The Collector - The Collector Part 21

The Collector Part 21

aJulie, Remmy has come to be very dear to me. I mean, hell, if I had kids, I think Iad want a daughter just like her.a She met steady, calm green eyes. aI feel very protective of her.a Julie tried not to react, leaning against the counter. Her arms crossed over her chest was the only sign that she was slightly tense about Joanas words. She had no idea what the older woman was leading up to, but listened, holding her tongue.

Joan sipped from her tea. She was usually a bold, very outspoken woman, but for some reason, around Julie she felt shy and somewhat tongue-tied. She knew it was because of how much Julie meant to Remmy, and she truly didnat want to piss either of them off. aOver the past couple weeks, Rem has been really upset, and I found out yesterday it was because of some sort of argument or something, between the two of you.a Setting the tea on the counter behind her, she met Julieas gaze again, able to see the churning waters inside. aI think youare a great gal. I donat know you as well as Remmy does, obviously, but from what I know, youare good people. I just ,a she sighed, trying to decide where she was going with this.

aJoan,a Julie said, aRemmy and I had a misunderstanding a couple weeks ago, and I needed to figure some things out. I care about Remmy very deeply, and would never do anything to intentionally hurt her. She knows that, and now you do, too.a She felt her throat close up slightly as her emotions rose, and she wasnat even sure why. She suddenly had a wave of her loneliness of the past two weeks flow over her, and the fear that shead lost Remmy for good. aWe had a long talk last night, and worked things out. Honestly, you donat need to worry.a aI Meant no offense by that, Julie. Itas just that, well, Iave never seen her like that before. Hell, I think if it werenat for that damn pride of hers, she wouldave broke down right there in the store.a Julie blinked rapidly, valiantly trying to hold back her tears. She would die before she wanted Remmy to cry over something she had done. She studied her shoes for a moment, trying to get herself back under control. Joan watched her intently, the wheels in her brain turning. Julie didnat want to be played for the fool. She met Joanas steady gaze again. aDid Remmy tell you what happened?a aNo. She wouldnat say.a Julie nodded. aListen, Joan, Iam glad Remmy has someone like you to care about her,a she indicated the crock pot sitting on her counter, aand I think youare good people, too. But, what happened is between Remmy and I, and as I said, weave talked some things out. I never meant to hurt her, as in all relationships, it happens.a Joan listened, recognizing the polite a'mind your own businessa in Julieas words, but she also heard what was between the lines. Relationship? Her eyes opened wide, and her breath caught. She saw the confused expression on Julieas face, but said nothing. So much more made sense now.

Clearing her throat, Joan pushed off the counter, sipping from her tea. aDo you mind if I go up and say hi?a aNo, not at all. Sheas in my room, end of the hall.a Julie turned back to her newspaper, not giving it another thought.

Joan headed toward the stairs, heart pounding. She had no idea. Whatever floats your boat, but she had absolutely no idea. She found Julieas bedroom easily enough, and sure as the day, Remmy was tucked in the bed, lying on her side, some of the covers kicked aside in her feverish sleep.

Sitting on the edge of the mattress, Joan reached out a hand, checking the sleeping womanas forehead. It was warm, but not bad. She brushed dark locks away from Remmyas face, removing it when blue eyes started open.

aHey,a Remmy croaked. aWhat are you doing here?a aI brought you some soup,a Joan said quietly. aCame to see how you were doing.a aIam alive. Feel like absolutely shit, but Iam alive.a aYeah? Well, you look like shit. Does that help?a Remmy smirked, turning to her back and pushing herself up to sit against the headboard. Joan reached over, bringing the covers back up, tucking them around Remmyas waist. aDo I need to bring you some clothes?a she asked, noting the too-large t-shirt, one shoulder canted slightly off her shoulder.

