Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Please Leave

After observing for an entire day, Su Yuxin did not show any signs of abnormality. Different illnesses have different incubation periods, some could be long while some are short.

When Jiang Han and Su Yuxin got back to Jiangsu City, it was already the last day of the golden week. Jiang Han packed up his stuff and returned to the hospital to find the parking lot filled with a number of luxury vehicles. Strictly speaking this wasn't considered too strange, after all who doesn't get sick.

By the time he got back to his dormitory room, it was past noon. He picked up his phone idly and opened up Weibo (1), and thus naturally caught wind of the latest news in the city. Among these were a number of videos of people fainting in the streets.

Jiang Han paid extra attention to this because he and Su Yuxin had witness this before first hand at the city center. He checked all related news articles and discovered that quite a number of people had fallen prey to this disease. There were even beat reporting on this.

Normally, Jiang Han wouldn't be too bothered about it as if it was no different from the usual front page news. However, this time it was a little unusual. This was because when these people were admitted into the hospital, they could not find anything wrong with them.

A normal healthy person wouldn't faint in the middle of the street for no reason at all. But when these people were sent to hospital, all the test indicated that they were perfectly healthy. If such cases were few and far between then it probably wouldn't be such a big deal, but reality wasn't so, just the number of news reports and articles alone was staggering.

Furthermore, he recently discovered a problem with Su Yuxin and thus unintentionally connected the two cases together. Therefore, he started to focus on this issue and searched for all related news and Weibo activity on this matter.

In the end, Jiang Han came to a conclusion that it was probably a coincidence. However, Jiang Han did discover that all the reported victims were males only and they were also all rich without exception.

With this set of clues, if he still found it incidental then his deduction would be obviously wrong. So far, the government has yet to taken any action regarding the matter because there were no conclusive evidence on the cause of the matter and the only lead they could follow was to investigate the places the victims dined at.

However, the hospitals could not identify anything abnormal with the victims, thus it was pointless to investigate the restaurants. If it wasn't because Jiang Han discovered something wrong with Su Yuxin then he definitely wouldn't have bothered with any of this. But now that he has, he naturally wouldn't just watch from the sidelines.

Doctor's had a responsibility to the patients. However, if even doctors chose to give up on life then who else is there to save it.

On his way back the dormitory, Jiang Han remembered seeing a bunch of luxury vehicles in the parking lot. Now that he thought about it, those vehicles should belong to those victims as reported in the news. These wealthy patrons certainly prioritize their own well-being and thus even when the hospital could not find anything wrong with them, they chose to stay for further observation.

This was a great opportunity for Jiang Han as he would have better access to them. He could then have a better chance to test out his hypothesis so that he could better treat Su Yuxin's illness.

Now that Jiang Han figured out what he needed to do, he left the dormitory and headed into the outpatient building. Today was the last day of vacation and in addition to that, it was late in the evening, thus the hospital was rather empty. Jiang Han then made his way to the emergency department director's office.

The person on duty right now was Zhou Wei and he was a little surprise to see Jiang Han here when he was still on vacation. After they exchanged greetings, Jiang Han told Zhou Wei his reason for being here.

Zhou Wei informed Jiang Han that they had indeed received a number of patients with that strange illness at the emergency department. In the beginning, the hospital did not think much of it, but when the number of patients with similar symptoms increased, the hospital started to attach more importance to the matter.

All their examinations turned up empty and the hospital suspect that it might be a new strain of virus or disease. The hospital planned to put together a special medical team with the specific purpose to study and research this illness after the end of the golden week.

After Jiang Han inquired about it, Zhou Wei told him that there were still patients with these illness under the hospital's care and Jiang Han told him that he would like to see them.

Zhou Wei didn't understand Jiang Han sudden interest in the matter, but he had previously heard the legendary story of the sour plum drink and thus knew that Jiang Han was absolutely dedicated to the medical profession. He figured that Jiang Han probably wanted to investigate the matter too, and if he was able to produce some significant results to increase the department's prestige then it wouldn't be difficult at all to become a little famous.

There was nothing wrong with young ambitious people chasing after a little fame and any self-improvement made from that pursuit would be worthy of praise. Zhou Wei passed the related medical records to Jiang Han and with this in his hands, Jiang Han quickly memorize the locations of all these patients.

After Jiang Han returned the records to Zhou Wei, he left the office. Before he left though, he got changed and put on his lab coat. If he wanted to speak to the patient to find out more then he could not do so without his professional attire.

Jiang Han picked one of the latest admitted patient and came to his room. It goes without saying that it was undoubtedly a VIP patient room. Jiang Han lightly pushed open the door and entered the room to find quite a number of people within.

There was a crowd of people surrounding the patient asking a bunch of questions and pampering him. Jiang Han saw this and furrowed his brows. He did not know what these people's relation with the patient was and neither did he know how they communicate with each other but as a doctor, he knew that disturbing the patient's rest was something they shouldn't be doing.


Jiang Han knocked on the room's inner door but was completely ignored. Upon seeing this, Jiang Han knocked even louder on the door. This time, these people could no longer pretend that they didn't hear anything, and a few of them turned around to look at him.

"Please leave the room for a while so I can examine the patient." Jiang Han wasn't loud, but his words were clear and everyone in the room heard him.

When they saw Jiang Han in proper doctors' attire, some of them tidied up the place a little. There were even a few that actually walked out upon hearing him. But perhaps Jiang Han looked a little too young, furthermore he came in alone without a nurse to accompany him and so they figured that he wouldn't be someone in a high position.

Moreover, there were a number of them here that had a high social status and thus naturally did not take him seriously. When they heard Jiang Han asking them to leave the room, these people completely ignored him. But they still had to be respectful of the patient and so they kept quiet and moved out of the way to allow Jiang Han to come closer.

"I'm sorry, did you not understand what I just said? I said, please leave the room for a while so I can examine the patient." Jiang Han said as he stood next to the door.

"Brat, don't take us for granted. If you want to check on the patient then go ahead, we won't disturb you. Why are you asking us to leave, unless you have something to hide?" one of the man said with a cynical tone.

Jiang Han felt disgusted by these obnoxious people. But he knew that he didn't have any social standing and so could not offend this people without good reason. However, he had his own principles and when it came to principles, he would not yield.

"During the examination process, I may have to ask the patient some rather personal questions. If the patient doesn't mind your presence then I naturally would not object either." Jiang Han mixed the truth with the lies. His goal was to shift the trouble away by placing the ball in their court.

Without waiting for these bunch of people to open their mouths, the patient on the bed told them to leave first. These people clearly knew Jiang Han's intentions. With these people's social horizons, how could they not. But now that the host had asked them to, naturally the only thing they could do was leave.

"Brat, pack your stuff and get ready to leave" Someone said quietly when they walked pass Jiang Han as they left the room. However, Jiang Han showed no reaction at all to this person's provocation.

t/s notes: