Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 16 X Factor Ix

16 X Factor Ix

He really wanted to learn magic, but he still had too much on his hands to focus on the training.

Peter went home that night in high spirits, when he entered his house he saw May and Ben watching the news, walking up to them he spotted J.J.J speaking on the news, "A recent breakout occurred at the Ryker's Island Prison where a group of superpowered inmates has escaped, please be on the lookout for their appearance of these two criminals. Maxwell Dillon who has the ability to manipulate electricity, his moniker is named Electro, and the second is Aleksei Sytsevich who has superhuman strength and endurance."

A snapshot of their mug shots appeared on the screen, Peter looked them over, and frowned, "Of course I get the Genetically altered Rino, and he looks even stronger than any other version he's seen him in, Electro looked like a street punk, and with a bunch of piercings on his face, and was sticking his tongue out while holding up his middle finger. Peter's eyes went eyed as Jameson showed them a few clips of them using their powers, Peter saw Rino take a few punches from the Hulk and even managed to knock him back a couple of times. Electro was completely made of lightning, he looked like a glowing blue version of the Human Torch. Jameson continued "If you see these prisoners then do not engage call run away and call the police. This is John Jonah Jameson reporting to live from channel 4, stay safe and good night New York.

Peter's fist gripped until his knuckles creaked, "Okay now I know my world's villains are a lot stronger than the just the Ultimate universe, mine just shares a lot of similarities with it." Hearing this Ben and May turned around as said, "Peter your home!"

Peter smiled as he pulled out a stack of cash, there was $25,000 rolled together. Ben caught it and frowned, "Peter this is your. . ."

Peter interrupted and said, "This is our money, and I still have 150,000 left in my account. Every month I'll receive a check for royalties, It will go up for a while then drop before stabilizing, so I will be getting a lot more. I know we've been struggling with the bills and this should hold us over for a long time to come."

Ben and May's eyes started watering when Peter hugged them and said, "Your my family and even if I'm younger than you I'm going to take care of us, now remember the money I give you come with a lot of responsibility can you handle it, Uncle Ben."

Ben smiled as he said, "With great power comes great. . ."

"Comes great responsibility!" Everyone said laughing, Peter then said, "I'm going to be in my lab for the night, got something I'm working on, I already had Dinner with MJ and some friends so don't wait up for me."

Heading to cellar Peter suited and began asking Webster, "What changes happened when you absorbed the unstable molecules?" A vast amount of information suddenly entered Peter's mind, "I see with this I can upgrade you again. If I managed to complete my Nan.o.bots, I can rid you of your weakness to sonic attacks. Next, he asked Webster to separate from him, he felt the changes in his body and lifted his hand out, focusing his Chi until it burst into flame. "You really do act as a conduit for the Blank Gene inside me, but it seems the gene is locked in and untransferable. MJ should still be able to gain more powers through the suit, but my gene gives this power to me in its own mutated form." Although without the suit he retained his Pyrokinesis Peter was incapable of using the full Flame On Form.

Pulling the Symbiote back to his body, Peter then headed over to his lab and pulled out Tombstone's blood sample he had the Symbiote scan it and extract the strengthing formula, he felt his bones grow denser, and his skin slightly tougher, it was nowhere near Tombstones level, but now Peter had a slight additional amount of toughness to his body. "This requires more study." Peter thought as he started heading through a tunnel he made so he could sneak out without being noticed.

After Peter exited outside and jumped onto a nearby lamppost, and pulled out his phone he sent a text to MJ that said, "Did you see the news?"

However, her phone rang behind him as she placed her arms around his shoulders and said, "Way ahead of you Tiger!"

Peter smiled and said, "Let's go take down, a fat Rhino and that Sparky Lightbulb."

The two webbed off, they searched for hours when they met up and Peter said, "This is getting us nowhere, we really don't have the resources to instigate their history, I managed to figure out although the cops arrested him Electro was brought down by a Privet Investigator." Peter looked at his phone with the news article and that words 'Alias Investigations' written in bold.

"Jessica Jones, the other J.J," Peter said looking off towards Harlem. "Guess we need the help of a P.I to solve this one."

Peter was about web off when the burner phone that was he gave matt called him, "Spiderman, you know those Ninjas you told me to call if they ever showed up."

Peter slapped his head, "MJ you go meet up with the P.I, and get the information we need to find Rhino, while I'll go save Matt."

MJ looked a little worried but after realizing that it was the right move to make, they split up heading towards opposite directions. Peter made his way across the city rather fast, after reaching h.e.l.l's Kitchen he dropped off at Matt's house and came inside, Foggy, Electra, and Matt were standing around looking rather worn out, "Okay can someone tell me what's going on here, or have I interrupted something?"

Peter landed on the ground, and held his hands out, and said with a c.o.c.ky tone, "Because if I did, I can always come back later."

Matt smirked as he said, "Foggy this is my friend Spiderman."