aI donat know. Not sure how long Iam staying here. I feel like Iam crashing on Julieas day or something. She shouldnat have to play nurse-maid with me.a aNo, but I imagine a game of doctor might do, huh?a Remmyas gaze met Joanas, struck by her words. Unreadable eyes met her gaze. aWhat?a Joan decided to be direct, feeling far more comfortable doing that with Remmy than Julie. aAre you two in a relationship, Remmy? Like, a relationship?a Remmy was stunned, blinking several times as she tried to get her brain to catch up with Joanas words. Surely her fever wasnat making her hallucinate or hear things. aWhy did you ask that?a A thought occurred to her. aDid Julie tell you we were?a Joan shook her head. aNo. Not really.a aThen why did you ask that?a Remmy reached for the glass of water on the bedside table that Julie had left for her. Joan grabbed it, handing it to her. Remmy drank deeply, the glass nearly chattering against her teeth from her trembling hand.

aListen, Remmy, I just want to make sure youare okay. I know how upset you were yesterday, and youave been out of it for a couple weeks, working ridiculous hours-a aI kissed her, Joan.a Remmyas matter-of-fact words took a moment to penetrate Joanas brain, but when they did, she stopped speaking, staring. aYou what?a Remmy looked away, embarrassed. She couldnat believe shead said it, but it had just kind of fallen out of her mouth. She nodded, turning back to Joan. aIt just sort of happened. I think I scared the hell out of her.a Remmy sighed, running a hand through her hair, which felt sticky and oily from her feverish sweating. She grimaced at the texture, bringing her hand back to her lap.

aShe said you guys talked it out,a Joan supplied. aWhat now?a Remmy sighed, shrugging her shoulders. aI donat know. Guess I donat do that again.a She averted her eyes as she made a confession. aI love her, Joan. Sheas the most important thing in my life.a She finally met Joanas concerned, caring gaze. aSheas my best friend. Guess Iall just continue hanging around, being her handyman.a Her smile was rueful.

Julie gasped, bringing a hand up to stop the bowl from rattling on the tray. She felt a flush of emotion pass through her at Remmyas quiet words, followed quickly by a wave of guilt at the sadness she heard in her voice.

Chapter 51.

Julie sat in the armchair in the corner of her bedroom, only the moonlight coming in through the windows for light. She was curled up, hands dangling off the arms of the chair as she studied Remmyas sleeping form. The brunette had slept off and on all day, Julie loading her up with medicines to help her sleep off the affects of the nasty flu shead caught. Remmy had eaten some of the wonderful soup Joan had brought, then had gone right back to sleep.

Julieas thoughts swam back to the conversation shead accidentally overheard earlier that day. She wasnat sure what to think about the fact that Remmy had told Joan what had happened, about the kiss. Part of her wanted to be angry with Remmy. Was that truly anyone elseas business? But then, she wasnat ashamed of what had happened, and she knew Remmy had a right to confide.

aShe loves me,a Julie whispered, unsure of what to make of Remmyas earlier admission. If she were honest with herself, she loved Remmy, too. Remmy had, after all, saved her life. Shead been a good friend. The handyman comment, said bitterly, had stung. Was that all Remmy thought she meant to Julie? A simple matter of cheap labor?

Julie glanced off toward the window, the night beyond aglow from the full moon, so beautiful. She raised a hand, bringing it just under her eyes where a tear threatened to fall. She was confused. She felt as though shead just been living numb for the past few months, since Remmy had come into her life. Shead enjoyed her time with her, had so much fun together, but hadnat allowed herself to truly feel or think about things. Perhaps a side effect of her situation last fall. Perhaps just plain cowardice. Either way, that kiss two weeks ago had brought on a storm of thoughts and feelings, almost as though everything had hit her at once. The dam was broken.

Turning her attention back to the bed, Julieas hungry gaze swallowed Remmyas form and face, relaxed in sleep, lying on her side facing the blonde. Words couldnat express adequately just how much she had missed Remmy in those two weeks, or just how empty she had felt. She felt overly dramatic at the thought that she felt that a piece of herself were missing when Remmy wasnat in her life, but it was true. Very, very true. She wanted to fight the feelings, she wanted to fight the need for Remmy. She feared it was a losing battle.

