several days, each day seeming to be filled with more touching, more teasing. It had left her frustrated and desperately needing release. She had even considered heading over to a bar in another county, maybe finding some woman and fucking her brains out, just to get Julie out of her head.

Not only could she not bring herself to do that, she knew that the chances of her finding someone in these small, backwoods towns were pretty slim to none. So, she had pulled herself out of bed, unable to sleep as her body was on fire. She had considered touching herself and getting it over with, but with Julieas bedroom being right next door, and the blonde just on the other side of the wall, for some reason she had felt it was a better idea to get some fresh air.

Fresh air had led to Overlook Hill, which had led to Remmy being alone, which had inevitably led to thoughts of Julie, which had led right back to her sexual frustration. Before she knew it, her hand was in her shorts, and she was walking trough the field, headed toward the beautiful woman standing by their lake.

aDamn,a she whispered in the darkness, still able to smell her own desire on her fingertips. What would she do if Julie remembered? What if she figured it out? aDamn, damn.a She hated herself for not being able to keep herself under control when it came to Julie, and wondered why she kept doing stupid things and hurting the blonde. Sometimes she felt that moving into Julieas house had been one of the stupidest things shead ever done.

What was she going to do? Julie was her friend, her best friend, and she loved her. Remmy stopped for a moment, dark brows drawing as she stared up at the ceiling fan, watching the blades lazily turn. She loved her, that was no secret, no big deal. As close as she felt to her, as bonded as they were, she felt like shead loved Julie since the day shead been given a ride in the white Miata. But now, living with her, she realized that her day wasnat complete without seeing one of Julieas special smiles, seemingly saved just for her. She hurt when Julie wasnat with her, and missed her so bad when she was at work.

Remmy had known love throughout the years: love for Monica. Love for her mother, at least until she was 14. But this was different. This was a love that was so deep, it made her soul ache with it. She ached because she couldnat find the words to express to Julie just how important she was in her life. Just how much she felt her, in her heart and in her soul. When Julie was sad, she felt sad. If Julie was happy, Remmy was overjoyed. She felt like she needed Julie like she needed her next breath.

aShit,a she murmured, rolling over to her side, staring at the bedside clock. It was nearly three-thirty in the morning. aWhat am I doing to do?a

Chapter 58.

Julieas day was long, and she tried to keep her anger in check. When she woke up that morning, Remmy was gone, though she knew that the brunette had come home from her midnight venture, as her bedroom door was pulled closed, as it usually was, and there was a juice glass in the dishwasher, along with a small plate from Remmyas morning toast.

Her anger sprang not only from what Remmy had done last night, but also that she seemed to be avoiding Julie, which really pissed the blonde off. She was a very up front kind of person, always facing her bad judgments, and she expected that from those around her. But, no, no. Remmy wasnat going to give her that, and so she stayed angry.

The day went on, and Julie managed to keep herself busy around the house, grateful that she wouldnat have to be a homebody come the end of summer. She loved her home, loved making it nice, but was sick and tired of being there. She even jumped in her car, Bonnie and Clyde loaded in, and they headed to the park. The dogs loved the chance to run and romp and play together, Julie enjoying the time out of the house, and the warm sun above. She was tempted to run by the store and chew Remmy a new one, but decided that wasnat a nice thing to do to someone at their job, and so it could wait. She just hoped Remmy would come home. If she avoided her one more time, Julie was going to skin her alive. They obviously needed to talk.

Remmy had taken Joan up on her offer of staying late to help count inventory, but Remmy knew it was only buying her an extra hour before she had to return home and face the music. She felt in her gut that Julie knew and she felt even stronger that she was not happy.

The walk home went far too quickly for her liking, but alas, she couldnat put it off any longer. Taking a deep breath and bracing for the worst, Remmy opened the screen door and unlocked the front door, pushing inside. The house smelled of bleach. Shit. Julie had been doing some deep cleaning, not a good sign.

