Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 29 Avenger's Initiative Epilogue

29 Avenger's Initiative Epilogue

Aunt May sighed in relief, "We were brought to a Bomb Shetler by someone calling himself Powerman! MJ's parents are here too."

"Look May, me and MJ are going to be late there's a lot of people that need help, and we can help the people here is that okay with you?" Peter asked.

"Actually the situation isn't that different over here, Ben keeps running around all over the place helping everyone we can, since MJ's Dad is a cop, he's going to be around us helping as well. Can you get home alright?" Aunt May responded.

"Yeah, what about you? Are you going to be able to get home alright?" Peter questioned.

"No, the roads are messed up, and crowded, there is a shelter nearby that's housing people. I think we'll be stuck here until tomorrow."

Peter handed the phone to MJ and after hearing her parents were okay, she felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders, she then said, "Don't let anything happen to Mom, take care of her Dad, I love you guys and I'll see you tomorrow." they hung up as she rested her head on Peter's shoulders and said, "I'm so glad. We did it, Peter, we saved the world!"

The group was sitting around a table eating their meal when Peter said, "Not bad, better than I thought it would be. Now, let's start talking war relief effort." Then he turned his head to Stark and said, "Since we have the tech and know-how, I'm sure Stark and I can cook something up in the lab to help repair the city, maybe even improve it so it will be safe from super villains and other attacks in the future."

Stark lifted a brow and said, "Repairing, we could probably do, but upgrading? Well, even I don't have enough liquid a.s.sets for that kind of job."

Peter made a bit of his organic webbing, as the cobalt blue webbing came out he pulled over a cup and weakened the electromagnetic field around the webbing's molecules and caused it to s.h.i.+ft into a semi-liquid form, handing it over to Stark he said, "How durable do you think an object would be if you coated it in this?"

"Tony scanned the material and was absolutely fascinated by its structure when he said, "How much of this stuff do you have?"

Peter grinned and said, "As much as we need." Peter wasn't about to tell him that it was created inside his bone marrow, because of the unique structure of his organic webbing containing properties of his M-t.i.tan Alloy it had Psionic, Magical, and Physical durability that was just at the same levels of the Adamantine, Andimantuim, and Vibranium, and because his webbing was neither a solid, nor a fluid it could become both by simply s.p.a.cing and pus.h.i.+ng together the atoms with an electromagnetic field.

"Incredible, we could even use impact damage, and even the rain could give the city additional energy if we could work out a kinetic transference device to suit the materials ability to absorb vibrations."

"I was thinking of using my Nan.o.bot design like a paint would be perfect for routing the energy, and if we could develop an efficient enough battery and generator, then every earthquake, monster attack, and villain attack could feed the city energy."

Peter and Tony started chatting away when Banner and MJ jumped in as well, "What about adding sound dampening to the material so everyone doesn't have to wake up when a battle going on outside their buildings." MJ started sketching out a prototype fabric.

"Oh wow! Do you think you can make it absorb radiation, and make them solar cells as well? Maybe you could rearrange the nan.o.bot functions by adding something like this." Banner started to write down his thoughts, Clint laughed and said, "You catch any of that?"

"Every third word or so!" Black Widow commented.

Captain America smiled and replied, "I don't understand the jargon, but sounds you guys fix the place up and can keep it from being destroyed in the future."

MJ had suddenly thought of something and almost blew Peter's ident.i.ty, "Pet...Spider-Man isn't it your birthday!?"

Peter widened his eyes and said, "We've been out all night, I completely forgot."

MJ smiled as she sat on his lap and whispered, "I think I have the perfect present for you."

Thor laughed and asked, "So how old are you now Spider-Man?!"

"Younger than you think, but old enough to be considered an adult where you're from. I believe in your culture I'd go on my first hunt." Peter answered.

Thor laughed, "Then you should come to Asgard sometime, we could help you pick a prey! And if you bring it down, we could even make you a weapon forge in Nidavellir."

Peter smiled, "Really, I am actually very interested in meeting a G.o.d of the forge." he then turned to Tony and said, "So Tony would you want to see a star that's been turned into a forge that can craft materials you've never even heard of before."

Stark smiled as he said, "You know, that sounds like a lot of fun. Spidey Couple, you two should come work for me." Tony shouted, making Peter respond with, "Hah! You wis.h.!.+ Maybe I could get you to work for my company someday!"

"Fine, how about a partners.h.i.+p then," Tony said as he held out his hand.

"That I can do." Peter shook his hand responding.

"But then you'll have to tell me who you are, after all, I won't go into business with a total stranger," Tony shot back.

Peter laughed and said, "Sure when I form my company I'll give you a call. Oh yeah, help me out moving the two wars.h.i.+ps I caught in Central Park will ya, I'll stop by tomorrow and we'll open it up together."

Stark smiled, and started laughing before he said, "Darn, and here I was hoping you forget about that."

