Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 15 X Factor Viii

15 X Factor Viii

MJ walked up to them and shouted, "What are you doing? Get yourselves together! Right now Johnny and Spiderman are fighting to survive, why aren't you trying to do something to get them back."

Reed sighed, "Spiderwoman, every time we open the portal we come out at a random location in the Negative Zone, the reason is because the universe is built like a 4-D maze that's constantly moving, and the doors we open are pinned to a single location in s.p.a.ce while the rest of the universe moves around it."

Hearing MJ gulped. Everyone looked to MJ as she turned to Strange and asked, "Can you bring my Spiderman back?"

Strange smiled as he looked over Reed's machine before saying, "I must say I'm impressed, your invention is actually able to tap into world energies and create a bridge between the realms." Strange walked around and continued to speak, "However you have no defenses or cloaking mechanisms. Very reckless Mr. Richards, one should know that when one stares into the void, there is something there staring back."

Reed slumped his shoulders and asked, "Who are you?"

Strange smiled and said, "I'm the Sorcerer Supreme of this world, Doctor Steven Strange."

"Sorcery like the magic Doom uses?" Sue asked.

"No Doom is a charlatan compared to real sorcerers, he only knows a handful of spells and his training is incomplete." Strange then started to levitate and began using his magic to locate Peter and Johnny.

He was searching through mult.i.tudes of possible locations, making his body seem like it was moving through time slightly. His face turned left and right leaving an afterimage of it, making it look like he had more than one face, while he was searching Peter and Johnny were still fighting for their lives, Peter was covered in blood, and Johnny was lighting up the battlefield with his Symbiote enhanced flames.

Peter's Chi had waned greatly, the golden glow on his body dimmed and his attacks became weaker. When Peter realized that he had exhausted most of his reservoir of Chi, he raised his hand towards Johnny and called back his Symbiote as he said, "Sorry need a refill."

Webster covered his body as Johnny was now fighting in his Fantastic Four logo design boxers, that thankfully the Symbiote didn't eat.

Peter felt a change in his suit, the most obvious one being that Peter now could gain a slight copy of Johnny's power, but it was much weaker as he could only ignite around half the length of his arm and legs. Although the Pyrokinesis was pretty cool.

In addition, Peter figured out why he didn't gain Johnny's full power, it appeared that since the suit had a weakness to fire, it couldn't gain the full source of Johnny's ability, however now had gained a resistance fire and negated that weakness. He felt another change that came from eating Johnny suit of unstable molecules, but he decided to look into it later as he had a swarm to deal with.

Peter sent the suit back to Johnny and the two fought for what feels like hours, then Peter remembered that 1 minute on earth was equivalent to 5 and a half hours in the Negative Universe. Peter and Johnny covered each other's backs perfectly, a ring of dead insectoid bodies piled around them reaching higher into the sky.

Every time they switched back and fourth Peter gained a little more of Johnny's power, he could now perform the most basic flame on ability.

Johnny was surprised to see Peter able to replicate his power, when he asked, "Seriously can you get me one of these suits?"

"Sorry, but Webster stays with me." Peter thought of the Symbiotes breeding ability and didn't know what the circ.u.mstances were for allowing his Symbiote to sp.a.w.n an offspring.

Also, Peter didn't know if that would be such a good idea either, as he was unsure if the magical alterations would carry over, Peter really didn't want a crazed Symbiote running around.

Thanks to Webster the two managed to survive for days in combat, because of Peter's regeneration factor, losing sleep would only tire him mentally, however, he could force himself to stay awake. Johnny, however, had to rely on the Symbiote's copy of Peter's powers to stay awake and replenish his energy.

Honestly, if it weren't for the Symbiote Peter and Johnny would have ended up as food for these creatures a long time ago.

Back with MJ and the rest, Strange was still searching through the ma.s.sive maze that is Negative Zone, when suddenly he opened up his eyes and said, "I found them!" He waved his hands in a circle as a portal opened up showing Peter and Johnny still fighting on top of a h.o.a.rd of dead Arthrosians.

Peter and Johnny were panting heavily and mentally tapped, all they wanted to do was go home and take a nap, but these d.a.m.n endless swarm of insectoids just wouldn't stop coming. As they continued to fight, a group of voices rang out in their ears that gave them a sense of endless joy, to them the shouts of worry sounded like the angels singing in a church choir.

Peter felt MJ's Webbing reach out to him and tagged his back before she started to yank him towards her, Johnny had Reed stretching out his hand to pull back his brother in law's body.

The two flew through Strange's portal as it was closed behind them, Peter was caught by MJ and was being held like a princess, being the troll he was he placed a Kiss on MJ and said "My hero."

MJ slapped him, dropping him on the ground while she started shouting, "Don't you ever do something like that to me again." MJ placed her arms around him and started crying loudly, "I thought I'd never see you again! Do you know how I felt? I thought my heart was going to explode! Promise me, Peter, promise you'll never pull a stunt like that again without me!"

