Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 14 X Factor Vii

14 X Factor Vii

Some of the Arthrosians have other abilities, such as flying via wings or the ability to breathe fire and fire blast of energy like bombs. They come in a wide variety of shapes, from bipedal semi-humanoids to strange centaur body types, beetles, wasp, spiders, and centipedes. In a similar manner, they have a wide variety in their sizes, from insectoids as tall as humans to insectoids the size of dinosaurs!

Thankfully there only seemed to be ground type insectoids that could only be as large as the portal letting them in.

Peter didn't wait as he ran forward and pounded on Sue's invisible barrier while yelling, "Sue open up! I can help!"

Sue who was holding back a large bubble around the Negative Universe Transportation Pod, noticed the powerful strikes against here containment field. Johnny was inside the fighting off the swarm with everything he had, his entire body glowed white rather than his usual sun-orange, every time the creatures attacked they were burned to a crisp by Johnny's fires, he looked like he was growing tired when Peter started to ram against Sue's Barrier.

"SUE! OPEN THE d.a.m.n BARRIER!" Peter shouted at the top of his lungs when Sue couldn't take the strain of holding two barriers anymore, she then shut the one surrounding their floor and focused her attention towards the remaining one around the Dimensional Transference Machine.

Peter and MJ jumped into action, he used his concrete webbing to reinforce the building's structure and metal shutter barricades that covered the windows, Peter jumped over to Ben and the giant prey mantis that he was struggling with and stuck his arm inside the creature's chest, then he used his suit to barb out in every direction, destroying the giant prey mantis's brain.

Peter helped Ben up by picking him up effortlessly and telling them, "Ready for some Smas.h.i.+ng time big guy!"

"It's not Smas.h.i.+ng; it's Clobbering Time!" Ben jumped over to the nearest enemy and began smas.h.i.+ng away,

MJ was blasting her shock webbing like a machine-gun, but after she ran out, she switched to suffocating them with her symbiote's webbing.

Peter charged up his Chi as his arms and legs turned golden, he was pleasantly surprised by the control he had, he could only be reminded of Iron Fist's ability. He rushed forward and punched through his foes slaughtering his way through his around the room.

Green-blue blood shot out over his decapitated foes as he zipped around the room at incredible speeds, MJ had also noticed the difference in her Chi as her arms and legs glowed red rather than gold, she cut, smothered, and punched her way around, easily managing to hold her own alongside Peter.

"I hate BUGS! Arachnids are cool though!" MJ shouted as she kicked the head of a strange bipedal beetle. MJ then punched her hand through a strange looking antlion and chopped it in half, as she did this she was. .h.i.t by the tail of a giant centipede.

She grunted as Peter called out her name and caught her, "You okay?"

"I'm fine, except I'm pretty sure you just blew my cover," MJ said as she stood up seeing that Ben was yelling at the top of his lungs while slaughtering back the insect monsters.

"I don't think he heard me." Peter helped her stand, thanks to the Symbiote she only felt her ribs slightly bruised, and also feeling it quickly healing made her shake off the fright.

Seeing her condition. Peter charged up his Chi and said, "You got a lot of nerve, touching my woman." Running over to them he swung his fist out as his punch landed against the creature's body, the room shook and started creaking, if Peter hadn't reinforced the room earlier than the entire floor would have collapsed under the strain of his attack.

Peter looked at his own fist and smiled before kicking into overdrive, as he hopped around killing every monster he touched, after clearing out the room they ran towards Reed's lab and was stopped by another one of Sue's Barriers.

Reed was frantically typing away at a ma.s.sive computer, with a very frustrated expression on his face, Johnny was doing everything he could to hold the army back while Sue was straining to hold everything back. Peter looked around and started pounding against the Barrier.

"Sue open up!" Ben shouted joining in on the pounding, noticing the fluctuations coming from her barrier, she looked over to see the three yelling at her to let them in, joy spread across her face as she saw her fellow FF teammate Ben. She waved her hands and opened up a small section of the barrier so they could pa.s.s.

Peter ran in and shouted, "Reed, you're storage crystal prototype, where is it."

Reed looked over and saw Peter in costume and shouted, "Who are you!?"

Peter didn't have time for this so he pulled back his mask and shouted, "Where is it? We don't have time waste!"

"Peter!?" Everyone shouted, even Johnny almost lost his cool and undid his 'flame on' form.

"Danmit answer me!" Peter shouted again!

Reed stretched his arm out to a large cabinet and pulled out a large technologic metal box with a fist-sized temporal crystal placed inside the center of the box.

Peter grabbed it and moved towards the portal, and shouted, "Johnny move!"

Johnny jumped to the side as Peter placed the box on the ground and turned on the machine. Suddenly a bright light flashed as the h.o.a.rd of insectoids began being pulled into the s.p.a.ce that existed inside the temporal crystal residing inside the contraption. Peter slowly moved it closer to the Portal's entrance and placed it on the ground before backing off.

The room started to grow quiet, as Peter took a step back and said, "This will only buy us some time! Reed, what the h.e.l.l happened?"

"Peter you're. . ." Reed was shocked when Peter snapped his fingers and said, "Eyes up here! What happened?"

Reed took a deep breath and said, "Something on the other side is keeping the Portal to the negative universe open, no matter what I try I can't close it. d.a.m.nit is there nothing I can do?!" Reed slammed his hand on the dashboard of the supercomputer.