The two chatted for hours when they decided on letting Tony's A.I and his many extra suits to speed up the process, and Peter and MJ gave him some sketches for some different cleanup and repair drone bots, Tony made a bunch of improvements schooling the two on tech, however they were still able to offer a bit of advice before they finished their meal.

"Peter stood up and said, "Well I guess we should get back to work, gonna be a long couple of weeks." before they paid for the check Peter had them all take a picture together. "This one's so going up one the spidey account," MJ said as they walked outside to begin helping the people of New York.

First, they stopped by where a group of people was gathering, they were placing up pictures of lost family members and contact information, Peter and MJ looked around for a good 5 hours or so before reuniting hundreds of people with their loved ones, every once in a while they would have to deliver some bad news, it broke their heart to see their tears, MJ wanted to grow stronger, stronger so that she could save even more lives.

Peter grabbed her hand and said, "I'm with you, together we'll get stronger and protect the world we love. Don't forget what you're Symbiote is capable of, should you find an opportunity and someone who's will to share their power, we can continue to get stronger."

"You don't think we'll go power mad?" MJ asked.

Peter then answered, "Not if we do it the right way, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be stronger, but we have to remember, the stronger we get..."

"The more responsibilities we'll have!" MJ finished as she started swinging towards a broken down building. Using their webbing they reinforced certain weak parts, making sure it was safe for reconstruction later, they also still managed to find some survivors buried under some rubble here and there, they sent them to gathering locations, and the sun had all but set when the two decided to call it a night.

The two webbed home exhausted when the came in through Peter's window and transformed into their nighties. They laid in bed and smiled at one another, MJ wrapped her arms around Peter's neck and kissed him pa.s.sionately, "You know?" MJ reached her hands down grabbing his member and said, "I still have to give you, your birthday present."

Peter grabbed her shoulders and said, "MJ I want us to..."

MJ started to cry, "Don't you want me?"

Peter bit his lip and sighed, "I love you MJ, I love you so much it hurts when I hold back."

MJ kissed him and whispered in his ear, "Then don't, I love you too, Tiger, and this is what I want." MJ removed her clothes and stood in front of him, the pale moonlight s.h.i.+ned against her soft and supple skin, Peter's eyes were drawn to her well-developing breast and perfectly toned body, MJ moved closer to him and placed his hand against her groin, Peter felt a fire burn through him as he lost himself in her pa.s.sion.

He picked her up removing his clothing and placed her against his bed, his tongue intertwined with hers as he placed a finger inside making her moan, Peter felt her stroking him making his excitement grow, "How big can you get Tiger?" MJ purred as Peter a.s.saulted her neck with hickeys.

Peter then stopped as he said, "I don't have a..."

MJ smiled and said, "The Symbiote can act as a birth control for us."

Peter slapped his head and thought, "Why didn't I think of that?" Because of their regeneration, something as simple as Birth Control pills had no effect on MJ, but the Symbiote could directly keep them from conceiving. Peter laughed as he called himself a dummy.

MJ smiled and kissed him as she guided him inside her. MJ winced in pain as Peter slowly pushed his way inside, she placed her arms around him and shook as he reached the base. Peter stayed like this for a while, MJ continued to kiss him as tears formed in her eyes and a trail of blood ran down her leg.

Peter held her quivering body and said, "You're beautiful MJ."

MJ face brightened up as Peter whispered in her ear, "I love you and I always will."

"I think you can start moving now," MJ said biting her lip seductively.

Peter slowly started to move and he saw MJ still fighting through the pain when after a few minutes she began to moan out in pleasure.

"Oh my G.o.d, Peter," MJ shouted, "You're reaching my..." Peter slammed in making her yelp in joy.

His bed creaked and slightly slammed against the wall, thanks to MJ's body being powered like his, he didn't have to worry about breaking her, MJ seemed to enjoy it too as she wrapped her legs around him as he began to pick up the pace, they continued to go at it like animals in heat, Peter moved her in dozens of positions, and because of how flexible they managed to explore some very provocative postures.

"Peter, I'm..." MJ moaned unable to complete her sentence, "Me too!" Peter shouted.

MJ gripped him with all of her strength as he released inside her, making her call out his name as she almost fainted. Peter laid down next to her as the two stayed close to one another. MJ held her hands on her stomach and said, "To think one day, we'll have a kid." Peter smiled as he kissed her back.

"What do you want to name him or her?" He said making his way to her neck.

"Annie, if its a girl, and Benji if its a boy!" MJ said turning around.

Peter smiled as he kissed her forehead, "I love it, but maybe its a bit soon to be thinking about our kid's name, after all, we still have to get married first."

MJ blushed as she buried her head into his chest and put on her nighties again, Peter did as well and said, "Goodnight MJ, I love you." MJ responded, "I love you too Peter, goodnight." the two fell asleep that night without a care in the world, and sleep harder than they ever have before that night.