The Collector - The Collector Part 22

The Collector Part 22

Julie drew away slowly, feeling calm, yet completely overwhelmed. She brought a hand up, brushing her fingers lightly over Remmyas lips before resting her head on a strong shoulder. Her entire body felt energized, like someone had reached inside and lit her from within.

Remmy watched her carefully, rubbing soothing circles on Julieas back. Finally she stepped away, giving the blonde some space. aHow about that movie now?a she asked softly.

Julie nodded, smiling sheepish. aExcept, I really do need to feed my dogs now.a ***

Julie lie in bed, staring up at the ceiling. She wasnat sure how long shead lain awake, any noise from Remmyas room long ceased. The bedside clock read ten past one, yet still sleep was elusive.

Deciding she was hot, Julie kicked the covers off, earning her a glare from a sleepy Clyde. aSorry, buddy,a she murmured. Dressed in only her tank top, she was still warm, the night air seeming stagnant and hot. Her mind kept returning to kiss theyad shared in the kitchen-she could still feel Remmyas hands on her, so gentle as they touched her as if she were a fragile, priceless vase or fine crystal. Shead never been touched that way before, never felt so cherished. And the kiss. It had been rather basic, a simple touching of the lips, softness sampling softness. Wonderful.

Julie brought her fingers up, touching her lips lightly, still able to feel the tingle from Remmyas kiss. That simple gesture had washed away every fear shead had that night, every image of Sergio Venti and his damned handcuffs. How was that possible? How was it possible that with only one touch from Remmy, be it from her hands, a full-body hug, or the softness of her lips, Julie forgot all that could harm her. She was able to simply bask in the safe harbor that was Remmy Foster.

Remmyas body was on fire, and she couldnat find a comfortable position to sleep in for the life of her. Every window was open, the ceiling fan above swirling and rocking. It didnat matter. The outside temperature wasnat the problem.

With a soft groan, she returned to her back, resting her palm on a flat stomach. aFuck,a she whispered with a heavy sigh. Shead do anything for Julie, but that kiss had nearly killed her-not necessarily the act itself, though that had been bad enough, but having to control it, keep it at a level that was safe for Julie. Had she had her way, she would have picked Julie up, sitting her on top of the counter and wouldave stood between her spread legs, showing her what kissing a woman was really about.

Maybe moving in with Julie wasnat such a good idea after all, she wondered. She remembered the day her friend had suggested it. Immediately Remmy had said yes, the prospect of spending so much more time with Julie, being able to watch over her and protect her No other choice. But, now. Well, things were coming up rather quickly that she hadnat counted on, or figured shead be able to control.

Remmy often wondered if Julie could hear her heart pounding whenever she was around the blonde. Could she see it in the carefully controlled expressions and eyes? Did it ever slip? No doubt, especially since Julie seemed to be able to sense nearly as much about Remmy as Remmy knew of Julie, just perhaps not in as visual a way as Remmy was capable of. Shead never known such a connection, and sometimes it scared her.

The thing that probably most scared Remmy was that never in her life had she known a home, a place where she belonged and truly wanted to be. With Julie, in her presence, in her house, in her life, she felt roots that had only months to grow, but in that short time, theyad rooted sturdy and solid, nothing budging them. If Julie were to leave Woodland tomorrow, Remmy would follow. She felt complete with her, she felt a sense of self that shead never known before. That scared her, too.

Remmy sighed, a heavy sigh that unbeknownst to her, matched perfectly with Julieas. The brunette turned over onto her stomach, allowing her legs to spread, finding cool spots on the mattress, and closed her eyes. She had work in the morning, and was exhausted.

Part 27.

Chapter 55.

Remmy cursed slightly under her breath, catching the cans of canned chili before the entire case fell across the floor. Once she knew she had it stabilized, she hurried after the cans that had rolled away, only stopping whey they hit the dairy cooler. Quickly collecting the runaway cans, she hurried back to her display.

aYou are the oddest person Iave ever known,a Roman said, standing back, watching the slow creation of this weekas display.

