Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 28 Avenger's Initiative Part X

28 Avenger's Initiative Part X

Peter shook his head and laughed, "Your words are free Fury, do as you please, but in return, you have to say that this isn't your first rodeo."

Furry frowned and said, "Well it isn't."

Tony was tapping his finger on the table, and said, "Loki a showman, like me right?"

Thor nodded his head and said, "The biggest ego in Asgard."

"Well if I were going to going to make an invasion, well, I would...That son of a b.i.t.c.h!" Tony figured out where Loki was going to do this and started cussing up a storm.

They then began their plan of a.s.sault, Thor and Ironman decided to stall Loki for as long as they could while Bruce and Black Widow, took care of the portal. Peter and the rest would be on crowd control and civilian rescue. Peter then looked to Fury and asked, "Can we warn the people somehow, like using the civil defense siren."

Fury looked to him and said, "Its no good from here, our communication systems are down and we can't connect with any outsiders right now."

Peter looked to Stark and said, "How about you Stark, think you can hack into the emergency population warning system and activate the sirens."

"Already on it Spider-Man!" Stark said was tapping away at the table showing his gla.s.ses run a computer code script, after activating the alarm they set out heading towards Stark Tower. Along the way, Peter called up the future Defenders and sent them a warning, "Something big is about to go down, alien invasion big. Do your best and save as many people as you can, you can use the old bomb shelters to start helping evacuate the citizens."

"Are you for real?" Luke said with a bit of worry in his tone.

"Yeah, this isn't a drill, as of now we're at war with another world. Luke, you're in charge of the group, take care of your team." Suddenly a ma.s.sive surge of energy swept out over New York, the sky lit up as a ring-like portal opened up and hundreds of Chitauri began their a.s.sault.

Peter and MJ took off along with the rest of the ground forces, Peter didn't wait as he began webbing up the Chitauri and cras.h.i.+ng their vehicles into each other, he hopped from building to building making sure to help evacuate the civilians, an explosion went off as a group of Chitauri were about to take down the whole building, Peter webbed up the damage and used his suit to make a group of drones that would target any Chitauri nearby him. He grabbed hold of a family and began transporting them to the underground Transit System, he gave them directions to the nearest bunker and bomb shelters before returning to evacuate more.

MJ was swinging around taking out Chitauri left and right, she saw a group of kids running from the attacks and webbed up a dome to protect them while she took out the aliens. She swung in and kicked a Chitauri into another, and shot a rail webbing pellet through their armor. Webbing the foot of another she swung around in a circle while sending an electric current down the line and shocking everything with a lethal voltage.

She then grabbed the kids and started transporting them to a shelter, she the created two flying options that orbited her body to protect her while she traveled. Along the way, she spotted a few more citizens and webbed them up and carried them with her while the options shot down anything that came close to them.

Back with Peter, he was carrying away a new group of civilians, when he stared at none other than JJJ and his son protecting his family and a few dozen other people, from a group of Chitauri with by using M-16s, Peter swooped in and quickly kicked the head off of one of the Chitauri and webbed up one of the guns on causing it to explode in the other Chitauri soldier's face.

"Spider-Man!" The group of survivors shouted, "Good to see you too NY but now's not the time for idle chit-chat." Peter looked around and back to the crowd and said, "Well come on folks alien invasions not stopping any time soon, let's get you to a shelter. Peter webbed up a net and said, "Everyone on."

As everyone stood over the web, Peter picked it up and began flying towards the nearest shelter, along the way, every civilian he found he webbed them up into the net as his Automated Turrets dispatched the nearby enemies. As he flew towards the shelter location, JJJ said, "Spider-Man would you answer a few questions?"

Peter looked down at him in amazement and said, "Really? You're asking me now?"

"A Journalist would never pa.s.s up this opportunity," JJJ responded.

"Ok~ay?! Make it quick!" Peter said as he neared the subway.

"Are you some kind of half bug man under that mask? Are you some kind of mutant? Why do you risk your own life to help others?"

"No, I'm not some weird human-bug hybrid, I'm still human. Yes, I'm a mutant, but so is everyone else on this planet, and I do this because with Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility, JJ if you had my powers what would you do if something bad was happening and you knew you could stop it?"

"But why the mask?" JJ asked as he knew he was almost out of time.

"Have you seen the freaks I fight, they use superpowered abilities, tech you can't even imagine, and they all share one thing in common, they want Spidey dead. I may be super powered, but my loved ones, not so much. Are you getting the picture yet JJ? And besides..." Peter landed next to the subway tunnels, "The mask is pretty cool."

Peter flew away after sealing up the entrance with his webbing, along the way an explosion occurred as Peter saw a young black kid, around a few years younger then him falling from an apartment complex window, Peter webbed him and pulled him back up as he jumped inside the building. Shooting out his webbing he held up the damaged part of the building and began grabbing the family as he leaped over to a nearby building, he then started to clear out the enemies in the area while saving as many lives as he could, after taking this batch to a shelter, the Kid who fell from the building hugged him, and said, "Thanks Spider-Man!"

Peter looked at the kid and thought he seemed familiar when the boy's father shouted, "Come on Miles! Spider-Man has more people to save!" Peter's eyes widened as he looked at his Universes Miles Morales walking away with his dad, "Woah! Wonder if he'll still become Spiderman in this world?"

