Sword Saint’s Disciple - Vol 1 Chapter 5

Vol 1 Chapter 5

5. Encounter

The magic in this world is roughly separated into two.


First is the typical image of a magician in my past life, – that is, a mage who use magic in the rearguard.

There are four attributes – earth, water, fire and wind – and they are cla.s.sified in ranks respectively – Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Master – and this kind of magic doesn’t have a proper name.

The reason this magic doesn’t have a name is because magic chants don’t exist. If the person himself has the right attribute and sufficient amount of Mana*, it’s possible to invoke magic that matches his mental image as long as he concentrates properly.

All creatures in this world have Mana, but there are differences in each person’s attribute. There are people without any attributes, too.

Those who possess one attribute is called 『Single』, then 『Double』 and 『Triple』 for two and three attributes respectively and someone who can use all four is called a 『Mental Master』.

Incidentally, I’m a 『Single Fire』, and Grandfather is unattributed.

When it turned out that I can only use fire magic, Grandfather said…

“Doesn’t it fit your appearance perfectly? Rather, it makes sense that you have that appearance.”

…or so he said. This world has the same mentality that red = fire. He said it so simply that I wasn’t convinced.

The second magic is something that the unattributed soldiers in the vanguard mainly use, that is the 『Aura』. A name was given to it since there’s only one kind of it.

This is standard magic for someone who fights in close combat that strengthens physical ability and gives magic resistance, and it can be said that this is a kind of Secret Arts.

It’s possible to use it in weapons and armors as long as they have contact with the body, and the effect of reinforcement is proportional to the quality of material.

The rank division is also the same as the rearguard magic. Grandfather is an 『Aura Master』.

The amount of Mana used determines the efficiency of the phenomenon’s actualization when it comes to the rearguard attribute magic.

On the other hand, for Aura, the density of magic wrapped around the body is proportional to the Mana amount.

It can be judged by using a magic tool similar to a speed gun in my previous life.

This is the silhouette of a person who came from the same world as me…


It’s entirely unrelated to the current situation, but I just reviewed this world’s magic!

I cried after feeling shaken, thinking how I became an orphaned child. After being reincarnated and having a woman’s body, I feel like my emotions are even more easily shaken. When I was a man in my previous life, I had an indifferent personality.

Anyhow, I’ve finally calmed down.

I took a deep breath one more time.

Perhaps because he wants to confirm my state, Grandfather began to talk.

“We’ll go to Zack’s house first when we arrive to the village. Is that fine?”

It seems like he won’t mentioned that I cried.

What a gentleman….

I was thankful, so I decided to get on the conversation just as it is.

“It’s fine. I also need to say goodbye to the village mayor.”

I want to see the house where grandfather will move into.

The time could be said that it’s still not yet early morning, but it will be all right because mornings in the village start early.

After going down the mountain for a while, I sensed something unusual.


I heard the rustling of the gra.s.s as if something is advancing, and felt an approaching presence.

It is a monster that is aggressively heading towards humans.

“Hmm, there are two of them. From the sound, it seems like they’re four-legged monsters.”

I looked towards the direction of the presence and confirmed it when the thicket shook.

As if the monster noticed the beings en route, it sped up while approaching here.

I drew a sword.

I prepared the unnamed Black Sword (temporary name) I received a while ago on my right hand and held the main gauge in a backhand grip using my left hand.

―― Two wild boars with bloodshot eyes let out a humping *fugofugo* sound from their nose while running in a single file.

A Wild Boar is a demonized boar. Its tusks greatly jut out forward.

There are many demonized animals and plants in this world. However, the caused of their Demonization is unknown.

It’s difficult to investigate it spontaneously as there is a tendency that the places of their occurrence are numerous.

“Grandfather, I will…”

I urged Grandfather to step back.


“No, I’ll take one of them.”

… he had an expression that he won’t listen even if I disagree.

I am not worried that he’ll lose at all, but will his hips be alright…?

I put on『Aura』.

―― The Wild Boar started to charge.


The main gauge held by my left arm strengthened with Aura warded off the incoming tusk…


Then I hammered in the black sword made with orichalc.u.m into its neck using my right hand!

Suddenly, what came to my arm was the feeling of no resistance at all.

―― I missed!?

When I turned back to confirm in panic, the decapitated head of the Wild Boar that was hollowed out rolled on the ground.

… Apparently, it’s seems like it was too sharp.

I became speechless.

However, I’ll lose my arm strength eventually if I rely too much on this sword.

Grandfather ――

“…What’s wrong? You’re not going to attack?”

The wild boar with low intelligence cowered in front of Grandfather who’s overpowered.

A beautiful Aura which is several steps higher than me in proficiency wrapped around his body without hesitation.

The wild boar that was driven to a corner chose to recklessly advance forward.


Grandfather loosely dodged sideways while unsheathing a sword from the [cane] and the moment the wild boar crossed paths with him, he cut off its legs with the sword.

It’s Grandfather’s specialized weapon, the so-called s.h.i.+komi Katana, a slender sword also called Swordstick [/cane sword].

“Grandfather, are you alright?”

“What, a demon** of this level――”

“No, that’s not it.”


“You’re sweating too much…”


It’s painful after all, isn’t it? Your hips…

I gathered the dead Wild Boars in one place. Let’s ask a villager to collect them later. Of course, the meat of these guys can be eaten. They don’t have poison and they’re safe even if they transform into a demon. The fur is hard, but it’s usable if processed well. Unintentionally, they turned into a present for the village.

“Grandfather~ did the pain settle?”

“Aye, I’m already fine.”

Grandfather propped one hand in the tree trunk then used his other hand to rub the affected part, as he turned towards my direction.

The Kaisa Village is almost nearby.

We finished our descent from the mountain, and a wall made of earth came into view. The village’s defensive wall is man-made by several people who can use earth magic. The height is approximately 3 meters. The gate is beside the main road so you can’t take a detour or sneak around the mountain.

I saw the gate when I walked along the wall.

A villager whose face I recognize is keeping watch before the gate.

He notice us so I called out.

“Good morning.”

“‘Morning, Cathia. Tim-san, good morning. Do you have some business with the mayor?”

Tim is Grandfather’s name, his full name is Tim Myers.

Grandfather replied.

“Well, something like that. Please open the gate. Also, dead Wild Boars are lying in a spot just a little above the mountain so please retrieve it later.”

“Oh! Wild Boar, is it? Thank you very much as always, we’ll do it immediately.”

While saying those words, he opened the iron gate and we entered inside.

The mayor’s house is located just a short distance inside village.

We went ahead inside the village, looking at the peaceful agricultural village’s state while occasionally exchanging greetings.

Arriving at the mayor’s house, I called out after hitting the door knocker.

“Good morning, it’s Tim and Cathia. Is Zack-san around?”

I hear a sound from inside while waiting for a while, then the door opened.


A woman with a gentle atmosphere came out and met us.

It’s Hana-san, Zack-san’s wife.

If I remember correctly, she’s 38 years old.

“Oh, Tim-san and Cathia-chan, please come in! My husband left for a while so please wait since he’ll come back anytime soon.”

“Cathy, let’s accept her kind offer.”

“Yes. Then, pardon us for intruding.”

It seems like Zack-san is not present.

We decided to wait inside the house.


* Maryoku, i.e. magic power will be shortened to Mana.

** Mamono (魔物) is a word used to refer to RPG monsters. For normal ones, I’ll address them as monsters while demonized ones will be called demons in the future. This is subject to change, as there is a possibility of the existence of demon race.