Uncurling herself, Julie padded over to the bed, pulling the sheet back just enough to slip underneath. She lay on her back, out of touching range of Remmy, but looked at her, an up close and personal study. Remmy was pale, and she looked exhausted, dark circles under her brilliant eyes. She also looked thin.

aYou definitely need some tlc,a Julie murmured. She turned onto her side, back to Remmy, only waiting a moment before she scooted her body back. The smile on her lips was peaceful as Remmy grabbed onto her, wrapping herself around Julie, a protective arm laid across her waist.

With a heavy, contented sigh, Julie closed her eyes.

Chapter 52.

Julie had to stop herself from wanting to run across the parking lot. She knew it was an incredibly childish inclination, but quite real, all the same. She managed to keep a steady, even pace, her car about halfway down the last row. School was still in session, so the lost had been full of faculty and administratoras cars when shead pulled in. But, shead done it, and had managed to go in and speak with Bob in person, rather than their phone conversations.

Classes would be out in a couple weeks, then summer break would begin. Julie found out where her classroom would be come August, as well as got a listing of all the seventh grade students. She was a little upset she wouldnat be going back to teaching sixth grade, her favorite, but was glad to have a job again, so would deal with it.

Reaching her car, Julie surreptitiously glanced around, making sure she was, indeed alone. Pulling her car door open, she tossed her purse inside, then slid behind the wheel, quickly closing and locking her door. She blew out a long breath, head resting back against the seat. Shead done it. Baby steps. Someday shead be able to go back to her normal life, living it without fear. Someday.

Julie gathered the mail from the box on her way into the house, flipping through the various pieces as she tossed her keys onto the coffee table, along with her purse. aRemmy?a she called out absently, separating the junk from bills. The only good thing about email and spam was that snail mail junk mail was less, she mused absently, tossing the junk into the trash. aRemmy?a There was still no answer, and for a minute she was afraid that the brunette had left.

Glancing out the French doors, Julie stopped. Outside in the backyard, she spied Remmy, dressed in the freshly tank top and shorts that shead been wearing the night shead shown up on Julieas doorstep. She was aggressively picking weeds, which had sprung up with alarming haste after the rains. She was on her hands and knees, tossing the offending vegetation behind her, a large pile in the rocks. Bonnie and Clyde pranced around the back lawn, playing.

As Julie watched, she had the craziest feeling wash over her. It felt so natural, so right, coming home, expecting to see Remmy there, finding her tending to their yard.

aWhoa,a Julie said, stepping back as though shead been punched in the stomach. She felt lightheaded and overwhelmed for a moment. It was at that moment Remmy glanced up, meeting Julieas wide, stunned gaze. The brunette stood, brushing off her knees and walking toward the house.

aHi,a she said, pulling open one side of the French doors.

aHi,a Julie echoed, taking a deep breath. aWhat are you doing out of bed? And why the hell are you playing lawn boy?a Remmy wiped her hands on the legs of her shorts, glancing back at the yard behind her. She shrugged, turning back to Julie. aI got sick of being sick, and knew that the weeds would be pretty bad after the rain. Man, they were,a she said, indicating the small piles all along the flower beds.

Julie stepped toward her, feeling a very strong desire for a hug. She wrapped her arms around Remmyas neck, holding them together. After a startled moment, Remmy returned the hug, closing her eyes as she allowed herself to absorb and feel. aWhatas this for?a she murmured against Julieas hair.

aI missed you so much,a Julie said in response, burying her face into the familiar scent that was Remmyas neck. She could smell her sweat, the earthy smell that was her skin, and the late May breeze.

Remmy felt her world right itself. aI missed you, too,a she whispered, her hand gently cupping the back of Julieas head, holding it against her.

aPlease donat ever leave my life again,a Julie said, tightening her arms. She felt Remmy shake her head.

aNever again.a After a long moment, Julie finally pulled back, looking up into Remmyas face. She smiled, noting the smudge of dirt on the brunetteas cheek, and just under her nose. She gently wiped at it. aWhy arenat you in bed? You need to rest, Remmy.a aI know. I hate being cooped up,a Remmy whined, bringing a smile to Julieas face.

aOkay. You can stay up, but at the very least, get out of the sun.a She pulled completely out of the hug, grabbing one of Remmyas hands. aCome on. Iall make you some lunch.a ***

Remmy padded into the kitchen after cleaning up, only to find Julie making her a Dagwood of a sandwich. She stood, eyes bulging at the layers of meat, cheese, lettuce and tomato.

aJulie, just a thought, but itas only one meal.a Julie grinned, continuing with her creation. aYes, it is. And you need it.a She turned to the table, carrying the sandwich and a bag of chips over to it. aNow sit and eat.a Remmy obeyed, eyeing the sandwich, and trying to figure out the best angle of attack. A large glass of iced tea was placed in front of her as Julie sat across from her, her own much smaller sandwich ready to be eaten. aWhy is your sandwich built for normal-sized people, and mine is for Jabba the Hut?a Julie grinned, taking one half of her halved lunch. aBecause you need to put on some weight. Youare too thin, Remmy.a The brunette rolled her eyes, but began to eat. She still didnat have a wonderful appetite, but ate as much as she dared, without making herself sick in a whole way.

Julie sat in thoughtful silence for a moment, chewing her lunch. Following it down with iced tea, she glanced up at Remmy. aHow much do you pay Joan in rent?a Remmy stopped chewing, surprised by the question. She set her sandwich down and wiped of fingers on a napkin she snatched from the holder, placing a fresh one next to Julieas plate. aWhy?a Julie shrugged, meeting curious blue eyes. She wasnat entirely sure why she had asked the question, either. aJust curious.a aThree hundred a month.a Remmy eyed the blonde, her heart beginning to pound. Whatas going on that pretty head of yours?

aDo you like it there?a Julie took another bite of her sandwich.

Remmy shrugged with a nod. aSure. I guess so. I like Joan and Doug a lot, but I do have to say, sometimes it really sucks living under my bossa roof.a She grinned. aIt makes playing hooky really hard.a Julie chuckled. aI imagine it does.a She glanced up, meeting a raised brow, questions in the eyes beneath.

Chapter 53.

Matt followed his sister around the house, angry confusion making his voice raise. aWhat the hell do you think youare doing, Jules?a he demanded, watching as Julie brought another load of personal things downstairs from the spare bedroom that shead been steadily emptying since head arrived fifteen minutes before.

aIam removing decorations,a she said unnecessarily, the bundle of stacked pictures in her arms indicative of that.

aYou know damn well what I mean. What are you thinking? Do you really even know this woman?a He stopped her with a hand to her shoulder. aJulie, I know youare grateful to Remmy, hell, we all are, but Jesus! Why are you letting her move in here?a Julie studied him, seeing the genuine concern in his eyes. aMatt, Iam not letting her do anything. I asked her.a She was off again, mounting the stairs, Matt not far behind.

aBut why? Sheas got a place over at her bossa house. She has her own apartment, Julie. Isnat the fact that sheas here all the damn time enough?a Julie stopped short, just shy of the bedroom, which would be Remmyas. Matt barely stopped in enough time to not run her over. She turned and faced him, her own anger rising. aDo you have a problem with her being here, Matthew?a Matt stuttered, not sure what to say. He had no right to say anything, but still felt something was off. aI like Remmy. Sheas a nice woman, but Julie, this is extreme, donat you think?a he said, pointing to the room behind his sister. aWhat, are you guys going to be the happy roommates of Woodland? Jesus, you guys will be the laughing stock of the damn town!a Julie was stunned. aTell me youare not saying that because the people of this town might now understand how close Remmy and I are, that I should just turn my back on the best friend Iave ever had? Please tell me youare not that shallow Matt, and please me thatas not what youare teaching your son to think.a Matt was ashamed, a hand coming up to rub the back of his heated neck. He tried to think of a different strategy. aListen, sheas done a lot for you, Julie. No one will dispute that. But, I just think itas a lot to move her in with you,a he explained, voice softening.

