Sword Saint’s Disciple - Vol 1 Chapter 6

Vol 1 Chapter 6

6. Village Mayor’s House

Zack-san’s house, rather, should I say mansion?


The mansion is huge.

It’s not because his power as a village mayor is strong, but because he accommodates merchants and the territory’s government officials if they have business here, so he has a fairly large parlor room.

By the way, the Kaisa Village is affiliated under the territory called Raza.

The village mayor’s home is made of rough stones, and the finer parts are manually made using earth magic.

It is roughly the same as the method of piling up stones then cementing it in my previous life.

However, it’s difficult to build the finer parts using magic.

The surface is not done smoothly, too.

If one builds a house by using only magic, superhuman magic power and image control is necessary.

As for the earth wall of the village a while ago, the finis.h.i.+ng touches were done with manual labor.

Going back to the topic, we are in the parlor room right now.

Hannah-san served chamomile tea.

… Yeah, it has a nice smell.

It’s also a specialty of this village and it’s cultivated extensively.

It is to the extent that merchants formed a trading group for it.

Humidity tends to collect easily because of the earth wall around the village, and wind magic plays a large part in cultivation.

The plants and animals’ ecology in this world is similar to that of my previous life.

Well, maybe because the one who named them is also a resident of my previous world.

I was drinking my tea when suddenly, the door of the parlor forcefully opened.

A girl with braided chesnut-colored hair and a face similar to Hannah-san appeared.

“Cathy! At least greet me if you visit!”

It was Rose, who is the daughter of the village mayor and Hannah-san.

She’s fifteen years old.

Hannah-san looked slightly embarra.s.sed when she saw that display.

“Rose, those are bad manners.”

“Ah, sorry Mom. Good morning, Tim-san. Cathy, too.”

… Her appearance resembles Hannah-san’s, but Rose is very lively.

“Hmm, Good morning Rose. We’ll intrude for a while.”

Grandfather responded to her greeting.

“‘Morning Rose.”

I returned an answer, too.

But Rose glared daggers at me when she saw my appearance.

What is it?

“Cathy, your hair is messy! Come here right at this moment! Tim-san, I’ll borrow Cathy for a while!”

“Oh, have at her.”

…Ah, I usually comb my hair after training, but I forgot to do it today since I was in a hurry.

By the way, the comb was something I received (more like, given by force) from Rose.

This friend that is two years my junior is very particular about my appearance for some reason.

Also, Grandfather, Rose.

I’m not a thing, you know?

I was dragged into Rose’s room by force.

We entered Rose’s room which is very feminine and had a lot of small articles unlike my room.

“Good grief, Cathy…”

While saying that remark, I was forcibly seated into the chair and had my hair combed.

It’s ticklish when another person does it.

“Sorry, Rose. But I really just forgot it today…”

“Didn’t you say the same thing before!?”

“I-is that so?”

My plan is… to do it as little as possible.

“Wasting such a beautiful red hair likes this. Do it properly, you’re a woman. And you’re also older than me…”

Rose complained.

On the contrary, this girl became a reliable big-sister type before I knew it.

And she’s younger, too.

Could this be my fault?

Even so, I’m a man inside.

“It’s a little long, isn’t it? Why don’t we tie it behind?”

“Ah, yes.”

My long hair which reached my lower back was tied into a ponytail.

It’s seems like it’s easy to move like this so it’s probably better.

I expressed my thanks meekly.

“Thanks, Rose.”

Rose averts her face in a huff and says.

“This much is nothing.”


Are you embarra.s.sed?

You’re embarra.s.sed, aren’t you?

Hmm? Hmm?

―――― When I sneaked around to see her face, I got slapped with a picture frame.

Twenty minutes later, Zack-san came back.

The place is in the parlor room.

A lot of humans in this country have hair that are shades of brown.

Zack-san has dark brown hair mixed in with graying hair, and is a kind person who always has a troubled expression.

His physique is good because contrary to his appearance, he doesn’t only lead the village but can also be seen doing farm work with the villagers.

The result is that the village people adores him.

If I am not mistaken, he should be in his late 40’s.

He is also the only person in the village who knows Grandfather’s history very well.

Other villagers only know that Grandfather was someone from the military.

Consequently, the three of us are having a talk right now.

We talk about the letter from the Royal Capital and that I will be a subst.i.tute.

“I see… the renowned t.i.tle Sword Saint hasn’t weakened yet, is that it?”

That was Zack-san’s first reaction.

Zack-san should have seen Grandfather at the prime of his life, nevertheless it seems like the figure that kicked around hordes of demons is still branded to his eyes.

“I understand. Cathia-san, please do your preparations in the village as much as you can. However, Rose might feel lonely with this…”

“Thank you very much, Zack-san. That’s right… Grandfather, the situation can’t be explained to Rose after all?”

“No, I don’t mind. Your hometown will eventually be leaked once you stand out. You’ll be doubted if you conceal your origins. Besides, the Raza territory’s lord is under the First Princess’ faction. A soldier was already requested from them. Even if the First Prince’s faction did something, you’ll be alright to some extent. It’s not possible for everyone to know, but you can talk to Rose about it.”

I feel uneasy about how fast the preparations were made.

“A soldier was already requested even if the letter from the Royal Capital arrived just yesterday?”

“Ah, sorry. I didn’t tell you about it. It was a formal request from the royal family so the letter stood out since it was foreign. The practical talk between the Intelligence Department and Raza territory was already finished.”

… It seems like they predicted that the summon won’t be declined.

It was a very drastic ex-post facto approval.

Well, grandfather will go even if I stopped him by force, so I think that it’s better that I go instead when I realized that!

“Then I’ll go talk to Rose later.”

It doesn’t appear like they’re worried about me leaving the village.

The remaining talk was about the matter of Grandfather’s new home.

“Zack-san, where will Grandfather live?”

Zack-san answer with a broad smile.

“Of course, it will be in my house!”

Grandfather was confused.

“Wait, wait, I’m asking you! Isn’t there another vacant house somewhere!?”

“Isn’t it just natural? Letting of Tim-san live in another house is unacceptable!”

“But you see, I can’t bother you that much… You say something too, Cathy.”

So you’re going to leave it to me?

Well then.

“Isn’t it fine, Grandfather? If Zack-san, Hannah-san and Rose is with you then I will be relieved.”

These are my true feelings.

Zack-san also insisted it when he got my approval.

“That’s right! Please don’t hold back. The favors that this village received from Tim-san would be returned this way, wouldn’t it?!”

Reclamation of agricultural lands in this world means putting one’s life at risk and constantly fighting with monsters.

That’s just how much Zack-san feels debt of grat.i.tude towards Grandfather who was single-handedly responsible for that.

Grandfather groaned a little so I was worried, but he soon gave in.

“…Then, I will be under your care. Thank you, Zack.”

Grandfather’s life from now on seems like it will be alright.