The Collector - The Collector Part 24

The Collector Part 24

aI know,a Julie said, turning back toward the new day. aBut,a she said, again facing Remmy. aIf I have you, I can face anything.a aYouall always have me.a Remmy pushed to her feet, walking over to Julie and raising her chin with two fingers. Julie fell into the promising kiss, allowing her mouth to open, inviting Remmy inside. Julie felt herself melting against the solid body she leaned against, her fingers finding Remmyas hair and burying themselves there. aCan I have you for breakfast?a Remmy whispered against Julieas lips, her hands gliding down her back, finding the hem of the long t-shirt. Julie whimpered when Remmyas hands found her bare bottom, squeezing slightly.

aBreakfast is served,a Julie murmured, pressing herself against Remmy.

An hour later, Remmy held Julieas back to her front, spooning her on the couch. Their clothing was scattered around the room, the living room as far as they had gotten. Remmy ran her hand all along Julieas naked thigh, and up and over her hip, just to feel the softness of her skin. Julie lay with her hand on Remmyas arm, eyes half-closed in bliss at being touched. If she could, she would purr.

aThey think they might know who killed Yvonne and Tyler Bailey,a Remmy said quietly, nuzzling her face into the back of Julieas neck, bringing her hand to rest on the blondeas stomach, pulling them even closer together.

aThe ring?a Julie asked, running her fingertips in lazy patterns on Remmyas forearm. She felt Remmyas nod.

aYeah. It was a college ring. Belongs to a guy named Dennis Collins, who has disappeared.a She laid a trail of soft kisses along Julieas shoulder, finally resting her chin there. aApparently he used to work for Yvonneas husband, Clive. Thereas some evidence that he and Yvonne may have been having an affair.a aOh, no,a Julie whispered, lacing her fingers with Remmyas, and bringing their conjoined hands to her mouth, kissing Remmyas palm.

aI think he lost the ring while he was digging Tyleras grave.a aIs that what Grace was talking to you about at their house?a aYeah.a Remmy sighed. aI have a decision to make, Julie.a Julie turned to her back, Remmy looking down at her. She could hear the heaviness in the brunetteas voice. aAbout what?a aGrace wants to continue to use me, to have me help them with cases like yours and the Baileyas. No leads.a Julie studied Remmyas face, seeing the dark shadows in her eyes. She reached a hand up, caressing the side of her face, Remmyas closing in pleasure at the gentle touches. aAnd what do you think?a Blue eyes slowly opened, looking off into a distance that Julie could not join her in. Her fingers absently rubbed over Julieas stomach, up between her breasts, just to feel her, feel her skin. What did she think, indeed. Though wrong about Tyleras death, she knew that she had helped the police by finding his grave. He may never have been found, Collins maybe getting away with two counts of murder. She gazed down at Julieas patient face, her fingers brushing against dark blonde brows.

The heartbreak came back to Remmy when she had thought it had been Julie that had died at Sergioas hand, and not Roxie. She thought of the scars on her back from a bullet wound, which she would do again tomorrow, if it were for Julie. She thought about the return home for three women, a mad man stopped.

aWhatas going through your head?a Julie asked, taking Remmyas hand from her face and tucking it against her chest, after kissing her knuckles.

aIam thinking that it drains me, emotionally, physically. But, Iam also thinking that thereas no way I couldnat do it. I was given this ability for a reason, and I think it would be the utmost selfish not to use it..a Julie smiled at the soft words, curling her hand around the back of Remmyas neck, pulling her down. aI love you,a she whispered, bringing Remmyas lips to her own.

Remmy moved on top of her, gently insinuating a thigh between Julieas legs, which opened for her. They both sighed into the kiss, hips pressing against each other in a slow, lazy thrust. They continued to kiss, slow and leisurely. Their lust was sated. This was about a deep need to connect, no destination in mind, only the pleasure of the slow journey.