Heading upstairs, Remmy went into her bedroom, changing into her shorts, going to the bathroom, brushing out her hair, and finally making her way downstairs. It didnat take her long to find Julie, who sat at the kitchen table, reading the daily newspaper.

aHey,a she said, voice quiet as she poured herself a glass of iced tea, topping off Julieas. The blonde didnat answer, instead her focus staying on the story before her. What Remmy didnat realize was that Julie had read the same paragraph four times, since she heard the front door open. Remmy leaned against the kitchen counter, sipping her tea as she kept her gaze on the bowed blonde head. aHow was your day?a Julie took a deep breath, finally looking up and meeting timid blue eyes. aHow was my day?a she asked, slamming the newspaper shut. aMy day was peachy.a She shoved her chair back, legs skidding on the kitchen tile, making Remmy wince. aBut, as peachy as it was, I must say, it was pretty damn boring compared to my night.a Julie saw Remmy look away. Bingo. aI guess your night was pretty darn exciting, too, wasnat it?a aJulie, listen-a aNo!a Julie held up her hand, cutting off anything Remmy had to say. Now that she was going, had Remmy in front of her, Julieas anger began to really build. aOur lake is supposed to be somewhere I can go to feel safe. Itas a place where I can be protected and all the darkness taken away. Itas not a personal playground for you, Remmy. Itas our place, our special place, not your seduction scene.a She was surprised when she felt a tear escape. She swallowed, trying to calm herself for a moment, unable to look into Remmyas stricken face. After a moment she continued, voice softer. aI feel like you violated something very sacred. It really hurts.a Remmy gathered her won emotions before speaking. aI canat say that Iam sorry, because somehow sorry just doesnat seem to cut it. I never meant for that to happen, Julie, I swear.a aThen why did it?a Julie asked, voice soft, hurt.

aBecause I want you so goddamn bad, but there is nothing in this world that could make me hurt you, scare you, or push you from me. I donat know what you want. Iam so damn confused, and my thoughts just got away from me. Our lake is always how I connected with you, always how I reached you, and I guess I was so desperate to reach out to you, it just kind of happened.a Remmy sighed, waiting for the worst.

Julie heard Remmyas words, and she felt her heartbreak. Her anger drained from her, but she still needed time to think, time away from Remmyas physical presence. She walked over to the table, grabbing up the newspaper and her tea. aLook, Iam going to, uh, I need some time.a Remmy nodded at the soft words, watching as Julie headed into the backyard, curling herself up in one of the patio chairs, the newspaper lying forgotten on the table next to her. With a heavy sigh, Remmy grabbed her own tea, heading upstairs to her bedroom.

Julie was always so amazed by sunsets. Shead seen who knew how many in all her years of life, but each time she saw one, she was struck all over again. She watched as the brilliant pinks painted the undersides of the clouds, the almost perfect silence as the colors spread across the sky, tinting everything around her with the brilliance.

The newspaper still sat on the table next to her, folded neatly, her glass of tea long emptied, now just a few pea-sized bits of ice floating in its own water. Her legs were pulled up, heels tucked into the seat cushion beneath her, arms wrapped around her shins. She rested her chin on her knees, watching as the colors began to lose their brilliance, twilight slowly swallowing the day.

Julie felt lonely as she watched the day die. That was such an unusual feeling for her. She so often lived her life in her own head, contemplating herself and the world around her, she rarely, if ever, felt lonely. But sitting on her back patio, the silence around her, she felt lonelier than she ever had in her life. The good part, and the bad part, was she knew why. Her heart was no longer her own, and her own company no longer made her feel complete or content. She was connected to another, now, and that other person, Remmy, wasnat with her. She felt as though Remmy had cut her off, somehow, as though the two-way radio between them had been turned off or tuned to another station, leaving her end with just heavy silence.

Julie knew this was hers to fix, though she wasnat entirely sure how. Deciding shead been by herself long enough, she uncurled herself, scooping up her glass and the newspaper and headed inside, locking the French doors after Bonnie and Clyde ran inside, content to lay on the grass or play with each other while their mommy had lost herself in her own mind.