"You really know a superhero." Peter looked to Foggy, and back to Matt, once Matt shook his head left and right, Peter realized that Foggy didn't know, "h.e.l.lo Mr. Nelson, big fan of Matt's and Your work. Not many honest lawyers left in New York."

Foggy shook his hand and with a stunned expression said, "I'm shaking Spiderman's hand."

He looked over to Matt and said, "So what's the problem?"

Electra looked to Foggy and made Foggy look a little afraid before saying, "Alright, I'm leaving."

Foggy went into the other room and closed the door, after waiting for a bit Electra shouted, "Get your ear away from the door!"

Foggy was surprised as he moved and sat on the corner of Matt's bed as he thought, "How does she do that?"

Peter looked to Electra and said, "Well?"

However Electra lunged at him aiming for his throat, Peter didn't even feel his Spider-Sense tingle, as he grabbed her arm and stopped her, she smirked as if he had somehow fallen into a trap, but she found that she couldn't move. She looked down at he feet and saw a web holding her to the floor.

He withdrew his Symbiote's webbing and pointed his finger towards her head as he pushed her back onto the couch he said, "Okay now that you've played your little game, how about you explain what's going on."

Peter was surprised to find out how different Electra's life was compared to the Netflix material because first of all before she made her first Kill, which was a group of rapist bragging about their latest victim.

Fury found them before she snapped their necks, and shot them himself, he then went on to offer Electra a job as a s.h.i.+eld Agent and she accepted, thanks to this her father had S.H.I.E.L.D protecting him from the shadows and wasn't killed by Bullseye.

Peter looked a little excited, "This is such a new universe, I can't wait to discover more!" He thought as Electra continued, "My most recent job involved infiltrating a group known as the Hand. I tracked them to this city and decided to see an old friend." Electra looked to Matt who nodded that it was okay and then back Peter before saying, "Matt and I were attacked by the Hand's members, we fought them off, but they don't die."

Peter then said, "So what you're fighting Zombies Ninja's!?"

Peter sighed as he grabbed his forehead, "Okay! If they can't die, how about sealing them up, you know make a prison?"

Matt then sat up and took his gla.s.ses off, "That's why I called you Spiderman, these guys aren't alive!"

Peter frowned, "What do you mean not alive?"

"My cover was blown thanks to me saving two kids that I was supposed to kill, so instead I killed a head member of the Hand named Bakuto and ran away with the kids, however, he was the one who attacked us."

Peter groaned, "I don't need this tonight, all right what did s.h.i.+eld say?"

Electra looked down and said, "I can't get ahold of them, I quit after killing Bakuto." Electra looked back at Matt and looked saddened as she said, "I couldn't let him down again."

Peter sighed and said, "Well you better call them up, even if you quit they won't leave their agents out to die. You should be able to get some good intel right?"

Back with MJ, she appeared over the window of Alias Investigations and knocked on the window, a man appeared wearing a long tan trench coat and a white b.u.t.ton-up s.h.i.+rt and tan business pants, he had short s.h.a.ggy blond hair and looked to be around 20, he looked out the 7th floor and saw Spiderwoman waving at him, he opened the window and stepped back as MJ hopped inside.

"Can I. . . Help you? Spiderwoman right?" the blond asked, "You're the P.I that tracked down Electro right?"

"I'm Phillip Campbell, yes I was the one who found Electro, but I wasn't the one who brought him down," Philip said scratching his face.

MJ then said, "I need your help to track down Electro again, and if you can the Rhino as well."

Phil replied, "I'm not cheap."

MJ pulled out her wallet and threw out a thousand dollars, "Find them and I'll give you another thousand."

Phil took the role of cash and placed it in his coat, he then picked up a gun and placed in his holster wrapped around his shoulders, before saying, "Tomorrow, come back and I'll have their locations."

MJ climbed outside and webbed over to a nearby building and turned back before jumping and said, "See you tomorrow Phil."

As she swung away he turned around and started to get to work as he investigated the Rhino's history. "Well, I guess superhero's need help too sometimes." Phil then pulled out a gla.s.s and poured himself a cup of whiskey before picking up the phone and calling up a contact he had at the police. "Yeah, Stacy it's me I need some information."

Back at Matt's Peter looked at Electra and was feeling very frustrated, "So all they gave us was the location of Bakudo's latest location?"

Peter grabbed his head and felt like shouting, "Well that's better than nothing!" Peter's phone rang MJ's ringtone, which was the old 60's Spiderman theme music. Peter answered and said, "I hope you're having better luck than me."

"The P.I is on the case, we have to check in with him tomorrow. How about you?"

"Feel like kicking a bunch of immortal ninjas around!" Peter said in a joking tone.

"Really! Immortal Ninjas?" MJ asked before saying, "Wow, our life is never going to be normal again, is it? Don't you miss the day's where all we had to do was web up and run."