Johnny looked at Sue's stomach and then at Peter and said, "Hey Pete, you have a lot to explain, but I'm afraid I won't get to hear it. Sue take care of yourself, you're gonna be a great mom."

Everyone knew Johnny was about to do something stupid when he shouted, "Flame on!" the room lit up as he charged through the portal, Peter knew he couldn't stop him, but for a second he hesitated.

He thought of the fact that if he jumped through that portal he may never return, there existed a lot of dangerous beings on the other side of that portal and even with his regeneration ability that might not save his life.

Suddenly the portal started to shrink, Peter then felt a boiling form of disappointment running through him, he slapped himself in the face with both his hands before thinking, "I'm Spiderman! I'm Peter Parker, and Peter Parker never hesitates to do the right thing." He turned to MJ and said, "Go get Docter Strange, I'll keep that moron from dying."

The moment Peter made this decision something very special was happening across the city at Strange's Sanctum. Inside the magic-vault was Merlin's Stones that glowed with an intense light signifying that they were in the process of choosing their true owners.

MJ's eyes widened and she reached out her hand as Peter jumped through a collapsing Portal, everyone tried to stop him, but it was too late. Whatever Johnny was doing over there he managed to close the portal.

MJ was freaking out when she turned and started to run back, Sue shouted, "Wait, where are you going?"

"To get help!" MJ shouted as she webbed out of the building moving as fast as she could.

Meanwhile, Peter jumped out of the other side of the portal screaming, "He~re's Johnny!"

As he landed he saw Johnny burring up like a small sun, after using his power to disrupt the portal, and kill the creatures holding it open with their strange biotech. His flames died down as he reverted to his human form. Peter knew this technique as Johnny's Nova Flame Burst. The Torch refers to his highest, hottest levels of plasma that he can create, and causes a huge explosion that he calls his Nova Flame.

The exact temperatures that his 'Nova Flame Body Form" can attain are similar to the heat of a star that's reached the peak of its explosion. As an adult, Johnny could stay aflame in this form for about 16.8 hours. However, this is his younger days, where he could only maintain his flame for much briefer periods, and it constantly exhausts him while in combat. As a teenager, he could not maintain his 'Nova Flame On' for as long as could maintain his ordinary flame.

The Blast version of this allows Torch can release all of his body's stored energy in one intense, omnidirectional 'NovBurst' which can reach about 1,000,000 F. and is similar to the heat-pulse of a nuclear warhead detonation.

With an area of total devastation of about 900 feet in diameter and the power of a supernova, the Torch once claimed that he can destroy a small moon with his NovFlame Burst, this technique of his placed Johnny at the top 30 of Marvel's heavy hitter listing.

The drawback was that this violent discharge of heat uses up all the reserved energy in his body, with except for the necessary to keep him alive. Once he finishes entirely exhausting his flame power he enters a state of total weakness, and generally requires hours to recover entirely from such a feat.

Peter jumped down next to the wasteland that Johnny created and said, "Admit it you're glad to see me."

Johnny was so wasted in energy he couldn't even get angry, "Pete what did you do? Only one of us had to... "

"Shut up!" Peter said shouting, "I'm saving my friend from committing suicide, you gotta problem with that? Do you think your hot s.h.i.+t jumping in here without a plan?" As Peter was saying this a new wave of Arthrosians came flooding towards them, "So you got a plan!?" Johnny asked.

Peter sighed as he enveloped the symbiote over Johnny.

As it covered Johnny, he felt what it would be like if he had Peter's powers as a powerful strength flowed through him, he was surprised as his suit was gobbled up by the Symbiot and suddenly tapped into his powers, his energy suddenly shoot back up to max as his body was once again lit aflame. Only a clear outline of black could be seen containing his fires, giving Johnny the same appearance as his fantastic 4 outfits.

He looked to Peter amazed that he could now perfectly maintain his Nova Flame On Form, and asked, "What the h.e.l.l is this thing? I feel like I could blow up a star!"

Peter quickly webbed up his body as he didn't want to face an army of advanced alien insects in his spidey boxers, he made some makes.h.i.+ft armor as he looked back to Johnny and said, "It's my suit and I'm only lending it to you until this whole ordeal is over."

Johnny looked back at the approaching army and said, "So about that plan?"

"Kick b.u.t.t and survive!" Peter's arms started glowing with a great amount of Chi that would make the Iron Fist jealous.

He then spread it around his entire body until it glowed completely golden, he looked to Johnny and said, "You ready?"

Johnny smiled back as he charged spheres of white fire around his hands, the two charged into the war zone and started their onslaught.

Every punch of his carried the same force as Thor swinging his hammer, the air cracked, and the blood and gore of hundreds of victims began flying about. Johnny was blasting white-hot flames at every being in site, the ground surrounding them melted like gla.s.s and nothing of their corpses remained.

Back in NY, Spiderwoman could be seen flying across the city moving at very reckless speeds. Seeing the Sanctum MJ dashed towards the door and started pounding on it.

"h.e.l.lo, Doctor Strange! Please open up, Peter needs your help." MJ shouted with panic in her voice.

The doors opened and Strange stood over her and said, "Lead the way Spiderwoman." Strange had a serious expression on his face as he answered MJ's pleas.