Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Residency

With his thoughts interrupted, Jiang Han was perplex as to who would call him at this hour. He grab his phone on the table top and notice that it was an unknown caller. His expression became even more perplexed when he saw that the calling code indicated that call originated from within the city of Jiangsu.

The only person that he knew in Jiangsu was Su Yuxin, and that was only if had saved her number, so who could be calling?

Jiang Han still decided to answer the call, and when he picked up he heard a womans voice on the other end. From the womans voice, it sounds like it belonged to a middle age woman, Hello, how do you do, is this Sunan Medical University graduate Jiang Han speaking?

Hello, thats right, Im Jiang Han.

En, its like this, weve received the notice, please prepare all the required documents and report to Jiangsus Provincial Hospital later today at 11am. You will officially begin your residency in the afternoon.

En, Ah? What? Jiang Han was shocked and was unable to comprehend what had just happen. Could she have mistook me for someone else, but she had just verified my identity.

Was I not clear? Or is there a problem?

No, no problem, I will be there on time. Jiang Han who was both surprise and delighted hastily answered. Shortly later the person on the other end hung up.

With his phone still in his hand, Jiang Han was still in disbelieve. This sudden good news would solve all his immediate concerns, concerns that previously led him to consider suicide, was it resolved just like this?

Jiang Han decided to clarify the matter at the hospital later, and withhis elated mood, he couldnt maintain his focus enough to continue with his cultivation.

A look at the time indicated that it was already 9 in the morning and with his house situated relatively far away from thehospital, he only had time for a quick wash before he had to leave. Jiang Han got off the bed, and because he didnt sleep the whole night, he hadnt even change out of his clothes.

It was only when he stood up, did he realise that his whole body was sticky that felt different from his normal sweat. He looked down at his body to find that it was covered in a dried black ink like substance.

Jiang Han grab a clean set of clothes and his shower bucket and headed out for the communal showers. Without properly cleaning himself up, it was impossible for him to leave the house, and time was of the essence.

Basically, there was no one else around at this hour, the working class would have long gone out to work, and the rest wouldnt choose this time to take a shower. Without needing to queue up, he entered the showers with a leisure heart.

Jiang Han was able to ascertain his bodys condition after taking his clothes off and it was incomparably filthy. It was not feasible for him to get this dirty outside out in the open, could it be that this was excreted from within his body?

Jiang Han wasnt unfamiliar with this sort of cultivating type novels, the first step in cultivation was usually to transform the body. It was to transform his body to adapt to his new identity as a cultivator. In a nut shell, it was a step by step process to discharge all the accumulated filth within the body.

This wasnt a quick process, it was slow and steady sequential process. Jiang Han was clear on his own condition and this was merely the initial stage. In the near future, this would definitely recur, since in this age and time, people at his age would have accumulated a large amount of toxins within their body.

Therefore, if he wanted to get rid of all of these toxins, it was surely more difficult than what was recorded in the technique. After showering and putting on a clean set of clothes, Jiang Han grab his phone and bank card off the table, locked up and hastily headed for the staircase in a hurry.

Perhaps due to the rush, he hadnt even made it down a couple of steps before he lost his balance and fell. With this fall of his, he would probably fall all the way to the ground, it would be difficult to avoid a serious injury.

It was too late for Jiang Han to regret, and subconsciously he tried to balance his body to avoid getting injured. At this moment in this small and tight staircase, he was able to complete an inconceivable maneuver and performed a rotating forward flip, landing into a squatting position on a flight of stairs on only his toes, firmly supporting his whole body.

What the this made no sense? Jiang Han was shocked by his own subconscious action. This was like a dream, he could not understand the sudden vast improvement to his bodys coordination and reaction speed.

He figured it was probably because he had just successfully began to absorb Qi, but to have this sort of effect this quickly was surprising. Jiang Han was so excited that he put the matter with the hospital to the back of his head. He tried to repeat the feat and realise that he wasnt dreaming. His body was indeed much stronger than before, and not just his strength but his flexibility and coordination had also improved.

Jiang Han could not easily perform all this cinematic-like complicated and difficult maneuvers. Gliding down the railings, flipping off the wall, side stepping and such was now childs play.

It was only after performing all his fancy maneuvers down the stairs did he suddenly recall his reason for coming down in the first place. It was a pity that he had no money and therefore could only run towards the hospital instead. As an honour student in university, he spent all his time studying, and neglected to train his body.

However, now that he was running he felt that it was quite effortless. His current running speed was the same with his sprinting speed from before, and even then his current heartbeat was no quicker than normal without even a hint of gasping. He was unable to estimate his current heart and lungs capabilities.

Maintaining his current speed, in addition with certain car inaccessible alley routes, Jiang Han was able to reach the hospital in a short amount of time. A look at the time indicated that he was half an hour early.

Slowing down, he leisurely walked into the hospital.

Previously he had to walk out a similar entrance, right now he was entering another one, albeit a different entrance from yesterdays. This was also on a completely different level, this was the provinces best hospital, and it was also Jiang Hans dream hospital where he originally planned to do his residency. Right now he had realised his dream, he just couldnt imagine that it would be under these conditions.

After he inquired the location from the information desk, Jiang Han stepped into the resident doctors reception room. All graduates that are here for their residency must first formally register themselves here, and when they left, they also had to come to this room.

When Jiang Han entered the room, there was no one else here. He found an empty seat and sat down, patiently waiting for the person who notified him on the phone. Bored with nothing to do, he began to sortthrough the various information from the legacy in his mind.

The legacys content was broad and profound, and yet its various explanation and description was easy to accept and understand. If it were to be written down into a book, its value would be immeasurable.

Jiang Han was so immerse in his sea of knowledge that he did not notice the passage of time. At ten past eleven, a middle age man walked into the room. He notice Jiang Han had his eyes close and without saying a word, walked to the table and picked up the documents that Jiang Han brought to have a look.

Even though Jiang Han couldnt see anything with his eyes close, he could still feel the presence of someone nearby. He quickly opened his eyes to see the middle-age man before him andimmediately quickly got up to greet him.

So youre Jiang Han. I see that you studied general surgery, so from today forwardyou will do your residency in the emergency departments surgical division, any issue? The middle-aged man put down the documents in his hand and looked at Jiang Han.

No problem. Jiang Han swiftly respond. This was his forte, with his residency here, he would surely improve by leaps and bounds.

If there are no problems, then go ahead and place your stuff in the staff room. In the afternoon, go report to Department Chief Tao for work, dont be late. Go now. With this, the middle-aged man passed a key with a number on it to Jiang Han.

Jiang Han left the office, headed back to the information desk to find hisway to the staff roomand then walked out of the outpatient building.