Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Fatty

"How do you do, sir. I'm a medical laboratory doctor and I'm here to speak to you about your condition. I apologise for any inconvenience." Jiang Han spoke politely after everyone else had left the room.

"It's fine. Feel free to ask your questions." Atop the patients bed was a middle-aged man sporting a crew-cut. His complexion looked normal and his physique was quite the sight. He did not look like someone who was ill.

Jiang Han swiftly observed the patient, "The situation is like this, I'm actually a newly assigned doctor here to follow-up. Some of the previous reports were missing some details and I am not entirely clear on the course of events. Therefore, you may have already answered some of these questions before."

"En, that's fine. Carry on." The middle-aged man didn't say much and he spoke with a rather normal tone.

"Is this the first time you experienced these symptoms?" Jiang Han asked.

"That's right, it has never happened before." The man with the crew-cut replied.

"Before you lost consciousness, did you feel uncomfortable anywhere?" Jiang Han asked next.

"Let me think, before I faint, I did." The crew-cut man thought about it for a moment and then gave Jiang Han a definitive answer.

"I see, could you describe that in more detail?" Jiang Han had a sort of light in his eyes. If there were an actual diagnosable symptom then that would make it easier to find answers.

"Let me think, it felt like my lungs were unbearably itchy. It felt like I really wanted to cough but just couldn't. Shortly later, it became difficult to breathe and then I started to get light-headed and was on the verge of losing consciousness." The crew-cut man recalled his experience just before he fainted and explained it to Jiang Han.

Jiang Han had a pen in his hands but he didn't ask any more questions and instead pondered upon the man's words. Coughing, itchy lungs, breathing difficulty and light-headedness, just based on these few symptoms it was indeed rather difficult to diagnose the actual illness. The doctor who conducted the previous examination would have already asked the same questions.

"What about before the incident. I understand from the news that all the involved restaurants has been investigated. Before these symptoms flared up, what did you eat? Please be specific." Jiang Han needed more clues in order to further his investigation and continued asking.

"That day, I had steak with my daughter. I don't think it has anything to do with what we ate. I shared a meal with my daughter but she is perfectly fine." He was asked this questions before so when Jiang Han asked him, he easily answered him.

"Was it possible that you would be allergic to steak?" Jiang Han tried asking.

"Absolutely impossible. I've eaten steaks all my life, if I was allergic then I would know by now." The crew-cut man shook his head and said.

"What I meant was, were you allergic to the steak you ate that day. Think about it carefully, was the steak you ate that day any different or was it pretty much the same as always?" Jiang Han asked with a smile.

The crew-cut man showed no signs of displeasure when he heard Jiang Han. He thought about it for a while and remembered that it was indeed a little different than the usual. That day, the restaurant had a new special grade *** steak in their menu. He couldn't remember the details but it was somewhat unusual. He discussed it with his daughter and in the end they decided to give it a try. However, this was unlikely the problem. Both he and his daughter had the same dish, and since she was perfectly fine, it did not make sense that he wouldn't be because of it.

The crew-cut man explained all of this to Jiang Han. Jiang Han told the man not to worry and that perhaps this incident was a one-off. Since the hospital could not find anything wrong with him, maybe there really isn't any problem at all.

After asking a couple morequestions, Jiang Han left the patients room. There were quite a few people outside the room and were obviously the bunch from before. When these people saw Jiang Han walked out, a number of them gave him a hostile look.

Especially those that walked out while threatening him earlier. Now that they saw Jiang Han walked out, a cold smile could be seen at the tips of their mouths, "Brat, a loose tongue is the cause of much trouble. Not everyone can be offended."

The man who said that did not even looked at Jiang Han and walked straight back into the room. Materialism was fundamentally different from idealism and saying anything else at this point would be a waste of breathe.

While Jiang Han was examining the crew-cut man, those man outside the room that threaten Jiang Han was busy filing reports with the hospital. They mentioned that there was a young male doctor that had offended them and that if he wasn't someone of importance then they should just get rid of him.

Those that were afflicted with this fever shock symptoms were all rich and often pampered males. Those that came into contact with these people were usually only people of similar stature. Generally speaking, nothing could be easier for them if they wanted to cause trouble for such a young employee.

However, this was a hospital and thus was a little different. The hospital administration could not terminate one of its own doctors solely based on one man's words as that would incur much grievance from the others.

The purpose of a hospital was essentially to treat illnesses. Even though it ended up as a money making business, but that was the way of the world, who could do otherwise?

When the hospital received the person's phone call, they knew that he had a rather high social standing. On the surface, they still had to be cordial and respectful. The person who answered the call could only assured the caller that they will look into the matter impartially and that he did not need to worry. However in reality, after the call ended, the hospital took absolutely no action. In this sort of situation, they only needed to take note of it orally as no one would take it serious.

After Jiang Han left the patient's room, he went to check up on another patient with similar conditions. This patient was similarly a middle-aged man. This man did not have a crew-cut but instead had an afro and did not look his age.

Jiang Han similarly asked him some questions related to his illness. The questions asked were similar to those of the crew-cut man's and the answered were also rather similar. When Jiang Han asked his last question pertaining to his last eaten meal before the incident, the answer made Jiang Han quite disappointed.

This particular patient did not eat any steak, in fact, he had not consumed any meat recently. Therefore, the possibility that the cause of these was the new steak recipe was no longer valid. This illness should have nothing to do with the steak and thus the only clue he had thus far was a dead-end.

Jiang Han then went to check up on a few other patients and asked similar questions but in the end he still did not have any solid answers. However, this was not a completely fruitless endeavour as Jiang Han at the very least had a better understanding regarding this illness.

They all had the same disease because they all felt the same symptoms before losing consciousness. Furthermore, there was a common point that stood out, and that was that the illness flared-up right around noon. Thereupon, it was not possible to entirely rule out that this had something to do with what they ate.

It was only after Jiang Han's questioning that he found out that they all ate different things. There was an elderly patient who was a vegetarian. If he were investigate this from the point of what was consumed then a much more in-depth research and analysis was required.

What was the connection between all these different foods?

Jiang Han returned to the department and took off his coat. This were quite a number of people with these illness and it was possible that it was connected to Su Yuxin's poisoning. It was a pity that he currently could not utilize the ancient Chinese medical techniques and thus was not able to determine if they were similarly poisoned.

Furthermore, Jiang Han felt that it was inappropriate for him to observe an elder man so intently as he did not know how to explain such behavior. Without an adequate excuse to do so, he naturally could not use these techniques to examine the patients.

At this point, the only thing he could do was to investigate what these people had in common after that had their lunch.