Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 27 Avenger's Initiative Part Ix

27 Avenger's Initiative Part Ix

"Okay, now this I can talk to, I take it your a Spider G.o.d/G.o.ddess right?" Peter asked when the Spider G.o.d repeated her phrase, "Thy Totem is Champion! Does thou'st accept thy place amongst the Totems."

Peter thought of the only time a Spider-Man rejected the Spider-G.o.d's aid, and that led to the creation of the monstrosity Poison, the half human/symbiote hybrid of Peter Parker, and thanks to their role being to protect all life and hold together the different realities Peter viewed them as extremely benevolent creatures. There were many higher beings such as these, for example, the Beyonders, and the beings known as Those Who Sit Above in Shadow, but they fed off of different things, whereas the Web of Life spread as much as they absorbed.

Peter nodded his head accepting his role as he said, "Yes, as long as I don't turn into some spider monster, and as a G.o.d-like being yourself should know what I'm talking about by looking like a monster." The woman smiled and waved her hand engulfing Peter in a web coc.o.o.n in this realm as well.

Meanwhile, during all the commotion everyone pointed their weapons at Thor and said, "What did you do?"

Thor looked at Spider-Man in amazement as he felt an ancient power that was no weaker than his father's Odin Force, he looked to the others and defended himself by saying, "It seems the young spider has gone a spiritual journey, a Totem G.o.d calls his name, a very old and powerful pantheon must have looked on in favor of his actions. Please do not fret over his condition, for it is a gift he is receiving."

MJ still looked very worried when Ironman Picked up the Coc.o.o.n and said, "We'll take him with us, and run some test on the Helicarrier." However, that would be impossible for the current Tony Stark as the Symbiote would protect Peter from any of his scans.

MJ nodded her head and followed them back to the s.h.i.+p, while Thor was given time with his brother, he began to argue with Loki and begged him to give up the Tesseract and his insane mission, but they had reached an impa.s.se, after their talk, he brought Loki back on board and said, "I'm coming along."

Loki looked around at the Heroes before them and ginned, but when he looked at the Coc.o.o.n his eyes bulged, "Something you know about brother!?" Thor asked tightening his grip on his hammer.

"No, just a silly superst.i.tion!" Loki said turning his head towards MJ.

Tony then said, "Isn't that kind of funny? A G.o.d talking about superst.i.tion."

"If you know something about this why don't you prove it?" Thor asked taunting Loki.

To which Loki replied, "Please as if that childish provoking would work in a real-life scenario."

"Well if you don't know; you don't know!" Thor crossed his arms and leaned back against the Quin Jet and had a smug look on his face when Loki said, "Really you don't remember the legends fath...Odin use to speak to us of? Of course, you don't you were probably off killing something."

Thor frowned when MJ webbed his mouth shut before saying, "If you aren't going to say something useful then you shouldn't say anything at all." Thor laughed at Loki, making Loki stare daggers at MJ.

She ignored him as they flew towards the Helicarrier and landed meeting with the S.H.I.E.L.D agents that took Loki into custody, MJ was sitting next to Peter and was carried into the lab along with Loki's staff, and Bruce Banner.

"Who's this?" Bruce asked Tony who was putting Peter on the table, undid his armor, and said, "A friend, can you help run some scans on him."

Bruce walked up and tapped the metallic surface and held a device over it, "Odd, I've never seen an alloy with this composition before. Tony can you remove this webbing."

Tony who still had his Ironman Glove on focused a small laser on the webbing, however, it was no use. "d.a.m.n this is some tough stuff!" Tony said in frustration, when Thor said, "As I said before, you have nothing to fear, your Spider-Man will be fine. Loki should be your main concern he plans to bring an army to this world and exchange the Tesseract to rule over it."

Fury who had stepped into the room said, "I agree, right we need to focus on finding that Tesseract! Doctor Banner, any luck on that?"

Banner turned around and scratched his head as he said, "Actually yes, the stuff you brought in might be able to lead us to the ones that he controlled, as they should emit a similar radiation signature."

"Then please continue to work on that. Spider-Woman I know you're worried but he'll pull through this, we'll have our best s.h.i.+eld doctors trying to help him."

MJ nodded her head and turned to face everyone, "I know Spider-Man would want me to focus on the task at hand. Doctor Banner, could you please watch over him should I have to leave."

Banner nodded his head and said, "Sure! Why not! Not like I can do anything else up here."

Peter who was currently undergoing a metamorphosis, was out for quite a long time, a few hours had pa.s.sed and it wasn't until he heard Banner raising his voice about S.H.I.E.L.D building weapons using the Tesseract when MJ said, "Guys to be fair, an invasion of alien beings are coming to subjugate the entire planet, those weapons would be great a.s.set in such an event. Although I don't understand why you were hiding it, Fury."

"Because I wasn't too optimistic about the weapons, I was betting on you, the Avengers being a frontline force so we would never have to use them!" Fury shouted making the room go quiet. When suddenly he heard MJ call out for everyone to hold on to something when an explosion went off in the room, MJ and even Peters' senses were blaring and telling her to secure Doctor Banner as she jumped up and grabbed him, keeping him from falling, about the s.h.i.+p and webbed up the rest of the crew with her Symbiote.

