Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Welcome Reception

Time passed quickly and in the blink of an eye it was already noon. Jiang Han did as he was toldand arrived early to the emergency department, where there were 2 person already inside. One of them sat behind an office deck, she looked like a woman in her 30s, and she kept a straight face. Jiang Han had previously took advantage of the free time he had before work to understand the general situation in the department. The lady behind the desk was the emergency departments director, and she was responsible for the entire departments work schedule.

As for the other person in the room, Jiang Han did not know his identity, but it would seem that he too should be in a management position. DirectorTao raised her head and saw Jiang Han walking in, she knew that he was here for his residency, with his excellent academic record, he should be an honour student.

This is Chief Zhang, the departments attending physician . Now thatyou are here, you should be serious and learn with modesty. Do not think that just because its a residency that you can be half-hearted about it. The emergency departments responsibilities are huge, and there areno distinction between posts, with patient lives in your hands. I hope that you are able to see the severity of the situation here. Tao Lei stated her requirements straightforwardly without any superfluous words.

This department required that you be on-call 24 hours a day, unless your on vacation otherwise you are expected to be here when necessary. Furthermore, overtime work are frequently required. If you are unable to accept these conditions, now is the time to walk away.

Jiang Han was in awe from what he had just heard. He now finally understood that this was no longer the school lab, nor was it a classroom, this was the real battlefield of life, and he had the good fortune of becoming one of the soldiers on this battlefield.

Wasnt this exactly what he wanted? Jiang Han was ecstatic, this was the residency that he wanted, only here would he be able to show his worth.

I can do this. Jiang Han resolutely replied, his expression was clam and earnest. This was his area of expertise and in this position he definitely would be able to complete his residency with distinction.

Just then, the departments door flung wide open, and in walk a young man. Chief Zhang saw him, smiled and said, Old Zhou, another one of your school mate came, now isnt this odd.

As the man heard this, he turned to look at Jiang Han. There was only 3 person in this room, obviously the person Zhang Tianyu was referring to was this man. He said with a grin, Junior, you must have heard of my great reputation for you to join our department, understood, must be my irresistible charm.

Jiang Hans expression became quite odd, he smiled awkwardly, Seniors also from Sunan Medical University?

Thats right, Im Zhou Wei, you must have had heard of me, it cant be help that Im so famous. Work hard, I have matters to attend to and will leave first. Zhou Wei placed a set of documents on the office table and left the department.

What an odd senior. Jiang Han muttered to himself, however he found this senior of his to be quite interesting.

It was now officially time to start work, and at this time a man and a woman walked into the department while laughing. When Jiang Han and the two that just walked in met each others eyes, the three of them had the same expression on their face, one of surprise and delight.

Jiang Han? Youre here too, how have we not heard of this. Recently we even heard a rumour that you

Dont speak nonsense, how could you believe those rumours, isnt that right Mr. Honour Student. Before the man could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the woman at his side.

These two were also Jiang Hans course mates. The man was called Liu Xing, and his relationship with him wasnt too bad. The woman however had an interesting history, she was the prettiest and most popular girl in class, Yang Mengjiao.

Jiang Han naturally knew what the rumour Liu Xing mentioned was about, but he could only smile awkwardly without saying anything. He could not admit that the rumour was true, that he was kicked out of a rank 8 hospital. He had his own pride, and regarding this matter, if he could, he would rather he never have think about it ever again.

During his student days, Jiang Hans relationship with these two werent bad. You could say it was a good thing for themto do their residency together. The most important thing was that he had resolve his problems in regards to his residency and thus was in an excellent mood.

He took advantage of the time when they were changing into their uniforms to learn that, Liu Xing was in the emergency departments gastroenterology division, while Yang Mengjiao was in the departments nursing division, as for himself, he was in the surgical division.

At work, time passed by really quickly. Jiang Han got to experience what it was like on the battlefield of life. The difference with his residency in his previous hospital, was like heaven and earth. Here he could not afford to relax even for a minute.

When it came time for themto get off work, even though there wasnt any night shift assign to them, as resident doctors, they understood that the more they learn the better it was, and therefore volunteer to work over time.

It wasnt as busy in the emergency department at night, therefore Liu Xing insisted that they throw Jiang Han a welcome party, which Jiang Han initially wanted to refuse since he did not have any money on him and felt embarrassed, but upon Liu Xings persistence and sincerity, he did not have the heart to turn him down.

If they were to go out for a meal, how could they not invite their supervisors. As their direct supervisor, Zhou Wei was of course invited, and the other person was attending physician Zhang Tianyu who was on-duty andnaturally turned them down, so in the end only the four alumni went out together.

They couldnt leave too far away from the hospital, as they would have to rush back if there was an emergency. They casually chose a food stall nearby, order a couple of dishes and a couple of bottles of beer. The four of them talked comfortably with each other which made the atmosphere was quite harmonious. Without them realising, the gap between them and the new arrival Jiang Han gradually diminish.

Ill be right back. Yang Mengjiao who had to use the restroom, embarrassingly smiled.

Since your the first to leave the table, when you return dont forget theres a one glass penalty. They naturally knew where she was going, they just wanted to tease her. Yang Mengjiao took her purse and left, and at this open air food stall, the nearest restroom was at least a couple hundred meters away.

The rest of them continued with her, and in the midst of their drinks, they heard someone scream. Jiang Han instantly recognise that the voice belonged to Yang Mengjiao, and he immediately understood that something must have happened. He quickly put downthe glass in his hand, That should be Mengjiao, Ill go take a look.

The rest of them were able to hear the cry, but because it was quite a distance away, they werent able to recognise the voice unlike Jiang Han. Upon hearing what Jiang Han said, all of them naturally stopped what they were doing, got up and left the table.

Hey hey hey, you havent paid. The stall owner saw the few of them leaving and quickly stopped them.

Aiya, how troublesome, do you think we would dine and dash. Liu Xing was forced to stay behind and settle the bill with the stall owner.

With Jiang Hans speed, he was instantly at the scene. There he saw a few men getting rough with Yang Mengjiao. All men desire beautiful woman and she wasnt the prettiest girl in class for nothing, However, Jiang Han was not someone who would watch a girl get bullied and not do anything about it.

Without saying a word, he decided to take the initiative. He immediatelyjumped and kicked one of the men away, he did not realise how strong he had become, his full-forced kick actually made the man flew far away onto the inland stripin the distance.

These street thugs saw that someone was interrupting them, and yet somehow did not seem to notice that one of theirs was kicked away, tried to attack Jiang Han together.

Hero saving the beauty, even though it was lame, it was still the undeniably best way into a womansheart. A beauty and the fighting Jiang Han, it looked like a scene right out of an epic film. Any and every move that Jiang Han could imagine was employed, and within a few short moment he single-handedly made all these street thugs grovel on the ground.