Remmy glanced up, surprised at the voice. She smiled. aHey, man, how are you?a aDoing okay. Just laughing my ass off here as you chase cans of chili.a He grinned, eyes twinkling.

aLaugh it up, asshole.a This, of course, only made Roman laugh harder. Remmy grinned, setting the cans down and walking over to her friend, giving him a heartfelt hug. She knew Roman wasnat sure what to make of her and their adventures last fall. Though a good guy and good friend, he had somewhat kept his distance since shead returned. Remmy took no offense, learning over the years how to let relationships roll off her back. aNeed to pay for something?a she asked.

aYeah. Got gas on pump 3.a Roman followed her to the bullpen, the half-door squeaking as it swung shut after Remmyas passing. She typed in her employee code and then rung up the gas.

aAnything else?a she asked.

aNope. On my way to work. Get all the crap to eat or drink that I need there.a aYeah, no kidding. Save me a lemon muffin, will ya? Iall pick it up after work and take it home to Julie.a Roman stopped, flipping his wallet open. He glanced up at her, a question in his eyes. aYou guys shacking up?a he asked, voice quiet but filled with surprise.

Remmy silently cursed, taking the money he offered. aNot like that, Roman. I just got tired of living with my boss, so she offered me a room.a Remembering the wonderful kiss from three days ago, she couldnat look him in the eye, instead pretending to be concentrating on getting him a receipt.

Roman watched her carefully, remembering her words to him early on in their friendship. He knew Remmy was gay, but Julie Wilson?! aHow long have you been there?a He took his change, tucking the bills into his wallet and pocketing the change.

Remmy shrugged. No big deal. aCouple weeks.a Roman nodded, taking the receipt Remmy offered. aWell, Iall see you around.a With a final smile, the redhead left the store, trotting over to his car. The sight of it still gave Remmy the chills.

aDid you know people are idiots?a Joan called out, the back door to the store slamming as the manager made her way down the back hall, tossing her purse and keys into her office, then proceeding into the store.

aYes, Iave been aware of that for a very long time,a Remmy drawled, leaning back against the counter, arms crossed over her chest. aWhat happened that finally gave you this realization?a aSmart ass,a Joan growled, leaning her arms on the counter. aThe damn drivers in this town, I swear to god. Idiots, every single one of them.a Remmy grinned, amused at her bossa short tempter and lack of patience for just about anything. aThatas typically what happens when you share the road with mere mortals, Joan, unlike your godly self.a Joan stared at her for a moment then broke into laughter. aSmart ass,a she said again, reaching out to playful swipe at her employee. She sobered, studying Remmy. aYouare in a good mood today.a aIam always in a good mood, Joan. Itas part of my charm. I make every room I bless with my presence glow with the golden hue of my tarnished halo.a Joan cracked up. aYou are so full of shit today! Did you get laid or something?a Joan was shocked to see the powerful blush that lit up Remmyas cheeks at her innocent words. Eyes growing huge, she leaned against the counter again. aJulie?a she whispered.

Remmy blanched at the pure joy in Joanas eyes. Pure joy and pure gossip-lined shock. aNo, Joan. I did not get laid, and it certainly wouldnat have been Julie if I did.a Joan relaxed, eyeing Remmy for a moment as she chewed on the inside of her cheek. aBut something did happen,a she guessed, seeing a twinkle in Remmyas eyes that shead never seen before.

Remmy met her gaze dead on. She was a good liar. aNo, Joan. Nothing did. Iam just happy. Isnat that enough?a She was irritated, not wanting to share something as beautiful as what had happened a few nights ago with Joan. She knew the older woman wouldnat understand it, and would only see it for the base kissing that it would seem outwardly.

Joan could tell that her questions were not welcome, so raised her hands in supplication. aI apologize, Remmy. Truly. Iall leave it alone.a aThank you.a aHowas business?a Joan asked, reaching across to check the gas log that they kept next to the register. It was nearly half full already. aBusy morning?a aFairly. But, Iave had time to figure out what to do with all that chili.a Remmy grinned, eyes mischievous. aBeen working on it for awhile.a Joan rolled her eyes. aOh lord save us.a Setting the log back in place, she turned and headed back to her office, leaving an amused Remmy behind.

Julie hummed as she worked in the kitchen, every bit looking like the little housewife. Shead done laundry, cleaned house, and would go do yard work as soon as she finished making herself lunch.