After the room stabilized she looked to Banner and said, "You okay!"

Banner who was about to go green tired to calm down, MJ looked desperate when she thought of the only thing that might work, she peeled back her mask and said, "Please calm down Banner, we can't have you running wild with so many lives on the line."

"You're a Kid!?" Bruce seemed to have found something to take his mind of the environment, gaining his focus back MJ smiled and said, "I'm 16 thank you very much, in some culture's that's considered an adult."

Bruce laughed a little and said, "Thanks." as MJ made the mask resurface.

She placed him down and ran over to Peter's side, noticing that his Symbiote was retreating back into costume form, Peter opened his eyes up and jumped up, "Holy c.r.a.p!" Peter felt the changes to his body, his bones being the biggest difference. It wasn't a simple coating but they were made out of something similar to his Spider Silk, and had the properties of his M-t.i.tan Alloy.

He also noticed that he had Organic Web shooters now used the material produced by his Marrow, to make incredibly powerful webbing. Of course, he would have to remove the webbing by disabling the Van Der Waals forces surrounding the material and disintegrate them by removing the electromagnetic field around them to scatter its atomic bonds. He could also collect it and use it as material. So right now it only existed as a purely combative webbing.

He also felt that his senses were sharper than ever, like he could almost see the sequence of events to come, but was just beyond a fog where only shadows could be seen. Peter looked over to MJ and felt her run into him at full speed. Peter grabbed hold of her and said "I'm okay. What's going on?"

MJ looked back at the room covered in her webs when she released them everyone made sure to thank her, Peter then shot out a web and pulled his hand back retrieving a certain sharpshooters bow. All of this happened before MJ senses could detect the bolt aimed at Bruce's leg.

Seeing Hawkeye staring in surprise at Peter, he turned around and tried to run when Black Widow shouted, "I'll take care of Clint, Tony fix the s.h.i.+p."

Thor had already left to check on Loki, and Fury had pulled a Batman on them, so they got to work. Tony slapped Peter on the back and said, "Glad to have you back with us Spider-Man."

Peter smiled and responded, "Thanks, I'll go check on Thor! MJ keep Banner from going green on the s.h.i.+p. Banner, I'm a big fan of your work, the thesis you wrote on Antielectron Collisions is groundbreaking, I had some questions involving, why anti-hydrogen production rely on the rate of antiprotons being slowed in positron plasmas; but we'll have to work to do, so I'll save the chit-chat for later."

Peter then dashed off as Bruce thought, "What a smart kid."

Peter ran all the way towards the Prison they had built for the Hulk, Thor was trapped inside and was about to be forced out of the room when Agent Colsen stepped up and pointed his weapon at Loki. Peter Arrived just as the staff was about to pierce through his chest when Peter webbed him and pulled him towards his grasp.

Loki then pressed the switch releasing the drop chamber, making Peter jump over and web onto it while standing on the roof holding it inside, he then webbed a few extra lines making a support for the chamber and said, "Can you get out on your own!?"

Seeing things weren't going his way, Loki decided it was time to leave and disappeared into a puff of smoke. Peter moved over to Agent Coulson and saw that his lung had been punctured, Peter leaned down used his Symbiote to start repairing the damage, suddenly his Spidey Senses gave him a sense that if he healed Coulson completely, then something bad would happen concerning the fate of the world.

Peter stopped once Coulson took a deep breath. Looking over his body, Peter noticed that was still wounded and needed surgery, but the damage to his lung tissue had been repaired and was out of critical condition, Peter webbed up his wound and placed him against the wall as Thor smashed out of the prison room.

"Is he?" Thor stood by Spider-Man who shouted in response, "Go get a medic!" Thor didn't wait as he began searching out S.H.I.E.L.D Personale to look for a medic.

When Fury arrived Peter knew the two would take this chance to unite the Avengers and was forced to play along with Fury's schemes for the greater good.

Thanks to Bruce not losing it, the s.h.i.+p was in far greater condition, but still took a beating from Loki's mind controlled puppets. They had no choice but to set it down for repairs, Fury gathered the Avengers around a table and threw out Colsen's bloodied Captain America cards and said, "These were in Phill Coulson's Jacket, I guess you'll never get the chance to sign them now. Agent Coulson pa.s.sed away in surgery."

It took a while for the everyone to register what he said when Fury sighed, "Yes, we were building an a.r.s.enal, but I never put all my chips into that plan. No, I was playing something even riskier, Stark knows this as the Avenger's Initiative."

Fury walked around them as he continued to explain, "The idea was to gather a group of remarkable people, to see if they can become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to, and fight the battles we never could. Phill Coulson died still believing in that idea, the idea of Heroes."

Tony stood up and started to walked away when Peter said, "There this saying my father use to phrase all the time." Tony stopped, "Each of us has powers and abilities that no other normal person has, whether it's super strength, insane training, or super brain power; and with each of our great powers comes great responsibility. Right now we have a responsibility to put aside our differences and work together to save our world, and to do that we need to look past our selves and see the bigger picture."

Peter stood up, and said, "Now Tony, I don't suppose you have any idea where Loki might be headed?"