Julieas hands ran down Remmyas back, fingernails grazing across Remmyas buttocks, making the brunette flex in response. The kiss broke, both beginning to breathe too hard as the pleasure slowly built, though Remmy refused to increase the speed of her thrusts, bringing them both to a slow, but intense climax, Julie crying out as she held Remmy to her, Remmyas face buried in her neck.

Remmy tried to catch her breath, moving off of the blonde. Julie held her. aNo, stay.a Remmy rested her head on Julieas upper chest, humming happily as her hair was combed through. aInteresting little interlude,a Julie chuckled, making Remmy smile. aWhat did you tell Grace?a aI told her to give me some time to think about it, and Iad get back to her.a aYouall make the right choice, Rem. Iam sure of it.a

Chapter 59.

aAre you sure this is okay?a Remmy asked, glancing nervously at Julie as they finished putting clean sheet on the bed in the bedroom she had been using, before moving into Julieas room.

Julie stopped, putting a knee on the mattress as she reached across, putting a hand on Remmyas. aStop. Yes, as Iave told you about a dozen times this morning, itas very okay. Your cousin is always welcome here, Remmy. Okay?a Remmy shyly met Julieas gaze, chewing on her lower lip as she nodded. aAnd youare sure you donat want me to stay in one of the guest bedrooms?a With a frustrated growl, Julie grabbed Remmy by the front of the shirt, pulling her onto the bed, then straddling her hips, effectively pinning the brunette to the bed. She planted her hands to the mattress on either side of Remmyas head. She felt warm hands grasp her hips.

aWhatas your deal?a Julie asked, tilting her head enough for all of her hair to gather on one side. aWhy so insecure today?a Remmy felt stupid, Julieas gaze pinning her to the spot. She knew she couldnat lie to her. However, before she had a chance to respond, Julie sat up slightly, her lips opening as something occurred to her.

aWait,a Julie said, ayouare not embarrassed of us, are you? Do you not want Monica to see us together?a Julie squealed as suddenly she found their positions completely reversed, Remmy looking down at her, blue eyes twinkling.

aNow whoas being insecure?a she asked, a lopsided grin quirking her lips. aI could never be embarrassed or ashamed of you, or of what we share. On the same note, though, this is very new for you, Julie. We can be every bit the couple behind the safety of the walls of our house, but to the world a.

Julie looked up into Remmyas face. Though her eyes shined with amusement, Julie knew she had a very valid point. She had to admit she had yet to tell her brother about the turn in events, which he, himself had predicted. If she were completely honest with herself, and with Remmy, she was scared to death to walk outside those walls, but ultimately she knew she couldnat be unfair to Remmy, couldnat be unfair to what they had. She loved Remmy with all her heart, and would let nothing get between them.

Reaching up a hand, she cupped Remmyas cheek. aI love you, Remmy. I want your cousin here, and I want her to see how happy you are. I want her to see us.a Remmy smiled, placing a soft kiss to even softer lips, but sobered quickly. aI have an idea, though I have no idea what youall think of it.a aRead my mind,a Julie teased, grinning as Remmy rolled her eyes.

aUh, no. I think youad have my head for that one.a aProbably. Okay, whatas your idea?a Julie twirled a random strand of dark hair around her finger.

aWhat if, while Monica is here, we have a barbecue. You know, invite those that weare close to-Matt and Skylar, Grace and Chris, Joan .a.

aGet it over with in one fell swoop?a Julie guess, finishing Remmyas unspoken thought. At Remmyas nod, Julie sighed, glancing out toward the window. She knew she had to, but her stomach roiled at the possibility. She could feel Remmyas eyes on her, and knew she was waiting for an answer. Meeting blue eyes again, Julie nodded. aOkay,a she said softly. The absolute look of joy she received was worth it all.

Monica looked around at the tiny sports car, eyes finally resting on her cousinas profile as she easily maneuvered it through traffic, headed back to the small town of Woodland.

aYou look fantastic, Remmy,a she marveled. She hadnat seen the brunette since Remmy had left Omaha in the spring, but now, nearly four months later, Remmy was all but glowing. Her eyes were bright, step light, and physically she looked phenomenal. Shead put on some weight, and looked healthier than shead ever seen her. They spoke on the phone at least once or twice a week, but Remmy had been fairly hush hush about her personal life.

