Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 17 X Factor X

17 X Factor X

"We could send him to the police station, the Hand may have their hands in a lot of things, but I doubt they'll make an attack on the police station, as it would draw too much attention to them," Electra added.

Peter webbed up Matt's and Electra's mouth and ran into Matt's room and did the same Foggy, before they could ask what the h.e.l.l he did that for, smoke started to fill up Matt's house.

Peter grabbed Foggy and threw him in the closet before webbing up the door. Just as he finished, a group of Hand Ninjas jumped through Matt's windows and started to attack, Matt and Electra worked like a well-oiled machine, their cooperation was flawless, it almost looked like a dance between the two. Every time a Ninja got close to them they were easily beaten down by they swift attacks. Peter, of course, didn't wait around, as he flew into action, webs, punches, and kicks all merged together in a single onslaught against the Hand.

Peter grabbed the last Ninja and tied him up with the others, Electra looked over to Peter then back to Matt before saying, "You know at first I didn't believe you about your friend's strength, but with his help, we might be able to chase off the Hand from New York."

The sound of a cane tapping could be heard coming from down Matt's hall when an older man's voice called out, "I'll admit that the Spiders are strong, but it's a far cry from defeating the Hand."

Peter looked over to see the old grey haired Stick stepping inside Matt's apartment. "Stick!" Electra and Matt shouted, "It's been a while you two." Stick said poking the unconscious Hand Lackeys.

Peter looked at Stick and said, "Don't act as you know of the Webs true strength, the Hand is nothing compared to it."

Stick walked up to Peter and said, "That may be true, but you have no control over it either, so why bring it up."

Peter shrugged his shoulders, before saying, "I may not be able to take on an alpha level threat, but taking on the Hand, I can pull that off."

Stick walked up to him and frowned, "So your the one Madam Web was speaking of." He then turned around before saying, "I'm not impressed."

Peter felt his spider sense's tingle as the blade Stick pulled out of his cane charged towards his neck, "Please!" Peter said as he grabbed the blade with his hand after coating it in Chi.

Sticks heard the sound of his katana snapping and sighed as he put what was left of his blade back in the cane sheath, Peter dropped the blade and said, "What a waste of a perfectly good master craftsman's work."

Stick grunted, "You're not wrong."

Peter then looked around at the group when he smiled, MJ hopped through his window and said, "Looks like I missed the party."

Peter then laughed before saying, "Not at all, in fact, you're just in time, we were about head over and kick some Hand Ninja a.s.s."

Peter then webbed up the Ninja's into a sphere of webbing and then he used his concrete mixture to seal them in. Of course, he made sure to puncture a hole in it so they could breathe. As he finished, Matt and Electra had switched into their costumes and holstered their weapons.

Stick felt frustrated and knew he couldn't talk them out of this when he said, "Fine! Don't mess it up! If you can take out a leading member of the Hand, I'll do a little jig."

"Do a little jig, what are you a hundred," Peter said as grabbed the cage of Hand Ninja, then taking them outside to hang them against the wall of another building. Next, Peter went to Matt's room and retrieved Foggy, after informing him that the bad guys were gone, he said, "We're going to be dropping you off at the police station."

"What about Matt, and Electra?" Foggy asked, "I already got them out of here, you're the only one left." Peter then picked Foggy up and webbed his way over to the nearest police station, after dropping him off he rushed back as quick as he could. Seeing everyone ready to go, they headed out towards Bakuto's last known location.

Luckily S.H.I.E.L.D's information was still good, the area they were led to was one of Bakuto's training center's for the Hand's recruitment, they snuck inside and began investigating. Peter discovered a fully stocked facility but no one else around, searching from room to room he found nothing that sticks out from the ordinary, the building was completely abandoned.

Peter was about to give up and have Electra try to contact S.H.I.E.L.D again, when he heard the sound of swords clas.h.i.+ng, Peter dashed towards the noise and arrived outside in the courtyard. Peter saw a much younger Colleen Wing fighting against her old master. Judging from her looks, she appeared to be the same age as him.

Peter was about to jump in and start causing Mayhem, but before he could interfere, a man wearing a green martial arts Gi, that had a long yellow belt around his waist. He was wearing a black colored chest piece body armor that covered up his chest and back with a single image of Shou-Lao the Immortal Dragon imprinted on the chest piece, around his fist were black armored gauntlets and long boots that looked both flexible and durable. On top of his head was his signature headband, Peter was surprised to discover that armor Iron Fist was made from his Webbing Armor which Tony Patented it as 'Hard Glue Armor.'

Peter was also surprised by his age, as he like Colleen was around the same age as him. Peter moved in and started to remove Bakuto's henchmen with ease, Danny who seemed to have mastered his basic training with the Iron Fist, was actively and completely controlling his Chi, not like the Netflix version who couldn't get it up.

(A/N: Ooh! d.a.m.n! Netflix and the s.h.i.+tty actor they got to play him should be feeling that one from here!)

