Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 A Single Room Keycard

After walking for about 20 minutes, they felt like they had walked for a very long time because they didn't really have a specific goal or location in mind. They also hadn't notice any available cabs around. Eventually, the wind grew stronger and it even started to drizzle.

Originally, Su Yuxin had intended to call her father for help as he could easily send a car to pick them up. But she hadn't figured out how to explain how she came to be in this small county seat alone with Jiang Han. It would be rather difficult to spin such a colourful web of lies to cover this up.

On the other hand, it would be much easier to come up with an excuse if she were to get home on her own.

It had started to drizzle and it would probably be raining cats and dogs soon, which would make it harder to find a way home. Braving the wind and the rain, wandering aimlessly on the streets was bound to be a sort of unspoken tragedy.

With Su Yuxin's family background and status, she never thought that she would one day experience such a situation. However, it was still a sort of experience, and experience was the reason that man could grow and mature.

"Senior, are you sure you want to continue searching?" Su Yuxin found Jiang Han's expression to be quite funny. He was just a little too wooden and stiff.

"Kid, if you hand over the legacy to me, I promise that the girl would be yours by the end of the night." Taling eagerly said before Jiang Han could respond to Su Yuxin's question.

"What nonsense, go away." If Jiang Han were to say this out loud, his tone would definitely be rude and discourteous. But Su Yuxin was next to him and so he could only silently pass that message on to Taling.

This sort of ability to read and understand another person's thoughts and feeling was miraculous. Jiang Han's heart was stirred by this, if every doctor could understand the patients symptoms on a deeper level, then that would make treatments and prescriptions a much easier task. The implications of such a wonderful ability was huge.

"I have to find a chance to get this little worm to spit it out" Jiang Han was frighten by his own thoughts. How could he have thought of such a thing, this was not what he in the past would ever even considered.

"I warn you, don't think of taking advantage of me or you'll regret the consequences. In regards to my previous proposal, are we in agreement?" Unsurprisingly, Taling figured out what Jiang Han was thinking immediately.

"No deal. Furthermore, I don't have such thoughts about Su Yuxin." Jiang Han thought to himself and flatly rejected Taling.

"Worse than a beast." After he said that, Taling no longer bothered Jiang Han.

His interaction with Taling had only taken a very brief moment. In Su Yuxin's perspective it only seemed like Jiang Han was in a daze for a moment, "I think that we won't be able to find a way back tonight. Yuxin, why don't we spend the night here and return tomorrow."

Right after he said that, Jiang Han realise something was amiss. He quickly tried to explain himself, "That's not what I meant. What I'm trying to say is, aih, how do I phrase this. It'sit's "

Jiang Han panicked. There were certain things that he wanted to explain and clarify but he didn't know how to go about it. He stuttered and mumbled on for a while and yet still could not sort out the situation.

"Haha. How thoughtful of you, senior." Su Yuxin saw the look on Jiang Han's face and laughed out loud. Unexpectedly, she thought Jiang Han looked quite cute when he was flustered. This was definitely not an act, this senior of hers was not at such a level.

Jiang Han's face turned red when he saw Su Yuxin's exaggerated laughs as it was way too embarrassing. Moreover, Jiang Han did not notice that Taling who had witness everything on top on his shoulder was clutching his face with his four hands, "How did I meet such a person. For the Shaman's Legacy to fall onto the hands of someone like this, the Heavens must be as blind as a bat. Aih, how outrageous."

The expression on Taling's face was similar to the expression that one would have when one's yarn turned back into cotton. It was quite a painful feeling.

"Hey, are you done." Jiang Han felt quite helpless. He couldn't stop the other person from laughing especially since he was the one that made those expressions.

"I'm done Haha, I can't help it." Su Yuxin said as she stopped laughing, but moments later she couldn't help but laugh out loud again.

The drizzle in the air had now turned into a light shower. In the end, both their thought were in sync and they decided to spend the night here before returning to Jiangsu City tomorrow. After all, it would be much easier to find a place to stay the night than a ride back at this time.

In less than five minutes, they both found the nearest best looking hotel. At the very least, their signboard had the words Hotel written on it. Neither Jiang Han nor Su Yuxin had any experience with this sort of matter and by the time they walked into the Hotel, the rain outside had turned quite heavy.

Jiang Han would rarely ever spend the night away from his dormitory room while he was in university. It was incredible rare, but when he did, it was with a bunch of rich kids. This was undoubtedly the first time he would spend the night alone with a girl.

Although Su Yuxin had stayed at Hotels numerous times, but it was always with her parents or it would be arranged by her parents. She only ever needed to take out and swipe a card to get in and out. What she and Jiang Han was experiencing now was completely new to her too.

When they got to the front desk, the receptionist could tell from a glance that they were embarrassed. They looked like two young lovers getting a room for the first time. It wasn't her first time seeing such a situation, and so she kindly assisted them. She did not ask any questions and told them right away that they had available rooms.

When they heard that there were available rooms, they exchanged looks and decided they would spend the night here. After registering and paying the deposit, Jiang Han felt something was amiss when he saw that the price was much cheaper than the advertised price. He stood there in a daze after receiving a single keycard.

Jiang Han and Su Yuxin looked at the receptionist and the receptionist stared at them. After a minute or two, the receptionist smiled and thought to herself that this two young lovers came all the way here and were still so shy and embarrassed. What were they waiting for?

Instead, the receptionist said, "Sir, the elevator is in that direction to the left, your room is on the 7th floor."

"That's not it. It seems you only gave us a single keycard." The corner of Jiang Han's mouth twitch as he said while feeling quite embarrassed.

The receptionist was shocked to hear what Jiang Han said. Could they actually wanted two separate rooms? But when she looked at Jiang Han's unnatural expression, she misunderstood and thought that he was still just shy and embarrassed.

Fine, I'll see this good deed to the end. With this, she said to Jiang Han, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience but there's only one available room left tonight."

"Ah?" Both Jiang Han and Su Yuxin cried out in shocked at the same time. At this moment, it wasn't just Jiang Han with a red face, even Su Yuxin had turned equally red.

"Aih, it's not a big deal. Students like you coming out for a bit of fun but then met with a heavy downpour and so had no choice but to stay the night. The room has two separate beds, go have a good rest and head home tomorrow morning." The receptionist seem to have understood their embarrassment and spoke irrefutably with logic and reason.

Jiang Han and Su Yuxin looked outside and saw that it was indeed raining cats and dogs. It would too troublesome to look for another place and so, could only stay here for the night. Jiang Han had no other intention and Su Yuxin had complete trust in her block-headed senior. The new generation of youngster these days never really thought much about such things, and would be perfectly fine with just a single room.

In the end, Jiang Han and Su Yuxin got onto the elevator and headed up to their room.