Remmy grinned over at her cousin, only daring to take her eyes off the road for a second. Julie would have her ass if she let anything happen to the Miata. aThanks. You, too. I bet youare glad to get away for a few days, huh?a aOh, yeah. Itall be so nice to get away, disappear in your little town.a She glanced at the scenery around them, appreciating all the trees and green, green grass. aSo, you said you had some things to talk to me about.a She returned her gaze to Remmyas profile. aWhatas up? And where the heck did you get this cute little car?a aItas Julieas.a aJulie? Julie who? You didnat mention you were seeing anyone.a aWellll, I am.a Remmy grinned, unable to keep the evil out of it. aJulie, as in Julie Wilson. Sheas the reason I came back to Woodland, Monica.a Monica was utterly confused. She had heard the name before, and thought it was one of the women Remmy had saved from that mad man. aYouare talking about the woman who was kidnapped, right?a aThe very one.a Twin brows rose. aYou saved her life, and now youare driving her car around?a aMon, I donat just rent a room from her. Yes, thatas how it started, but she and I connect in a way that I canat explain to you. Sheas a part of me, and Iam a part of her. We love each other very much.a Monica was stunned. She knew her cousinas sexual preferences-shead watched her hop into bed with enough women in their wild days, but she had never known Remmy to share anything with anyone, other than her body and maybe a bright smile. aSo, youare in love?a Remmy nodded, silently grinning as she could hear the wheels turning in her cousinas head. Monica knew her history better than anyone. aVery much.a aHoly crap.a ***

Remmy made another pass, finishing the last two strips of the lawn mowing. She glanced from time to time over at the back patio, watching as Monica and Julie got everything ready for the barbecue, which would start in a couple hours. She admitted, she had been nervous for Monica and Julie to meet, unsure just what her cousin would think. The worry had hardly been necessary.

Two days ago, as soon as Remmy and Monica had arrived back at the house from the airport, Monica had accepted the tour Remmy offered, then theyad settled into the kitchen where Julie already had dinner ready for them. At first, the conversation had been somewhat stale, neither Monica nor Julie sure what to do or say to the other. But, soon enough the ice had been broken, and it was immediately obvious that the two women had found a kindred spirit in the other.

When Remmy wasnat the chosen target for both Julie and Monica, who quickly ganged up, she simply sat back and watched, delighted that the two most important people in her life were quickly becoming friends.

That night, as Remmy and Julie had lain in bed, Remmy spooned around the blonde, Julie had thanked her for bringing Monica into their lives.

aHey!a Julie yelled above the motor of the lawn mower. aChop, chop! Quit your daydreaming!a Remmy glared playfully, then continued with her work.

aIt is far too gorgeous out here,a Grace hummed, resting on one of the loungers that had been set out. Remmy grinned, sitting on a matching one.

aThat it is. Iam sorry Chris couldnat come today, Grace.a The detective waved her off. aDonat worry about it. He was pissed he had to work, but you know what?a she glanced over at her friend, meeting the sunglasses that Remmy wore. aI canat tell you how many times he went to events, games with his friends, whatnot, while I worked.a She grinned back up to the hot, late June sky. aI think turnaboutas fair play.a Remmy chuckled. aIndeed it is.a She glanced over at the patio, sensing Julieas presence. Sure enough, the blonde stood with a glass of iced tea in her hand, seeming to be in a deep conversation with Monica. She grinned in complete contentment. Grace smiled in noting the sigh from her friend. Ahhh, true love.

aIam thinking that I might try and get back to sixth grade next year, maybe,a Julie said, chewing on her bottom lip in thought. aI donat know. Iave never taught seventh before, so who knows,a she shrugged with a grin. aI may like it better.a aJulie,a Matt said, stepping up next to the women. He gave Monica an apologetic smile. aCan I steal you for a minute?a Julie groaned internally. Here we go. aIall be back in a few, Monica. Go eat some more. Lord knows I made enough hamburgers!a Julie followed her brother into the house where he stopped in the kitchen. From the window there, they could easily see the small party, Julieas gaze landing on Remmy and Grace, chatting and lying around like fat cats in their loungers. aWhatas up?a she asked finally, keeping her voice as chipper as possible.