It was heating up outside, so she pulled her hair back off her neck, twisting it into a loose bun. She had put on a baby doll tank that morning for the first time since everything had happened. It wasnat in poor taste, but it certainly showed more skin than her usual tshirts did. For some reason shead felt the need to try.

Sergio had made her fear and ashamed of her own nakedness, and that was something she resented greatly. She had managed to get her bathing habits down to one or two showers a day, but still felt painfully shy about revealing anything more than what long shorts and a t-shirt showed.

As she stood there in the kitchen, she felt herself glancing from time to time at her neckline, making sure the tank was dipping too low. aHow the hell did I become puritanical?a she muttered, finishing the creation of here sandwich.

She sat down at the table, glancing out the window to make sure the sprinklers shead set near the flowers were in fact watering them, and not half the neighborhood. Satisfied, she focused on her meal, thoughts wandering from flowers and water bills. It had been three days since she had kissed Remmy. Three days, two nights. The day after the kiss, there had been a new closeness between them, a bond that was even stronger than moments before the kiss in the very room where she sat, eating her sandwich.

Julie glanced at the counter where shead been standing as Remmy had held her, their lips softly exploring. The kiss wasnat one of passion, but it hadnat been exactly chaste, either. She could still feel the softness of Remmyas mouth, the softness of her touch. It had been wonderful, and beyond anything Julie had experienced before.

Even still, over the past couple days, she had kept her physical distance from Remmy, not sure what was appropriate anymore. The lines seemed to be shifting and disappearing in the sand, leaving Julie very confused. She had seen Remmy look at her when the brunette thought she was unobserved. Her eyes spoke volumes for what Julie figured Remmy would never say. The blue depths burned with love and caring, and a deep desire that admittedly scared Julie.

The one thing that probably surprised Julie the most in the strange situation was that even though shead only known Remmy for a few scant months, she felt as though shead known her her whole life. Even more surprising, and definitely frightening was the realization that Julie had no idea how shead lived the first 28 years of her life without here.

aThatas crazy,a she muttered, finishing her lunch and sliding the dishes into the dishwasher.

Remmy nearly flew up the stairs to the front porch, hot from her walk home, but damn glad to finally be home. It had been a long day, and her back hurt from being on her feet all day. Why couldnat she have Joanas job-sitting back in the office all day. No standing, no pain in the ass customers. aGuess thatas why she gets the big bucks,a she muttered, pulling the screen door open and using her keys to unlock the front door.

The house was quiet and smelled of Pine Sol and air deodorizer. Remmy had never known someone who was as clean as Julie was. It amazed her: when Skylar was over for the weekend, or even just the night, the house was trashed with his toys, food wrappers, video games and controllers. Julie didnat blink an eye, though she did make the boy clean up after himself. Within an hour of his leaving, the house was in perfect condition again.

aHoney, Iam home!a Remmy called out, jogging up the stairs to her room to change clothes. She had tried to talk Joan into letting them wear shorts at the store more than once, but the older woman refused.

aHow was your day, dear?a Julie said from Remmyas open doorway, a stack of folded laundry in her hands and a lopsided grin on her face.

aOh, it was just peachy,a Remmy joked back. aHow were the Beav and Wally today?a Julie broke into laughter, handing Remmy her laundry, accepting the thanks and quick peck on the lips in greeting. Neither reacted, as it just seemed a natural thing to do.

aWell, Iall have a martini waiting for you downstairs, darling,a Julie said with a wave, continuing their play as she left the bedroom, leaving a very amused Remmy in her wake.

Remmy quickly put her clothing awake, shocked Julie had washed hers, too. Changing into mesh shorts and a tank top, she padded her way downstairs, tennis shoes and socks in hand. She wasnat surprised to find Julie out back, Bonnie and Clyde involved in a very heated tug-of-war game with the new rope Remmy had bought them a month ago. Remmy sat on one of the patio chairs, slipping her socks and shoes on, her eyes on Julie.