Up at the top of Stark towers, Bruce was knocked off the building by a random Chitauri and transformed into the Hulk to survive the fall, when he landed and saw the chaos around him, he didn't even pause before he started smas.h.i.+ng into the Chitauri invasion force.

Peter had just cleared out a block when a Chitauri wars.h.i.+p came flying through the portal, flying over he activated his Magnetic control, and turned the first s.h.i.+p around before he started ramming the s.h.i.+ps into each other. A ma.s.sive explosion went off as the s.h.i.+ps came cras.h.i.+ng down over NY, Peter captured all the metal and used it as projectiles against the cover of the Portal.

Suddenly, Peter heard a loud roar and saw a green dot flying towards another wars.h.i.+p and began ripping it apart with his bare hands. Peter laughed and said, "Good to see you, big guy!" The Hulk looked to Spider-Man and said, "You no afraid of Hulk!?"

Peter laughed as he said, "Why would I be scared of you? You don't hurt people who don't hurt you right?"

"Bug man smart!" Hulk said laughing as he slapped Spider-Man on the back sending him flying into the ground.

"Ops," Hulk said looking at the small crater made by Peter's body.

Peter felt a surge of pain ripple throughout his body, thankfully his suit absorbed most of the damage; if he hadn't been wearing the suit, his body would have had every bone, muscle, and organ ruptured, Peter jumped back up and surprised the Hulk, before saying, "Easy big guy, and it's Spider-Man, not bug man."

Then Peter turned to the remaining s.h.i.+ps invading their world and said, "Wanna have a compet.i.tion to see who can take out the most?"

As he said this a bolt of lightning descended on a nearby wars.h.i.+p causing it to fall towards the ground, Peter quickly webbed up the giant monstrosity with his Organic Webbing and safely landed it Central Park. Now any survivors in the s.h.i.+p wouldn't be able to get out and cause havoc, not to mention he would later claim this tech as his own.

Peter heard Thor laughing, "Can I get in on this compet.i.tion as well."

"What about Loki?" Peter asked.

"He's been incapacitated, they're working on the closing the Portal now, we just need to buy them time."

"Sure but try not to destroy the city, if you can aim the wreckage away from the city that would be appreciated." Peter then started controlling another wars.h.i.+p, suddenly all the Chitauri in the s.h.i.+p where shot out the whale-like s.h.i.+p and was thrust back through the portal to float away dead in the void of s.p.a.ce, then he pulled it to the ground and webbed it up like his other one, but this time he had a perfectly intact s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p. Next, he focused all his attention on destroying the wars.h.i.+ps. He began slamming the s.h.i.+ps into each other like wrecking b.a.l.l.s and tossing them through the portal, Thor and Hulk were completely destroying the s.h.i.+ps like they were made of paper.

Fist and Hammer combined sending a shattering blast of shrapnel that Peter used to kill off even more Chitauri, most of the damage had been localized over Central Park, but there will still thousands of smaller units slipping pa.s.s them, thankfully they had the full might of Avengers kicking a.s.s behind them, Peter suddenly looked over to the tower when Ironman blast off into the distance. He noticed that he was carrying a missile on his back and that the portal was beginning to shrink, Peter waited to Stark got close to him and used his magnetic power to pull the rocket off of Tony's back before launching it straight into the Chitauri Mothers.h.i.+p as the portal closed.

"Thanks for the a.s.sist Spider-Man!" Stark said as he thought of what almost occurred.

"No problem Ironman! Let's clear out all the stragglers!" Spiderman said as he looked to the remaining Chitauri forces, still fighting on the surface.

They jumped into action as they started killing off the stragglers, Captian America was standing next to Black Widow, and Hawkeye, as they took down enemies left and right, Peter jumped in an created a series of turrets that began to a.s.sist them, Tony shot everything in sight, and MJ webbed in taking out dozens of Chitauri at a time. The Hulk and Thor teamed up smas.h.i.+ng down any remaining wars.h.i.+ps, and Peter even noticed the Defenders way off in the distance supporting the people and taking out some enemies of their own.

As they joined together and faced down the last wave of Chitauri Tony said, "Hey, their's a Shawarma place not too far from here anyone else want to try it after this is all over, I've never had it before."

"Ohh! New Avenger rule, you pick the place, you're paying!" Peter shouted.

"Yeah! I'm paying!" Tony said as he put his helmet plate back on.

"Okay, then let's do this," MJ shouted as they charged into the battlefield.

Peter jumped in punching, kicking and using his powers to his fullest extent when Thor shouted as he slammed his hammer through a wave of Chitauri sending them flying around like rag dolls.

MJ really showed off her inventions as she created several types of cannons, fire, sonic, electric, vibration, the blasters were direct, and focused so the Chitauri armor never stood a chance as the shots slammed through their bodies.

Cap threw his s.h.i.+eld cutting through Chitauri soldiers as MJ webbed onto swinging in a circle around and tossing it to Peter, who webbed it up and bounced it back to Captian America who caught is as he jumps kicked a Chitauri's head off.

Ironman fought alongside Thor and Hulk, Thor actually threw Hulk into a h.o.a.rd of enemies, the Hulk crushed them easily as Tony and Thor shot lightning blast and lasers at their targets from a distance.

After a few hours of this, they all stood back to back panting after attacking the final Chitauri soldiers fell before them, "Okay I'm starving!" Tony shouted.

Now that the battle had ended Peter then said, "Let's go eat, and then deal with the cleanup right after." Peter pointed to the half-destroyed City.