aSo, were you planning on coming clean with me? About you and Remmy?a he asked, keeping his voice even. He didnat want to fight with his sister, but he did feel he deserved an explanation.

aCome clean? Matt,a Julie sighed, annoyed. aI donat owe you anything, okay? Iam happy. Isnat that enough for you?a Matt leaned against the counter, arms crossed over his chest. aHow did it happen?a he asked quietly.

Julie shrugged. She mirrored his position against the butcher block island. aI donat really know, to be honest. It just felt so right.a Matt eyed her, aTo a he couldnat bring himself to say it.

Julie smiled softly, reaching across to place her hand on his forearm. aTo love her, Matt. Itas the most natural, right thing Iave ever done. I didnat realize it, but Iave been looking for her my whole life.a aI really donat get it, Jules,a Matt sighed, placing his much larger hand over hers. aYes, it means a lot to me that youare happy. In truth, Iave never seen you this happy.a Finally he was able to meet her gaze, a boyish grin spreading. aI guess itas better than seeing you with Ray Lambert.a Julie rolled her eyes. aGee, thanks. Somehow I think seeing me a'shack upa as you called it, with a lamp post would be better than Ray Lambert.a Matt chuckled, crossing the couple steps until he stood directly in front of the blonde. He took her in a warm hug, resting his chin on her head. aI love you, Jules. Iam really glad she makes you happy.a Julie closed her eyes, head resting against her brotheras broad chest. aShe does,a she murmured, arms wrapped around his back. aNow we just need to find you someone to make you just as happy.a Matt grinned. aI donat know, her cousinas kinda cute.a He jerked at the pinch to his side, holding his sister closer.

Chapter 60.

Remmy lay on her back, hands behind her head. She tried to keep her eyes off the woman sleeping next to her, but was having a hell of a time. They had agreed theyad behave while Monica stayed with them, her bedroom right next door. Her cousin would leave the following morning, Julie would drop her off at the airport before heading to the school to start organizing everything that had belonged to her, all packed up and stored after her disappearance the year before. Julie was lying on her side, back facing Remmy.

With an internal growl, Remmy returned to contemplating the ceiling above them.

aI canat sleep, either,a Julie murmured, never changing her position.

Remmy glanced at her, surprised to hear the soft words. She turned to her side, scooting over until she was pressed against Julieas naked back. aWhy canat you sleep?a she asked, maneuvering herself closer until her crotch nicely cupped Julieas butt.

aBecause my body wonat obey,a she said with a sigh.

Remmy chuckled, her hand, which had rested on Julieas hip moved up along the blondeas side, squeezing underneath Julieas arm, until she cupped one of the blondeas breasts. Julie sighed, relaxing into the touch.

aYou are so not helping the issue, Remmy,a Julie murmured, wiggling back into the brunette even as she spoke.

aNo, but I could help the issue.a Julie smiled, running her hand up and over Remmyas hip. aIam sure you could. But, wasnat it you that recommended we not act like, oh, what were your words, a'horny fourteen year old boysa, while Monica is here?a She smiled at the low chuckle that was released against the back of her neck, the sound making her shiver.

aI never said that,a Remmy said, her hand beginning to lightly fondle the breast, the nipple already hard against her palm.

aYou most certainly did.a Julie had to fight against the moan that tried to escape. She knew she would never be able to win this battle, but it would be fun to try.

aI mustave been out of my mind, or half asleep or something,a Remmy reasoned, her lips finding the back of Julieas neck. She smiled at the soft whimper and slight jerk of Julieas hips against her. She returned the movement, already feeling herself wet and very aroused.

aWe really shouldnat, Remmy,a Julie whispered, though her protest didnat even sound believable to her own ears.

aI havenat been able to touch you in two nights,a Remmy whispered against Julieas ear, swiping at the lobe. aThree days a.