She had been shocked to see Julie in a shorter pair of shorts than shead ever seen her, and a top that exposed her smooth, tanned shoulders and arms, the soft play of muscle underneath as she prepared the grill for their dinner. Something was different. Dark brows drew as Remmy tried to figure out exactly what it was. She returned the smile Julie gave her, then the blonde returned to what she was doing. Remmy watched the smooth, graceful movements, the controlled awareness Julie had over her body. It was a new sort of confidence of movement she had. She seemed to stand a bit straighter, stretching her arm that much further to reach what she wanted.

aWhy are you watching me?a Julie asked, her back still to Remmy, who was glad, as her eyes darted out to the yard, embarrassed to be caught.

She cleared her throat, ignoring the question, which she wasnat sure wasnat rhetorical, anyway. aCan I help you?a She pushed up from the chair and walked over to Julie.

aYeah, you can. In the fridge, second shelf, is a plate with the hamburger patties already made. Grab a'em and bring out here, please.a aWill do.a Julie watched as Remmy disappeared into the house. She had felt the intense blue eyes on her, wondering what had been going through Remmyas mind during her inspection. Considering the younger woman hadnat responded to her question, she doubted shead find out.

Within moments, Remmy returned, the cold plate in her hands. She set it on the small, wooden surface connected to the barbequer. She stood back, leaning against the outside wall of the house. She decided to voice something that had been bothering her. aI want to talk to you about something, Julie.a aOkay,a the blonde said absently, adding the patties to the fired up grill. She closed the lid and gave Remmy her attention.

aI tried talking to you about this before, but you blew me off. So, Iam trying again, and this time, I really want you to listen.a aAlright.a Julie felt somewhat nervous as she walked over to one of the patio chairs and sitting. Remmy did the same. aWhatas up?a aRent. No, donat turn away from me,a Remmy placed her hand over Julieas, stopping her from getting up. aJulie, I am not going to let you let me live here without helping out financially. I donat care whether itas a price for the space, or if I pay for all the food, all the utilities, whatever.a aRemmy,a Julie said, entwining their fingers. aI can afford this house just fine on my own. And now, Iall be back with the school district here in a couple months-a aItas not about money, Julie,a Remmy said softly. aItas about my not pulling my own weight. Iave always been self-sufficient, so Iam not doing too well with this sugar mamma thing.a She smiled when Julie burst into laughter, but the smile quickly slid from Remmyas face. aIam serious.a aHow about this-you need a car. I hate the fact that you have to walk all over this damn town, and Iave told you more than once that youare welcome to use my car until I go back to work.a aI am not leaving you stranded.a aAs noble as that may be, it still stands, Iave offered. Take this time, Rem, save up and get yourself a car. Iam really okay with that. I mean,a she shrugged a shoulder, ayou help out around the house a lot, and,a she thought back to Remmyas own words to Joan. aYou could just be the handyman.a Remmy studied Julieas face, seeing the slight hurt in her eyes. aYou hear that?a Julie nodded. aI did, and that doesnat matter.a Remmy frantically tried to think back to that conversation, trying to remember what else Julie may have overheard. She was brought out of her thoughts with a squeeze to her hand.

aI understand your pride, and honestly, Iam the same way. So, letas find a compromise. Howas that?a aYouall let me pay half the mortgage, half the food and half the utilities?a Remmy said with a big, goofy grin, making Julie chuckle.

aUhhh, no. Iam serious about the car. Weare in the middle summer right now, but I think you saw last year how ugly the winters can be. I cannot stand the thought of you tromping through the friggna snow.a aAlright. Fair enough. So, whatas your compromise?a aYou save your money for a car, or for pretty things for me.a Julieas grin was huge, eyes twinkling and mischievous. aOkay, so Iam kidding. How about I take care of mortgage and utilities, and of course my own car, and you take care of food. Okay? Except,a she held up a finger. aIall take care of my dogs, of course.a Remmy sighed, seeing the wisdom in Julieas words, as she knew she needed a car. She hadnat bothered over the years because shead never been anywhere long enough to bother, and it was a hell of a lot cheaper to hitch or ride the rails when she traveled than worry about gas. Finally she met Julieas eyes. aOnce I get a car, then we re-negotiate. Thatas the only way this is going to fly.a Julie smiled. aDeal.a She removed her hand from Remmyas, holding it out for a shake, which was taken in the slightly larger hand, Remmyas grip firm. aGood. You can start by turning over the patties.a She leaned on her clasped hands, smiling sweetly.

