Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System - Chapter 923

Chapter 923

Chapter 916 Is the Emperor Sick?

Facing Lin Yi with a puzzled face, Leng Yu opened his mouth, and finally didn't know what to say.

She wanted to tell Lin Yi what the little **** said just now, but she felt it was so untrue.

In the end, in desperation, he could only direct the imperial decree in his hand towards Lin Yi.

After all, Leng Yu couldn't say these words, or even if Leng Yu said it, no one would believe it, nor would Lin Yi believe it.

Therefore, he simply handed the imperial edict directly into the hands of the other party and asked Lin Yi to take a look at it himself.

Such a thing may only be believed by seeing it with one's own eyes. After all, it is too strange to say such a thing.

However, when he handed the imperial edict to Lin Yi, Lin Yi also stretched out his hand to take it, opened it carefully, and glanced at the contents above.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, and his face was full of shock.

This scene was naturally already in Leng Yu's imagination.

In Leng Yu's heart, he had expected Lin Yi to have such an expression. After all, anyone would be so surprised by such a thing.

The same was true when he had just received this imperial edict.

Don't say it was just now, even now, Leng Yu feels that this is a very unreal thing.

After all, how could it be possible for him to become the great general of this Great You Nation in a blink of an eye?

While looking at Lin Yi, looking at the imperial decree in his hand, his face was full of shock.

Looking at the imperial edict, and then at Leng Yu, he opened his mouth for a while, and said in disbelief:

"This thing. Are you sure this thing is real?"

After hearing this, Leng Yu immediately rolled his eyes, and at the same time he couldn't help but nodded, and said:

"Yeah, I don't believe it's true either, but it's a veritable imperial decree, and it was also sent by the father-in-law in the palace.

In addition to the jade seal on it, I have seen it before, and there are several of the same imperial decrees in my house, and they are stored there. It is no different from what I have seen before except for the content above. "

And these are enough to show that this imperial decree is true, which is why Leng Yu believes.

The rest of the people may not have seen the imperial edict, but Leng Yu has seen it, and there are more than one.

There are several enshrined in Leng Yu's house.

Although it was said that the soldiers of Yan Kingdom looted this place after the arrival of the last time, those imperial decrees cannot be found now, but those imperial decrees have always been engraved in Leng Yu's mind. One of those things that has weight.

I think I secretly watched that imperial edict for a long time.

"Actually, I can't believe if the content written on it is true, after all, my son knows the situation best.

If there is no son, then it can be said that the entire frontier camp has ceased to exist, and it can be said that it has become the territory of Yan Kingdom. "

Having said that, Leng Yu paused for a moment, and then continued to speak:

"And I also reported the content of this time, including your affairs, I also passed it on with the imperial decree, and I have attributed all the credit for this time to you, and also wrote all our faults. , I believe that after the king sees it, he will definitely understand the cause and effect of this matter, and at the same time, he will be able to know what my role in this matter is.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this matter, I have no credit at all.

That's why I'm ready to downgrade me.

Or in other words, the preparation to drive me out of the military camp here.

But I never imagined that the imperial decree this time actually directly promoted me to an official. Not only that, but also not only was promoted by one level, but also jumped several levels and became one of the most powerful generals in this Dayu Kingdom. . "

Talking and talking, Leng Yu's face at this moment was full of disbelief. The more she talked, the more she felt that this was impossible. Even later, she couldn't help but gently stretch out her hand and pinch it. Pinch your thighs to see if you are dreaming.

However, at this time, when Lin Yi kept looking at Leng Yu with a smile, a silly voice suddenly came from the side:

"It's a drop or a drop, I don't know what's going on. I just heard that the little **** said that I was directly promoted to the commander of the army here. How could such a thing be my turn?

I have a few pounds and a few taels, and I know it myself, even if it is anyone's turn to be the main general, it will not be my turn.

I don't know what the emperor's old man is thinking, is he sick in his head? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone around rolled their eyes and looked around in a panic. They were really scared. At this moment, the little **** did not go far, but was nearby. .

If you hear this sentence, if you really spread this sentence out, then it will definitely be a slap in the face waiting for the sixth.

Leng Yu, who was on the side, couldn't help but lift his foot and kicked the other person's body, and said angrily at the same time:

"Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, if this matter spreads out, then how can you still be alive?"

Not to mention Leng Yu, Lin Yi on the side almost couldn't help but go up and give this guy a kick, is this what the **** is talking about?

What does it mean that the emperor's head is sick?

This imperial decree was clearly written by himself. If you say it like this, doesn't it mean that your brain is sick?

No, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. In the end, Lin Yi couldn't hold it anymore, he just lifted his foot and kicked the old sixth's ass.

This is still not relieved, he stretched out his hand, slapped the other party's head again, and said at the same time:

"You bastard, you're not happy that you were promoted, and you scold the emperor in turn. You really feel like you're beating a cook when you're full. Look, is this something done by humans?"

Although he was kicked by Leng Yu and Lin Yi alone, he was slapped by Lin Yi again.

But this old sixth really laughed awkwardly, and what he said at the same time made everyone around him roll their eyes for a while:

"Hey, aren't I just talking about making a living?

Besides, we are surrounded by our own people, who can spread my words out?

And I feel that what I said is not wrong. This emperor is not mentally ill. How could it be possible for me to be the main general of the frontier camp?

Who doesn't know how many kilograms I have? "

[To be continued. . . .

(End of this chapter)