Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 Hotel Room

When Jiang Han got into the room and inserted the keycard to turn on the power, he wanted to head back to the lobby to file a complaint. Instead of doing that, he let out a sigh and decided to endure it for now. He never imagine that their situation would be as such.

The room was clean and tidy. There was one big bed and the bedding was done meticulously without a single crease to be found. But where were the aforementioned twin beds?

Both Jiang Han and Su Yuxin felt incredibly embarrassed when they saw the room's layout. If it was a standard twin room with two separate beds then they could probably put up with it, but it was a completely different story with only a single bed, regardless of how big the bed may be.

Notwithstanding that Su Yuxin may not be able to accept the current situation, Jiang Han, himself couldn't. But this was the reality and it was also the last available room. Even if he were to file a complaint and managed to get a refund, in the end they would only be forced to find a new place to spend the night.

He would be fine with that, but Su Yuxin came from a well-to-do family and even if she didn't mind, Jiang Han wasn't willing to have her run about again. In the end, he decided to go with a very 'Jiang Han-esque' method.

"Yuxin, go ahead and take a rest. I've got some matters to take care down below." Jiang Han said as he turned around and left without waiting for a reply from Su Yuxin.

"Ah, senior " Su Yuxin heard the door closed before she could finish her sentenced.

Su Yuxin sat on the bed while cuddling a pillow with her body swaying slightly after Jiang Han left. She felt grateful to Jiang Han for leaving. Even though she had called out to Jiang Han earlier, she did not know what her following sentence would be and if Jiang Han did not leave, then it would have been a very awkward situation.

However, she was rather curious as to what Jiang Han would do under these circumstances. She couldn't figure out what appropriate method this block-headed senior of hers could come up with. She hugged her pillow as her own thoughts raced all over the place.

What should I do when he returns?

What do we do about tonight?

Would he? No, he shouldn't. Su Yuxin, what is going on in that head of yours?

Afer more than 10 minutes, Jiang Han has yet to return and Su Yuxin started to get worried. She took out her phone to send him a message, but just as she was trying to figure out how to word her message, she received an incoming message from Jiang Han.

"Yuxin, you should take a rest. I'll look for another place to rest. Remember to lock the door zy/"

When Su Yuxin saw Jiang Han's message, she felt a little lost and a little angry. How could he leave like this without saying anything. Furthermore, he left a girl all alone, by herself in an unfamiliar place. This was just unacceptable.

Su Yuxin wanted to angrily send Jiang Han a reply, "Goodbye!!!"

But before she could, she received another message from Jiang Han.

"My bad, I meant to type /cy"

When Su Yuxin saw this message, she didn't know to laugh or to cry and her anger had dissipated by more than half. She could easily figure out what Jiang Han meant to say.

In this retarded senior's first message, he made the mistake of placing "/" in the wrong spot and then send another correction message. This sort of behavior was a sort of contrasting personality that was rather cute and it easily made one speechless.

When she was no longer angry, she thought about Jiang Han's actions carefully and found that it wasn't as outrageous as she initially thought. Ultimately, it completely fit Jiang Han's personality to a tee. Instead, it wouldve be a tall order for him to tease or joke around without a straight face.

"This won't do. I'm still quite pissed about this. Could this fellow really not have any other ideas?" Su Yuxin stood in front of a mirror to look at herself after her shower. Suddenly, for no particular reason at all, she started to get really upset and angry again. How could Jiang Han leave just like that, without saying anything.

She felt that her looks or her body figure was both comparable to the top celebrities, furthermore they were au naturel. How was that fellow not tempted? This didn't made sense.

Women are mysterious beings. Whether it was with a group or an individual, the relationship would always be complicated. Even the foremost expert biologist would not be able to explain anything on the matter.

Furthermore Taling, this old master once said to Jiang Han: It would be easier to strike the lottery than to understand a woman's heart.

Since these words came out from Taling's mouth, it indubitably carried more weight. Su Yuxin's current behavior verified the accumulated experiences of countless predecessors.

In reality, Jiang Han did not do as he said and looked for another place to stay. After he sent the message to Su Yuxin, he kept his phone and sat down in the lotus position, closed his eyes and started to meditate.

Only with a full and complete recovery would he be able to continue employing those ancient medical techniques. It was only with these secret technique would he be able to continue observe and analyse Su Yuxin's condition. This sort of illness was very difficult to treat, and it was currently beyond his capability to do anything about it. This made his breakthrough into the second level of Qi Absorption even more urgent.

The first level of Qi Absorption was merely the entry level. At this level, he was merely introduce to the majority of the techniques without access to the actual cultivation method. Regardless, he had to reach the second level of Qi Absorption before he would even have the chance to learn these cultivation or medical techniques. Those truly heaven shaking earth shattering matters required a much higher cultivation base before it would be available.

His previous attempt at a breakthrough had failed, but Jiang Han wasn't discouraged. Even if he failed the first time, or the second or the third time, he would eventually succeed. However, he seemingly did not have the luxury of time to do so. Su Yuxin's hidden disease had to be identified and gotten rid of, otherwise he would not be at peace. This was his doctor's conscience and his duty as her friend.

At the very same time, Jiangsu City news outlets reported that there were numerous males in the city that were suddenly shocked with high fever and have been admitted into the hospital for treatment. According to the investigations, they all had contracted this disease after a meal.

All the restaurants involved were made to shut down and undergo strict health and safety inspections. The frequent incident breakouts had attracted the attention of various different parties and since there was a lack of available information, many news outlets announced that they would follow the situation closely and would report any further development.

It rained the whole night but it was nice and clear the very next day. After going through the rain's cleansing, the sky outside was a spectacular azure blue. Su Yuxin opened the curtains to allow the sun light to enter the room. She stretched her body before putting on some clothes. Even though she was alone away from home, but for some strange reason, she slept really well last night. She slept peaceful and undisturbed throughout the whole night.

After she got dressed, she sent Jiang Han a message. Jiang Han replied that he was already on the way and would be there soon. Surely enough, in just a couple of minutes, Jiang Han appeared right outside Su Yuxin's hotel room door.

Soon after, Su Yuxin walked out and they both headed to the hotel lobby to ask about the location of the intercity bus station from the receptionist on duty and then left the hotel. The receptionist had a weird look in her eyes when she saw them, she couldn't tell what had happened between them last night.

The bus station wasn't hard to find and so they both got on the first available ride back to Jiangsu City.