aI feel so safe with her, Matty. Itas like, when sheas around, nothing can hurt me, and I can do anything. Sheas helped me shirk off so much of what happened. Hell, she got me to go to the school all by myself,a she tapped her own chest. aI havenat been able to do that since the day it happened last August. Weare in June, now.a aAll of thatas great, it really is. But are you going to have to have her as a security blanket for the rest of your life? Give yourself a little bit of credit for healing, too. Youare a strong woman. Somehow I donat think you need to carry Remmy around as your good luck charm.a Julie sighed, heading back into the room, looking it over. She knew her brother was right, and she needed to stop depending on Remmy so much for emotional support. Hands on her hips, she took in the stripped down room, nothing remaining but the bed, dresser and two night stands. She imaged all of Remmyas things on the walls, on the surface tops, and a slow smile spread across her lips. Shaking her head, she turned back to face an expectant Matt.

aItas not like that. Not totally like that, anyway. I love having her in my life. I love having her close to me. And, youare right-she is here all the time. I like it that way. So does she.a Matt ran a hand through his hair. aWhat do I tell Skylar? You know heas going to ask.a Julie stared at him, her receding anger replaced by hurt. aWhat is that supposed to mean?a aDammit, Iam not trying to piss you off, Julie, but jeez! This is incredibly sudden. I just donat understand where any of this is coming from.a aWeare best friends, Matt! What is so fucking hard to understand about that?a Julie knew she was getting defensive, but Matt was throwing questions at her-spoken and unspoken-that she knew she didnat have the answers for, and didnat really want to sort out. It just was.

Matt stared at her, shocked. Head pushed too far. aAlright. Listen, youare a grown woman, responsible and all that. If this makes you happy, then I guess good for you. But I still want to know what the hell Iam supposed to tell my son when he spends the night with you, or the weekend, or the week, now that schoolas almost out, and suddenly hereas this other person living with Aunt Julie. Heas nine goddamn years old, Julie. How is he supposed to understand this?a Julieas head was cocked to the side, studying her brother. He refused to meet her gaze, hands and body language speaking volume. aYouare not asking for Skylar. Youare right-he is nine. Youare asking this for you, but you donat have the balls to just spit it out. Whatas on your mind, bro?a she said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

Matt turned angry eyes on her. Damn, she was always good at reading him. aFine. Are you two fucking?a Julieas breath caught, and she literally stumbled back a step, a nervous hand finding her chest. aThat is none of your business, Matt,a she said, her voice quietly hurt. aBut, no. Weare not.a Matt felt his anger drain from his face, replaced by the knowledge that he was an asshole. aIam sorry. I think Iad better go.a aYes, I think thatas a very good idea.a Julie listened as her brother made his way down the stairs, slamming the front door behind him. Dimly she heard his car start, then drive away. Taking a breath, she looked around the room, taking in the bare walls and furniture, an open, blank canvas. She played with the thin, gold chain at her throat. aWhat am I doing?a Part 26.

Chapter 54.

Remmy stood back, hands on her hips, head cocked slightly to the side. She thought the picture was straight, but wasnat positive. aWhat do you think?a Julie studied it, taking a step back until her back almost came into contact with the wall opposite the one the picture had just been hung up on. aI think it is.a Then, chewing on her lip, she walked over to it, grabbing the two side edges, tilting it slightly left.

aUh, no,a Remmy drawled, taking the edges and tilting it further right.

aNo, it needs to go left,a Julie insisted.

aNo. Nowas itas dipping.a Julie tried to slap Remmyas hands away, only to have her wrists grabbed by Remmy. aWoman! Iam gonna beat you!a Julie looked at Remmy, eyes wide in shock. It didnat take long for her to burst into laughter, Remmy quickly following. aIad really like to see you try, Wonder Girl.a Remmyas brow shot up. aTempt me and I might.a Julie raised a brow of her own, silently challenging the brunette to try anything. The battle of the wills only lasted a few moments before Julie again broke into laughter. aCome on. Letas go watch TV.a Remmy watched Julie saunter out of the room, then glanced back at the picture. One more glance to make sure Julie was truly gone, she tilted the picture slightly to the left.

aNo, I actually wanted to go into journalism in college,a Julie explained. She and Remmy were both seated at opposite ends of the couch. Remmyas longer legs were curled up under her, Julieas stretched out, crossed at the ankles.

aSo, how did you end up in teaching, then?a Remmy asked, uncurling herself and letting one leg run along he edge of the couch, next to Julieas. she wasnat entirely surprised when the blonde took her foot in her lap and began to gently massage it.