Julie gasped as her nipple was taken between two very nimble fingers, sensation shooting to her lower belly. She couldnat respond, her body stirring wide awake, and very responsive. Finally she turned over until she was facing Remmy. aWe have to be really quiet,a she whispered against her lips.

aVery quiet,a Remmy agreed, bridging the scant distance between them and kissing Julie deeply, pushing the blonde to her back in the process.

Julie moaned breathily into Remmyas mouth, her legs spreading to make room for the brunetteas body that settled on top of her. She could never get enough of the feel of Remmyas skin against her own. Sometimes she wondered how shead lived without it. aOh, yes,a she whispered, knowing fingers and lips running a fiery trail across her skin until finally her breast was consumed by a hot, demanding mouth.

Remmy was lost in the bliss of Julieas gorgeous body, her hand cupping her other breast as she feasted on the second one. She could feel Julieas hips thrusting lightly against her, the blondeas immense wetness painting Remmyas stomach. She groaned at the feel, her fingers itching to explore.

Julie gasped, back arching when she felt gentle fingers slide through her wetness, legs falling open further. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to concentrate on the feelings Remmy was stirring up within her. She could feel Remmy press herself against her thigh, almost burning the blondeas skin with her need. Her hand began to run down over Remmyas back, meaning to reach around to Remmyas own sex, but stopped as Remmyas fingers found Julieas extremely hard clit. She soaked up the pleasure at the pressure that was being given. Suddenly she realized she wanted more. She wanted to complete the circle.

Remmy was busy exploring Julieas neck when a hand was down between the blondeas legs, resting upon her own hand. She stopped, worried for a moment shead done something to displease Julie, and lifted her head, meeting green eyes. All she saw there was love and intense desire. As she held Julieas gaze, she felt those fingers guide her own to Julieas entrance. Remmy raised a questioning brow, only receiving a passionate kiss in answer.

Julie groaned low in her throat as Remmy entered her, her hips rising to meet the intrusion. She was nervous, her stomach somewhat queasy, but she had to keep reminding herself that it was Remmy, and this was done out of love.

Fully inside, Remmy kissed Julie once more before pulling back to rest on her forearm, brushing blonde hair away from Julieas face. She began to move, slowly sliding in and out, watching as green eyes slid closed, a wrinkle of concentration forming between Julieas brows. She couldnat look away, in awe of the gift she was being given.

Julie felt the fingers filing her, the soft lips that brushed across her face and lips, and the fell and smell of Remmyas skin. Remmy. It was Remmy who was inside her, claiming her. That thought started her orgasm low in her belly, building and gaining speed and heat.

Remmy was surprised when Julieas body convulsed around her, hot wetness soaking her fingers and hand. Julie did her best to keep quiet, but Remmy helped, absorbing all her cries with her own mouth.

Slowly Julie felt herself calming, her body jerking with a few aftershocks from one of the most intense experiences of her life. She closed her thighs, keeping Remmy deep inside her as she wrapped the brunette in grateful arms, kissing her deeply. aI love you,a she breathed again and again. Finally releasing Remmyas arm, the brunette was able to take her completely into her arms, stroking Julieas back as the blonde was pulling on top of her. Her own body still burned, but at the moment, it was far more important to hold Julie, to let her know through her actions just how much she was loved and how grateful Remmy was. She smiled into the darkness, holding Julie close.

Chapter 61.

Remmy broke down the box, tossing the flattened cardboard to the polished tile, then taking her utility knife from her back pocket, slicing through the tape of yet another box. The shelves were pretty damn empty, and Remmy was irritated. She was going to have to have a chat with Joan about the other employees and how much they didnat do. The only reason she wasnat ready to commit murder was because the store was pretty slow, as it was in the middle of a Monday afternoon. Everyone had gone back to work in the bustling little town. So, other than having to stop now and then to take care of a gasoline customer, shead been table to work pretty much undisturbed.

