Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Poisoned

Su Yuxin didn't understand why Jiang Han had that sort of expression on his face, however in the next moment, she too showed an equally exaggerated expression of shocked. This was because she saw Jiang Han sped around and chased after her. The train had only just begun to depart from the station and hadn't really picked up much speed yet, thus Jiang Han was able to quickly reach the window where she was at.

Su Yuxin didn't understand why Jiang Han would do something like this. Currently, all the window seat passengers had their eyes glued on to the both of them; the station send-off and then the train chasing scene, this was a time-tested tried and true plot device, and they were just glad to be able to witness it in real life.

Unfortunately, at this time the train had begun to sped up and was just about to leave the station. Shockingly, at this moment Jiang Han loudly shouted, "Yuxin, move aside, quickly now."

Su Yuxin was stunned when she heard Jiang Han, but when she saw how serious he was, she knew he wasn't joking so she quickly stood up and move away from the window seat.

Once Jiang Han saw Su Yuxin move aside, he quickly gathered strength in his legs and then rather abruptly jumped up and through the window into the train. This act of his made everyone gasped out in surprise. This wasn't just cool, it was at the limits of what was humanly possible. If Jiang Han were to make even the slightest mistake earlier then he would have crash into the train and possibly lose his life. Regardless of what the onlookers may say, he was standing here right now unharmed and it could be said that he had accomplished quite the feat.

"Senior, you " Su Yuxin saw that Jiang Han was now standing inside the railcar and was shocked with her mouth wide open, not knowing what to say.

She couldn't understand what Jiang Han was thinking and her mind begun to wander all over the place.

"Don't ask, I have no way of explaining it to you right now. You'll understand in a bit." Jiang Han didn't explain himself, after all, he didn't know how to explain what he saw.

The moment he turned around to see Su Yuxin wave at him at the station, he saw something unusual in her eyes. This was definitely a problem as this was not something an ordinary person could see. It was similar to the time he was able to diagnose the problem with the stomach-ache patient by utilising the Shaman's Legacy, and thus was able to administer the appropriate treatment.

After studying and training all this time, his proficiency with this sort of ability had risen tremendously. This was why at that brief window when that unusual sign flashed by, he caught onto it. However, he could not discover anything wrong when he looked closely, which could only mean one thing.

It wasn't that there was no problem with Su Yuxin, in fact, it was that the it was a rather serious issue and that it was hidden too deep. If even Jiang Han couldn't even detect the problem, then much less could be said of what the hospitals could find.

After thinking about it for a short while, Jiang Han quickly made a decision. He could not let Su Yuxin go just like that, if he couldn't figure out what was wrong then he wouldn't be able to rest in peace.

Su Yuxin couldn't really say anything in respond to what Jiang Han just said. It also wouldn't be that easy to calm down from such a shock, however the surrounding spectators had already began to disperse. Because there were no further action on Jiang Han's part after he jumped in, naturally there was no longer anything to hold the crowd's attention.

The crowd dispersed and there just so happened to be an empty seat next to Su Yuxin, so Jiang Han naturally sat next to her. Jiang Han's action at the station had undoubtedly caused the station workers to alert the train conductor. It was only a matter time before the conductor came over.

However, Jiang Han was not worried about this as he only needed to be polite and purchase a train ticket. Since he's already onboard the train, they couldn't possibly kick him off, right?

After a while, Su Yuxin was finally able to recover and think rationally, "Senior, what's going on?"

Jiang Han closed his eyes and did not respond to her question. He was in the midst of concentrating his mentaland spiritual energy to operate that secret Chinese medical technique. Only by doing so, would he be able to understand Su Yuxin's condition.

Su Yuxin saw that Jiang Han had no reaction to her question and kept quiet. Jiang Han's current appearance looked very similar to how he looked at the station platform earlier. Now that she thought about it, it definitely couldn't be that Jiang Han felt dizzy. There must be a reason for him to enter such a state, but it was just beyond her scope of understanding.

During the period where Jiang Han was preparing for the technique, the train conductor arrived at their railcar. The situation wasn't far off from his expectations, Jiang Han opened his eyes and patiently explained the situation and then paid for the ticket on his own initiative. It had to be mentioned that his natural affinity with people was quite helpful in this matter and just like that, the whole situation was resolved.

After the train conductor left, Jiang Han returned to his seat. He saw that Su Yuxin wanted to say something, but he just waved his hand and then closed his eyes again. After about an hour, Jiang Han had finally regulated himself to his best possible condition at this time. It was impossible for him to be fully recovered from the backlash this quickly but fortunately, right now he didn't need to be.

Jiang Han opened his eyes and looked at Su Yuxin, "Yuxin, look at me and don't blink."

When Su Yuxin heard Jiang Han, she turned her face and saw him staring at her with a serious expression. Even though she did not know what he wanted to do, but she trusted Jiang Han not to do anything inappropriate so she sat up straight and looked at him.

Jiang Han stretched out his hand and touched his forehead with his index and middle finger, then he closed his eyes for a brief moment before suddenly opening it again. No one else noticed anything unusual, but Su Yuxin who was seated right next to him felt that there was something different with Jiang Han when he opened his eyes. But as for what exactly was different, she couldn't say.

The passengers sitting opposite them saw Jiang Han's eccentric actions and were shocked. But they were curious to see what Jiang Han would do next, so they all kept silent to avoid interrupting them.

Jiang Han continuously stared at Su Yuxin, but after about 10 seconds, because she had to open her eyes wide without blinking, Su Yuxin felt that it was somewhat unbearable and started to tear. It was at this moment that Jiang Han was finally able to discover the problem.

There was a trace of black gas that disappeared in a flash, but this time, Jiang Han was prepared with his magical technique. With this technique, he tracked the movement of the black gas and discovered that this black gas finally completely disappeared at the chest area. At this point, Jiang Han was able to clearly see the state of Su Yuxin's meridian system and was finally able to discover something out-of-place.

Just solely based on looking at Su Yuxin's meridian channels, there were no visible issues. Even if an accomplished traditional Chinese medicine practitioner were to examine her pulse, they too wouldn't be able to discover anything unusual, however this does not mean that it did not exist.

This was a sign of poisoning. This poison was really well-hidden and if it wasn't for the trace of that black gas, then even if Jiang Han had the Shaman's Legacy, he would still be unable to discover it. Having said that, if she went to the hospital, even the most advance machinery wouldn't be able to detect the existence of this poison either.

"Yuxin, this is not a joke. Get off at the next stop, something troublesome has come your way." Jiang Han said without delay.

"Huh? Why? Am I alright?" Su Yuxin believed that Jiang Han must have his reasons but she needed to know what was wrong with her.

"You're poisoned." Jiang Han said softly. He did not planned on hiding it from her.

"Poisoned?" Su Yuxin was shocked. This sort of situation only occurred on television, how could this have happened to her. In the spur of the moment, she found this quite hard to accept.

However, they were both a student of medicine and she knew that Jiang Han was an honour student back at the university and had received many awards and accolades. Furthermore, he was doing his residency right now, he wouldn't say something like this without reason. But she just couldn't understand, why or how she could have gotten poisoned.