Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Go for it, Kid

At this moment, Jiang Han couldn't continue to support the technique, but if he stopped now, then he wouldn't be able to see the body's meridians anymore.

"I don't know how to explain it right now. Youll just have to trust me." Jiang Han was in a dilemma. What he could see was incredible but no one would believe him if he tried to explain it.

Su Yuxin let out a sigh when she saw that Jiang Han looked conflicted and did not continue asking anyquestions. She knew when to give and take and she could be said to have a considerably high EQ. She was often inadvertently considerate of other people's feelings.

This was fundamentally different from Jiang Han's natural affinity with people. She utiliseher high EQ to make the other party comfortable and relax. This was also a type of unique charm.

"Senior, after we get off, where do we go?" Su Yuxin changed the subject. Her words indirectly implied that she believed Jiang Han.

"You should apply for a leave of absence from the university and head home first. I need some time to prepare." Jiang Han pondered with his head down before he raised his head to look at Su Yuxin.

"Alright, let's get off at the next stop." Su Yuxin said as she subconsciously looked out the window.

The sky had already turned dark by the time they had a meal, took a cab and waited for the train. It was almost 8:30pm and it would be roughly 9:00pm when they arrived at the next stop. At this hour, the passenger platform should be relatively empty.

After 40 minutes, they arrived at the next station. Jiang Han and Su Yuxin got off the train and headed into the ticket lobby. There, they realise that there was no available return train that night. If they wanted to get back, then they would need another method.

This was immutable and there was nothing they could do about it. When they walked out of the train station, it was already past nine at night. It was well into the night in this small town and the train station wasn't even in the town centre. Furthermore, it wasn't a popular destination and there wasn't a single cab in sight.

They both walked on the street to an area with higher traffic. Su Yuxin took out her phone to hail a cab or even an uber but she was quickly disappointed because there were none available in the area.

They could see in the distance, bright lights coming from this county seat. If they were in the city, then it would be easy to get a cab back but the problem was that it looked like it was quite a distance away. If Jiang Han was by himself then this wouldn't be a problem.

However, Su Yuxin was currently by his side and he couldn't allow a girl to walk such a long distance this late at night, it would definitely be a bad experience for her. Furthermore, if they manage to reach the city and was somehow lucky enough to immediately find a cab, by the time she got home it would be the wee hours of the morning and that was definitely inappropriate.

It was certainly difficult for them to find any other methods of transportation in this town. Jiang Han couldn't possibly run all the way with Su Yuxin on his back; even if he was willing, she definitely wouldn't be.

At this time, the only possible solution was to try and hitchhike. Hopefully, a good Samaritan would be willing to give them a lift and if they were to include a little payment, it would be even better. Having said that, this was undoubtedly not going to be easy.

It was late at night in this remote location, and they were very little drivers who dared to stop to pick up a stranger. It wasn't a matter of being narrow-minded but rather them being a little cautious. Who would know for certain that these hitchhikers had no bad intentions.

The world isn't always so kind. The gap between one man's heart and another was becoming larger; you don't trust me so I won't trust you either, and so over time, the notion of trust will eventually cease to exist.

At this moment, a pair of headlights appeared in the distance and was becoming increasingly brighter and bigger, and it was heading right in their direction.

"Go for it kid. Maybe this driver will give you guys a ride. Hurry up." Jiang Han heard Taling say.

"Ah?" Jiang Han was shocked. He had never thought to hitch a ride so naturally he was shocked when he heard Taling. In the past, with Jiang Han's personality, he would never do such a thing. It just wasn't in his nature to do so, and thus wouldn't have even thought about it to begin with.

"If you're gonna stay stunned, then you'll lose your chance. Hurry up, don't forget you currently have a girl by your side." Taling knew what Jiang Han was thinking at this moment. He knew that with his rotten character, he definitely never ever done something like this before.

Jiang Han's thoughts were precisely as so. It would be terrible if he did not step up at this moment and instead waited for her to come up with a solution or initiative. Just like this, regardless if Jiang Han thought of it as if his pride was taken hostage or if it was just to save his face, he finally decided to act. He walked to the edge of the road and hailed the car that was about to pass them by.

The lights slowed down as it got closer to them. The car eventually stopped right in front of Jiang Han and the window was lowered just a little bit. The driver was a middle-aged man, and he peered at Jiang Han through the slit.

Without waiting for the man to speak. Jiang Han took the initiative, "Uncle, my course mate and I are stranded here. It's a little late now and we can't seem to find a cab. Can you please give us a lift."

The man considered Jiang Han's words, then tilted his head to take a look at Su Yuxin who was nearby. They both did indeed looked like students, and did not look like they had any ill intent, so he said, "Sure, for 50 yuan."

It wasn't more than 5 km (3 miles) to the nearest city. If it was during the day, then it wouldn't even cost more than 10 yuan for the both of them. For the man to ask for 50 yuan right of the bat, it was obviously daylight robbery. However, Jiang Han and Su Yuxin had no other choice at the moment. If they were to miss this ride, who knows when the next car will pass by and so they could only agree to it.

Once they got in the car, Jiang Han and Su Yuxin did not speak, and neither did the middle-aged man. The atmosphere wasn't conductive for a conversation. But this was probably for the best as Jiang Han was busy pondering about the poison in Su Yuxin's body and he did not want to be distracted.

After 20 minutes, they arrived at the county seat. Jiang Han paid the man then got off the car with Su Yuxin. Neither of them had ever been to this county seat before, and they only realize too late that they should have gotten the driver to drop them off in an area where they could get a cab.

It was too late for regrets, they could only walked towards in the direction of the city centre.

"Senior, have you ever walk with a girl on the streets like this before?" Su Yuxin suddenly asked as she walked right next to Jiang Han.

"Nope." Jiang Han shook his head. He had never gone out on a date with a girl before. Not even once, and the one time he had a chance to, it ended up as a tragedy and he didn't want to relive this experience.

"Haha, Senior must be joking. Have you not dated before during your four years in university?" Su Yuxin giggled. Generally speaking, there weren't many university students that did not date. Even though Jiang Han couldn't be considered to be devilish handsome, but he didn't looked bad at all. This sort of men couldn't possibly be the type to have difficulty finding a girlfriend.

"Let's just say I've never dated. I sorry but I don't like this topic of conversation." This was a scar in Jiang Han's heart. Since the wound had healed, he did not want to rip it open again.

"You miser." Su Yuxin saw that Jiang Han did not look like he was joking around and decided not to push it.

Under this dark night, with the absence of even a single star in the sky, as they walk under the street lamps, their shadows once again became a pair.

t/s notes:

County seat Ive never heard nor seen this term before. It is by definition, A county seat is an administrative center, seat of government, or capital city of a county or civil parish. The term is used in the United States, Canada, Romania, China and Taiwan. as per Wikipedia. I hope my usage of this term in a sentence was grammatically correct. If it isnt, please do let me know in the comments. Or if you have a better word/term/name for it, do let me know as well. Thanks.