Chapter 56.

aThis is really good, Grace,a Julie said, savoring the dinner the detective had prepared for them.

aI know,a Remmy agreed, aWho knew you could do more than bug the shit out of me.a Chris and Julie laughed, Grace throwing a roll at Remmyas grinning face, which she caught easily.

aWell, I figured it was about time we met under more civilized conditions rather than a crime scene,a the older woman chuckled, enjoying Julie and Remmyas company immensely. She also found watching them one of the most amusing and entertaining things sheas seen in awhile. From the raised eyebrows shead received from her husband, Grace could tell she wasnat the only one who saw the heat between the two. She glanced back to Remmy, meeting her gaze with a question in her eyes. Blue eyes looked away.

Julie tossed her keys to the kitchen table, tired, but content, after a fun evening with Grace and Chris. Shead been surprised when shead been invited to the dinner alongside Remmy.

The brunette pushed the button just inside the house garage door, sending the big door closed with a mechanical whir. She closed and locked the inside door, walking into the kitchen to join Julie, who was getting the pitcher of iced tea from the fridge.

aWhat were you and Grace talking about all hush hush?a she asked, pouring two glasses of tea, handing one to Remmy.

The brunette took hers with a quiet thanks. Grace had taken her aside to tell her what had happened with the Bailey case, but Remmy felt like playing. aArenat you little miss nosey?a Julie could tell by Remmyas tone that she was also in a playful mood. aI see. It must have been pretty serious business if you wonat tell me.a Remmy mirrored Julieas position, leaning against the counter, arms crossed over her chest. aMaybe we were planning your demise.a aOh yeah?a Julie raised a brow. aIs it gonna hurt?a Remmy grinned, nice and evil. She stalked over to Julie, who moved around, the butcher block island between them. aWhy do you think I would make it hurt?a Remmy purred, eyes never leaving the woman who now, too had made her way to the island, four feet of cooking space separating them, both hunched, ready to bolt or give chase at any moment.

aWell, I donat know,a Julie said, eyes twinkling. aMaybe because the look in your eyes is pure evil.a Remmyas grin widened. aEvil, huh?a aOh, yeah.a Julie moved, never taking her eyes off Remmy, slowly trying to move her way around until she could bolt into the living room. Her glance toward freedom gave her plan away.

aWhat, you donat like my company here in the kitchen?a Remmy grins, slowly prowling around the island, carefully gauging Julieas reactions. The blondeas eyes hadnat yet lost their spark, her body tensed with their game.

aWell, I donat know,a Julie said, voice entirely too sweet. She saw her chance and bolted, squealing as she heard Remmy give chase. Julie pounded up the stairs, ignoring Bonnie and Clyde who barked wildly at the two playful women.

Remmy was grinning wildly as she was hot on Julieas trail, reaching for her, only to have Julie squeal again and manage to elude her grasp. They ran down the upstairs hall, toward the master bedroom, where Julie disappeared inside, trying to close the door on Remmy, but the brunetteas larger size burst it back open, plowing into the blonde, both of them stumbling backwards onto Julieas bed.

Julie tried to wrestle her way away from Remmy, who held her lightly, both of them knowing that she could get away in a second if she wanted to. She realized she didnat want to.

Remmy held herself up on her hands, which lightly held Julieas wrists on either side of her head, her chest heaving with her breaths of exertion. Julieas breathing was also heavy, her gaze unable to leave Remmyas. Slowly, she pulled her hands free, almost in a dream, bringing them to rest on the brunetteas waist. She felt her heart pounding, mouth gone dry, so she ran a quick tongue over her lips, Remmyas gaze drawn to the movement.

Slowly Remmy lowered her upper body until she was resting on her forearms, her breasts just barely grazing Julieas. The casual grip on her waist tightened, seeming to urge her down even more. She could feel the heat of Julieas skin through the thin layers of their shirts, stomachs pressed together.

Julie could feel the heat from the body above her, nearly burning her own. Her gaze strayed to Remmyas lips, wanting badly to bring the dark head to her own, but didnat now how.