Peter sigh and picked MJ and hugged her, "No promises Spiderwoman, you know more than anyone what I'm like, but if you're there with me I promise not to leave you out again but I think you just outed my ident.i.ty to Doctor Strange."

Strange laughed and said, "Actually I know both of your ident.i.ties, I guess you have the Ancient One's old friend to thank for that. Her name is Madam Web, and in the future when you to begin your magic training you will meet with her."

Peter's heart thumped.

"Madam Web?" MJ asked.

"Someone very close to the Spiders, all Spiders."

Strange looked to Peter smiled, "I look forward to our next meeting Mr. Parker, and Mr. Reed next time think about cloaking your portal presence and maybe and some defenses to it." and with that, he made a portal and disappeared, returning to his Sanctum.

Sue apparently was taking a note from MJ and ruthlessly slapping Johnny, the Symbiote noticing the danger was over returned to Peter and Sue who was still slapping a Johnny in his boxers was shouting, "You idiot! Stupid! How could you? You're the only blood I have left Johnny, did you think your life belonged to you!?"

Johnny sighed as Sue hugged him and started crying, "I wouldn't be able to face our parents in the afterlife if you died for me, I don't ever want you to do something that reckless again!"

Peter smiled as he held MJ, "I'm sorry as well, I try my best not to worry again like that." MJ who was still sniffling squeezed him harder.

Ben grabbed Johnny and put him in a headlock before saying, "Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again!" Reed sighed and looked over to Peter in amazement, not only because of him saving Johnny, but because he saw the Symbiote in action and it fascinated him.

When Johnny was finally released he turned to Peter and shouted, "Now Spiderman, you have some explaining to do."

Peter laughed and removed the face mask of the suit and said, "Well, I'm Spiderman!"

He looked over to MJ and looked up and down her body and said, "Well, are you going to introduce us or what?"

"Mabey you should put some pants on first, you wouldn't want your flaming Johnny to be seen now would you?" Peter asked pointing to at his underpants, Johnny looked down on covered his arms over his privet. "Oh yeah give me back my suit!" Peter laughed before responding, "Sorry the price of saving one Johnny Storm was the cost of your suit, besides once the material's been absorbed there's no way of getting it back."

Johnny didn't really care about the suit, after all, Peter did just save his life, he just figured it was worth seeing if he could get it back, "Ahem! Give me a second!" He said running out of the room. After seeing the damage to the building one could hear Johnny shouting, "Augh! My room!" Gabbing a replacement suit he ran back to Peter and slicked his blond hair back before saying, "Hi my name's Johnny Storm, of course, you probably already knew that."

MJ laughed as she removed her symbiote mask and shook his hand while saying, "I heard a lot about you from Peter, my name is Mary Jane, I'm sorry we couldn't meet under better...circ.u.mstances."

Sue and Reed started laughing, "This kind of thing isn't that rare around here. I guess we owe you one Peter, Ben told us how you managed to keep the building from falling apart."

Peter smiled as he held out his hand, "A Paycheck would be nice." Ben laughed and shouted, "Kid's got a point, Reed. We did invite him over today to pay him, but who knew that Spiderman would show up."

Ben slapped Peter's back and continued, "You did good kid! Sue pay the man!"

Sue walked up to him and gave Peter a hugged and said, "Thank you for saving my brother." then quickly left to grab his check.

When Sue came back she held out his payment, while Peter pulled out his wallet. He was so thankful that he managed to web it up and keep it safe throughout the battle, although his phone was reduced to a pile of sc.r.a.p he could always by another.

As he took the check his eye's bulged, "Why is it so much!?" Peter shouted. The check in his hand made him shake, as MJ shouted "$150,000"

"Don't be so surprised, Peter, your solution has pretty much taken over the adhesive market, right now is only the beginning once we alter the solution we can sell every type of glue, that outperforms everything on the market. Not to mention how quick concrete can be set with your adhesive solution, contractors and building developers drooled over it."

Peter smiled and put the check in his wallet before turning to the rest of the fantastic four and asked, "So anyone want to go get something to eat?"

"I could go for some Pizza, and a long nap," Johnny said, raising his hands into the air.

The group decided to go out and eat, along the way Peter opened up a bank account and deposited his money. He also bought a new phone along the way, he started entering in all the numbers, and then he sent a ma.s.s text informing them that he had a new number.

Peter, MJ, and the Fantastic Four returned to their building and ate while talking and getting to know each other.

Sue was the talk of the evening as she announced that she was pregnant with Reed's child, everyone congratulated her, the only reason Johnny figured it out, was because he was with her when she bought the pregnancy test. Reed was shocked and the happiest of them all as he shouted, "I'm gonna be a father!"