Sword Saint’s Disciple - Vol 2 Chapter 1

Vol 2 Chapter 1

2-1. History of the country’s founding and the first destination

It’s been quite a time since we left the village.

Currently, we let the horses take a break in an open s.p.a.ce by the highway.

… However, there is hardly any conversation.

It’s extremely awkward.

Neil-san occasionally looks at my direction, but he averts his eyes in a rush when our eyes meet.

I can’t do anything even if I worry about it so I brought up the conversation by myself.

“Neil-san, why don’t we sit down and take a rest for the time being?”

I’ll sit down first.

I sat down in seiza.

“Ah, yes. ――You have a peculiar way of sitting.”

He also started talking and showed a relieved expression.

It appears like he felt awkward, too.

“This way of sitting is called seiza. I can stretch my back straight so it feels pleasant.”

After riding on a horse, I feel that lessening the burden of my waist is good.

I only rode the horse a few times in the village so I am not used to it.

“Seiza, is it? I will give it a try.”

Neil-san sat down beside me while mimicking my position.

“M-my knee hurts. So much. But it certainly lets me stretch my back.”

You don’t need to force yourself to sit down like the way I do.

Uhm, what should I talk about?


“Uhm, Neil-san. What would be our first destination?”

I decided to start the conversation through a light confirmation.

Neil-san immediately responded as if he also disliked the silence.

“Yes, we will enter the Town of Raza first and register in the Garshcia Soldier Guild.”

An unfamiliar word came out.

Garshcia is the name of this country.

Is the group we will enter managed by the kingdom?

“I am sorry for my ignorance, but what do you mean by Soldier Guild?”

“Ah, I am sorry, too. Sword Saint-sama told me to explain about common sense[/general knowledge].”

I lived my life in the mountains so something like that was unnecessary.

That doesn’t mean I am an idiot.

Well then, let’s ask Neil-san about various things.

“Sensei, please take care of me.”

“Se-sensei? Such a great thing… Well, what does Cathia-san know about the country of Garshcia?”

I roughly know the history.

But, is that necessary to explain about the Soldier Guild?

“If I am not mistaken, Garshcia once belong to the eastern territory of the Dao Empire and played a central role, but it became independent, right?”

Should I remember the things related to the country’s geography for the time being?

The north’s center is the country of Werebeasts, in the central vicinity of the continent is the Garshcia Country, the southern part is the Elves’ country, and in the further south is the country of Dwarves.

This unnatural allocation of countries is the outcome of Garshcia’s dispossession from Dao Empire, which seeks to expand its territory.

It is the reason why humanity’s sphere of living gathered in the west of the continent.

During this period, cooperative relations.h.i.+p between humans and other races is not widely imposed. I believe this is the result of the Empire’s constant schemes to provoke alienation.

However, the situation completely changed when the Garshcia territory in the east of Dao Empire revolted.

“Yes. The humans who opposed Baal’s religion, which is Dao Empire’s state religion, gathered at the Garschia territory. They made an alliance with the three other countries apart from Dao Empire, and achieved independence. It’s been about a hundred years since then.” (Neil)

The eastern territory became the forefront of invasion. Not all Humans were tainted with the religion. When the s.n.a.t.c.hing of other people’s cleared lands continued not unlike a thief, these Humans felt guilty and their hearts were worn down.

I can sympathize with their feelings when they took drastic actions to become independent.

“But they weren’t able to become allies properly, were they? It was a period when the enemy is the Human race.” (Cathia)

Other races hated the exclusive disposition of Baal’s religion. They entered a state of war, and the mental image became the worst.

“That is right. However, this country failed to defend the invasion since they needed to reclaim lands in order to guarantee their daily lives, so the country became even more impoverished. Under that circ.u.mstances, the Garschia territory defended against the march of the Empire for the second time. They accepted a lot of refugees regardless of their races. By that sequence of events, it became the age when several races in the continent lead to the creation of the country with the most varied races. The other countries saw Garschia’s att.i.tude and defense capabilities so they accepted the alliance. Thus, the anti-Empire organization, s.h.i.+koku Alliance was made.”

I am curious how Garschia territory prevented the attack of the Empire, but enough of that.

The s.h.i.+koku Alliance of Garschia ・ Werebeast ・ Elf ・ Dwarf continues at present.

The Dao Empire is so powerful that it can still maintain its national strength even when four countries opposed it.

Neil-san’s explanation continued.

“Let us return to the topic. The majority of the population of Garschia established it as a country, but they were refugees who were worn out from fighting. Even if the refugees were accepted, it was not easy for them to shake off the sense of distrust towards the Human Race. The number of Garschia’s military strength became insufficient compared to its citizens.”

It may be natural considering the circ.u.mstances.

When the trust is low, the soldiers may just be thrown away after they are used by the Human Race. What more if they were a.s.signed together in the particularly severe battlefield? Suspicion will follow around.

“So it became a guild?”

Judging from the flow of the story, it appears to be like this.

“Yes. There is still no good idea to solve such emotional aspect at the moment. Since the trust in the country is low, military service became a business instead of an obligation. Guilds were opened in various places to guard against demons.”

Desire is instigated with the high reward, and a sense of security without compulsion can be obtained at the same time.

You can refuse military service by your judgement, isn’t this an amazing thing?

“Then if it’s done like that, they’re temporary soldiers? Is that how they are treated?”