Julie shrugged, her fingers absently working at the heel of Remmyas foot. aI donat know. During my junior year, I worked at a newspaper, shadowing a journalist for awhile.a Her nose scrunched up in distaste at the memory. aHer name was Doris Regal. Real bitch. I remember going out on stories with her, and Iad watch her with whomever she was interviewing, and god, she was just so damn aggressive. Downright rude, sometimes. I thought, if this is what being a journalist is like, no thank you. I changed my major from communications to Social Sciences.a Remmy wrinkled her nose. aI hate science of any kind.a Julie playfully swatted her foot. aGoof. What about you? College?a Remmy smirked. aNow, Julie, that would require me to stay in one place and commit to something.a She was surprised to see Julieas eyes suddenly become shadowed with a comment that was more teasing than anything. aJulie?a she said softly. aWhatas the matter?a Julie spared a glance into curious blue eyes. aDo you intend to stay here, Remmy? To stay in Woodland?a Their gaze met, and Remmy couldnat look away. Thereas nowhere in the world Iad rather be. Instead, she sad simply, aYes.a She swallowed, deciding to add, aI canat imagine being anywhere else.a Julie studied her for a moment, then tugged on her foot. aLie down.a When Remmy had complied, she crawled down toward Remmy until she was sandwiched between her and the back of the couch. She rested her head on Remmyas shoulder, an arm casually flopped over Remmyas stomach. She felt gentle fingers run through her hair, lightly tugging it out of its ponytail until the strands fell through Remmyas fingers like silk.

aYou have the softest hair,a Remmy murmured, staring up at the ceiling fan, mesmerized by the blades.

Julie smiled, relishing the feel of Remmyas warmth and calmed by the strong heartbeat under her. She toyed with the neckline of Remmyas tank top, fingers grazing the tanned skin of her upper chest. aYou know, after what Sergio did to me, I never thought Iad want to be touched again,a she whispered, unable to meet Remmyas eyes. aI remember when I got back, I stayed with Matt and Skylar for a couple months. I just couldnat stand the thought of being alone,a she explained unnecessarily. aAnyway, Matt and I have always been affectionate with each other. Our entire family was. He would look so hurt when Iad flinch whenever he came near me. He was really good about it, but still It took all I had to be as normal with Skylar as I could. Heas so young, I knew there was no way he could possibly understand if suddenly Aunt Julie didnat want his hugs anymore.a Remmy listened, her fingers never stopping their petting. She couldnat stop the soft sigh when Julie cuddled even closer, wrapping her arm almost possessively around the brunetteas middle.

aThat first day you showed up on my doorstep, it was like I couldnat hug you enough. My dream savior had come to life,a she said softly.

aIam just a person, Julie,a Remmy said, her other hand trailing soft fingertips along Julieas arm. aNothing more, nothing less.a aNot to me,a Julie said. She raised her head, looking into Remmyas relaxed, calm face. aYouare my hero.a Remmy swallowed, feeling a burning heat radiate off her own body, and just hoped Julie couldnat feel it. Her heart was pounding as she looked into Julieas trusting eyes, so close to her own. She needed to diffuse the seriousness. aThat may be, but I refuse to wear tights. Maybe a cape, but definitely not tights.a The smile that earned her was nearly blinding. She couldnat help but return it.

Julie felt the tug, that invisible rope that drew her to Remmy time and time again. Her gaze swam over the features of Remmyas face, landing on full lips, still curved in a smile. aHas anyone ever told you that youare beautiful?a she asked in a whisper, surprised that shead spoken the words out loud.

