Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Police Station

It was at this moment that Zhou Wei finally arrived at the scene. When he got there, he saw that the ground was littered with thugs. He saw both Jiang Han and Yang Mengjiao, and found that both of them were finewithout a single scratch on them, nevertheless he wasnt able to see what happened here at all.

Junior, what happened here? Zhou Wei was shocked, was it possible Jiang Han was this capable?

It was an accident, so Jiang Han touched the back of his head, and laughed unnaturally.

Zhou Wei had a weird look on his face, this was too unbelievable. It hasnt been more than a minute since he left the table and got here, and yet Jiang Han already took down this many people by accident. If he was just a little serious, then wouldnt they get completely dismembered?

The four of them were decent educated citizens, thus they werent willing to associate themselves with these riffraffs, and since they were all unharmed, they did not plan on filing a police report. However as they were about to leave, the police oddly arrived uninvited.

A pair of police cars parked by the side of the alley, and out walked a couple of policemen in uniforms. The one in the lead walked towards them, take away the uninjured perpetrator.

With that, a few policemen walked towards Jiang Han and stood in right front of him. They stared at him with a hostile expression as if to indicate that if he didnt cooperate, then they would use force.

You guys arent making sense, clearly it was these guys that were up to no good, why are you arresting the good guys. Yang Mengjiao took a couple of steps forward, she felt indignant, was this how the peoples warriors do their job? How disappointing.

Hmph, the victims are clearly lying on the floor, we arent blind. Lets go. The person in charge did not give Yang Mengjiao a chance to say anymore, instead they straight away push Jiang Han into the police car.

Jiang Han was still calm at this moment, if he wanted to take on these policemen, it wouldnt be any more difficult than those street thugs. However, such actions would only worsen the situation, it would not only be resisting arrest but also assaulting anofficer of the law. If he were to be charge with these crime, even though there are no specific legislation for these situation, he would definitely not be let off easily.

(t/s: I dont understand this paragraph, how can there not be legislation for resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer. But this was what the original Chinese text meant. weird)

Zhou Wei and the rest were very upset as they saw Jiang Han get hauled off by the officers, but they could not do anything about it at this time. The only thing they could do was to take out their phones and see if they could contact anyone that could help Jiang Han, especially Yang Mengjiao. They were in this predicament because of her, and even though she was not harmed, but if Jiang Han were to be incarcerated, her conscience would never be at peace.

Hmph, the Bosshas connection with both the underworld and the cops, this time the kid will be sure to suffer a fate worse than death. Theres no need for you guys to get all worked up. The thugs lying on the ground did not know remorse, they were still spouting ruthless words.

The few of them were furious, especially Liu Xing. They were young people who just entered society, and were full of vigour. Just when he was feeling angry without an outlet to release, at this critical juncture, these thugs dared to act unscrupulous, and therefore he wanted to teach them a lesson but they were all already taken care of by Jiang Han thus he was left without a way to release his pent-up feelings.

In the backseat of the police car, Jiang Han was thinking about his options. If he were to break the window and jump out now, they probably wouldnt chase him to the ends of the earth for such a trifling matter. But on second thought, it was inappropriate as he wasnt sure of his bodys current condition, it wasnt worth the risk.

All thats left to do was to follow them back to the police station quietly. As he considered his alternatives, he could only think of Su Yuxin. Based on his analysis, the reason he could get into the Provincial Hospital for his residency, chances are that it was because of her. Only she knew of his circumstances, no one else would have helped him without reason.

If she had these connections, then mostly likely she would also be able to help him out right now. Perhaps the person supporting her was influential, and would be able to help him out of this situation without too much trouble. At any rate, if he wanted to resolve the situation the conventional way, he could only ask Su Yuxin for help.

Officer, can I answer my phone? Jiang Han lament internally, this was the only thing he could do right now.

Sure, but dont try anything funny, otherwise you wont like the outcome. The officer in the passenger seat did not even bother turning his head.

Jiang Han lean sideways to take out his phone from his pocket, but it wasnt to answer a phone call, instead it was to secretly call Su Yuxin. He placed the phone to his ear and shortlylater a girls voice was heard on the other end.

Senior, you, you actually contacted me? When Su Yuxin answered the call and found out that it was Jiang Han, she was surprise. Since theyve met each other, this was the first time that he initiated contact, whether it was a phone call or a QQ text message, this was the first time.

When Jiang Han heard Su Yuxin, he felt a little embarrass. Wasnt this the rumoured friend who were only ever around when they needed something. He thought it was inappropriate, but this was not the time to think about it, so Jiang Han quickly explain his situation and circumstances.

It was quiet on the other end for quite some time, and it made Jiang Han despondent. As expected, he was putting the other person in a difficult position. Just as he was about to apologise and hang up, Su Yuxin on the other end interjected, Dont do anything reckless and cooperate with them for now. I know where youll be taken to, Ill be there in a bit.

After hanging up, Jiang Han thought the situation was a little odd, the officers timing was a little too perfect.

Unsurprisingly, when they arrived at the station, two police officer directly took Jiang Han into the interrogation room. The stations officer-in-charge personally came to interrogate him, and not only was his interrogation rude but he also did not bother to listen to his side of the story.

Jiang Han had never experience this kind of situation before, and he did not know what to do right now. Su Yuxin told him to be cooperative, but at this moment was he supposed to confess to this unfounded allegations, this was not something that Jiang Han was willing to do.

As a man, he had to live with his head held up high. Jiang Han understood there was nothing he could say to help his case and instead opt to keep quiet and not say another word. Just like that, everything the officer said was nothing more than passing wind to his ears.

Suddenly, the officers phone rang. The officer stood up, Do not think that theres nothing we can do to you if you dont speak. Then he answered the phone call.

At this moment, Jiang Han felt his head turn a little cloudy, and suddenly he found that there was information being transmitted into his mind by way of the shamans legacy. Medical science seek an inquisitive mind, and this part of the legacy greatly resembled the art of Qi Divination(1), compelling Jiang Han to carefully analyse this information in his mind.

The officers expression was bleak, it indicated that he or his family had probably meet with misfortune. Listening in on his conversation, he found out that his kid was about to head home after a late bout of studying at school. But because of the interrogation, he couldnt pick his kid up and he had to find his own way home.

During the phone call, Jiang Han notice the officers expression was turning grim. Under the circumstances, he was able to determine that the phone call was the cause for the change in his expression, and therefore the person on the other end was the unfortunate person. This was not a laughing matter, and although he was despondent he still spoke out in kindness.

Officer, you cannot allow your kid to find his own way home tonight, he needs to wait for you at school.

The officer was suspicious at Jiang Hans sudden statement and couldnt help but ask him to explain himself. However, Jiang Han could not explain that it was because he was able to understand the situation from reading his facial expression and Qi.

Unable to explain himself, Jiang Han could say that it was his intuition and that his intuition has always been accurate.

The officer was infuriated, he thought that Jiang Han was purposely creating a scene to get himself out of trouble, and he became even more boorish, furthermore the interrogation was fruitless, therefore he immediately had Jiang Han thrown into the holding cell.

t/s notes: