Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 922

Chapter 922

Chapter 915 Where are the people?

"And don't set up a new coach alone.

The position of general of the frontier army camp is temporarily held by Lao Liu.

Chin this. . "

However, what the little **** read next made everyone who was already shocked once again dumbfounded. You look at me and I look at you one by one. You can't believe what the little **** said is true or not. I can't even believe if what my ears hear is true, or if I have hallucinations or auditory hallucinations.

How come it is not only Leng Yu who has become the general of Dayou Kingdom, but also this old sixth has become the defender of the army here?

This is simply more shocking to them than Leng Yu becoming a general.

After all, this guy, Lao Liu, usually looks silly, and his mind seems to be a bit simple and generally only accepts death.

Such people can become frontier guards. Then it's like saying that a pig can come up, which makes people unbelievable.

Especially the sixth elder who was kneeling in the field, after hearing this, his eyes widened as if he was the same age, and he ran with his mouth open, without saying a word for a long time.

Not to mention him, the rest of the people also turned their attention to Lao Liu for a while, and everyone's faces were full of shocking expressions.

It can be said that it is precisely because of the existence of the old sixth guy and the existence of the old sixth's rewarding intention that the reward of Leng Yu's general's general is somewhat unacceptable.

It can be said that with the background of the sixth, Leng Yu can definitely become the general of this Great You Country.

After all, even a guy like Lao Liu can become a general, so why can't Leng Yu be a general?

And everything in the field was watched by Lin Yi who was standing by the window in the room. Looking at all the people showed, he couldn't help but turn up the corners of his mouth, revealing a wicked smile.

That's right, that's what he wants to see, that's what he wants to come back to see you in.

Lin Yi wanted to see what kind of expressions people had when they heard these contents, what kind of demeanor, or what kind of incomprehensible things they could do in their hearts.

And all of this, of course, was caused by Lin Yi himself, and this content was also written by him.

As for why Leng Yu was promoted, this is very simple. Can you not promote yourself, your only cronie in this world?

Besides, don't look at the guy who is usually naive, but Lin Yi knows that this guy has some careful thoughts in his heart, and the most important point is that this guy is loyal enough, and also enough honesty.

For him, such a person is rare. Such a person is placed in the frontier camp, and he is most at ease with the power in his hand.

After all, once such a person recognizes the Lord, he will not betray easily, nor will he have any careful thoughts. As for things like greed for ink, such a guy will not do it.

It is precisely because of this that such a person is the emperor's favorite person.

As for whether the old sixth would be dissatisfied by the rest of his subordinates after taking office, Lin Yi naturally thought of these things.

But he is not worried about this. After all, through his observation during this period of time, he found that these soldiers in the frontier camp are very united. Although there are occasional small fights on weekdays, their relationship is indeed a long-term relationship. life.

Although they may not be able to understand why after Lao Liu took office, they will never make a bad move to get Lao Liu down.

Seeing that this group of people were all stunned in place, the little **** couldn't help but coughed, and then looked at Leng Yu, who took the lead, and reminded in a low voice:

"General Leng. Accept the order and thank you."

With this reminder, everyone's attention was immediately drawn back, and everyone was successfully brought back to their senses. At the same time, they focused their attention on the scroll of imperial edict held in the hands of the little eunuch.

It was the content recorded on this imperial decree that shocked them and made them incomprehensible for a while. They really wanted to go up and grab the imperial decree in the hands of this little **** and see for themselves if this little **** was lying. Or are they making up something nonsense.

However, this kind of thing can only be thought about in the heart, the real thing like **** the imperial edict is something that no one can do.

After all, they all knew in their hearts that if they really did this, it would definitely not be too good to wait for their end.

Because of this, Leng Yu, who reacted, immediately led the crowd to kowtow to thank him, and at the same time, he respectfully stretched out his hands to receive the imperial decree.

After carefully handing the imperial edict into Leng Yu's hands, the little **** immediately bowed and saluted, and said to Leng Yu:

"Congratulations to General Leng."

Although Leng Yu was very puzzled and puzzled, listening to the congratulatory words of the little eunuch, she hurriedly stretched out her hand, clasped her fists at the little eunuch, and said politely:

"Happy and happy, father-in-law came from a long way, and asked father-in-law to rest for a while. I'll have people prepare wine and food. I have some questions later, and I want to ask father-in-law."

However, after hearing this, the little **** waved his hands quickly and refused:

"Don't dare, don't dare.

This time, the miscellaneous family came to delay the matter for a while, and His Majesty was still waiting for the servant to return to reply to the order. "

Obviously, the little eunuch's meaning has been very clear, that is, he does not dare to eat here, nor does he dare to attend any He wants to return as soon as possible. And this made Leng Yu even more puzzled.

She didn't know why this little **** didn't even have the guts to eat a meal. What was it about her that made the other party so afraid?

But now, Leng Yu couldn't refute everything that the little **** showed, so he could only bow down and salute again, and after expressing his gratitude, he personally escorted him out of the yard and out of the border army. 's camp.

After watching the other party go away on horseback, he walked back with the confused crowd.

Along the way, everyone has the same expression on their faces, that is shock and puzzlement.

But when they got to the city lord's mansion, they met Lin Yi who was smiling.

"Hehe, why do you all look like this? I heard someone say that the emperor's decree is coming. Why haven't I seen anyone?"

[To be continued. . . .

ps: Brothers, is anyone watching? Yuzu has not seen a comment for a long time. . . . .

(End of this chapter)