Remmy shook her head. aNot anyone that I cared what they thought.a aWell, I hope you care what I think, cause I think youare gorgeous.a Julie grinned at the blush that swept up Remmyas neck and into her cheeks. Deciding to let her off the hook, she changed the subject. aTell me about some of your other jobs over the years.a Remmy blew out a relieved breath, chewing on her bottom lip as she thought about it. She was still acutely aware of Julieas eyes on her, but tried her best to ignore it, as well as the feel of one of Julieas breasts pressed against her side. aWell, I worked as a maintenance worker off and on-public schools, and office buildings, tings like that. Um, oh! One of my more interesting jobs was as a bartender at a strip joint.a Julie pulled back slightly. aReally?a She was surprised, an raised a honey-colored brow at the mischievous grin on Remmyas face. aDid you ever,a she cut herself off, feeling it was really none of her business. aNever mind.a aNo. What? Did I ever, what?a Shy green eyes raised to meet Remmyas. aAny of the women. The strippers a.

Remmy knew what Julie was wanting to know, and decided not to lie. She nodded. aA couple.a aI guess that must have been exciting, huh?a Julie asked with far more enthusiasm than she actually felt. She was surprised that she felt jealous.

aIt had itas moments, yes. But, itas in the past and was a long time ago.a Julie grinned. aA long time ago? Youare all of what, 23? Maybe 24?a aIam 25, thank you very much. And, yes, it was a long time ago.a Remmy reached both hands down, making Julie scream when she attacked her extremely ticklish sides.

Julie struggled, trying desperately to get away from Remmyas ruthless fingers. She grabbed one, finally able to pin it to Remmyas body, which left her with only one more torturous hand, but it also only left her with one hand, the other not daring to release Remmy. With a loud grunt, she managed to detain both hands, bringing them both up above Remmyas head, holding both wrists with both of her hands. With this move, she found herself lying on top of Remmy, breast to breast, their faces mere inches apart, and both gasping for breath from their playful exertions.

Julie found her gaze straying to Remmyas lips again, that rope pulling her along. She felt herself leaning in, but Remmyas words caught her, making her blink several times.

aOh, kinky, Julie,a Remmy grinned, teasing in her voice. aYou into handcuffs, too?a Julie froze, a chill filling her body. With a small whimper, she pushed up and off the couch, recoiling, her arms automatically coming up to hug herself. Remmy soon followed, wanting to cry at the terror she saw in Julieas eyes.

aOh, god! Julie, Iam so sorry,a she cried, keeping her physical distance. aIt was a joke, I wasnat thinking. Iam so sorry.a Julie nodded, knowing that it had just been a comment, but it had tapped into a deep well of fear and memories that she thought shead closed the lid on. Apparently not. She tried to control her bodyas trembling, but only managed to run a shaky hand through her hair. Remmy stayed a few feet away, eyes focused intently on her.

aIs there something I can do? What do you want me to do, Julie?a she asked, voice soft and soothing. aDo you want me to leave for awhile? Go upstairs and leave you be-a aNo,a Julie said, shaking her head. aNo. Please donat leave.a Remmy nodded, letting out a long, slow breath. aOkay. Um,a she glanced back at the couch, then to Julie. aHow about we just sit and watch some TV? Maybe a movie? Pop some popcorn? Or, how about I just shut the hell up and let you do what you want to do?a Julie spared a brief smile at Remmyas self-deprecating humor. aGo ahead and watch some TV or whatever. I need to feed the dogs.a Grateful for an excuse, even if it was a lame one, as it was an hour and a half too early to feed Bonnie and Clyde, she disappeared into the kitchen, the comforting sounds of Remmy and the TV in the living room.

She leaned against the kitchen counter, trying to still her heartbeat. She hated the cold prickle of fear that trickled down her spine, not having felt it for months. Not since Remmy had arrived. She was surprised that the brunetteas innocent comment had hit her so hard, and right between the eyes.

Julie brought a wrist up, cradling it with her other hand. She swore she could still feel the hard, cold metal of the bracelets around her tender flesh, leaving painful bruises that never got a chance to heal. For months after returning home, her wrists would ache, and were tender to the touch. More than likely, the doctors at the hospital said, the bone was deeply bruised. Even now, as she rubbed the skin, she could feel the barest sting, though it was far more likely it was all in her head.