Glass in the dishwasher and newspaper tossed onto the counter, Julie shut off lights downstairs, making the climb to the second floor. Remmyas bedroom door was closed, which didnat surprise Julie in the least. She didnat stop to listen, not sure if Remmy were even still awake or not. She reached her own bedroom, hand poised to flick on the light.

Remmy sat with her back against the headboard, legs stretched out on the bed, bare feet crossed at the ankles. The TV was on, but she hadnat been watching it, instead staring off into space for how long, she wasnat sure. It wasnat until she heard a soft knocking on her bedroom door that she realized night had fallen, the soft glow from the television, the only light in the room.

aCome in,a she called, waiting expectantly as the door was opened and Julie stepped inside. Their gaze met for a moment before Julieas eyes dropped as she made her way over to the bed. Remmy scooted over instinctually, making room if Julie wanted to sit down.

aWhat are you watching?a Julie asked, her voice quiet.

Remmy glanced over at the TV, not a clue what was on. She smiled a little sheepish. aI have no idea.a Julie smiled, understanding. She sat on the edge of the bed, finally meeting Remmyas gaze. She could see that Remmy was just as bothered as she was, the normally calm eyes so filled with regret and pain. Julie took a deep breath, about to open her mouth to say something, but she had no idea what to say. In that moment it seemed there was only one thing to do. She leaned over, placing a soft kiss on Remmyas lips, moving away just enough to see the startled look on the brunetteas face. She leaned in again, pressing her lips against Remmyas again, this time lingering, basking in the feel of her soul opening, offering a door for Remmy to walk through. Seeming to understand, soft fingers brushed the side of Julieas face, lightly caressing the skin there.

Remmy pushed her surprise aside, deciding to let Julie lead this dance. She felt the emptiness shead been feeling all day begin to disappear. Beneath her lips, she felt Julie open to her, inviting her inside, an invitation that she quickly took. She heard a soft sigh as Julieas tongue brushed against her own, one of Julieas hand coming up to rest on Remmyas shoulder.

As the kiss deepened, Julie felt herself scooting further onto the bed. The hand that had rested on the side of her face curved around to the back of her neck, gently bringing her mouth further into Remmyas the gentle exploration within igniting a fire deep inside of her. She wanted more.

Remmy was urged to lie down, her body sliding down on the bed, pillow adjusted beneath her head, Julie moving atop her, their bodies flush, lips never parting. She ran her hands all over Julieas back, tracing random patterns on the thin cotton of her shirt, the skin beneath nearly burning her fingertips. As the kiss continued, Remmy knew she had a huge responsibility, bringing Julie back from the world of physical pain and sexual torture, and she felt honored that Julie had chosen her to do so.

Julie felt tentative hands run down her back to her hips, a fingertip just barely brushing the skin of her lower back, where her shirt had ridden up some. She broke the kiss, both panting as Julie stared down into Remmyas flushed face. She reached back, taking the larger hand and placing it just under the hem of her shirt.

aTouch me, Remmy. Please, touch me,a she whispered, sharing a long look with the brunette. At length, Remmy nodded, both of her hands sliding up underneath Julieas t-shirt, running all along the smooth, strong back. Julieas head fell, forehead resting against the strong shoulder beneath her, her mind racing. She knew she should feel panicked, she should feel wicked shame, but she couldnat. All she could feel was the love she knew Remmy had for her, and gentleness of her touch. Remmy had managed to replace so many horrid memories with brand new ones, and Julie wanted this to be no different. She wanted the memory of her body being touched to be that of Remmy making love to her. She needed to shed that skin, hard and prickly, created by Sergio Venti.

Remmy was startled when suddenly Julie pulled away, sitting up and straddling the brunetteas hips. Julie looked down at her, then grabbed the hem of her own shirt in both hands, tugging it over a blonde head, the shirt falling off into the eerie shadows, created by the light of the TV.