“Yes. They will apply if the reward is enough and will be drafted as temporary soldiers and mercenaries, it unexpectedly attracted a lot of people.”

The good points are that there are many reserve troops and maintenance costs are low.

As for the demerit, wouldn’t the problem be reflected in the soldier’s skills?

“In a real battlefield, do they have proper command over the soldiers?”

“There was in the past, but at present, it is necessary for them to have minimum war training that are regularly done in each guild. Partic.i.p.ation is not obligatory but there are many partic.i.p.ants since there are also rewards for this.”

Is that really fine?

Seeing my question interrupt him, Neil-san s.h.i.+fted to a detailed explanation of the guild.

“Except during a war, the country and feudal lords occasionally meditates to employ mercenaries in case of insufficient soldiers. It is often related to demon extermination and peace and order maintenance. Then the soldiers have ranks. Someone with a high rank gets more than the basic reward. As for mercenaries, the level of confidence from merchants and others who give personal commissions, becomes the indicator. Accepting requests are limited by ranks. Furthermore, they have preferential treatment like tax exemption. They have the freedom to accept these or not. In exchange, those who receive tax exemption needs to go to the battlefield.”

Most of the budget appears to go to the guild for general armaments. Compet.i.tion is fueled by ranks. This country’s army tends to heighten morale using rewards rather than commands.

In addition, even commoners can place requests through the guild as long as they can pay the a reward.

“With these details, our country at present can mobilize in case of an emergency, that is why temporary soldiers and mercenaries compose the majority of the army’s division. The section of the country that manages that is the Soldier Guild. It is an obligation for temporary soldiers and mercenaries to register here. To manage all of the troops, the country’s army and each territory’s forces also register here.”

Then we will go there to register after this, he said.

Indeed, the question I have been wondering about is now settled with his discussion about the guild.

The military power of the nation is not very great, so gathering support became important in the current throne contention.

Even if this is country is said to be under monarchy, the citizens have a lot of power.

At the same time, a new doubt came to my mind.

Now that I learned what’s happening behind the scenes, it seems improbable for the First Prince Edgar – who is tainted with Baal’s religion – to win, however… I also think that this country’s structure is strange.

What are the n.o.bles’ intentions for supporting that?


“I understand about the Soldier Guild. Which reminds me, how will they handle me? Will I be a part of the nation’s military?”

It’s quite unlikely that I, who is received summons to a royal convention, will be affiliated to other groups.

“I am sure you will be a soldier under the national military. The former King Spike handed a letter of introduction for the guild so I do not think you will be a common soldier… but I am unclear on the specifics.”

Neil-san says while folding his arms in a brooding gesture.

“Then, we have no choice but to go. I made you give a very long explanation, huh? I’m sorry… Rather, thanks. Thank you very much.”

“No! It was me who did not pay attention… I am very sorry.”

He seems to be talking about the stiff atmosphere from before.

He becomes normal if there is a conversation, this person doesn’t look like the type to create a special wall.

Speaking of that.

“Are there any reasons for that?”

It would be better to hear it ahead of time.

For the future.

“The truth is… I have an older sister[/ane], uhm…”

The talk went into an unexpected direction.

Older sister[/onee-san]?

“What is it?”

I asked again, and he answered while scratching his cheeks, appearing embarra.s.sed.

“It’s embarra.s.sing but, she always ordered me around when I was small. Should I say my older sister has a strong-willed appearance? She has unyielding eyes so… when I see women who appear to have strong nature, I shrink back.”

Hmmm, in other words.

“Did you think I was obstinate from the way I look?”

Certainly, doesn’t the present me have slanted, villainess-like eyes[/tsurime]?

I do not think that deeply about my appearance.

In my previous existence, I thought my appearance ranked at the middle of the top, but I was not popular at all.

…I was not popular.

Self-evaluation tends to become overly optimistic.

When I boldly asked a younger female cousin who dropped by my parents’ home, she ranked my appearance in the lower middle.

“Lower middle! I do not dislike it but—”

Because you know.

That follow-up made me feel like crying even more.

Isn’t lower middle plainly the reserves!?

“U-uhm, were you offended?”

Oops, I just recalled an unpleasant thing.

“No, I do not mind.”

It’s that, isn’t it?

“Sorry. I only showed discourtesy during our meeting before… Cathia-san’s demeanor is soft unlike your appearance. I understand that you are different from my older sister.”

He said that according to his older sister’s appearance.

When he mentioned my demeanor is soft, should I be relieved that I am properly behaving like lady?

“It’s fine. I completely understood the reason.”

From the way he said it like it’s something difficult to speak about, Neil-san might be a very honest man.

“Thank you very much— well, that is not the only reason though.”

He whispered half of the sentence.

There’s another reason?

I can’t stop thinking about it! 

“There is something else? Please tell me about it?”

I have brought my face closer before I knew it.

I took some distance away.

Neil-san’s face is dyed red, and I heard him speak in a whisper, as if it was caused by shyness.

“N-no! It is of no concern!”

“Why are you dodging the question!? Please tell me if I did something strange! I was brought up in the mountains so I don’t know the ways of the world!”

“It’s not strange! …I am the one at fault. I do not have immunity against beaut– against women…”


Is this because of his older sister?


It can’t be helped.

“Well, that is alright. Please inform me in the near future.”


Let’s hear about it later.

“Ah, no…that…hahaha.”

His att.i.tude make it seem like I was only deceived.