She heard the bells above the door jingle and glanced up over the shoulder-height shelving units, made at just such a height so any part of the store could be seen from anywhere else in the store. She saw the young man step inside, his short, brown hair slightly hanging in his eyes. He was dressed casually, t-shirt and jeans.

aCan I help you?a she asked, letting him know she was there. He glanced at her, studying her for a moment, then shook his head.

aNope. Not yet.a

Part 30-conclusion.

Julie blew out a breath as she heaved another plastic tub onto one of the small desks neatly lined in a row. Removing the lid, she peered inside, glad to see all her posters and framed pictures that would soon be hung up on her classroom walls. It was strange to be in a new room, having been in the same one during her entire time at Woodland Middle School.

Pulling various decorations out and scattering them on the floor to be gone through later, Julie was relived to hear Mike Gonzales and his team working maintenance in the quiet school. She wasnat sure if she was quite ready to be alone in the building, yet. After all, she would have to leave it at some point.

Adjusting her ponytail and brushing her bangs out of her eyes, Julie took a drink from her bottled water. It was going to be a scorcher, and she didnat relish the thought of being stuck in the school all afternoon, the air conditioner turned off for the summer. Leaning back against her new desk, she sighed, enjoying the feel of the cold liquid as it slid down her throat, the chill able to be followed as it spread throughout her body.

She smiled as she lowered the bottle, resting it against her upper chest. Her thoughts reverted to the night before, and the time she and Remmy had spent making love. It had been interesting, to say the least, trying to stay quiet. That morning, as she had made breakfast for Remmy and Monica, it had taken everything in her power to not blush every time she looked at their guest. Monica seemed non-the-wiser, so she assumed they had stayed quiet enough Julie closed her eyes for a moment, concentrating. She swore she could still feel Remmy inside her, touching her in places that went beyond the physical realm. She could only pray that Matt could find that kind of love. She half wondered if he were kidding about Monica, as shead certainly noticed his eyes following the very attractive brunette around the barbecue. Julie chuckled, amused at her own thoughts. aWouldnat that be a kick,a she muttered to the empty classroom.

With a sigh, Julie set her water aside and continued unpacking. She was just glad that Bob had allowed her into the school so early in the summer. Technically teachers didnat start on their rooms until mid-August at the earliest usually, but Julie needed to get a curriculum together for her seventh graders, and needed to back through her old stuff, see what could be salvaged. The class schedules hadnat been made up by the counselor, yet, but Julie looked forward to seeing whom shead have. Woodland Middle was a fairly small school, so it was likely she knew most, if not all, of the kids.

She sighed, grabbing another tub.

Remmy slid the razor back into the plastic handle for safe keeping, then slid the utility knife into her back pocket. Scooting the boxes out of the middle of the aisle, and gathering up the broken down boxes, Remmy headed for the bullpen, leaning the cardboard against the cigarette shelves. She waited, the customer roaming around the store, fingering a package of candy corn before moving on. He glanced at her from time to time, making Remmy somewhat nervous.

She was totally alone in the store, Joan off, and her relief not coming in until after three. Remmy felt a little tingle in her spine, but couldnat quite read its origin. aHot out there, huh?a she said, her words more out of a slight nervousness rather than caring for conversation with the young man, who didnat look to be any older than his early twenties.

aYep. Pretty hot,a he said, running a finger along the cool glass of one of the coolers, making a full circuit around the small store until he reached the front doors. He glanced out into the parking lot, noting a man filling up his Bronco, his attention on the gas and price meter, and nowhere on the store. With a metallic click, the front doors were locked by a turn of the manas wrist.

Remmy was very nervous, now, her eyes never leaving the man as she blindly reached under the counter, trying to locate the silent alarm button. She had been shown half-assed by Josh when she first started, but that was last August, nearly a year ago. Finally she found it, her fingers pressing against it.

aLook, how can I help you?a she asked, stepping away from the button once it was pushed, trying her best to not cause any suspicions on the part of the calm, young man. He walked over to her finally, her eyes holding a gleam that made Remmyas skin crawl.