Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 921

Chapter 921

Chapter 914 How is this possible?

And when he pushed the window open a gap, the scene that caught his eye was Leng Yu leading someone to kneel there waiting for Xuan Zhi.

The little **** who came to announce the decree was naturally not Xiao Chenzi. After all, after Xiao Chenzi got his order, he gave the imperial decree to the people below to do it.

And he himself returned.

Although the current little **** does not know or has seen him, he can indeed see a look of awe on his face, which is enough.

This is enough to show that their authority is still very powerful in their hearts, especially when this guy is a hundred miles away, he still leads the team, and he is respectful, which is even more enough.

And then, when he turned his gaze to Leng Yu, he saw that this girl had a stunned look on her face.

To be more precise, it should be a look of confusion, because this girl has no idea what happened. What will the content of this imperial edict be?

Why is everything that this **** shows so unusual, a little different from what he imagined?

With such an uneasy mood, Leng Yu looked at the little **** suspiciously. Just waiting for him to read the decree in his hand.

At this moment, the voice of the little **** finally reached the ears of everyone present:

"Fengtian, the emperor's edict said, Leng Yu, daughter of General Leng, faced the attack of Yan Kingdom's thieves, and faced an enemy several times her own. Hold on. This is an unworldly effort!

The fact that the woman does not allow her men is enough to show that Leng Yu is a general and has made great contributions to the great country.

I see everything Leng Yu has done, and I am very pleased.

For this reason, the general chasing Feng Leng is the Great You Country, the Great General of Protecting the Country.

Feng Lengyu, a general of the Dayou Kingdom, rushed to Kyoto from now on and assumed the post of general. For follow-up matters, we will make plans after General Leng returns to Kyoto. "

After the words of the little **** fell, everyone in the field was stunned, including Leng Yu.

She never imagined that not only did she have no responsibility this time, but on the contrary, both her father and herself were rewarded.

Especially his father, the name of the general who protects the country, that is not something ordinary people can get.

Don't say that his father was just a frontier defender, even the general of the current dynasty. It's hard to get such an honor.

The person who can receive such an honor must be a general who has made great contributions to the Great You Nation to receive such a reward.

To put it bluntly, even if the prince wants to get such a reward, it is not easy, let alone his own father.

Therefore, he knew that his father was absolutely not qualified to receive such a title. But what about now? This imperial decree clearly states all of this. How could this keep her from being shocked?

Of course, as well as the reward for her later, in her mind, it would have been very good for her to be able to secure the position of the general, but what about the result? But it was very different from what she imagined.

Not only made her a general, but also a general of this Great You Nation.

You must know that the general of the Great You Country and the general of the army camp here are not at the same level.

In terms of rank, the guard of the army camp here is only a fourth-rank official at best, and this great general of a powerful country is a proper first-rank officer.

Don't underestimate that there are only two or three levels between them. You must know that every promotion to a level requires a huge amount of military power to be obtained.

According to Leng Yu's understanding, even his father sacrificed himself for the Great You Country this time. Dedicating his life for the frontier army of Dayou Country can only improve half a level at best.

This is enough to prove how difficult it is to be promoted, and now he has directly passed several levels.

From the original deputy of the frontier army, an official with only about 6th rank was directly promoted to 1st rank, which is enough to show that this is definitely not simple.

This made her frown and think for a while, he didn't know why it ended like this.

Leng Yu actually has self-knowledge. Even the generals of this great country are dead. It's not her turn to be the general.

After all, she still knows what kind of skill she has and what kind of ability she has.

She herself can be 100% sure that she is definitely not that kind.

There are only two possibilities to take the position of this general, one is to make a monstrous military exploit.

The second is that it must be a general family.

That is to say, only the sons of those generals could possibly achieve such a position.

To put it bluntly, in that position it is not just about being able to fight. But only if it is His Majesty's cronies.

Still the kind of cronies who can be trusted.

After all, that would put hundreds of thousands of military power in the hands of the opponent.

Once this person is not trustworthy, or if he brings these big armies to rebel, then the consequences will be extremely serious.

Furthermore, there is the most important point, that is, he is only a daughter.

Female generals have been unique and impossible since ancient times.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, Leng Yu is not qualified.

But now listening to the content of the imperial edict, Leng Yu didn't know how to object, or what to say, so she could only stare blankly at the little **** who declared the edict in front of her.

In fact, not only Leng Yu, but also those around him were dumbfounded.

This is what Leng Yu They naturally know it too. They also can't believe that what they heard is true. They can't believe that their general Leng has become this great blessing all of a sudden. General of the country.

This is something they can't even dream of.

After all, the two are far apart.

This is like saying that you are riding a battery car with a salary of 3,000 yuan a month. Do you dare to imagine that you can transfer your battery car to a Rolls-Royce worth tens of millions in the next step?

Maybe it's someone who doesn't dare to think about it.

However, at this moment, the little **** continued to say the contents of the imperial edict:

"In addition, the attack of the dog thieves from the Yan Kingdom this time has caused heavy losses to our frontier army camp. After this time, I will send new soldiers to replace the losses.

The new recruits will not open a separate barracks or use them for other purposes.

[To be continued. . . .

(End of this chapter)