Sword Saint’s Disciple - Vol 1 Chapter 7

Vol 1 Chapter 7

7. Departure

The next agenda is talking to the liaison who stayed here.

It appears like he is an Intelligence Department member from what Grandfather told me.

He was staying at a village mayor’s house, so he was guided to the parlor room.

If I had to say my impression of him in one word it would be ‘ordinary’.

His hair is brown. There’s nothing like a mustache or scar in his face.

If he slipped into a crowd, it feels like he wouldn’t be found anymore.

“h.e.l.lo, Cathia-dono. It has been since yesterday.”

With the man’s remark, I finally realized the fact that the man who handed me the letter yesterday is, without a doubt, the man in front of me.

Amazing, Intelligence Department!

“We cannot introduce ourselves by our name. That being the case, please address me as A-san, B-san, Nanas.h.i.+-san or any other name you prefer.”

“Haa *sigh*… then I’ll call you Nanas.h.i.+-san.”

The one I prefer the most? Then I’ll decide to call him Nanas.h.i.+-san.

Nanas.h.i.+-san turned towards Grandfather to catch his attention.

“Will you rely on her after all? Sword Saint-dono.”

“Hmm. The person herself already gave her acknowledgment.”

“That easily, huh? Is it fine to send your disciple to her death just like that? I won’t take responsibility even if her beautiful face is damaged.”

My impression of his appearance-changing ability is great, but Nanas.h.i.+-san is unexpectedly talkative.

To just blurt out what he’s thinking without filtering them…

Will this person be alright?

“I don’t mind it. I have confidence in Cathy. There will be no problem.”

Grandfather replied in an unfazed manner.

Are you making me cry again?! Even so, I won’t cry!

However, this is the first time I learned that the feeling of having other people rely on me is this pleasant.

Oops, I betrayed my innermost thoughts.

Restraint! Restraint!

Nanas.h.i.+-san answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

It’s like a sarcastic gesture.

“That’s excellent. Then, I will leave earlier and get in touch with other intelligence agents. I will leave the rest to Neil-kun who will be your guard and guide. Excuse me.”

And so, he left just like that.

Guide? Who will it be?

There was immediately a knock at the door.

“Please excuse me!”

After being answered “by all means,” a slightly tall young man entered, he seems like the type to be overly serious in expressing his opinions.

I left my seat for the time being to meet him.

“I am a member of the Kingdom’s Knight Order, Neil Raza! By the order of the Former King Spike, I have been appointed as your guide to the Royal Capital!”

How should I say it? He’s too tense and stiff.

A tense person moving their feet and hands simultaneously, it’s the first time I’ve seen it in reality.

The young man is approximately 180 cm tall, and his auburn (brown with tinge of red) hair is cut short.

His face is well-proportioned, but I get the impression that it’s unrefined in some respects.

As for his clothes, he’s wearing a light armor with white as the base color.

Is it the equipment of the Knight Order?

Grandfather couldn’t stand it any longer and called out to him.

“O-ou. You’re too stiff, young man. You do not need to be that nervous, it’s fine.”

“Are you Sword Saint-sama?! It is an honor to meet you! Ha-handshake! No matter what!”

The outcome… the situation deteriorated even more.

Apparently, he’s a fan of Grandfather.

I’m being left out.

I waited for him to calm down but it doesn’t seem like he’ll do.

“Please pardon my rudeness…”

He’s finally in a condition where he can finally talk.

Everyone is standing.

Grandfather is a little amazed.

“Hmm… being my disciple’s guide, I’m entrusting it to you.”

“I- Please leave it to me!”

It appears like Grandfather wanted to say something more, but he settled with that brief remark.

He looks like the type to be earnest and I think that kind of personality is great.

Neil-san turned to me at last.

And then, his expression stiffened when he saw my face.

As if in a daze, his line of sight traveled downwards and then after having looked until my feet, he returned his gaze to my face.

—– Neil-san’s face is dyed red.

W-what is it!?

For the time being, let’s greet him with a smile.