Blue eyes focused on the beauty before her, hungrily feasting visually on Julieas perfect breasts, the smooth skin of her stomach, the delicate structure of her shoulders and collar bones.

aI have truly never seen anything so beautiful,a Remmy whispered in awe. Her hands moved up Julieas sides, tactile bliss, finally cupping the pert breasts, Julieas eyes sliding closed, head falling back. Her nipples were instantly hard against Remmyas palms. She sat up, her mouth finding Julieas again as the blonde wrapped her arms around Remmyas neck, bringing her closer against her. Though still very gentle, Remmy careful not to scare Julie, their kiss had taken on a new meaning. It was hotter, deeper, and filled with so much need.

Julie needed to feel Remmyas skin against her own, so she broke away from the kiss once again, tugging at the hem of Remmyas shirt, swiftly pulling it over the brunetteas head, immediately finding Remmyas mouth again. She moaned as Remmy hugged their bodies together, naked breasts pressed together.

aGod, this feels incredible, she murmured against Remmyas lips. Remmy moved away from her mouth, finding Julieas neck, suckling and kissing, much as she had done at their lake. One of her hands moved up between them, cupping Julieas breast, rolling the rigid nipple against her palm before taking it between two of her fingers. Julie gasped, a hand coming up to cup the back of Remmyas dark head as her mouth kissed and licked a trail down across one collar bone, ending with a nipple in her mouth. aOh, Jesus,a Julie breathed, her breath stolen from her.

Remmy gently pushed Julie back until she lay down, her head at the end of the bed. She hovered above her, looking into her eyes, making sure this position was okay with the blonde. Julie reached for her, pulling her down on top of her.

aMake me forget,a Julie whispered, cupping Remmyas face. The brunette nodded, kissing her gently before resuming her oral exploration, again finding Julieas breasts. As she lay there, eyes closed, head turned to the side, she felt herself open up even more, Remmy taking that first step inside of her, joining with her. It was so beautiful it was almost painful. She could feel Remmy inside her skin, swimming within her blood.

Remmy reached down, stroking Julieas hip, curving her hand to the underside of one of her thighs and gently bending one of Julieas legs at the knee, the other leg instinctually doing the same, Remmyas body fitting snugly between. She knew, as she knew her own name, that she was home as she tasted Julieas skin, heard her soft gasps and cries beneath her. She could feel her own heart pounding in Julieas chest.

Julie realized that her shorts were being unbuttoned, and slid down her legs. She opened her eyes, watching as Remmy knelt between her spread legs, and then lifted her hips when Remmy went to remove her panties. Now was the ultimate test, lying there in all her nakedness, something that she felt Sergio had taken from her, the ability to give that gift to someone. She watched Remmyas eyes carefully, reading her expression.

Remmy was in awe, her hands running up along Julieas beautiful legs to her upper thighs, then back down again. To her eyes, Julie was truly the most beautiful thing shead ever seen. She met troubled eyes, reaching her hand up and cupping Julieas face. aI love you, Julie,a she said softly, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on full lips.

Julie felt her dam break, and the tears began. Remmy laid herself down between her legs again, resting on her forearms as she cupped Julieas face. Soft kisses rained down upon her lips, her cheeks, her forehead and moist eyes.

aWhy are you crying?a Remmy whispered against Julieas lips.

Julie buried her hands in Remmyas hair. aI thought Iad never be able to do this again, never be able to give myself to someone and not feel ashamed,a Julie whispered, barely audible. Remmy heard, and she felt it all the way to the bottom of her soul.

aJulie, he was able to use your body, but he never got your heart, never got your soul.a She kissed her softly. aThatas the gift. The rest is just the wrapping. And the wrapping is the most beautiful thing Iave ever seen with my own two eyes. But your soul,a another kiss, athatas the most beautiful thing in the world. No one can take that away, no one can touch that.a aNo one but you,a Julie whispered, bringing Remmy down for a long, deep kiss that left them both panting for more. aMake love to me, Remmy,a Julie whispered.