The decision was made for her when the doorbell rang downstairs, shattering the spell that Julie and Remmy were under. Remmy pushed off from the bed, running trebling hands through her hair as she left the room, heading down the stairs, giving Julie a chance to get herself together. Downstairs, at the front door, she heard Mattas voice.

aHow are you?a Matt asked, doing his best to be friendly to Remmy.

aIam great. Come on in.a Remmy held the door open, watching as Julieas brother and Skylar entered the house. Moments later Julie hurried down the stairs, her hair put into a ponytail, eyes calm and welcoming.

aHey, guys,a she said, walking over and giving her nephew a big hug, but didnat hug her brother.

Matt was hurt by the snub, but understood. He knew they needed to talk. aHey, Julies. Sorry to drop in on you like this, but I was wondering if youad mind if Skylar stayed the night? Me and the guys are going out to play pool, and Mrs. Huxby next door couldnat watch him.a aof course I donat mind.a She grinned down at the boy, inside both relieved beyond measure and irritated at Matt just dropping by, putting her on instant babysitting duty. He grinned back up at her before brushing past her and heading for the TV to hook up his video game system. Remmy headed into the kitchen, leaving the siblings alone. Julie had not told her of their fight.

aThanks for doing this,a Matt said, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

aNo problem. I love Skylar, you know that.a Matt nodded, then looked down at his shuffling feet. He glanced toward the kitchen, making sure Remmy wasnat within hearing distance. aListen, Iam really sorry about the other week. That was wrong of me.a aYeah, Matt, it was. In fact, it was downright asshole of you,a Julie said, her voice kept low, but filled with anger. aPersonally, I think you owe Remmy an apology.a Mattas brows drew. aWhat? Why? I didnat do anything or say anything to her, Julie. I donat owe her shit.a aFine. Then you owe me the right to live my life as I see fit. Howas that?a Matt sighed, nodding. aFine. I still,a Matt cut himself off, hands shoved into the back pockets of his jeans. aJust be sure, Jules, okay?a Julie held his gaze, hers unwavering, which was one of the hardest things she had to do. She felt Mattas warning was a blanket one, not knowing just how close to the truth head been, not ten minutes before. ahave fun playing pool,a she said, voice soft. aDonat drive if youare drinking.a Matt nodded with a tight smile. aOkay.a He gave her a quick one-armed hug, then left.

Part 28.

Chapter 57.

The sky is a crystal clear blue, the breeze cool, the water shimmers with it. Julie closes her eyes, inhaling the wonderful fragrances around her. A small smile touches her lips when she feels someone behind her. Nothing to fear this time. No one will hurt her.

Warm hands rest on her hips, the warmth of a strong body pressing up against her back. She falls into her with a contented sigh. The hands move around until the fingers have spread out over her stomach. Soft lips brush her earlobe, Julieas head falling slightly to the left, giving the lips more access.

The body behind her presses closer, the sound of the nearby water nearly forgotten, her breathing increasing. The hands slowly move up over her stomach, resting just under her breasts. The material of her dress is so thin, the hands burn her, her back arching of its own accord, desperately wanting those hands on her. Her breasts are full, nipples hard, waiting, wanting Soft lips move away from her ear, making their way to the side of her neck, leaving a hot, wet trail. Julie moaned, one hand reaching back, tangling in the long hair she knew she would find. The other hand reached down, covering the left hand just below her breast, urging the hand to cup her, which it does.

aOh, Remmy,a she whispered, gasping as the hand gently squeezed her, testing the size and weight of her breast. She gasped, her nipple taken between two fingers, tugged gently, sending warmth throughout her body, ending between her legs. aOh, god,a she breathed, her fingers tightening their hold on the dark hair, her head now resting back against a strong shoulder, a hot mouth sucking on her pulse point.

Julie could feel herself growing wetter than shead ever been, a pulsing ache low in her belly. The body behind hers pressed further into her, Julie pressing her ass into her, desperately needing to feel her. With a needy whimper, she turned, needing to seek her mouth Julie shot up, panting as her hand found her chest, heart pounding nearly as painful as her body was. She was wet, body heat through the roof. Flopping back against the pillow, she shoved the sheet away from her tank top-clad body, her panties stuck to her skin.

Remmy jerked twice, crying out softly, leaving the field as her body convulsed around her fingers. Eyes blinking several times, she saw the warm night around her, the cliffs of Overlook Hill beneath her.