Iron Fist looked over to Spiderman as he punched a bad guy's lights out, and smiled, "Thank you for your help man of the spiders. Your a.s.sistance although is not needed, it is appreciated."

Peter yelled in his mind, "Freaking sweet, this Danny took after the one he admired the most, the highly polite, and philosophical Zen Master. The reasoning Peter like Iron Fist was because of his persona, he always tried to apply his Zen logic to the situations at hand, as a real Zen master should, not just reading off some fortune cookie BS like the Netflix Danny Rand. Seriously, what in the actual h.e.l.l were the writer's thinking, did they even read the source material or read up in the mythology of Chi to better improve his powers. Nope, they stuck him with some twig with almost no muscle ma.s.s and gave him the Chi form of erectile dysfunction.

(A/N: I know I kind of ranted about my disappointment with my man D.R, but be honest even you would be p.i.s.sed after them hitting 4 consecutive Hero matchups with great actors, and yet failing somehow to find a good enough actor to play Iron Fist. How could they mess up a character as iconic as Iron Fist so badly?)

Peter smiled and tossed a henchman into a group of foes as he said, "It's Spiderman! Spiderman! But your welcome!"

As they beat down the enemies in front of them, thanks to the racket they were making, the rest of the group had quickly joined up with them.

"Wow! Ninja's you guys know it isn't Holloween yet!" MJ said as she pummeled dozens of Hand Operatives into submission, Electra and Matt were making a B line towards Bakuto and taking down every Ninja that blocked their paths.

Peter saw Bakuto getting ready to flee he jumped on to the side of the building and used his Symbiote webbing to chase after, Bakuto pulled out his sword and a glow of purple energy surrounded the blade, he tried to chop at the web, but to his horror, as soon as the webbing touched his blade, Webster absorbed his Chi and ran down the blade and wrapped him up.

With a strong pulling motion, he slammed Bakuto against the wall and webbed him to it while he jumped back into the fight taking out another squadron of Hand Ninja.

After everything settled, Peter and the group gathered around Bakuto and Iron Fist who was restraining Colleen.

"Let me go, Danny! This b.a.s.t.a.r.d! How many children did he make me send to their graves?! How many of my students did you sacrifice for your s.a.d.i.s.tic resurrection ritual?"

As everyone heard this they felt a deep shock, when Bakuto said, "They gave their lives for a greater cause, the strongest moved on while the rest became parts for the children to use in future. Even you Colleen would have been given the right to resurrect as you were my direct desci. . ."

Peter webbed his mouth shut. "Sorry I don't like the smell of s.h.i.+t coming from his mouth."

Peter looked to Colleen and said, "I don't know what it is you've done, but from what I heard, you had no idea what they were doing behind your back. If you want to make right what you've done, then save as many lives as you lost. Work harder to make up for what you've done, and use this pain to help those around you."

Colleen started crying into Iron Fist's chest, she began calling out the name of all her most talented pupils and began begging for forgiveness.

Iron Fist looked to Peter and said, "Thank you, Spiderman."

Peter looked to Bakuto and said, "Now what do we do with this resp.a.w.ning zombie man."

Electra pulled out a phone and called up S.H.I.E.L.D before saying, "This is Agent Black Sky, send in the retrieval squads!"

A group of invisible mini jets appeared and a group of S.H.I.E.L.D Operatives could be seen descending down the high-tensile metallic ropes. As they landed they began cuffing everything in sight and transporting them to single cell containers that resembled human-sized pods.

"Electra, what is the meaning of this?" Daredevil asked.

Electra turned her head back towards Matt and gave him a deep kiss, as they parted she said, "The only thing I lied about was me quitting s.h.i.+eld."

Matt felt hurt and a little betrayed when he asked, "You're not going to stay with me are you?"

Electra looked pained as she said, "Sorry Matt, I'm good at what I do, and because of it, I can help a lot of people. I know it's different than the road your walking, but . . ."

Matt sighed before he kissed Electra again, "I hate you! You know that right?" Matt asked b.u.mping his forehead with hers.

"No! You don't!" Electra replied.

"Yeah, your right about that too." Matt held her tightly afraid that it would be years until he saw her again, when Electra said, "I meant what I said, I want you to come with me. There's a place for you a s.h.i.+eld, and someone with your skills would be greatly accepted."

"You know I can't do that. This is my city!" Matt said as the two parted from their embrace.

"What will happen to Bakuto!?" Colleen asked with hate in her eyes.

"He'll be interrogated and probably have his mind read to gain superior intel on our target. I can promise you this little girl, that he will not enjoy having his thoughts force out of his head. I heard if you resist it cause untold pain."

Peter s.h.i.+vered a little, he understood the importance of such an ability but it still made his skin crawl that someone would use such a painful extraction method. However, he found it hard to care for the thousand-year-old monster who's committed more atrocities than the worst war criminals in history.

As they once crowded Peter notice a beautiful brunet and well-proportioned curves walked up to them, she held out her hand and said, "My name is Agent Maria Hill. It's a pleasure to finally meet you Spiderman, I'm a big fan of your work."