Remmy removed the rest of her own clothing, then laid out her body atop Julieas again, her mouth exploring across Julieas upper chest, hand massaging Julieas hip, fingernails running along her sides, making the blonde shiver. She began to kiss her way down, taking in both breasts, one at a time, patiently suckling hard nipples. She felt Julieas fingers in her hair, pushing her deeper into her. Julieas moan was long and languid as Remmy left her breasts, her body sliding even lower, her intent clear.

Julie was lost in a haze, her body opening up further in response to Remmyas touch. She felt long hair tickling across her lower stomach, then inside her thighs, hot breath moving across her newly shaved sex. Her fingers reached down, massaging Remmyas scalp as soft lips kissed a trail from her pubic bone over and down to the apex of her thighs. When a wet tongue trailed through her folds, Julie cried out, hips lifting slightly off the bed.

Remmy had never wanted so badly to make love to someone with her mouth as she did in that moment. If Julie had stopped her, she probably would have broke down into tears. The taste and feel of Julie was like nothing shead ever experienced. Each sound Julie made, each lift of her hips, brought Remmyas own pleasure to a new height. She could feel her own clit pulsing in time with her raging heartbeat.

Holding Julie open to her with her fingers, Remmy ran her tongue up from the blondeas entrance all the way to her clit, then back down again. She wrapped her arms around Julieas thighs, getting the feeling that as this progressed, Julie would probably nearly buck her off the bed. As she heard her name whimpered from Julieas lips, Remmy made her way back up to the blondeas clit, suckling it, her tongue batting across it before letting it go, giving it several licks before moving her attention back down Julieas seam, her tongue finding her entrance. She gently toyed with it, unsure what Julie would do, or if shead allow her near it. She felt Julieas hips twitch, and knew it wasnat from pleasure.

Julie was nearly brought back to a harsh reality, but Remmyas mouth moved away from her opening, which she was still terrified of anyone getting near. She had been hurt so badly, and had been violated so deeply, she wasnat sure shead ever want to be entered again.

aItas okay, baby,a Remmy whispered, kissing Julieas sex, then returning to her clit. Julie felt a hand reach up and find one of her own, their entwined fingers resting on Julieas stomach as she began to lose herself again, Remmyas tongue doing amazing things to her. She could feel the slow burn beginning in her lower belly, a storm that was beginning to rumble louder with each stroke of Remmyas tongue.

Remmy could feel that Julie was close, her panting near constant now, small whimpers escaping her throat. She latched onto her clit, suckling it and giving it firm strokes with her tongue.

aOh, god!a Julie cried out, her body exploding with a pleasure that shead never known, her fingers holding painfully tight to both Remmyas hand, and her hair, holding the brunette in place. She couldnat breathe for a moment, her body consumed with release. She felt like in that moment she was released not only her sexual need, but the pain and hurt, the suffering, the fear and loss. She was letting it all go, making room as Remmy stepped fully inside her soul, their connection complete.

Remmy kissed her way back up Julieas body, aftershocks still racking the blonde. She found her mouth, and suddenly her body was pulled tightly against Julieas, the blondeas kiss hungry and all-consuming. Her own need was at a point of near desperation. Remmy fit her hips between Julieas thighs again, pressing down, Julie groaning at the contact, a hand reaching down to Remmyas ass and holding them together. Remmy planted her hands on either side of Julieas shoulders and grinded herself against Julie, their stomach slapping together as she thrust into her. Eyes squeezed shut, Remmy threw her head back, crying out loud and long as she came, pressing into Julieas wetness, her breath stolen from her.

Julie wrapped her arms around Remmyas shoulders, her legs following suit, pulling Remmy as tightly to her as she could. Once again, she felt as though she were wrapped up in a warm cocoon, wrapped in all that was Remmy.

aOh, baby,a Remmy whimpered, burying her face in Julieas neck.

aI know,a Julie whispered, holding her tight. aI know.a

Part 29.