She glanced out of the kitchen, toward the living room, able to hear the murmur of the TV, knowing full well that Remmy was sitting there beating herself up, not hearing a word from the program, nor seeing one image. She wasnat angry with Remmy, nor hurt, nor any other ridiculous emotion. She knew in her heart of hearts that the brunette would never do anything to hurt her in any way. Maybe thatas why she was so quick to trust Remmy. In every way. She was able to touch her without thought, and be touched by her without thought.

Julie turned back toward the counter, staring out into the dark night beyond the windows, which in places had turned into mirrors. She could see her own silhouette, though could see no features. She could also see Remmyas silhouette as she walked across the kitchen floor toward her. Julieas head fell, feeling foolish as she felt warm hands on her shoulders.

aIam really sorry, Julie,a Remmy said, her voice soft and tinged with emotion unshed. aI would never scare you like that on purpose.a Julie nodded, head still hanging. aI know. It was me, totally me.a She blew out a breath, staring back out the window. aI shouldnat let him get to me like that anymore. The bastard is dead, and canat hurt me. My brain knows that, anyway.a Remmy could feel the frustration pouring off Julie, and it broke her heart. She stepped up behind Julie and took a chance. Her arms snaked around the blondeas waist, clasping lightly at her stomach. She smiled when she felt Julie lean back into her, the blondeas arms covering her own, bringing their embrace tighter. Julie rested her head back against Remmyas shoulder, feeling a light kiss placed on top. She sighed, all her fears melting away.

aWhy do I feel so safe with you?a she whispered, closing her eyes at the feel of their fingers entwining.

Remmy smiled against the golden crown her cheek rested against. aMaybe because Iave been in your mind, reading your thoughts.a Julie chuckled. aNo, I think itas more of youave been in my soul.a She turned in the circle of Remmyas arms, looking up at her. The harsh overhead lighting morphed Remmyas angular features into monstrous proportions. aI feel you there, you know,a she said softly.

Remmy looked into Julieas eyes, so open to her, but deeply shadowed after her scare. She brushed her fingertips across a soft cheek. She fought the urge to kiss the soft lips with everything in her, vowing shead never do that again, to herself and to Julie.

Julieas hands ran up over Remmyas arms, following the line of her shoulders until her hands rested there, one stroking the rich, dark hair at the nape of Remmyas neck. All she could do was look into Remmyas eyes, unable to look away. Within their June sky depths, she saw so much emotion and caring, though he could tell that Remmy was using great restraint, and she knew why, as she could feel the pull, too. She respected Remmy for keeping her word, though there was such a huge part of her that wished she wouldnat.

She could honestly say shead never been so drawn to anyone in her life. What she felt like doing right now-kissing Remmy-wasnat a matter of a sexual desire. She needed to feel close to Remmy, she needed to connect with her so badly. Before she knew what she was doing, she took a handful of Remmyas hair in a gentle fist, and pulled the brunette down to her.

Remmy was surprised, but not really, as she sensed Julieas need. She fought it for a moment, but then allowed herself to be brought down, her lips a mere couple of inches from Julieas. She looked into her eyes, wanting to make sure the blonde knew what she was doing. Pleading eyes met hers, and Remmy gaze in that final bit, allowing her eyes to slide closed as she felt the softness press against her. She wrapped her arms around Julieas waist, pulling her slightly closer until their bodies molded gently together.

Julie felt like she was surrounded in a warm cocoon where nothing could hurt her, nothing could touch her. She felt as though shead never been kissed before that moment. Remmyas gentle caresses on her back calmed her, a soft hand coming to rest against Julieas face, the backs of Remmyas fingers beginning to caress the soft skin there.

Remmy only used her lips, sensing that her tongue would not be welcome. This wasnat about seduction or anything that base. Remmy understood that this kiss was merely Julie reaching out to her, to connect in a way deeper than a hug, or deeper than mere words. It was primitive, yet as honest as it gets.