“Nice to meet you, Neil-san. I am Cathia Myers, Tim’s disciple.”

“I heard it was a woman but… this… P-please pardon my impoliteness! I look forward to working with you!”

His appearance is weird but he returned his greetings properly so I’m sure he’s fine.

[Neil’s POV]

Having met the legendary Sword Saint, my chest is full.

I have always been yearning for the one named Sword Saint after reading a book about the Sword Saint’s heroic tales during my childhood.

Even if the person himself will not be able to come to the Royal Capital in this mission, I think just seeing a glimpse of him is an extremely good fortune. How long have I been looking forward to this day?

I think I won’t be able to forget the feeling of his hand during that handshake throughout my life.

My hands have also swing the sword and I take pride of my calloused hands, but the hands of Tim-sama that I grasped is something beyond words.

Continually swinging the sword, it’s a hand that specialized in wielding the sword.

Even without words, that hand is enough to point out how inexperienced I am.

I apologized for being excessively excited, and finally looked at Cathia-san, the Sword Saint’s disciple.

At that instant, I felt my consciousness fled and blink a few more times.

—— In that place is a stunning beautiful woman[/bijo].

She is about 10 cm lower than me in height.

Her fiery red hair is tied in a ponytail.

Fair skin and slitted eyes in a shade similar to her hair, like rubies giving off a bewitching charm.

Long lashes decorates their borders.

Straight-bridged nose where under, soft-looking lips can be seen.

My line of sight moved downward, and I know that under the leather armor are big chests and lean waist, and I can see her long legs.

When I returned my gaze to her face, I knew the my face became hot.

Then, she showed a soft smile that seems unimaginable for that dignified appearance, and greeted me.

“Nice to meet you, Neil-san. I am Cathia Myers, Tim’s disciple.”

That expression that is intensely different from her appearance made me even more confused.

I wonder what kind of face I’m making right now?

Arriving at that stage, I finally realized that I’ve been pointing a rude gaze towards a woman.

“I heard that it’s a woman but… this…”

I did not imagine her to be such a beautiful woman.

“…P-please pardon my impoliteness! I look forward to working with you!”

I somehow managed to squeeze out words of apology and self-introduction.

[Cathia’s POV]

It’s already dark in the village when I finished my preparations for the journey.

I will be staying at the Village Mayor’s house today and will be departing tomorrow.

Zack-san hosted a small parting feast.

He was going to invite others from the village but I stopped him since it’s embarra.s.sing.

The people who will see me off tomorrow is Zack-san and his family and Grandfather.

I told Rosa the rough outline of the situation.

She had a calm expression but is it just my imagination that she’s somehow dispirited?

The next morning.

We are in front of the village gate accompanied by two horses.

Neil-san is paying regard as he wait slightly away from us.

It is Zack-san who first talked.

“Cathia-san, if you ever fail, please come home properly. Friends are more important to the people in this village than the political affairs in the Royal Capital.”

Those are Zack-san’s kind words.

“Yes,” I returned a reply.

Following that, Hannah-san…

“Cathia-chan, take care of your health. You can’t catch a cold, okay?”

… she said that in her gentle voice like usual.

I also properly answered her.

As for Rose…

“Cathy, comb your hair neatly, alright? Also, staying up late at night is a powerful enemy of a beautiful woman. Take a balance meal, too. And then… and then…”

Though she kept on talking rapidly, she can’t continue her words anymore.

I gently hugged Rose whose eyes are brimmed with tears.

“I’ll come back no matter what, so wait for me okay?”

“Yeah… yeah… I’ll wait, always.”

Her tears haven’t stop yet but I’m sure she’ll be alright.

That is because Zack-san and Hannah-san, Grandfather and the everyone in the village is there for her.

Lastly, it’s a brief remark from Grandfather.

“I have nothing to say. Go forth, my grandchild!”

I spontaneously straightened my back.

I firmly look ahead.

“Yes, Grandfather! See you later!”

Thus, I embarked on a journey from the Kaisa Village and Grandfather’s side.