The intense rays of the newly-risen sun shook Remmy from her deep, dreamless sleep. She was lying on her stomach in the middle of the bed, naked, a sheet barely covering her from the hips down. Lifting her head, she blinked a few times, trying to remember why her body was so sore. With jolting clarity, it hit her.

Turning to her back and sitting up, Remmy looked around the small room, noting only her clothing, which had been folded and placed on top of the dresser. The door was closed, the TV turned off. She ran a hand through her hair, pushing it away from her face. For just a moment she felt out of sorts, and slightly worried. Julieas voice carried in from the open window, followed by one of the dogs barking. It sounded like Clyde, Remmy noted.

Remmy quickly dressed and padded downstairs, unsure of what she would find. She noted that Julieas bed was still made, exactly how it had been the night before, so obviously the blonde had stayed with her the entire night. A good sign, she figured. Hoped.

One side of the French doors were open, allowing the cool, early morning breeze to enter the house before the heat of the day struck. She smelled fresh coffee, but wanted to see Julie.

The blonde was curled up in one of the patio chairs, dressed only in an oversized shirt. A cup of coffee was cupped between her palms. She had the most serene smile on her lips as she stared off toward the horizon. It was so beautiful, Remmy didnat want to disturb her, but neednat have worried. Julie knew she was there.

aHi,a Julie said, setting her coffee cup aside and uncurling herself. She padded over to Remmy, the cement cold on her bare feet. She could see the uncertainty in guarded blue eyes. She smiled at Remmy, trying to erase her worries, and slid her arms around Remmyas waist, resting her head against her shoulder. Strong arms immediately wrapped protectively around Julieas shoulders. She turned her face into Remmyas neck, inhaling her scent.

aWhyad you get up?a Remmy asked, lightly nuzzling Julieas hair.

aI felt the need to watch the sun rise,a Julie explained, turning her head again to stare out at the yard, the sun smoothly rising for the new day. aI feel reborn, and wanted to share that with the birth of a new day.a aI missed you this morning.a Julie hummed happily. aIam here.a Remmy stroked long, blonde hair. She also stared out at the day in front of them, wondering what it would bring. Last night had been the single most amazing experience of her life, and today she was nearly bursting with love for Julie. Underneath the new-found happiness was a niggling worry.

aWhat is it?a Julie asked softly, placing a soft kiss to Remmyas neck before stepping away far enough to look at the brunette, who gave her a brave smile.

aNothing.a Julie raised a brow. aDonat lie a.

aI was just thinking about your previous vocation,a Remmy said, brushing a few strands of blonde, caught on the morning breeze, out of Julieas face.

aPrevious vocation?a Julie said, brows drawn in confusion.

aAs a straight woman.a Julie chuckled at Remmyas choice in words, dropping her hands from Remmyas shoulders. aI was thinking about that this morning, too.a She hugged herself with a sigh, watching as the dogs chased each other. She wondered if those two ever stayed still.

Remmy said nothing, just walked over to the steps leading into the house, perching on the top one, elbows balanced on her spread knees. She hoped life wouldnat be so cruel as to finally bring Julie into her life then take her away on such a tedious technicality.

aYou know, Remmy, Iave never given any thought to sexuality before. Never thought about any of it, just went with the flow. Iave never looked at a woman with particular interest, and honestly,a she glanced at Remmy from over her shoulder. aNever really thought about a man, either. They just seemed to be the ones who asked me out, I guess.a Her smile was small. She turned, facing Remmy, watching as the intense rays of the morning sun shone into her blue eyes, making them to glow, the burnished red highlights in her hair forming a burning halo around her head. aI donat see what we have as a matter of sexuality. I see it as the meeting of two souls, intertwined irrevocably.a aSociety wonat see it that way, Julie,a Remmy said softly, silently screaming at herself for throwing logic at the blonde.